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    2SJ171 Search Results

    2SJ171 Datasheets (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SJ171 Hitachi Semiconductor Silicon P-Channel MOSFET Scan PDF
    2SJ171 Hitachi Semiconductor Power Transistors Data Book Scan PDF
    2SJ171 Unknown FET Data Book Scan PDF
    2SJ171 Unknown Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Data Short Form PDF
    2SJ171 Unknown Catalog Scans - Shortform Datasheet Scan PDF

    2SJ171 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 2SJ131 2sj110 2SJ112 2sj155 2SJ124 transistor 2sj162 2SJ109 2SJ113 2SJ122
    Text: Absolutes maximum ratings Ta=25ºC PartNumber V* VGS* IG Electrical characteristics (Ta=25ºC) IDSS(mA) gm(mS) ID Pd/Pch Tj/Tch min 2SJ101 2SJ102 2SJ103 2SJ104 2SJ105 2SJ106 2SJ107 2SJ108 2SJ109 2SJ110 2SJ111 2SJ112 2SJ113 2SJ114 2SJ115 2SJ116 2SJ117 2SJ118

    2SJ101 2SJ102 2SJ103 2SJ104 2SJ105 2SJ106 2SJ107 2SJ108 2SJ109 2SJ110 2sj111 2SJ131 2sj110 2SJ112 2sj155 2SJ124 transistor 2sj162 2SJ109 2SJ113 2SJ122 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SJ171 - • MMTfciEDS 0012^35 5Tb ■ H I T 4 HITACHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS blE I SIUCON P CHANNEL MOS FET HIGH SPEED POWER SWITCHING ■ FEATURES • Low On-Resistance • High Speed Switching • • Low Drive Current No Secondary Breakdown 1.Gate 2. Drain

    OCR Scan
    2SJ171 -220AB) PWS10/I8, 2SJ171 PDF


    Abstract: Hitachi Scans-001 j171 250M
    Text: 2SJ171 - • MMTbEGS OOlSTaS STb « H I T 4 HITACHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS SIUCON P CHANNEL MOS FET , blE D i HIGH SPEED POWER SWITCHING ■ FEATURES • • • • • Low On-Resistance High Speed Switching Low Drive Current No Secondary Breakdown Suitable for Switching Regulator, DC-DC Converter

    OCR Scan
    2SJ171 O-220AB) Hitachi Scans-001 j171 250M PDF


    Abstract: 2SJ171
    Text: 2SJ171 - • MMTbEGS OOlSTaS STb « H I T 4 HITACHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS K SIUCON P CHANNEL MOS FET i HIGH SPEED POWER SWITCHING ■ FEATURES • • • • • Low On-Resistance High Speed Switching Low Drive Current No Secondary Breakdown Suitable for Switching Regulator, DC-DC Converter

    OCR Scan
    2SJ171 O-220AB) PWS10/1S, Tc-25' 250M PDF


    Abstract: 4AM14 6am12 2SK970 2SK971 2SK972 2SK973 2SK975 4AK15 4AK16
    Text: 14 HITACHI 1.6 Power MOSFET Arrays For the ultimate in high density packaging, Hitachi produces both fully moulded 10-pin SIL array containing 4 logic level DUI-Series MOSFETs and in condensed 12-pin SIL array containing 6 logic level Dm-Series MOSFETs. These are very suitable for full bridge switching

    OCR Scan
    10-pin 12-pin 4AK17 2SK972 4AK15 2SK971 2SK1202 2SK1203 2SK1204 2SK696 2SK1275 4AM14 6am12 2SK970 2SK971 2SK972 2SK973 2SK975 4AK16 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK513 2SK1202 2SK1231 2SK1665 2SK684 2SK740 2SK1151 2SK1152 2SK1153
    Text: HITACHI 31 Power MOSFET for Switching Power Supply I _ Commendation products Input i/ass« nailon • Multiple Outputs. There may be multiple outputs (positive and negative) that may differ in their voltage and current ratings. Such outputs may be

    OCR Scan
    0-30W 0-50W 0-100W 00-200W 2SK579 2SK580 2SK1151 2SK1152 2SK1153 2SK1154 2sk1299 2SK513 2SK1202 2SK1231 2SK1665 2SK684 2SK740 PDF


    Abstract: sk 100 gale 065 tf 2SK1058 MOSFET APPLICATION NOTES APC UPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM es 725 General Instrument data book 2SK2264 ESI 252 impedance meter transistor bf 175 PF0144 2SK212
    Text: Hitachi Power MOS FET DATA BOOK HITACHI ADE-408 CONTENTS • Index. 5 ■ General Information.

    OCR Scan
    ADE-408 50502C APC UPS es 500 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM sk 100 gale 065 tf 2SK1058 MOSFET APPLICATION NOTES APC UPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM es 725 General Instrument data book 2SK2264 ESI 252 impedance meter transistor bf 175 PF0144 2SK212 PDF

    2sk1058 equivalent

    Abstract: MBM300BS6 Hitachi MOSFET 2SK1270 transistor 2sk 12 2sk1645 2SK975 equivalent equivalent transistor 2sk 2SK1058 MOSFET APPLICATION NOTES 2SC297
    Text: JfHITACHI POWER TRANSISTORS 1 Contents Page 1. discrete and module devices New Degree of Freedom Hitachi's Power Transistors cover all field applications ranging from low to high frequ encies, also su itab le for fullautomated assembly processes such as surface-mount devices eg. UPAK, MPAK,

    OCR Scan
    O220F SP-10 SP-12 SP-12TA 1560D 2sk1058 equivalent MBM300BS6 Hitachi MOSFET 2SK1270 transistor 2sk 12 2sk1645 2SK975 equivalent equivalent transistor 2sk 2SK1058 MOSFET APPLICATION NOTES 2SC297 PDF


    Abstract: HA11511CNT 2sk mosfet 2sc2610 2SK1327 2SK1225 2SK296 2sk1342 2SK1635 2SK1151
    Text: HITACHI 31 Power MOSFET for Switching Power Supply I _ i/ass« nailon • Multiple Outputs. There may be multiple outputs (positive and negative) that may differ in their voltage and current ratings. Such outputs may be isolated from each other. -tow

    OCR Scan
    0-30W 0-50W 0-100W 00-200W 2SK579 2SK580 2SK1151 2SK1152 2SK1153 2SK1154 200W MOSFET POWER AMP HA11511CNT 2sk mosfet 2sc2610 2SK1327 2SK1225 2SK296 2sk1342 2SK1635 PDF


    Abstract: 2SJ174 HA 1350S 2S1189 2S119 2sj196 mos-mcs 2SJ170 2SJ171 2SJ172
    Text: - 22 - m % ft € m & m ss f t t % * K V ± * ft Ê (V) ft * tt ft (A) P d /P c h (W) Ig s s (max) (A) Vg s (V) % M (min) (max) Vd s (A) (V) (A) ft t*È (Ta=25‘ C) (min) (max) V d s (V) (V) (V) Id (A) (min) (S) Vds (V) Id (A) 2SJ170 0 * SW-Reg, DDC MOS

    OCR Scan
    2SJ170 2SJ171 2SJ172 2SJ173 2SJ174 M-30V 2SJ191 210nstyp 2SJ192 2SJ193 2SJ18 HA 1350S 2S1189 2S119 2sj196 mos-mcs PDF


    Abstract: 2SK559 2SJ130 2SJ169 2SJ181 2SJ186 2SK1327 2SK1334 2SK1335 2SK1620
    Text: HITACHI 1.5.2 7 Dll-Series Dll-Series MOSFETs are the second generation products for Hitachi switching devices. These devices incorporate built-in gate to source back to back zener diode protection to increased ESD ruggedness. Dll-Series presents : • higher lyfsl between 2 & 3 times.

    OCR Scan
    2SK1334 2SJ186 2SJ130 2SK1202 2SK1203 2SK1204 2SK696 2SK1205 2SK1225 2SK1206 2SK551 2SK559 2SJ169 2SJ181 2SK1327 2SK1335 2SK1620 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK1275 2SK1202 HA11511CNT 2SK557 2sc2610 2SK551 2SK296 2SC4927 2SC4692
    Text: HITACHI 35 5.9 Television and CRT Displays B lo ck D ia g ra m Video R o— G "I Focus _ _ Electrocie” - B O H o riz o n ta l y D eflection' Coil , Vertical ' Deflection , Coil 1 I H orizontal Deflection Video outp u t . Deflection Signal m Vertical

    OCR Scan
    2SC2610 2SC2611 2SC4828 2SC26U 2SK296 2SJ127 2SK1275 2SK1202 HA11511CNT 2SK557 2sc2610 2SK551 2SC4927 2SC4692 PDF