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    2SK2673 Search Results

    2SK2673 Datasheets (2)

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    2SK2673 Shindengen Electric Power MOSFET Selection Guide Original PDF
    2SK2673 Shindengen Electric N-Channel Enhancement type Power MOSFET Original PDF

    2SK2673 Datasheets Context Search

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    400v 5a mosfet

    Abstract: 2SK2673 FP5W90HVX2 FP5W90
    Text: SHINDENGEN HVX-2 Series Power MOSFET 2SK2673 N-Channel Enhancement type OUTLINE DIMENSIONS FP5W90HVX2 Case : ITO-3P (Unit : mm) 900V 5A FEATURES Input capacitance (Ciss) is small. Especially, input capacitance at 0 biass is small. The static Rds(on) is small.

    2SK2673 FP5W90HVX2 100mJ 400v 5a mosfet 2SK2673 FP5W90HVX2 FP5W90 PDF


    Abstract: FP5W90HVX2
    Text: SHINDENGEN HVX-2 Series Power MOSFET 2SK2673 N-Channel Enhancement type OUTLINE DIMENSIONS FP5W90HVX2 Case : ITO-3P (Unit : mm) 900V 5A FEATURES ●Input capacitance (Ciss) is small. Especially, input capacitance at 0 biass is small. ●The static Rds(on) is small.

    2SK2673 FP5W90HVX2 100mJ 2SK2673 FP5W90HVX2 PDF


    Abstract: mosfet .5a 100v FP5W90HVX2
    Text: SHINDENGEN HVX-2 Series Power MOSFET 2SK2673 N-Channel Enhancement type OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Case : ITO-3P FP5W90HVX2 900V 5A FEATURES Input capacitance (Ciss) is small. Especially, input capacitance at 0 biass is small. The static Rds(on) is small. The switching time is fast.

    2SK2673 FP5W90HVX2 100mJ 2SK2673 mosfet .5a 100v FP5W90HVX2 PDF


    Abstract: STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D
    Text: R Serving The Electronic Industry Since 1982 Ordering at Dalbani is so easy Go to : Search & check stock Busque y revise nuestro inventario A Search Enter your Item number and click GO Entre el numero del producto y haga clicsobre GO The system will take you straight to the Item that you are looking for

    STVDST-01 CAT22 STK411-230E STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D PDF


    Abstract: 2SK4110 2SK4106 2sk4112 2sk2671 2sk4113 2SK2648 2N5121 2N5160 equivalent 2SK2666
    Text: STI Type: 2SK258 Notes: Breakdown Voltage: 250 Continuous Current: 8 RDS on Ohm: 1.12 Trans Conductance Mhos: 0.9 Trans Conductance A: 3.0 Gate Threshold min: Gate Threshold max: Resistance Switching ton: Resistance Switching toff: Resistance Switching ID:

    2SK258 O-204AA/TO-3 2SK259 2SK258H O-218 2SK695 2SK695A 2SK4111 2SK4110 2SK4106 2sk4112 2sk2671 2sk4113 2SK2648 2N5121 2N5160 equivalent 2SK2666 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H V X -n v 'J -X /t^-MOSFET H V X -n SERIES POWER MOSFET • O U T L IN E D IM E N S IO N S Case : IT 0 -3 P 2SK2673 F P 5 W 9 0 H V X 2 5.5 ' 0-3 900v 5a 0.7 • «2 [Unit ’ mm] I R A TIN G S il A b s o lu te Maxim um R a tin g s 3J CJ pL ^ H Item (Tc=25°C )

    OCR Scan
    2SK2673 FP5W90HVX2) 2sk2673 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HVX-I->U-X /t7—MOSFET HVX-n SERIES POWER MOSFET X > /V > O U T L I N E D IM EN S IO N S 2SK2673 FP5W90HVX2 900v 5a I l£ & m . R A TIN G S Absolute Maximum Ratings IS 4k sE S ym bol g Item S t o ra g e T e m p e ra tu re * * (Tc=25°C) -v C h a n n e l T e m p e ra tu re

    OCR Scan
    2SK2673 FP5W90HVX2) 10//SÂ J30023E0 2SK2673 PDF


    Abstract: S20LCA20 d4la20 12014af S12KC40 S24LCA20 SRT-2W6H D1NL20 S10SC4 TRANSISTORS REPLACEMENT
    Text: List of Discontinued Parts T h e d is c o n tin u e d p a rts a re as fo llo w s . T h e c h a r a c te r is tic s and p e rfo rm a n c e o f re p la c e m e n t p a rts a re a lm o s t th e sam e, b u t th e y are n o t id e n tic a l in all re s p e c ts .

    OCR Scan
    S1RBA80 D1NK20 D1NK20H D1NK40 D1NK40H S1K20 S1K20H S1K40 S1K40H S2K20 2SK2067 S20LCA20 d4la20 12014af S12KC40 S24LCA20 SRT-2W6H D1NL20 S10SC4 TRANSISTORS REPLACEMENT PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1515 2SC3259 2SC3261 S1WB40 SRT-2W6H 2SC4530 2SC3262 2SC2789 S12KC20
    Text: List of Discontinued Parts The discontinued parts are as follows. The characteristics and performance of replacement parts are almost the same, but they are not identical in all respects. Therefore, we ask you to study the details shown in the list carefully when using the parts.

    OCR Scan
    D1V60 D4BB10 D4BB20 D4BB40 D4BB60 S1RBA10 S1RBA20 S1RBA40 S1RBA60 S1RBA80 D2SBA60 2SD1515 2SC3259 2SC3261 S1WB40 SRT-2W6H 2SC4530 2SC3262 2SC2789 S12KC20 PDF


    Abstract: D5LCA20 2SK2067 SRK-12ZB D8LCA20 D15LCA20 D5KC20R S24LCA20 D8LCA20R SRT-2W6H
    Text: List of Discontinued Parts The d iscontinued parts are as follow s. The characteristics and performance of replacem ent parts are alm ost the same, but they are not identical in all respects. Therefore, we ask you to study the details shown in the list carefully when using the parts.

    OCR Scan
    S1RBA80 D1NK20 D1NK20H D1NK40 D1NK40H S1K20 S1K20H S1K40 S1K40H S2K20 S20LCA20 D5LCA20 2SK2067 SRK-12ZB D8LCA20 D15LCA20 D5KC20R S24LCA20 D8LCA20R SRT-2W6H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Pow er M O S F E T HVX series N-Channel, Enhancement type Part No. Absolute Maximum Ratings Electrical Characteristics R d s ON ton toff EIAJ Tch V dss V g ss ID Pt (max) (typ) (typ) No. [°C ] [V] [V] [A] [W ] [Q ] [ns] [ns] Package Fig. 1 10 50 30 70 100

    OCR Scan
    61-4SMD) O-220 IT0-220 2SK1533 FT0-220 FTO-220 ST0-220 67SMD) PDF

    complementary MOSFET 2sk

    Abstract: transistor+2sk 2SK series 2SK 20a 600v 2sk 1181 2SK 150A 2SK+series
    Text: SHINDENGEN Power MOSFET HVX-2 series Shindengen Electric Mfg.Co.,Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. 021^307 □□□2330 Tflû SHINDENGEN Power MOSFET Products and Their Applications s. VDSS V Input 60 150 DC12V DC24V 180 200 230 250 350 300 500 600 700 900 DC48V to 72V

    OCR Scan
    DC12V DC24V DC48V AC100V AC200V 0-60V) 2SJ487 2SK2816 2SJ488 2SJ489 complementary MOSFET 2sk transistor+2sk 2SK series 2SK 20a 600v 2sk 1181 2SK 150A 2SK+series PDF


    Abstract: F10W90HVX2 2SK2669 2SK2196 F20w 2SK2177 FP7W90HVX2 2SK2182
    Text: ¡Ê fc -S lïi ü « R A T IN G S Teh V d s s V g s s Id DC EIA J No. Type No. «SlWflHÌ T c = 25"C E lectrical C h aracteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings [•c] [V ] [V ] P t R d s ON (max) Tc=25°C V g s = 1 0 V Id Iti C iss (typ) ton toff (typ) (typ)

    OCR Scan
    2SK2177 2SK2178 2SK2179 2SK2180 2SK2181 2SK2182 2SK2183 2SK2184 2SK2185 2SK2186 2SK2188 F10W90HVX2 2SK2669 2SK2196 F20w FP7W90HVX2 PDF