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    2SC3993 Search Results

    2SC3993 Datasheets (11)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SC3993 Sanyo Semiconductor High-speed switching regulator Original PDF
    2SC3993 Sanyo Semiconductor NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor Original PDF
    2SC3993 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2SC3993 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SC3993 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SC3993 Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SC3993 Sanyo Semiconductor Power Mosfets / Transistors Scan PDF
    2SC3993 Sanyo Semiconductor Switching Power Transistor Series Scan PDF
    2SC3993K Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2SC3993L Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2SC3993M Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF

    2SC3993 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:EN2236D NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC3993 800V/16A Switching Regulator Applications Features Package Dimensions • High breakdown voltage, high reliability. · Fast switching speed. · Wide ASO. · Adoption of MBIT process.

    EN2236D 2SC3993 00V/16A 2048B 2SC3993] 2SC3993 PDF


    Abstract: ITR06179 ITR06180 ITR06181
    Text: Ordering number:ENN2236D NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC3993 800V/16A Switching Regulator Applications Features Package Dimensions • High breakdown voltage, high reliability. · Fast switching speed. · Wide ASO. · Adoption of MBIT process.

    ENN2236D 2SC3993 00V/16A 2048B 2SC3993] 2SC3993 ITR06179 ITR06180 ITR06181 PDF


    Abstract: ITR06179 ITR06180 ITR06182
    Text: Ordering number:ENN2236D NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor 2SC3993 800V/16A Switching Regulator Applications Features Package Dimensions • High breakdown voltage, high reliability. · Fast switching speed. · Wide ASO. · Adoption of MBIT process.

    ENN2236D 2SC3993 00V/16A 2048B 2SC3993] 2SC3993 ITR06179 ITR06180 ITR06182 PDF


    Abstract: STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D
    Text: R Serving The Electronic Industry Since 1982 Ordering at Dalbani is so easy Go to : Search & check stock Busque y revise nuestro inventario A Search Enter your Item number and click GO Entre el numero del producto y haga clicsobre GO The system will take you straight to the Item that you are looking for

    STVDST-01 CAT22 STK411-230E STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D PDF


    Abstract: M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717
    Text: C52_pg_337~347 8/16/07 11:47 AM Page 337 Semiconductors/ Components SEMICONDUCTORS MCM has an extensive selection of SMD Surface Mount Devices which are denoted on the following page with an *(asterisk)! COUNT ON MCM TO ALWAYS PROVIDE. section 16 Semiconductors/Components

    100-up) STk442-130 M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3996 SANYO DISCONTINUED 2SC5047 2sc5443 2SC5047 discontinued 2sc5238 2SC5967 2SC557 HPA150R 2SC3995
    Text: Ordering number : E I 0 1 0 2 Announcement Regarding the Discontinuation of Discrete Devices Thank you for using SANYO semiconductor products. The following SANYO semiconductor products have been discontinued. Please check this list carefully and contact your SANYO sales representative if you have any questions.

    2SC3989 2SC5453 HPA150R 2SC3991 2SC5506 TT2008 2SC3992 2SC5577 2SK1437 2SC3993 HPA100 2SC3996 SANYO DISCONTINUED 2SC5047 2sc5443 2SC5047 discontinued 2sc5238 2SC5967 2SC557 HPA150R 2SC3995 PDF

    2SC2922 SANKEN

    Abstract: MJ15024 MJ15025 BDY37A SDT604 sanken 2sc2922 sanken 2sa1216 STX10 2SA1117 SDT60 MRF492A
    Text: POWER SILICON TRANSISTORS Item Number Part Number Manufacturer Type Ic Max A V (BR)CEO PD Max hFE *T on ON) Min (Hz) 140 140 140 140 140 140 145 150 160 160 200 200 200 200 250 250 200 250 125 125 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 80 80 125 15 Max k)N Max (A) (8)

    MJ3773 2N5631 2N6031 BDY37A TRW6259 2N6259 MJE4343 2SC2922 SANKEN MJ15024 MJ15025 SDT604 sanken 2sc2922 sanken 2sa1216 STX10 2SA1117 SDT60 MRF492A PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3993 transistor IC 12A 400v 80266
    Text: Ordering num ber: E N 2236D _ 2SC3993 NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor Switching Regulator Applications Features • High breakdown voltage, high reliability. • Fast switching speed. • WideASO. • Adoption of MBIT process. Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C

    OCR Scan
    EN2236D 2SC3993 300ns, BO160 transistor IC 12A 400v 80266 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4429 2sc3990
    Text: S WI TC HI NG POWER TRANSISTOR F e a t u r e s ☆ Short switching time ☆ High br ea kdown voltage ☆ Wide ASO ☆ High reliability because of planar type ate H i g h - S p e e d Type U s e ☆Switching regulators ☆Motor control MBIT P r o c e s s Package

    OCR Scan
    Tc-25t! Ratings/Ta-25 2SC4219 2SC4220 2SC4105 2SC4106 2SC4107 2SC4164 2SC4160 2SC4161 TRANSISTOR T0220 2SC4429 2sc3990 PDF


    Abstract: 2SJ335 transistor 2sc4460 2SC4427 2sc4460 2SC3151 2SC3152 2SC3277 2SC3448 2SC3449
    Text: Continued from previous page Absolute maximum ratings Type No. Package type Applications Electrical characteristics Ta « 25 ~C hre@VCE • 1C VCBO (V) VCEO (V) V ebo (V) (A) (W ) A 1C PC fr@ VC E ■ IC tf(toff) max U s) (A) fr (MHz) 2SC3151 T03PB Switching requlator

    OCR Scan
    2SC3151 T03PB 10to40 2SC3152 2SC3I53 2SC3277 2sc3153 2SJ335 transistor 2sc4460 2SC4427 2sc4460 2SC3448 2SC3449 PDF


    Abstract: 2SA1678 FC102 2SC4449 2SA1416 2SJ193 2sk283 2sC4106 application notes 2SC3383 FC124
    Text: Transistors with Built-in Resistors Absolute maximum ratings Device Package typ» Application te Vcso V Vceo Vebo (V) (V) (mA) Pc (mW) Electrical characteristics (T, = 25 deg. C) IcBQ max # Vc b Ti «les- Ci Ic b o max m hfE & Vce ic Vc b (V) hfH Vce (V)

    OCR Scan
    T0220ML TO-32-070 2SA1678 FC102 2SC4449 2SA1416 2SJ193 2sk283 2sC4106 application notes 2SC3383 FC124 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD466 2sc5266
    Text: • t o M f i i t i ' i - i a ’f m m»mm s&<D?ay#miz w z y y - i - y p m u / ®>7 I V -E7 - 7 V U ' I / 'A w J V Z S T J - / K S 6 3 6 9 * > U - X T258-OMI # ® l|£ f tt» H # 5 5 a i TEL.5465 89 2825 FAX,5465(89)2826 ffxX * i t * «* • s •s* * *

    OCR Scan
    T258-OMI FAX06 2SC144 2SD466 2sc5266 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4458 transistor 2SC4460 M
    Text: SAfÊYO SWITCHING POWER TRANSISTOR SERI ES Nq 1 e a t u r e s ♦ S h o r t switching time ♦ High breakdown voltage ♦ Hide ASO ♦ High reliability because of planar d U s e ♦ Switching regulators ♦ Motor cont rol type T y p e »sign(Tc-25T! ) Electrical

    OCR Scan
    Tc-25T! ngs/Ta-25 2SC3038 2SC3039 2SC3083 2SC3040 2SC3277 2SC3042 2SC4172 2SC3086 sc3152 2SC4458 transistor 2SC4460 M PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3987 2SC4000 2SC4001 2SC3975 2SC3976 2SC3977 2SC3977A 2SC3978 2SC3978A
    Text: - 182 - m XËtë m 2SC3975 2SC3976 2SC3977 2SC3977A 2SC3978 2SC3978A 2SC3979 2SC3979A 2SC3980 2SC3980A 2SC3981 2SC3981A 2SC3982 2SC3982A & tt KT KT KT KT KT KT KT KT KT KT KT KT KT KT « a mw Ta=25‘ C, *0][ÍTc=25eC V’ CBO V’ ceo IC(DC) Pc Pc* (V)

    OCR Scan
    2SC3975 2SC3976 2SC3977 2SC3977A 2SC3978 2SC3978A 2SC3979 T03PBL) 2SC3992 D4242 2SC3987 2SC4000 2SC4001 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4427 2SC4106 2SC4107 2SC4160 2SC4161 2SC4162 2SC4163 2SC4164 2SC4219
    Text: SWITC H I N G POWER TRANSISTOR SERIES Na2 F e a t u r e s ♦ S h o r t s w i t c h i n g time ♦ High breakdown voltage ♦ Wide ASO ♦ H i g h r e l i a b i l i t y b e c a u s e of p l a n a r ¿ate H i g h — S p e e d 'I'ype U s e * Swit c h i n g regulators

    OCR Scan
    2SC4219 2SC4220 T0-220 2SC4105 2SC4106 2SC4107 2SC4164 T0-220 2SC4160 2SC4161 2SC4427 2SC4162 2SC4163 PDF