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    DigiKey 10G-SR-SFP300M-IT-C Tray 1
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    • 1000 $30.6
    • 10000 $30.6
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    Karl Kruse GmbH & Co KG 10G-SR-SFP300M-IT-C 18
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    300MIT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DRAM PART NUMBERING HY 51 X XX XXX X XX XX - XX HYUNDAI SPEED Memory Products 45 45ns 50 50ns 60 60ns 70 70ns PRODUCT GROUP 51 : DRAM PACKAGE PROCESS & POWER SUPPLY BLANK : CMOS, 5.0V J 300mit SOJ V : CMOS, 3.3V JC 400mit SOJ T 300mil TSOP-II TC 400mil TSOP-il

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    300mit 400mit 300mil 400mil PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    37H171 MB81C84A-35/-45 256K-BIT MB81C84A 536-words 300mll 300mit D24017S-3C T-46-23-10 PDF


    Abstract: act11240
    Text: 74AC/ACT 11240 Signetics O ctal Buffer/Line Driver; 3-State; INV Product Specification ACL Products GENERAL INFORMATION SYMBOL • Output capability: ±24 mA Propagation delay A to Y PLH • CMOS AC and TTL (ACT) voltage level inputs Power dissipation capacitance per

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    74AC/ACT 74AC/ACT11240 500iJ 74AC11240N act11240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TEXAS INSTR LOGIC 2 SE D • DDab 7 1 b T ■ SN54HC283, SN74HC283 4-BIT BINARY FULL ADDERS WITH FAST CARRY 02804, M ARCH 1984-HEV1SEO SEPTEMBER 1987 SN54HC283 . . . J PACKAGE SN74HC283 . . . D OR N PACKAGE System s Achieve Partial Look-Ahead Performance with the Economy of Ripple

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    SN54HC283, SN74HC283 1984-HEV1SEO SN54HC283 300-mit SN74H PDF


    Abstract: HY5117404CJ 5117404
    Text: ««Timoni > * HY5117404C,HY5t16404C 4Mx4, Extended Data Out mode DESCRIPTION This family is a 16M bit dynamic RAM organized 4,194,304 x 4-bit configuration with Extended Data Out mode CMOS DRAMs. Extended data out mode is a kind of page mode which is useful for the read operation. The circuit and process

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    HY5117404C HY5t16404C A0-A11) 5117404C HY5117404CJ 5117404 PDF


    Abstract: 7C187-20 CY7C187 CY7C187A
    Text: _ CY7C187 CYPRESS 64K x 1 Static RAM location specified on th e address pins Ao through A is . Features Functional Description • High speed — 15 ns • CMOS for optimum speed/power • Low active power — 495 mW • Low standby power — 220 mW

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    CY7C187 CY7C187 CY7C187â 22-Lead 300-Mil) 24-Lead 7C187-15 7C187-20 CY7C187A PDF


    Abstract: 2SC2785 CXL5508M CXL5508P
    Text: _ CXL5508M/P SONY CMOS-CCD 1H Delay Line fo r PAL D escriptio n CXL5508M 8 pin SOP Plastic The CXL5508M/P CMOS-CCD delay line ICs provide 1H delay for PAL signals, including the external low pass filter. CXL5508P 8 pin DIP (Plastic) Features • Single 5V power supply

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    CXL5508M/P CXL5508M/P CXL5508M CXL5508P 86723rature S0P-8P-L01 50P008-P-0300-A CXL5508P 2SA1175 2SC2785 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 1989 Edition 4.0 FUJITSU DATA SHEETz MB81C84A-35/-45 CMOS 256K-BIT HIGH SPEED SRAM 65,536 WORDS x 4 BITS HIGH SPEED STATIC RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY WITH AUTOMATIC POWER DOWN The Fujitsu MB81C84A is a 65,536-words by 4-bits static random access memory fabricated

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    MB81C84A-35/-45 256K-BIT MB81C84A 536-words MB81CS4A 300mil 300mK aMB81C84A-35 MB81C84A-45 MB81C84A-45 PDF

    sv5 357

    Abstract: 2T 002901 ck105 PLS105 30PF 45N3 PLS105A t23112
    Text: Signetics Programmable Logic Devices Product specification Programmable logic sequencer _ i M e .n. 16 x 48 x 8 PLU S 10 5 -4 5 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The PLUS 105-45 is a bipolar programmable state machine of the Mealy type. Both the AND and the OR array are user-program­

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    16x48x8) PLUS105-45 1186B/FP/4 M/0691 sv5 357 2T 002901 ck105 PLS105 30PF 45N3 PLS105A t23112 PDF


    Abstract: IRZ 46 PLS167A PLS167AA PLS167N PLS Philips handbook
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Programmable Logic Devices Product specification Programmable logic sequencers 0 . _ R (14x48x6 P LS 167/A DESCRIPTION FEATURES The PLS167 and PLS167A are bipolar, Programmable Logic State machines of the Mealy type. The Programmable Logic

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    14x48x6) PLS167/A PLS167 PLS167A PLS167AN IRZ 46 PLS167AA PLS167N PLS Philips handbook PDF


    Abstract: 74as00 SN74ASOO
    Text: SN54ALS00A, SN54ASOO, SN74ALS00A, SN74ASOO QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT POSITIVE NANO GATES D 2 6 6 1 , A PRIL 1 9 8 2 -R E V IS E D M AY 1986 • Package Options Include Plastic "Small Outline" Packages, Ceramic Chip Carriers, and Standard Plastic and Ceramic 300-mit

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    SN54ALS00A, SN54ASOO, SN74ALS00A, SN74ASOO 300-mit 74AS00M 74as00 PDF

    PAL 002a

    Abstract: PAL10020EG8 pal10h PAL10H20EV8
    Text: a PALI 0H20EG8-6/PAL10020EG8-6 Advanced Micro Devices ECL Latched Programmable Array Logic DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS High-performance; tp o • 6 ns Eight user-programmable output logic macrocells for latched or combinatorial operation A registered version of the device is available as

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    0H20EG8-6/PAL10020EG8-6 PAL10H20EV8 PAL10020EVB oas45C-otu WF027130 PAL1QH20EG8-6/P AL10020EG8-6 PAL 002a PAL10020EG8 pal10h PDF

    PAL 007 B

    Abstract: P3C18V8Z40 P3C18V8Z40FA P3C18V8Z40N P3C18V8ZIA PLC18V8Z PAL 0078 ci pal 012 a
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 3 volt zero standby power universal PAL devices P3C18V8Z40/P3C18V8ZIA DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS The P3C18V8Z is a universal PAL-type device designed to operate specifically in a low voltage environm ent 3.3V . The PAL device is

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    P3C18V8Z P3C18V8Z40, P3C18V8ZIA. SQT360-1 MO-153AC PAL 007 B P3C18V8Z40 P3C18V8Z40FA P3C18V8Z40N P3C18V8ZIA PLC18V8Z PAL 0078 ci pal 012 a PDF


    Abstract: M51132L equivalent MS-113
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M 5 1 1 3 2 L ,F P 2 CHANNEL ELECTRONIC VOLUME»BALANCE DESCRIPTION The M51132 is a VCA Voltage Controlled Amplifier IC developed as an electronic volume control for audio-visual equipment. The IC is used to process small analog signals at the

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    M51132 2Z10w M51132L M51132L equivalent MS-113 PDF

    Pls 153

    Abstract: pls153 pls153n
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document No. 853-0311 ECN No. 00749 Date of Issue O cto b e r 18, 1990 Status P ro du ct S pecification PLS153/A Programmable logic arrays 18x42x10 P ro gra m m a b le L ogic D evices DESCRIPTION FEATURES The P L S 153 and P L S 1 53 A are tw o -le ve l

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    PLS153/A 18x42x10) Pls 153 pls153 pls153n PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F A IR C H IL D A Schlumberger Company 93Z667 8192 x 8-Bit Programmable Read Only Memory September 1986 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Memory and High Speed Logic Description Connection Diagram The 93Z667 is a fully decoded 65,536-bit Programmable Read Only Memory PROM organized 8192 words by eight bits per

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    93Z667 536-bit 300-mit 24-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CXA1279AS SONY. TV Sound Processor D escription The CXA1279AS is a bipolar IC for TV sound control with functions such as tone control, volume and balance. Features • 2 types of inputs • Bass, Treble, Balance and Volume control operative in either 0 to Vcc or 0 to 5V.

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    CXA1279AS 300mit NAMEISDIP022-P-Q 30Q-A PDF


    Abstract: 27C512 27C512-12 AT 270512 27c512-15n 27C512-15FA eprom 27C512 28pin 27C512-1 27CS12-20 m 270512
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document No. 8 53-1360 27C512 ECN No. 01042 51 2K -b it C M O S E P R O M 6 4 K x 8 Date of Issue Novem ber 12, 1990 Status Product Specification Memory Products PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES Philips Com ponents-Signetics 27C 512

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    27C512 512K-bit 27c512-20fa 27C512-12 AT 270512 27c512-15n 27C512-15FA eprom 27C512 28pin 27C512-1 27CS12-20 m 270512 PDF

    Monolithic Memories

    Abstract: 32vx10 palasm PAL32VX10 SSI MSI macrocell
    Text: High Speed Programmable Array Logic P A L3 2 V X 1 0 M onolithic s i a M e m o rie s P A L3 2 V X 1 0 A U.S. Patent 4124899 / / / / / / / //////////////////////////////////////ADVANCE INFORMATION Features/ Benefits Logic Symbol • 10 input/output macrocells

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    PAL32VX10 PAL32VX1 22V10 PAL32VX1OA Monolithic Memories 32vx10 palasm SSI MSI macrocell PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics 74AC/ACT11020 Dual 4-Input NAND G ate Product Spécification ACL Products GENERAL INFORMATION FEATURES C O N D IT IO N S • Output capability: ± 24 mA • CMOS AC and TTL (ACT) voltage level inputs • 5 0 0 incident wave switching • Center-pln Vc „ and ground con­

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    74AC/ACT11020 500S1 74ACT11020 PDF