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    2SC1318 P Search Results

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    Abstract: 2SA719 2SC1317 2SC1318 transistor 2sa720
    Text: Transistor 2SA719, 2SA720 Silicon PNP epitaxial planer type For low-frequency power amplification and driver amplification Complementary to 2SC1317 and 2SC1318 Unit: mm 5.0±0.2 Complementary pair with 2SC1317 and 2SC1318. Parameter Ta=25˚C Symbol Collector to

    2SA719, 2SA720 2SC1317 2SC1318 2SC1318. 2SA719 2SA720 2SA719 2SC1318 transistor 2sa720 PDF


    Abstract: 2SA0720 2SC1318
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Transistors 2SA0720 Silicon PNP epitaxial planar type For low-frequency power amplification and driver amplification Complementary to 2SC1318 • Package  Complementary pair with 2SC1318

    2002/95/EC) 2SA0720 2SC1318 O-92B-B1 TO-92B 2SA0720 2SC1318 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Transistors 2SA0720 Silicon PNP epitaxial planar type For low-frequency power amplification and driver amplification Complementary to 2SC1318 • Features  Package  Complementary pair with 2SC1318

    2002/95/EC) 2SA0720 2SC1318 O-92B-B1 PDF

    2SC1318 transistor

    Abstract: 2SA0719 2SA0720 2SA719 2SA720 2SC1317 2SC1318 SC-43A 2SC1317 transistor
    Text: Transistor 2SA0719, 2SA0720 2SA719, 2SA720 Silicon PNP epitaxial planar type Unit: mm For low-frequency power amplification and driver amplification Complementary to 2SC1317 and 2SC1318 4.0±0.2 5.1±0.2 5.0±0.2 • Complementary pair with 2SC1317 and 2SC1318.

    2SA0719, 2SA0720 2SA719, 2SA720) 2SC1317 2SC1318 2SC1318. 2SA0719 2SC1318 transistor 2SA0719 2SA0720 2SA719 2SA720 2SC1318 SC-43A 2SC1317 transistor PDF

    transistor 2sa720

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistor 2SA0719, 2SA0720 2SA719, 2SA720 Silicon PNP epitaxial planer type For low-frequency power amplification and driver amplification Complementary to 2SC1317 and 2SC1318 Unit: mm 5.0±0.2 5.1±0.2 • Features Symbol Collector to 2SA0719 base voltage

    2SA0719, 2SA0720 2SA719, 2SA720) 2SC1317 2SC1318 2SC1318. 2SA0719 2SA0720 transistor 2sa720 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Transistors 2SA0719, 2SA0720 (2SA719, 2SA720) Silicon PNP epitaxial planar type For low-frequency power amplification and driver amplification Complementary to 2SC1317, 2SC1318 Unit: mm 4.0±0.2

    2002/95/EC) 2SA0719, 2SA0720 2SA719, 2SA720) 2SC1317, 2SC1318 2SC1317 2SA0719 2SA720 PDF

    2sC1317 transistor

    Abstract: 2SC1318 2SC1318 transistor 2SC1317 2SA0719 2SA0720 2SA719 2SA720 SC-43A
    Text: Transistor 2SC1317, 2SC1318 Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type Unit: mm For low-frequency power amplification and driver amplification Complementary to 2SA0719 2SA719 and 2SA0720 (2SA720) 4.0±0.2 5.1±0.2 5.0±0.2 • Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C

    2SC1317, 2SC1318 2SA0719 2SA719) 2SA0720 2SA720) 2SC1317 2sC1317 transistor 2SC1318 2SC1318 transistor 2SC1317 2SA0719 2SA0720 2SA719 2SA720 SC-43A PDF


    Abstract: 2SC1318 P 2SC1318P 2SC1317 2SA0720 2SC1318C 2SC1318 P,R
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Transistors 2SC1318 Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type For low-frequency power amplification and driver amplification Complementary to 2SA0720 • Package  Low collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat)

    2002/95/EC) 2SC1318 2SA0720 O-92B-B1 2SC1318 2SC1318 P 2SC1318P 2SC1317 2SA0720 2SC1318C 2SC1318 P,R PDF


    Abstract: 2SC1318R 2SC1318 transistor 2SC1318Q 2SA720 2SC1318-S 2SC1318-R 2SC1318 R
    Text: 2SC1318 0.5 A, 60 V NPN Plastic Encapsulated Transistor Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of “-C” specifies halogen & lead-free TO-92 FEATURES   Low Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE sat Complementary Pair with 2SA720

    2SC1318 2SA720 2SC1318-Q 2SC1318-R 2SC1318-S 19-Jan-2011 300mA, 200MHz 2SC1318 2SC1318R 2SC1318 transistor 2SC1318Q 2SA720 2SC1318-S 2SC1318-R 2SC1318 R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Transistors 2SC1317, 2SC1318 Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type Unit: mm For low-frequency power amplification and driver amplification Complementary to 2SA0719 and 2SA0720 4.0±0.2 5.1±0.2 5.0±0.2

    2002/95/EC) 2SC1317, 2SC1318 2SA0719 2SA0720 2SC1317 2SC1318 2SC1317 PDF


    Abstract: 2sc1318c 2SC1318P
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Transistors 2SC1318 Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type For low-frequency power amplification and driver amplification Complementary to 2SA0720 • Features  Package  Low collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat)

    2002/95/EC) 2SC1318 2SA0720 O-92B-B1 2sc1318 2sc1318c 2SC1318P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors 2SC1317, 2SC1318 Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type Unit: mm For low-frequency power amplification and driver amplification Complementary to 2SA0719 and 2SA0720 4.0±0.2 5.1±0.2 5.0±0.2 • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE sat • Complementary pair with 2SA0719 and 2SA0720

    2SC1317, 2SC1318 2SA0719 2SA0720 2SC1317 2SC1317 2SC1318 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors 2SA0719, 2SA0720 2SA719, 2SA720 Silicon PNP epitaxial planar type For low-frequency power amplification and driver amplification Complementary to 2SC1317, 2SC1318 Unit: mm 4.0±0.2 5.1±0.2 5.0±0.2 M Di ain sc te on na tin nc ue e/ d • Features

    2SA0719, 2SA0720 2SA719, 2SA720) 2SC1317, 2SC1318 2SA0719 2SA0719 2SA0720 PDF

    2SC1318 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD TO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors TO – 92 2SC1318 TRANSISTOR NPN 1. EMITTER 2. COLLECTOR FEATURES z Low Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage VCE(sat) z Complementary Pair with 2SA720 3. BASE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25℃ unless otherwise noted)

    2SC1318 2SA720 150mA 500mA 300mA 200MHz 2SC1318 transistor PDF


    Abstract: 2SA71 2SA730 2SC1317 2sc1318 2SA719 2SA731 2SC1318 P 2SC1346 ic 731
    Text: 2SA719, 2SA720, 2SA730, 2SA731 2SA719, 2SA720, 2SA730, 2SA731 PNP + 7 °U —"M ji/'Si P N P E pitaxial Planar Power Amplifier and Driver 2SC1317, 2SC1318, 2SC1346, 2SC1347 Complementary pair with 2SC1317,2SC1318,2SC1346,2SC1347 Î# /F e a tu re s . 3 U ? ^ • J . i -y * g a fn E E VcE sat>

    OCR Scan
    2SA719, 2SA720, 2SA730, 2SA731 2SC1317, 2SC1318, 2SA720 2SA71 2SA730 2SC1317 2sc1318 2SA719 2SA731 2SC1318 P 2SC1346 ic 731 PDF


    Abstract: 2sc1175 92PU51A 2SA598 92PU45 TO-92B 2SC1346 92PU01A 2SA659 2SA719
    Text: Medium Power Amplifiers and Switches TYPE POLA­ NO. RITY M A XIM UM RATINGS CASE Pd IC VCEO raW (A) (V) HFE min max V CE(sat) IT Cob C O M PLE IC V CE max min max MENTARY (mA) (V) (V) (A) (M Hz) (PF) TYPE 17+ 2SC1008 2SC1175 2SC1209 2SC1317 2SC1318 N N

    OCR Scan
    2SC1008 2SC1175 O-92B 2SA659 2SC1209 2SC1317 2SA719 2SC1318 TO-237a 92PU51A 2SA598 92PU45 TO-92B 2SC1346 92PU01A 2SA659 2SA719 PDF


    Abstract: a 1232 nec 2SC1216 2SC1681 2sc1324 2sc1741 2SC1173 2sc1239 2SC1959 2SC458A
    Text: - a « T y p e Bo. & £ Manuf. * 2SC 1219 ^ ı il * 2SC 1220 Sftbii * 2SC 1222 0 S * 2SC 1223 3 * 2SC 1224 2SC 1226A tö T fö T * 2SC 1228-'' * ± a * 2SC 1230 «±a * 2SC 1231 ı il ♦ 2SC 1232 Ä Ü S * 2SC 1235 = * * 2SC 1236 * 2SC 1 2 3 7 ^ * 2SC

    OCR Scan
    2SC1959 2SC2001 2SC1213 2SC1317 2SC1741 2SC2002 2SC1213A 2SC1318 2SC1570 2SC2990 a 1232 nec 2SC1216 2SC1681 2sc1324 2sc1741 2SC1173 2sc1239 2SC458A PDF


    Abstract: 2SC1347 2SA730 2SC1317 2SA731 2SC1318
    Text: 2 SC 1346, 2 SC 1347 2 S C NPN T 3 4 6 ; 2 S C 1 3 4 7 + NPN Epitaxial Planar Output Amplifier 2SA730, ¿JSA731 ± z i > ~/U j t> & V /Complementary Pair with 2SA730, 2SA731 if i^/Features • Z2 u ? # • ^ * y VCECsat • 2SA730, 2SA731 v y ° ') s V $ V

    OCR Scan
    2SC1346, 2SC1347 2SCT346, 2SA730, SA731 2SA731 2SA731 2SC1346 2SC1347 2SA730 2SC1317 2SC1318 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC1885 2SC3359 2SC710 2sd1944 2SC1957 2sc1815 2SC2320 2SC763 2SC2550
    Text: - m - a S £ T y p e No. « Manuf. * = S A NYO 3E ^ T O SHIBA * 2SC 1973 fé T 2SC2314 * 2SC 1974 ✓ T T T T T ZSC2078 2SC2075 2SC2078 2SC1678 2SC 1980 fé *2 fé fé fé 2SC 1981 V - — ?sn9R5n * 2SC 1975 ^ * 2SC 1976 * 2SC 1977 * * * m. NEC tL HITACHI

    OCR Scan
    2SC2314 2SC1957 2SC2078 2SC2075 2SC1678 2SC2407 2SC2851 2SC2988 2SC1845 2SC1006 2SC1885 2SC3359 2SC710 2sd1944 2SC1957 2sc1815 2SC2320 2SC763 2SC2550 PDF

    2SC 8050

    Abstract: 2SC 8550 2sd 8050 8050 8550 2sd327 2SC185 2SCI175 2sa723 2SA598
    Text: Medium Power Amplifiers and Switches MAXIMUM RATINGS TYPE NO. POLA­ RITY CASE VcEO Pd Ic mW (A) VCER* (V) H FE ^CE(sat) min max Ic VfE max Ic (mA) (V) (V) (A) fi­ C0h r n in max (MHz) (MHz) COMPLE­ MENTARY TYPE 2SA659 2SA683 2SA708 2SA719 P P P P TO-92B

    OCR Scan
    2SA659 2SA683 2SA708 2SA719 2SA720 2SA723 2SA733 2SA817 2SA890 2SA891 2SC 8050 2SC 8550 2sd 8050 8050 8550 2sd327 2SC185 2SCI175 2SA598 PDF


    Abstract: 2sc1255 2SC1150 2SC1278S 2SC1210 2SC1252 2SC1265 2SC1268 2sc1162 2SC1269
    Text: - 102 - M X Ë f ê m £ £ Ta=25?C, *Ep[áTc=25'£ Pc ’C tu m Pc* (V) *± a 2SC1162 H i 2SC1164 2SC1165 2SC1ÎÔ9 MS (A) (V) (W) HS SW 60 50 1 0.8 (W) ( U A) œ tt (Ta=25'C) (max) 0.5 40 25 150 20 35 60 320 0.3 20 25 90 Vc e (V) Íc / I e (A) 1 (V) 0.6

    OCR Scan
    Ta-25 2SC1150 2SC116Z 2SC1164 2SC1165 2SC11Ã ZSC1173 2SC1199 2SC1212 50ohm 2SC1260 2sc1255 2SC1278S 2SC1210 2SC1252 2SC1265 2SC1268 2sc1162 2SC1269 PDF

    nec 2501

    Abstract: nec 2502 NEC 2505 NEC 2504 NEC 2506 2482 H 2SC1555 nec 2508 2SC3660 2SC2534
    Text: - m € Type No. tt « Manuf. 2SC 2473 B 2SC 2474 B 2SC 2475 B 2SC 2476 a m h SANYO 3S S TOSHIBA 2SC2753 ¡L m m h NEC B u HITACHI 2SC2Q26 * ± a FU JIT S U fâ T MATSUSHITA B te T 2SC4269 2SC3121 2SC2755 2SC4229 2SC 2451 - M 2 2SC3902 2SC362Í 2SC269ÛA

    OCR Scan
    2SC2473 2SC2474 2SC2475 2SC2476 2SC2477 2SC2480 2SC2451 2SC2482 2SD2483 2SC2484 nec 2501 nec 2502 NEC 2505 NEC 2504 NEC 2506 2482 H 2SC1555 nec 2508 2SC3660 2SC2534 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC959 2SC1175
    Text: Medium Power Amplifiers and Switches MAXIMUM RATINGS V ceo P« Ic mW (V) (A) H,¡•E POLA­ RITY CASI 2SC938 2SC959 2SC10Q8 2SC1175 2SC1209 N N N N N TO-92B TO-39 TO-39 TO-92B TO-92B 250 700 800 300 500 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.2 0.7 60 80 60 50 20 50 40 80 40 55

    OCR Scan
    2SC938 2SC959 2SC10Q8 2SC1175 2SC1209 2SC1317 2SC1318 2SC1346 2SC1347 2SC1672 TO-92B PDF


    Abstract: 2SD424 TOSHIBA 2SD424 181v 2SC387A toshiba 2sd424 2SC2320 2SC2078 2SC641 sc 1815
    Text: - £ m * * * 2SC 1780 2SC 1781 H 2SC 1782^ * 2SC 1783 2SC 1784 2SC * 2SC * 2SC * 2SC 1785^ 1786 " 1787 1788 - * 2SC 1788A 2SC 1789 *, * 2SC 1790 * 2SC 1791 * 2SC 1792 % 2SG 1801 * 2SC 1802 2SC * 2SC * 2SC * 2SC * 2SC 2SC * 2SC * 2SC * 2SC * € = 1803 1804

    OCR Scan
    2SC22T4 2SC1815 2SC641\K/ 2SC3311A 2SC1740 2SD895 2SD1485 2SCZS99 2SC1923 2SC1855 2sd4242 2SD424 TOSHIBA 2SD424 181v 2SC387A toshiba 2sd424 2SC2320 2SC2078 2SC641 sc 1815 PDF