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    3.579MHZ CRYSTAL XTAL Search Results

    3.579MHZ CRYSTAL XTAL Result Highlights (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    841484DKILF Renesas Electronics Corporation FemtoClock® Crystal-to-0.7V Differential Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    841484DKILFT Renesas Electronics Corporation FemtoClock® Crystal-to-0.7V Differential Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    842S104EGLF Renesas Electronics Corporation Crystal-to-HSTL 100MHz / 200MHz Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    842S104EGLFT Renesas Electronics Corporation Crystal-to-HSTL 100MHz / 200MHz Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    3.579MHZ CRYSTAL XTAL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC7755 ELECTRICITY POWER METER CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The SC7755 is a high accuracy electrical energy measurement IC that can provides superior stability and accuracy over extremes in environmental conditions and over time. The SC7755 does not exhibit SSOP-24

    SC7755 SC7755 SSOP-24 SDIP-24 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC7751 ELECTRICITY POWER METER CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The SC7751 is a high accuracy fault-tolerant electrical energy measurement IC that can provides superior stability and accuracy over extremes in environmental conditions and over time. The SC7751 does not exhibit any creep when there

    SC7751 SC7751 SSOP-24 SDIP-24 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC7751 ELECTRONIC POWER METER IC WITH ELECTRICITY PROOF DESCRIPTION The SC7751 is a high accuracy fault-tolerant electrical energy measurement IC that can provides superior stability and accuracy over extremes in environmental conditions and over time. The SC7751 does not exhibit any creep when there

    SC7751 SC7751 SSOP-24 SDIP-24 SCE7755 PDF

    3.579MHz crystal XTAL

    Abstract: MIDCOM 671-8236 671-8236 WE MIDCOM Midcom notch filter CMX631 hybrid telephone transformer 16KHZ MX623
    Text: APPLICATION SPM 12kHz and 16kHz Blocking Filters This application note presents SPM Subscriber Pulse Metering or Tax Metering detection and methods to attenuate SPM burst signals. Common hybrids or SLICs (subscriber line interface circuit) input circuits have

    12kHz 16kHz 3.579MHz crystal XTAL MIDCOM 671-8236 671-8236 WE MIDCOM Midcom notch filter CMX631 hybrid telephone transformer MX623 PDF

    3.579MHz crystal XTAL

    Abstract: 3.579MHz crystal crystal 3.58MHZ oscillator crystal 3.58MHZ crystal 3.58MHZ oscillator 3 pin figure tone Dialer NT95089
    Text: NT95089 Tone Dialer Features T Wide operating voltage range: 2.5V - 10V T Optimum use with a constant operating supply voltage T TV T typically 3.5V amplitude stability of ±1.5dB within the suggested operating temperature range Device power may be derived directly from telephone

    NT95089 58MHz) NT95089 3.579MHz crystal XTAL 3.579MHz crystal crystal 3.58MHZ oscillator crystal 3.58MHZ crystal 3.58MHZ oscillator 3 pin figure tone Dialer PDF


    Abstract: crystal
    Text: PO74HSTL85353A LVCMOS and XTAL Input to HSTLOutput 1:4 Fanout Buffer 300MHz HSTL Potato Chip DESCRIPTION: FEATURES: . Patented Technology . Four HSTL differential outputs . Two single LVTTL/LVCMOS inputs selectable LVCMOS/ LVTTL clock or crystal input

    PO74HSTL85353A 300MHz 20-pin PO74HSTL85353A 20pin 173mil PO74HSTL85353AS PO74HSTL85353ASR crystal PDF

    3.579MHz crystal XTAL

    Abstract: of DTMF Proximity Detector 3.579MHz crystal bc 036 10uf capacitor crystal oscillator clock 3.579MHZ ts7514 PLCC28 TS7514CFN TS7514CP
    Text: TS7514 PROGRAMMABLE V.23 MODEM WITH DTMF . . . . . PROGRAMMABLE MODES : - Modem 75bps transmit, 1200bps receive - Modem 1200bps transmit, 75bps receive - DTMF dialing - Call status tone detection - Auxiliary analog transmit input - Analog test loopback

    TS7514 75bps 1200bps 579MHz) DIP24 PLCC28 3.579MHz crystal XTAL of DTMF Proximity Detector 3.579MHz crystal bc 036 10uf capacitor crystal oscillator clock 3.579MHZ ts7514 PLCC28 TS7514CFN TS7514CP PDF

    of DTMF Proximity Detector

    Abstract: 3.579MHz crystal XTAL SGS-THOMSON modem ts7514 PLCC28 TS7514CFN TS7514CP
    Text: TS7514 PROGRAMMABLE V.23 MODEM WITH DTMF . . . . . PROGRAMMABLE MODES : - Modem 75bps transmit, 1200bps receive - Modem 1200bps transmit, 75bps receive - DTMF dialing - Call status tone detection - Auxiliary analog transmit input - Analog test loopback

    TS7514 75bps 1200bps 579MHz) TS7514 of DTMF Proximity Detector 3.579MHz crystal XTAL SGS-THOMSON modem PLCC28 TS7514CFN TS7514CP PDF

    of DTMF Proximity Detector

    Abstract: TS7514 525Hz 3.579MHz crystal XTAL PLCC28 TS7514CFN TS7514CP 2N2222 n CHANNEL dmtf generator 150Hz Low pass filter circuit
    Text: TS7514 PROGRAMMABLE V.23 MODEM WITH DTMF . . . . . PROGRAMMABLE MODES : - Modem 75bps transmit, 1200bps receive - Modem 1200bps transmit, 75bps receive - DTMF dialing - Call status tone detection - Auxiliary analog transmit input - Analog test loopback

    TS7514 75bps 1200bps 579MHz) TS7514 of DTMF Proximity Detector 525Hz 3.579MHz crystal XTAL PLCC28 TS7514CFN TS7514CP 2N2222 n CHANNEL dmtf generator 150Hz Low pass filter circuit PDF

    HPF 505

    Abstract: circuit diagram of energy meter using AD7751 IC AD7755 3.579MHz crystal XTAL AD7755BRS IEC1036 AD7751 AD7755BN
    Text: a Energy Metering IC with pulse output AD7755* Preliminary Technical Data FEATURES High Accuracy, supports 50/60 Hz IEC 521/1036 Less than 0.3% error over a dynamic range of 500 to 1 The AD7755 supplies average real power on the frequency outputs F1 and F2

    AD7755* AD7755 24-Shrink RS-24) HPF 505 circuit diagram of energy meter using AD7751 IC 3.579MHz crystal XTAL AD7755BRS IEC1036 AD7751 AD7755BN PDF

    circuit diagram of energy meter using AD7751 IC

    Abstract: AD7751 Energy metering IC 3.579MHz crystal XTAL AD7751 AD7751BN AD7751BRS IEC1036
    Text: a Energy Metering IC with On-Chip Fault Detection AD7751* Preliminary Technical Data FEATURES High Accuracy, supports 50/60 Hz IEC 521/1036 Less than 0.3% error over a dynamic range of 500 to 1 The AD7751 supplies average real power on the frequency outputs F1 and F2

    AD7751* AD7751 24-Shrink RS-24) AD7751 circuit diagram of energy meter using AD7751 IC AD7751 Energy metering IC 3.579MHz crystal XTAL AD7751BN AD7751BRS IEC1036 PDF


    Abstract: crystal
    Text: PO74HSTL85331A 2.3V-3.6V 1:4 Crystal Oscillator/Differential Clock or Data Fanout Buffer 700MHz TTL/CMOS Potato Chip DESCRIPTION: FEATURES: . Patented Technology . Four HSTL differential outputs . Selectable differential CLK, nCLK or crystal inputs

    PO74HSTL85331A 700MHz 550MHz 400MHz 20-pin 20pin 173mil PO74HSTL85331AS PO74HSTL85331ASR PO74HSTL85331A crystal PDF


    Abstract: tda7231 TDA7231 datasheet TDA7231 equivalent 3.579MHz crystal XTAL TBA820M equivalent 1N4148 2N2222 LS04 TS7514
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE A VERY LOW COST AND POWERFUL SOLUTION FOR V.23 APPLICATION : TS7514 by O.LEENHARDT - R. GIRARD SUMMARY Page 1 INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 2.1

    TS7514 tba820m tda7231 TDA7231 datasheet TDA7231 equivalent 3.579MHz crystal XTAL TBA820M equivalent 1N4148 2N2222 LS04 TS7514 PDF


    Abstract: AD7755ARS HPF 505 220v to 5v 60A power supply switching circuit diagram AD7755AN AD7755BN AD7755BRS IEC1036 XTAL 3.5795MHz
    Text: a Energy Metering IC with pulse output AD7755* Preliminary Technical Data FEATURES High Accuracy, supports 50/60 Hz IEC 521/1036 Less than 0.3% error over a dynamic range of 500 to 1 The AD7755 supplies average real power on the frequency outputs F1 and F2

    AD7755* AD7755 24-Shrink RS-24) AD7755ARS HPF 505 220v to 5v 60A power supply switching circuit diagram AD7755AN AD7755BN AD7755BRS IEC1036 XTAL 3.5795MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r= 7 S G S -T H O M S O N TS7514 K fflD © [H L[i© Ü ,[ M ! l D g § PROGRAMMABLE V.23 MODEM WITH DTMF • PROGRAMMABLE MODES : - Modem 75bps transmit, 1200bps receive - Modem 1200bps transmit, 75bps receive - DTMF dialing - Call status tone detection

    OCR Scan
    TS7514 75bps 1200bps 579MHz) TS7514 TS7514. 0DLi31fci2 PDF

    3.579MHz crystal

    Abstract: FZJ 141 SGS BC 141
    Text: FZJ SGS-THOMSON *7 1 * TS7514 PROGRAMMABLE V.23 MODEM WITH DTMF • PROGRAMMABLE MODES : - Modem 75bps transmit, 1200bps receive - Modem 1200bps transmit, 75bps receive - DTMF dialing - Call status tone detection - Auxiliary analog transmit input - Analog test loopback

    OCR Scan
    75bps 1200bps 579MHz) TS7514 3.579MHz crystal FZJ 141 SGS BC 141 PDF

    X band attenuator

    Abstract: TS7514 of DTMF Proximity Detector trisil tpa PLCC28 TS7514CFN TS7514CP
    Text: ZT# s g s -t h o m s o n TS7514 PROGRAMMABLE V.23 MODEM WITH DTMF • PROGRAMMABLE MODES : - Modem 75bps transmit, 1200bps receive - Modem 1200bps transmit, 75bps receive - DTMF dialing - Call status tone detection - Auxiliary analog transmit input - Analog test loopback

    OCR Scan
    TS7514 75bps 1200bps 579MHz) TS7514 TS7514. DDb31b2 X band attenuator of DTMF Proximity Detector trisil tpa PLCC28 TS7514CFN TS7514CP PDF


    Abstract: PLCC28 TS7514 TS7514CFN TS7514CP of DTMF Proximity Detector 1700Hz
    Text: F = 7 * J m S G S -T H O M S O N . TS7514 E ilD g [S I[L [i(g T n S (5 lii!lD @ @ PROGRAMMABLE V.23 MODEM WITH DTMF • PROGRAMMABLE M O DES: - Modem 75bps transmit, 1200bps receive - Modem 1200bps transmit, 75bps receive - DTMF dialing - Call status tone detection

    OCR Scan
    TS7514 75bps 1200bps 579MHz) PLCC28-DIP24 PLCC28 TS7514 TS7514CFN TS7514CP of DTMF Proximity Detector 1700Hz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MM74HC942 NATIONAL SEUICOND '{LOGIC} IDE D | bS01l22 DDbSSSb 7 | 05J National ÆjA Semiconductor MM74HC942 300 Baud Modem General Description Features The MM74HC942 is a full duplex low speed modem. It pro­ vides a 300 baud bidirectional serial interface for data com­

    OCR Scan
    bS01l22 MM74HC942 MM74HC942 MM74KC942 MM74HCM2 MM74HCM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY Semiconductor 942 9 National 74VHC942 300 Baud Modem ( + 5V, - 5 V Supply General Description Features The 74VHC942 is a full duplex low speed modem. It pro­ vides a 300 baud bidirectional serial interface for data com­ munication over telephone lines and other narrow band­

    OCR Scan
    74VHC942 bSD112E 74hc942 PDF

    telephone hybrid one chip

    Abstract: 74HC MM74HC MM74HC942
    Text: MM74HC942 National Semiconductor MM74HC942 300 Baud Modem General Description Features The MM74HC942 is a full duplex low speed modem. It pro­ vides a 300 baud bidirectional serial interface for data com­ munication over telephone lines and other narrow band­

    OCR Scan
    MM74HC942 600fi TL/F/5348â MM74HC942 TL/F/5346-5 telephone hybrid one chip 74HC MM74HC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TS7514 PROGRAMMABLE V.23 MODEM WITH DTMF • PROGRAMMABLE MODES : - Modem 75bps transmit, 1200bps receive - Modem 1200bps transmit, 75bps receive - DTMF dialing - Call status tone detection - Auxiliary analog transmit input - Analog test loopback - PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTIONS :

    OCR Scan
    TS7514 75bps 1200bps 579MHz) DIP24 PLCC28 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: January 1988 Semiconductor MM74HC942 300 Baud Modem General Description Features The MM74HC942 is a full duplex low speed modem. It pro­ vides a 300 baud bidirectional serial interface for data com­ munication over telephone lines and other narrow band­

    OCR Scan
    MM74HC942 phon59 PDF


    Abstract: 74VHC942N 74vhc942 74VHC 74VHC942WM carrier detect phase shift
    Text: PRELIMINARY October 1995 74VHC942 300 Baud Modem + 5V, - 5 V Supply General Description Features The 74VHC942 is a lull duplex low speed modem. It pro­ vides a 300 baud bidirectional serial interface for data com­ munication over telephone lines and other narrow band­

    OCR Scan
    74VHC942 600il 74hc942 74VHC942N 74VHC 74VHC942WM carrier detect phase shift PDF