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    2SC4642K Search Results

    2SC4642K Datasheets (6)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SC4642K Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SC4642K Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SC4642K ROHM Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor Scan PDF
    2SC4642K ROHM EM3, UMT, SMT Transistors Scan PDF
    2SC4642KR ROHM Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor Scan PDF
    2SC4642KS ROHM Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor Scan PDF

    2SC4642K Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    transistor SMD s72

    Abstract: nec mys 501 MYS 99 transistor 8BB smd st MYS 99 102 kvp 81A kvp 81A DIODE Kvp 69A kvp 86a smd transistor A7p
    Text: ВВЕДЕНИЕ Впервые, сделана столь масштабная попытка, разобраться с маркировкой компонентов поверхностного монтажа SMD . Конечно, книга не является панацеей, но на взгляд авторов должна существенно помочь в той

    OT323 BC818W MUN5131T1. BC846A SMBT3904, MVN5131T1 SMBT3904 OT323 transistor SMD s72 nec mys 501 MYS 99 transistor 8BB smd st MYS 99 102 kvp 81A kvp 81A DIODE Kvp 69A kvp 86a smd transistor A7p PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4642K
    Text: 2SC4642K/2SC4723 h "7 > v Z. £ / T ransistors 2S C 4642K Epitaxial 1e* * iyPlanar 7^ uNPN ~ Silicon NPN% > ,J11>h^> * * Transistor Z5C 47Z3 —Ax/ivÎ t ^ - i i l1if f l / / General Small Signal Amp. * ^Hfé^ìÉISI/Dimensions Unit : mm 2SC4723 2 .9 ± 0 .2

    OCR Scan
    2SC4642K/2SC4723 2SC4642K 2SC4723 2SC4642K SC-59 2SC4723 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC4642K/2SC4723 h 7 > V ^ ^ / T ransistors Xk!$Jr->7’JI>yi'-±MNPN 2S C 4642K 2SC 4723 \-=7>vX9 Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor —tëi/Jvf ï# iS lKüffl/G e n e ra l Small Signal Amp. • ^HK^ÌÉS/Dim ensions Unit : mm 1) t t ì * § * C o b * > i 'M '- 'o

    OCR Scan
    2SC4642K/2SC4723 4642K 4642K PDF

    sot-23 MARKING CODE ZA

    Abstract: b0808 BCB47B BCB17-16 marking za sot89 2SB0151K marking k5 sot89 SOT 86 MARKING E4 n33 SOT-23 10Y sot-23
    Text: SURFACE-MOUNTED DEVICE MARKINGS Because of their smali size, it's not possible to show types/ values on most surface-mounted components. The following tables show the code markings used to identify most common surface-mounted transistors and diodes. Note that the same

    OCR Scan
    OT-23, OT-89 OT-143 BZV49 OT-23 2SC2059K sot-23 MARKING CODE ZA b0808 BCB47B BCB17-16 marking za sot89 2SB0151K marking k5 sot89 SOT 86 MARKING E4 n33 SOT-23 10Y sot-23 PDF

    KY 719

    Abstract: 122JK TB163TK TB143TK
    Text: MZ-um ransistors M % i— M ü / T y p e Number List POWER MOSFET 2SK1973F5 .70 2SK2041 . 74 2SK2042 . 75

    OCR Scan
    2SK1973F5 2SK2041 2SK2042 2SK2094F5 2SK2103 2SA1036K 2SA1037AK 2SA1037AKLN 2SA1455K RU101 KY 719 122JK TB163TK TB143TK PDF

    2SC4649 N,P

    Abstract: 2SC40B UMX13 MDC02 DTA214YU 2S81260 DTA115UK 2sc5073 2sb1107 dta123y
    Text: The Class and Basic Ordering Units for Standard and Semi-standard Products types : 1 standard, (2) semi-standard, and (3) custom. (1) Standard products An inventory of these products is maintained so we can responed to customer orders quickly. (2) Semi-standard products

    OCR Scan
    1k--200k TA6270F MDC01 MDC02 MDC03 MDC04 MDC06 MDE01 MDE02 MDG01 2SC4649 N,P 2SC40B UMX13 DTA214YU 2S81260 DTA115UK 2sc5073 2sb1107 dta123y PDF


    Abstract: 2SC5073 2SC5072 equivalent 2sc3722k T147 2SC4619 2SC3082K 2SC4723 2sc4997 equivalents 2sa1455k
    Text: Transistors From very small EM3 type package to high power PSD package the power dissipation is equivalent to TO-220, Pc=35W transistors. EM3 • UNIT • SMT Three types are available to allow the most suitable package depending on size specifications.

    OCR Scan
    O-220, 2SA1037AKLN 2SA1455K 2SC2412KLN 2SC3722K 2SC4911 2SC5073 2SC5072 equivalent 2sc3722k T147 2SC4619 2SC3082K 2SC4723 2sc4997 equivalents 2sa1455k PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4636 2SC4642 2SC4626 2SC4627 2SC4628 2SC4629 2SC4630 2SC4631 2SC4632
    Text: - 210 - *0 31 2SC4626 2SC4627 2SC4628 2SC4629 M M Ta=25'C, *E¡]/ÍTc=25cC ^ EB tt S n~l & Vc b o Vc e o (V) (V) Crne) T (A) Pc Pc* IcBO (W) (W) (juA) 0.03 0.125 30 20 20 0.015 0.125 20 20 0. 02 15 9 föT HF A 30 Hi Hi HF A HF A UHFAHF A (max) (rain) Vc b

    OCR Scan
    2SC4626 2SC4627 2SC4628 2SC4629 2SC4630 2SC4631 2SC4632 2SC4633 2SC4650 2SC4655 2SC4614 2SC4636 2SC4642 PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2SC4326K TA6270F 2SA1821 2SB1051 2SD478 2SA1690 2SA1455K fiio x5 UMW8
    Text: h 7 > v X ^ / T ransistors h 7 S ttli i í p ^ > y 7 $ o i ' T i é c & f c o T ^ t i i ^ L n í s ^ i o ^ g t t ' î î o 1Co # £ LT feII*§I: S£ • f i t c 1975 ^*'0 S7 > v ^ 5î 0 Ü^ÎgflfêLi L£ #\ M - t k t Z Z t £ S t Ä « , 1 ^ ® S tt N

    OCR Scan
    SC-70 106/T 146/T TI48/T149/T11 108/T 2SC4074K 2SC4326K TA6270F 2SA1821 2SB1051 2SD478 2SA1690 2SA1455K fiio x5 UMW8 PDF


    Abstract: d 5072 transistor 2S01766 2S02211 2s01664 2sb1516 2S01781K 2sc4912 2SA103G 2SK2307
    Text: Transistor Quick reference I Laadad p P a g e lli Package-Application Vceo V * * y,CES * * *w CER Vn«w Application EM3 UMT 2SC4081LN 40 Low Noise I 50 25 60 Package | Part No. f 2SA1037AKLN(E) SMT / 2SA1774 \2 S C 4 6 1 7 120 2SC4723 /2SA 1576A V2SC3722K

    OCR Scan
    /2SA103GK 2411K 2SB1197K 2SD1781K 2SB1051K 2SD1484K 2SA1774 2SC4723 2SC4081 2SA1037AKLN 2SK1973 d 5072 transistor 2S01766 2S02211 2s01664 2sb1516 2S01781K 2sc4912 2SA103G 2SK2307 PDF

    transistor b1184

    Abstract: B1474 C5072 C4938 b1184 transistor 3722K c4998 2SB1051 K2306 2sc4937
    Text: Transistor Quick reference I Leaded ^ F ’ i i I: Package -Application Application * ^ * VrFR iV EM 3 | UM T | SM T *VnSR 2S C 408 1LN 40 Low Noise | CPT F5 | F3 > / 2S A 1037 A K L N E ) \ 2 S C 2 4 1 2KLNÎE1 2S C 2412K LN ÌR S Ì /2 S A 1 4 5 5 K

    OCR Scan
    2SA1037AKLN V2SC41 2412K 3722K 4642K A1037AK 2411K B1197K 2SA1727 transistor b1184 B1474 C5072 C4938 b1184 transistor c4998 2SB1051 K2306 2sc4937 PDF


    Abstract: T147
    Text: Transistors From very small EM3 type package to high power PSD package the power dissipation is equivalent to T0-220, Pc=35W transistors. EM3 • UMT • SMT Three types are available to allow the most suitable package depending on size specifications. Pc (mW)

    OCR Scan
    T0-220, 2SA1774 2SC4617 2SA1576A 2SA1579 2SC4081 2SC4102 2SC4723 2SA1577 2SC4097 2SA1885 T147 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD427 2SD2006 2SD572 2SC3133 2SC732 2SD586A 2sd573 2SD471 2SC1775
    Text: - a € Type No. a € Manuf. h SANYO n JE 2? TOSHIBA 2SD 565 n B9 B U 2SD 568 a m 2SD1Û61 2SD 569 9 2SD1061 2SD 570 ^ fé T 2SD313 2SD526 2SD 571 b m 2SD863 2SC1627 2SD 558 NEC n 2SD686 a 2SD 560 B B HITACHI ÎL 2SC188KK FUJITSU a fé T MATSUSHITA m h MITSUBISHI

    OCR Scan
    2SD558 2SD560 2SD565 2SD568 2SD569 2SD570 2SD571 2SD572 2SD573 2SD574 2SD588 2SD427 2SD2006 2SC3133 2SC732 2SD586A 2SD471 2SC1775 PDF

    2SC4672 equivalent

    Abstract: 2SC2412KX2 2SC1514K equivalent 2sa1455k SO68 2SB1181F5 equivalent csc 354 2SB1386 equivalent FMC3A FMW5
    Text: h /T ra n sisto rs /\°'y JT — v ^ J ^ fp p — f l ü / L i s t of Products for Each Package • EM3 Extreme M ini-m old 3pir Part No. Application V c e o (V) IC(A) iC Max.(A) PC(W) fj(M H z) Cob(pF) Page h FE lc(mA) V c e (V) 2SC4617 Pre Amp 50 0 15

    OCR Scan
    2SC4617 2SC4618 2SC4619 2SC4649 2SA1576A 2SA1577 2SA1579 2SA1808 2SC4081 2SC4082 2SC4672 equivalent 2SC2412KX2 2SC1514K equivalent 2sa1455k SO68 2SB1181F5 equivalent csc 354 2SB1386 equivalent FMC3A FMW5 PDF

    jd 1803

    Abstract: otc114 E2p 93 transistor 2SD1834 B14A DTC143YKA DTC143ZKA transistor marking w9 2SA1690 UMW10
    Text: The Class and Basic Ordering Units for Standard and Semi-standard Products T o m a k e it e a sier for th e cu sto m er to s e le c t th e ty p e o f product b est suited to specific applications, we offer transistors in three types. : an d 1 sta n d a rd ,

    OCR Scan
    2SA1774 2SA1821 2SA1885 2SC4617 2SC4618 2SC4619 2SC4649 2SC4725 2SC4726 2SC4997 jd 1803 otc114 E2p 93 transistor 2SD1834 B14A DTC143YKA DTC143ZKA transistor marking w9 2SA1690 UMW10 PDF


    Abstract: 1SS299 bu24204 RCM2027 BA3422S BA843 BA6490FS da119 k2 BA6404 BA857
    Text: 87 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 90 90 90 87 87 87 87 87 87 86 86 86 86 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 86 86 86 86 86 87 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 87 86 86 86 88 88

    OCR Scan
    2N3906 2N3946 2N3947 2N4059 N4060 2N4061 2N4062 2N4123 2N4124 2N4125 RCM2008R 1SS299 bu24204 RCM2027 BA3422S BA843 BA6490FS da119 k2 BA6404 BA857 PDF


    Abstract: 2sc5073 25d13 25D-13
    Text: Transistors From very small EM3 type package to high power PSD package the power dissipation is equivalent to TO-220, Pc=35W transistors. EM3 • UNIT • SMT Three types are available to allow the most suitable package depending on size specifications.

    OCR Scan
    O-220, 1k5k10k-- 2SC5072 2sc5073 25d13 25D-13 PDF