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    2SD2158 Search Results

    2SD2158 Datasheets (17)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SD2158 Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffusion Planar Type Power Transistor Original PDF
    2SD2158 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SD2158 Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SD2158 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SD2158 Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Power Transistor Scan PDF
    2SD2158 Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Type Scan PDF
    2SD2158A Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffusion Planar Type Power Transistor Original PDF
    2SD2158A Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SD2158A Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SD2158A Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Power Transistor Scan PDF
    2SD2158A Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Type Scan PDF
    2SD2158AO Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Type Scan PDF
    2SD2158AP Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Type Scan PDF
    2SD2158AQ Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Type Scan PDF
    2SD2158O Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Type Scan PDF
    2SD2158P Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Type Scan PDF
    2SD2158Q Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Type Scan PDF

    2SD2158 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Power Transistors 2SD2158, 2SD2158A Silicon NPN triple diffusion planar type For power amplification with high forward current transfer ratio • Features High foward current transfer ratio hFE Satisfactory linearity of foward current transfer ratio hFE Full-pack package which can be installed to the heat sink with

    2SD2158, 2SD2158A 2SD2158 2SD2158A PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2158A
    Text: Power Transistors 2SD2158, 2SD2158A Silicon NPN triple diffusion planar type For power amplification with high forward current transfer ratio • Features Parameter TC=25˚C Symbol Collector to 2SD2158 base voltage 2SD2158A Collector to 2SD2158 emitter voltage 2SD2158A

    2SD2158, 2SD2158A 2SD2158 2SD2158 2SD2158A PDF


    Abstract: MN1280 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 3SK129 3SK97 2sc5928 2PG009 2SC5929 equivalent 2sk4000 2sd965 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE
    Text: 2009 Discrete Semiconductors Selection Guide Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and semiconductors described in this book 1 If any of the products or technical information described in this book is to be exported or provided to non-residents, the laws and

    responsibiliXP08081 XP08546 XP0A554 XP0D873 XP0D874 XP0D875 XP0E554 2sc5929 MN1280 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 3SK129 3SK97 2sc5928 2PG009 2SC5929 equivalent 2sk4000 2sd965 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE PDF

    alternator diode 1776 B

    Abstract: 2az marking transistor sot-23 SMD SOT23 transistor MARK Y2 ic mb4213 NEC 12F triac F10P048 ktc3114 equivalent SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 02N DIODE PJ 57 ss14 BC517 equivalent
    Text: Transistors Transistors Diodes Diodes Thyristors Thyristors SAW SAW Device Device Dielectric Dielectric Device Device Integrated Integrated Circuit Circuit Table of Contents Index 5 SMD Transistors Line-up PNP Transistors Transistors Line-up (NPN Transistors)

    Hig86-755-3679515 alternator diode 1776 B 2az marking transistor sot-23 SMD SOT23 transistor MARK Y2 ic mb4213 NEC 12F triac F10P048 ktc3114 equivalent SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 02N DIODE PJ 57 ss14 BC517 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: KTD2026 2SC2320 equivalent NEC 12F DATASHEET 2N3904 MOTOROLA 2sc2240 equivalent 2N3906 MOTOROLA 2sc1983 2N5400 MOTOROLA 2SD1960
    Text: Type No. Maker KEC Type No. Maker KEC Type No. Maker KEC Type No. Maker KEC 2N2222/A Motorola KTN2222/A 2SA1150 Toshiba KTA1272 2SA1510 Sanyo KRA1 10S 2SB546A NEC KTB 1369 2N2369/A Motorola KTN2369/A 2SA1151 NEC KTA1266 2SA1511 Sanyo KRA1 10M 2SB560 Sanyo

    2N2222/A KTN2222/A 2SA1150 KTA1272 2SA1510 2SB546A 2N2369/A KTN2369/A 2SA1151 KTA1266 LM8550 KTD2026 2SC2320 equivalent NEC 12F DATASHEET 2N3904 MOTOROLA 2sc2240 equivalent 2N3906 MOTOROLA 2sc1983 2N5400 MOTOROLA 2SD1960 PDF


    Abstract: KGT50N60kda bc547 smd transistor kia1117af transistor smd zG y6 smd transistor MB4213 y4 smd transistor smd transistor zaa KGT25N120NDA
    Text: Table of Contents SMD THD ▣ Table of Contents 2 ▣ Bipolar Junction Transistor 4 Transistor Line-up PNP Transistor Transistor Line-up (NPN Transistor) Small Signal General Purpose Transistor Current Regulating Device Small Signal Low Noise Transistor



    Abstract: 2sd2603 mn4117405 2sc901b mn6520 MN1280 mn1225 MN6147C 2SC5573 GN2013
    Text: Discontinued Types • Discontinued Types ● MOS LSIs Part No. Alternative Part No. MN1001 MN1020215 MN1020407 MN1020415 MN1020715 MN102LF53G MN1040 MN110 MN1101 MN115 MN115P MN116 MN116P MN1250 MN1250B MN1250BJC MN12510 MN1252 MN1252A MN1252B MN1252B1 MN1252B1S

    MN1001 MN1020215 MN1020407 MN1020415 MN1020715 MN102LF53G MN1040 MN110 MN1101 MN115 ON3105 2sd2603 mn4117405 2sc901b mn6520 MN1280 mn1225 MN6147C 2SC5573 GN2013 PDF


    Abstract: M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717
    Text: C52_pg_337~347 8/16/07 11:47 AM Page 337 Semiconductors/ Components SEMICONDUCTORS MCM has an extensive selection of SMD Surface Mount Devices which are denoted on the following page with an *(asterisk)! COUNT ON MCM TO ALWAYS PROVIDE. section 16 Semiconductors/Components

    100-up) STk442-130 M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717 PDF


    Abstract: khb*9D5N20P MB4213 KIA78*pI MN1280 F10P048 KIA7812A MJE13007 mb4213 equivalent TRANSISTOR SMD N2 3j
    Text: Table of Contents Index 4 SMD ✞✟ Bipolar Junction Transistors Transistor Line-up PNP Transistor Transistor Line-up (NPN Transistor) Small Signal General Purpose Transistors Small Signal Low Noise Transistors Small Signal Audio Muting Transistors Small Signal High hFE Transistors

    KIA7900PI TC7SH04FU KIC7SH04FU SC604* KAC3301QN M51943 KIA7042AP/AF TC7SH08FU KIC7SH08FU LT1937 oz960 khb*9D5N20P MB4213 KIA78*pI MN1280 F10P048 KIA7812A MJE13007 mb4213 equivalent TRANSISTOR SMD N2 3j PDF


    Abstract: F10P048 mn1280 mb4213 equivalent smd transistor zaa diode zener ZD 15 ic mb4213 transistor 2AX SMD 252 B34 SMD ZENER DIODE bc237 equivalent SMD
    Text: Table of Contents Index 5 SMD Transistors Transistors Line-up PNP Transistors Transistors Line-up (NPN Transistors) Small Signal General Purpose Transistors Small Signal Low Noise Transistors Small Signal Audio Muting Transistors Small Signal Darlington Transistors

    SSIP-12 KIA6283K KIA7217AP SSIP-10 KIA6240K KIA6801K KIA6901P/F MB4213 F10P048 mn1280 mb4213 equivalent smd transistor zaa diode zener ZD 15 ic mb4213 transistor 2AX SMD 252 B34 SMD ZENER DIODE bc237 equivalent SMD PDF


    Abstract: 2SK3850 equivalent KF9N25 KF7N50 MDF10N65b transistor PANASONIC ZENER Kf10n60 KIA278R12PI equivalent kid65003ap equivalent kia578r05
    Text: Factory : #149, Gongdan-1-dong Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do, KOREA 上 Head office : #275-5, Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu Seoul, KOREA 海 ww 众 w. 韩 ck 授 b- 权 sh 代 .c 理 om 2014 Semiconductor Product Guide KEC CORPORATION

    USFB053 USFB13 USFB13A USFB13L USFB14 USFZ10V USFZ11V USFZ12V USFZ13V USFZ15V KF6N60 2SK3850 equivalent KF9N25 KF7N50 MDF10N65b transistor PANASONIC ZENER Kf10n60 KIA278R12PI equivalent kid65003ap equivalent kia578r05 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2158A
    Text: 2SD2158, 2SD2158A Power Transistors 2SD 2158, 2SD 2158A Silicon NPN Triple-Diffused Planar Type High DC C urrent Gain Package Dim ensions Power A m plifier Ii f e , • Features U n it 1 mm 4 .4 m a x . 10.2max. 5.7max. • H igh D C c u r r e n t gain (h FE)

    OCR Scan
    2SD2158, 2SD2158A 2SD2158 2SD2158A PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2158A
    Text: 2SD2158, 2SD2158A Power Transistors 2SD2158, 2SD2158A Silicon NPN Triple-Diffused Planar Type High DC Current Gain • Features Ii f e Package Dimensions Power Amplifier , • H igh D C c u r r e n t gain (h FE) 2.9max. • G o o d lin e a rity o f D C c u r r e n t g ain (h PE)

    OCR Scan
    2SD2158A 2SD2158, 2SD2158 b13SflSS 2SD2158A PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2165 2SD2152 2SD2133 2SD2134 2SD2135 2SD2136 2SD2137 2SD2137A 2SD2138
    Text: - 282 - W c k & fà l a = 2 b V , * m t l c = 2 h aC M 2SD2133 2SD2134 2SD2135 2SD2136 2SD2137 2SD2137A 2SD2138 2SD2138A 2SD2139 2SD2140 2SD2144S 2SD2145 2SD2145M 2SD2148 oc*noi »n 2SD2150 2SD2151 2SD2152 2SD2154 2SD2156 2SD2156A 2SD2157 2SD2157A 2SD2158

    OCR Scan
    2SD2133 2SD2134 2SD2135 2SD2136 2SD2137 2SD2137A 2SD2138 2SD2138A 2SD2156 T0-220Fa) 2SD2172 2SD2165 2SD2152 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD466 2sc5266
    Text: • t o M f i i t i ' i - i a ’f m m»mm s&<D?ay#miz w z y y - i - y p m u / ®>7 I V -E7 - 7 V U ' I / 'A w J V Z S T J - / K S 6 3 6 9 * > U - X T258-OMI # ® l|£ f tt» H # 5 5 a i TEL.5465 89 2825 FAX,5465(89)2826 ffxX * i t * «* • s •s* * *

    OCR Scan
    T258-OMI FAX06 2SC144 2SD466 2sc5266 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1299A
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Applications and Functions • Silicon Power Transistors Application Functions VcEO lc (V) (A) lc !b (V) (A) (mA) T0-220(a) (D56) NPN TO-220F (D59) PNP ; NPN 1 < l 1 125 2SB954/A 60/80 2 < 2 2 200 2SB1052 < 1 2 400 < 1 2 200

    OCR Scan
    T0-220 O-220F 2SB954/A 2SB1052 2SD1480 2SD1265/A O-220E T0220D 2SB1169/A 2SB1170 B1548 2SB1299A PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2501 2SD2502 2sD2503 2SD1327 2SD1755
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Applications and Functions •Silicon Power Transistors (continued) Applica­ tion Func­ tions V ceo (V) lc (A) Package (No.) VcE(sat) typ. (V) lc Ib TO-220(a) (D52) T0-220F(D55) T0-220E(D59) T0-220D(D58) N Type (D42) PNP

    OCR Scan
    O-220 T0-220F T0-220E T0-220D 2SD1719 2SD1775/A 2SD1755 2SB1195 2SD1634 2SD1336/A 2sd2520 2SD2501 2SD2502 2sD2503 2SD1327 2SD1755 PDF


    Abstract: 2sd2520 2sD2503 2SD2375 2SD1755 zener 3,5 2SD1474 2SD1719 2SD2158 T0-220F
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Applications and Functions • Silicon Pow er T ransistors (continued) Applica­ V ceo tion Func­ (V) tions Pa ckage (No.) VcE(sat) lc (A) typ. (V) lc Ib T0-220(a) (D56) (A) (mA) NPN T 0 -2 2 0 F (D 5 9 ) T 0 -2 2 0 E (D 6 3 )

    OCR Scan
    T0-220 T0-220F T0-220E T0220D 2SD1474 2SD1719 2SD1755 2SD1776/A 2SD1775/A 2SD2158 2SD2502 2sd2520 2sD2503 2SD2375 2SD1755 zener 3,5 2SD1474 2SD1719 2SD2158 PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MN1880023 mn19412 MN1874033 IC AN7135 an3814k MN1883214 an8294nsb mn4117405 mn171202
    Text: umb Type No. Page MOS L Type No. Page Type No. Page Type No. MN151614 43 MN1882417 45 ▲ MN151630 43 MN1882421 46 MN3204 MN3200 Series Page Type No. Page MN56000 Series 58 63 MN56020 58 68 • O M N 101C 01A 46 MN152810 43 MN188321 45 MN3205 68 MN56030

    OCR Scan
    MN101C01C MN101C01D MN101C025 MN1020003 MN1020004A MN1020004AFB MN1020012A MN1020 12AFA MN1020015 AN3962FB MN1880023 mn19412 MN1874033 IC AN7135 an3814k MN1883214 an8294nsb mn4117405 mn171202 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Applications and Functions • Silicon Power Transistors (continued) Applica­ V ceo tion Func­ (V) tions High hre lc (A) Pa ckage (No.) VcE(sat) typ. (V) lc Ib (A) (mA) T0-220(a) (D56) NPN T 0 -2 2 0 F (D 5 9 ) T 0 -2 2 0 E (D 6 3 )

    OCR Scan
    T0-220 2SD1474 2SD1776/A 2SD2158 2SD1775/A 2SD1719 2SD1336/A 2SB1108 2SB1193 2SD1608 PDF


    Abstract: B1317 C4714 D1707 b1108 c2258 transistor D2052 transistor transistor b1154 2sD2504 transistor B1398
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Packages • SS Mini Type Packages (D1) \ V C E 0 (V) 10 lc (mA) \ pc= i 25 mw 15 20 40 50 150 185 2SC4627 A 2SC5021 -2SA1790 >2SC4626 2SC4655 15 30 2SA1806 2SC4809 2SC5295 (65mA) 2SC4808 50 80 2SD2345 (2SA1791 i 2SC4656 2SC4691

    OCR Scan
    2SC4627 2SC5021 -2SA1790 2SC4626 2SC4655 2SC4809 2SC5295 2SC4808 2SA1806 2SD2345 D1274A B1317 C4714 D1707 b1108 c2258 transistor D2052 transistor transistor b1154 2sD2504 transistor B1398 PDF