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    2SK527 Search Results

    2SK527 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SK527 Toshiba Power MOSFET Selection Guide with Cross Reference Data Original PDF
    2SK527 Unknown Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Data Short Form PDF
    2SK527 Toshiba Silicon N-Channel MOS Type Transistor Scan PDF

    2SK527 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 2SK1603 2sk1603 datasheet TOSHIBA "ULTRA HIGH SPEED" DIODE 1A transistor 2SK1603 2SK3561 equivalent 2SK2915 EQUIVALENT 1045y 2SK3569 equivalent 2SK1078
    Text: O W Y.C M.T .1 O W C W 2005-3 WW .100Y. M.T O W WW .100Y.C M.TW .TW M WW 00Y.CO .TW .CO .TW Y W M .1 W.1 Y.COM W WW 00Y.CO .TW W W W .T 00 W.1 Y.COM W W.1 Y.COM W W W W .T W 00 W M.T .100 W.1 Y.COM W M.T O W O W C . .C W WW .100Y .TW M.T .100 .TW 00Y M O 1

    BCE0017B 2SK2056 2SK1603 2sk1603 datasheet TOSHIBA "ULTRA HIGH SPEED" DIODE 1A transistor 2SK1603 2SK3561 equivalent 2SK2915 EQUIVALENT 1045y 2SK3569 equivalent 2SK1078 PDF

    2SK3567 equivalent

    Abstract: 2SK3569 equivalent TPCA*8023 TK8A50D equivalent 2SK2056 2SK3878 equivalent tpca8023 2SK941 equivalent 2SK3561 equivalent 2SK1603
    Text: 2008-9 PRODUCT GUIDE Power MOSFETs s e m i c o n d u c t o r h t tp://w w w.semico n .to shib a /en g Toshiba’s power MOSFET devices meet the needs of a wide range of ultra-high-density applications. 1.Features and Structure. 2

    BCE0017F E-28831 BCE0017G 2SK3567 equivalent 2SK3569 equivalent TPCA*8023 TK8A50D equivalent 2SK2056 2SK3878 equivalent tpca8023 2SK941 equivalent 2SK3561 equivalent 2SK1603 PDF


    Abstract: mg75n2ys40 MG15N6ES42 mg150n2ys40 2SK150A toshiba s2530a 2sk270a MG8N6ES42 MG15G1AL2 mg75j2ys40
    Text: 小信号トランジスタ SMD ● 当社は品質、信頼性の向上に努めておりますが、一般に半導体製品は誤作動した り故障することがあります。当社半導体製品をご使用いただく場合は、半導体製 品の誤作動や故障により、生命・身体・財産が侵害されることのないように、購入

    050106DAA1 /SC-70 YTF612 2SK2381 YTF841 2SK2387 YTF442 2SK2149 YTF613 TOSHIBA MG150N2YS40 mg75n2ys40 MG15N6ES42 mg150n2ys40 2SK150A toshiba s2530a 2sk270a MG8N6ES42 MG15G1AL2 mg75j2ys40 PDF

    2SK3566 equivalent

    Abstract: 2SK3562 equivalent 2SK3561 equivalent 2SK3878 equivalent 2SK3568 equivalent 2SK3911 equivalent 2SK941 equivalent tpc8118 equivalent replacement tpc8118 2SK3767 equivalent
    Text: 2007-12 PRODUCT GUIDE Power MOSFETs Toshiba’s power MOSFET devices meet the needs of a wide range of ultra-high-density applications. 1.Features and Structure. 2

    BCE0017E S-167 BCE0017F 2SK3566 equivalent 2SK3562 equivalent 2SK3561 equivalent 2SK3878 equivalent 2SK3568 equivalent 2SK3911 equivalent 2SK941 equivalent tpc8118 equivalent replacement tpc8118 2SK3767 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: 2SK3561 equivalent un 1044 2SJ238 2sk1603 datasheet 2SK2039 2SK2030 2SK2056 2SK1487 2SK1078
    Text: 2004-3 .TW M .CO .TW 00Y 1 . OM W WW .100Y.C M.TW O W W WW .100Y.C M.TW T . O W OM W Y.C WW .100Y.C M.TW T . O W OM W.1 WW .100Y.C M.TW WW .100Y.C M.TW O W O W WW .100Y.C M.TW W WW .100Y.C M.TW T . O W M WW 00Y.CO .TW .CO .TW WW .100Y.C M.TW Y W O W OM W.1

    BCE0017A 2SK1603 2SK3561 equivalent un 1044 2SJ238 2sk1603 datasheet 2SK2039 2SK2030 2SK2056 2SK1487 2SK1078 PDF


    Abstract: MG15N6ES42 2SK150A 2sk270a MG150n2ys40 MG8N6ES42 MG15G1AL2 mg75j2ys40 MG30G1BL2 S2530A
    Text: 廃止品種一覧表 [ 10 ] [ 10 ] 廃止品種一覧表 次の品種が廃止品種となっております。新規採用は代替品種にてご検討くださいますようお願い申し上 げます。 廃止品種 1 形 名 02BZ2.2~4.7 代替品種

    02BZ2 1S2092 1SZ5759 02CZ2 1S2094 2N3055 02CZ5 1S2095A 2N3713 02Z24A1M mg75n2ys40 MG15N6ES42 2SK150A 2sk270a MG150n2ys40 MG8N6ES42 MG15G1AL2 mg75j2ys40 MG30G1BL2 S2530A PDF


    Abstract: 2SK4106 2SK4111 2SK3561 equivalent 2sk3797 equivalent 2SK2996 equivalent 2SK2843 equivalent 2sK2961 equivalent 2SK4112 2SK3799 equivalent
    Text: 2007-3 PRODUCT GUIDE Power MOSFETs 1.Features and Structure. 2 2.New Power MOSFET Products . 3

    BCE0017D S-167 BCE0017E 2sk4110 2SK4106 2SK4111 2SK3561 equivalent 2sk3797 equivalent 2SK2996 equivalent 2SK2843 equivalent 2sK2961 equivalent 2SK4112 2SK3799 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: 2SK1603 2SK1377 2SK537 2SK1723 2SK1213 transistor 2SK1603 2sk1603 datasheet 2SJ239 2SK2352
    Text: [ 9 ] Superseded and Discontinued Product List [ 9 ] Superseded and Discontinued Product List [ 9 ] Superseded and Discontinued Product List 1. Superseded Products The following listed products are no longer being promoted in Toshiba’s marketing. Please refer to Recommended Replacement Part Number.

    2SK2235 2SK2057 2SK3462 2SK2837 2SK2741 2SK2231 2SK2742 2SK2077 2SK2746 2SK1487 2SK2056 2SK1603 2SK1377 2SK537 2SK1723 2SK1213 transistor 2SK1603 2sk1603 datasheet 2SJ239 2SK2352 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3055 TOSHIBA mg150n2ys40 TLR103 TOSHIBA 2N3055 MG15N6ES42 2SK150A TOSHIBA MG150N2YS40 2sk270a S2530A
    Text: 小信号ダイオード SMD ● 当社は品質、信頼性の向上に努めておりますが、一般に半導体製品は誤作動した り故障することがあります。当社半導体製品をご使用いただく場合は、半導体製 品の誤作動や故障により、生命・身体・財産が侵害されることのないように、購入

    050106DAA1 YTF842 2SK2387 YTF441 2SK2149 YTF613 2SK2381 YTF843 YTF442 mg75n2ys40 2N3055 TOSHIBA mg150n2ys40 TLR103 TOSHIBA 2N3055 MG15N6ES42 2SK150A TOSHIBA MG150N2YS40 2sk270a S2530A PDF


    Abstract: 2SK2056 2SK1377 2SK1349 2sk2402 2SK1117 2SK1213 transistor 2SK1603 2SK423 2sk1855
    Text: Small-Signal MOSFETs Toshiba presents a range of small-signal MOSFET S-MOS devices developed for various switching and interface applications. The high-current S-MOS Family has been developed principally for high-current switching applications and has been added to the S-MOS product line. The devices which comprise this family exhibit ultra-low ON-resistance (RDS(ON) and

    3515C-0202 F-93561, 2SK1603 2SK2056 2SK1377 2SK1349 2sk2402 2SK1117 2SK1213 transistor 2SK1603 2SK423 2sk1855 PDF

    2sK2750 equivalent

    Abstract: equivalent 2sk2698 mosfet 2SK1603 2SK2996 equivalent 2SK3569 equivalent 2SK2056 2SK3565 equivalent MOSFET 2SK1358 Transistor Guide 2SK3567 equivalent 2SJ238
    Text: 2004-3 PRODUCT GUIDE Power MOSFETs semiconductor 2004 C O N T E N T S 1 Features and Structure .4 3. TFP Series .18 - 21

    O-220SIS BCE0017A 2sK2750 equivalent equivalent 2sk2698 mosfet 2SK1603 2SK2996 equivalent 2SK3569 equivalent 2SK2056 2SK3565 equivalent MOSFET 2SK1358 Transistor Guide 2SK3567 equivalent 2SJ238 PDF


    Abstract: 2sk270a 2SK150A MG15G1AL2 2SA1051b MG50G2CL1 mg100g1al2 2SA1015 A1265N MG100G1AL1
    Text: •D IS C O N TIN U E D TYPE LIST Type No. 2N3713 2N3714 2N3715 2N3716 2N3789 2N3790 2N3791 2N3792 2N4340 2N4340S 2N4391 2N4392 2N4393 2 N 4398 2N4399 2N5038 2N5039 2N5301 2N5302 2N5303 2N6249 2N6250 2N6251 2N6546 2N6547 2SA27 2SA28 2SA29 2SA37 2SA38 2SA39

    OCR Scan
    2N3713 2N3714 2N3715 2N3716 2N3789 2N3790 2N3791 2N3792 2N4340 2N4340S b1375 2sk270a 2SK150A MG15G1AL2 2SA1051b MG50G2CL1 mg100g1al2 2SA1015 A1265N MG100G1AL1 PDF

    2SK 150A

    Abstract: mg100g1al2 2SD1365 2SC2461 B 2sk30 2SC102 C366G b1375 MG15G1AL2 1265N
    Text: ♦D ISC O N TIN U E D TYPE LIST T y p e No. 2N3713 R ecom m end R e p la c e m e n t T y p e N o. - 2N3714 T y p e N o. R ecom m end R e p la c e m e n t T y p e N o. T y p e No. R ecom m end R e p la c e m e n t T y p e N o. 2SA52 2SA1015 2SA282 2SA1015

    OCR Scan
    2N3713 2N3714 2N3715 2N3716 2N3789 2N3790 2N3791 2N3792 2N4340 2N4340S 2SK 150A mg100g1al2 2SD1365 2SC2461 B 2sk30 2SC102 C366G b1375 MG15G1AL2 1265N PDF


    Abstract: 2SK523 2SK508 2SK537 2sk515 2SK511 2SK514 2SK518 2SK519 2sk43
    Text: - 28 - € tt £ m & m iS f . 1 1 Jk K /È Ä V* V m m . (V) «• m të P d /P c h * * (A) * * (W) Ig s s (max) (A) Vg s (V) ^ W (Ta=25°C) te (min) (max) Vd s (V) (V) (V) (min) (max) Vd s (A) (A) (V) Id (A) Q (min) (S) 1 I >>60 B -— ' ü Vd s (V) Id

    OCR Scan
    2SJ299 2SJ300 2SJ317 2SK11 2SK12 2SK521 100MHZ 2SK522 20mVmax 2SK523 2SK520 2SK523 2SK508 2SK537 2sk515 2SK511 2SK514 2SK518 2SK519 2sk43 PDF


    Abstract: th15n20 TH7N50 TP4N10 TP10N05 IRFP350FI TP5N35 tp5n40 TP4N45 TP3N40

    OCR Scan
    2SK295 2SK296 2SK308 2SK310 2SK311 2SK312 2SK313 2SK319 2SK320 2SK324 TP8N10 th15n20 TH7N50 TP4N10 TP10N05 IRFP350FI TP5N35 tp5n40 TP4N45 TP3N40 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK523 2SK508 2sk515 2SK537 2SK519 2SK518 2SK533 2SK505 2SK531
    Text: - 52 - Ä m % ít m € ä 48 £ A » K V * ft £ % (V) ftt ft (A) % S P d/P c h (») Ig s s (max) (A) Vg s (V) W (min) (max) Vd s (A) (A) (V) 'te (Ta=25‘ C) (min) (max) Vd s (V) (V) (V) (min) (S) Id (Ai Id (A) Vd s (V) 2SK492 = æ LF A, A-SW J N D -50 GDO

    OCR Scan
    2SK492 2SK493 2SK494 2SK505 2SK507 2SK521 100MHZ 2SK522 20mVmax 2SK523 2SK520 2SK523 2SK508 2sk515 2SK537 2SK519 2SK518 2SK533 2SK531 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK2236 2SK1723 2SK2222 2sk538 2SK180S 2SK584 2SK1882 2SK1513 2sk1915
    Text: Power MOS FET Type No. index Main Characteristics Type No. Series Nam e, Package Type Voss V 2SJ115 2SJ123 2SJ126 2SJ147 2SJ183 2SJ200 2SJ201 2SJ224 2SJ238 2SJ239 2SJ240 2SJ241 2SJ304 2SJ315 2SJ312 2SJ313 2SJ334 2SJ338 2SJ349 2SJ359 2SJ360 2SJ377 2SJ378

    OCR Scan
    2SJ115 2SJ123 2SJ126 2SJ147 2SJ183 2SJ200 2SJ201 2SJ224 2SJ238 2SJ239 2sk1603 2SK2236 2SK1723 2SK2222 2sk538 2SK180S 2SK584 2SK1882 2SK1513 2sk1915 PDF