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    VPG Transducers VHA516-5Z >300K-500KS

    Vha516-5Z 500K00 0.001% |Vpg Foil Resistors VHA516-5Z >300K-500KS
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    Newark VHA516-5Z >300K-500KS Bulk 1
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TA8000S TH C U ID A • w w ■ ■■ TECHNICAL DATA SILICON MONOLITHIC 5V VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH WATCHDOG TIMER The TA8000S is an 1C specially designed for automotive microcomputer systems. It produces an output voltage of

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    TA8000S TA8000S TA8000S- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TA2042F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC T A 2 Q4 2 F DUAL PRE AMPLIFIER WITH A MUSIC SEARCH FOR AUTO REVERSE CAR STEREO The TA2042F is dual pre amplifier with a music interval detection circuit for auto reverse car stereo.

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    TA2042F TA2042F 20kHz, 300k500k SSOP24-P-300-1 PDF


    Abstract: 2SA968 Y 2SA817A transistor 2SA968-Y TA7900F
    Text: TOSHIBA TA7900S/F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA7900S, TA7900F 5V VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH WATCHDOG TIMER The TA7900S, TA7900F is an 1C specially designed for micro-computer systems. It produces an output voltage of 5 ± 0.25V without need for adjustment from its accurate

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    TA7900S/F TA7900S, TA7900F TA7900F OP14-P-225-1 19TYP TA7900S 2SA968 Y 2SA817A transistor 2SA968-Y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IB A TA7900S TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA7900S 5V VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH WATCHDOG TIMER The TA7900S is an 1C specially designed for micro­ computer systems. It produces an output voltage of 5 ± 0.25V without need for adjustment from its accurate

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    TA7900S TA7900S 98TYP PDF

    Meggitt ERG

    Abstract: BSE9111-N001 holco h8 resistor holsworthy resistor H8
    Text: MEC HOLSWORTHY Q U A LITY P R E C IS IO N R E S IS T O R S sm am m i H O L G O P R E C I S I O N M E T A L F IL M R E S I S T O R S The H olco Range of Precision M etal Film Resistors meets the requirem ent fo r econom ically priced components fo r industrial

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    Abstract: holco h10 resistor diam resistor 0.25w holco holco h8 resistor CECC40101 100K-400K
    Text: S PIHER The HOLCO Range Precision metal Film Resistors tom m ercially th e produ ct is available in four case sizes, 0.1W to 1W over th e ihm ic range I R t o 10M w ith toleran ces 1% t o 0.05% and T C R ’s 1 0 0 p p m /°C to p p m /°C . A broad part o f th e H o lco Range is approved to B S CECC 40

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    15ppm PO-15dB -13dB -15dB H8/H10 100K400K RESISTOR MARKING holco h10 resistor diam resistor 0.25w holco holco h8 resistor CECC40101 100K-400K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TA8000S TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA8000S 5V VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH WATCHDOG TIMER The TA8000S is an 1C specially designed fo r a u to m o tiv e m icro co m p u te r systems. It produces an o u tp u t vo lta g e o f

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    TA8000S TA8000S 2200pF 17T7T7UTI 98TYP 78MAX PDF


    Abstract: RT11 TA8000F TA8000S
    Text: TOSHIBA TA8000S/F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA8000S, TA8000F 5V VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH WATCHDOG TIMER The TA8000S TA8000F is an 1C specially designed for automotive microcomputer systems. It produces an output voltage of 5 ± 0.25V without need for adjustment from its

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    TA8000S/F TA8000S, TA8000F TA8000S TA8000F OP14-P-225-1 19TYP 2SA968-Y RT11 PDF

    2SA968 equivalent

    Abstract: TA7900S
    Text: TO SH IB A TA7900S TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA7900S 5V VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH WATCHDOG TIMER The TA7900S is an 1C specially designed fo r micro­ com puter systems. It produces an o u tp u t voltage o f 5 ± 0.25V w ith o u t need fo r adjustm ent from its accurate

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    TA7900S TA7900S 98TYP 2SA968 equivalent PDF