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    Abstract: ad850 ADS50 DAC with BCD input
    Text: 8 THE DAC-QM The DAC-QM is a complete self-contained digital-to-analog converter module, available in 8-, 1D-, and 12-bit versions. Complete with strobed data entry to the input register, the module is offered wired for a variety of binary codes as well as BCD. Logic levels are compatible with

    12-bit 16-bits. ad550 ad850 ADS50 DAC with BCD input PDF


    Abstract: c5411 c5411 transistor 2Sc5858 equivalent MA 8910 2SD2499 equivalent 2SC5446 equivalent 2sc5858 2SD2539 equivalent TV horizontal Deflection Systems
    Text: 2003-9 PRODUCT GUIDE BCE0015A Horizontal-Deflection Output Transistors 2003 1 Outline Toshiba has developed a range of fifth-generation horizontal-deflection-output transistors HV-Trs . Radical redesign of the emitter electrode and the contact pattern has yielded significant improvements, resulting in higher current density

    BCE0015A 3531C-0103 F-93561, 2SC4288A c5411 c5411 transistor 2Sc5858 equivalent MA 8910 2SD2499 equivalent 2SC5446 equivalent 2sc5858 2SD2539 equivalent TV horizontal Deflection Systems PDF


    Abstract: C11j LPD7720 OP Amplifier A30 ao37 7474 D flip-flop circuit diagram nec operational amplifier terminology
    Text: OBS OLE TE Yoo= +5V :t5%, vss= -15V SPECIFICATIONS unless othelWlsenoted. :1:5%,fCLK=1.28MHz. All SpecificationsTminto Tmax Parameter K,B Versions' L Versionl C Version' ACCURACY Resolution Integral Nonlinearity @ 25°C T,runto T=x Differential Nonlinearity

    28MHz. Condi0000000 PD7720 C11j LPD7720 OP Amplifier A30 ao37 7474 D flip-flop circuit diagram nec operational amplifier terminology PDF


    Abstract: health data sheet egypt
    Text: Force and strain sensors. Measure. Test. Control. Edition 2015 Force and strain sensors by Baumer combine tried and tested technology and sophisticated innovations. 1 Contents. Introduction 1 Display Boxes DDBF Product key  1.2 Summary Force and Strain Sensors1.4

    CH-8501 34CH0200G health data sheet egypt PDF


    Abstract: Transistor BC536 L1019 transistor C930 sm1618 transistor 2sc C930 C930 transistor DBL1019 BFU 450 BFU 450C
    Text: d SL1019P Semiconductor AM TUNER SYSTEM Description The SL1019P is a AM electronic tuner IC with high performance. It is greatly improved cross modulation characteristics. Function • RF wide-band AGC, Attenuator Driver, Local OSC with ALC, Local OSC Buffer,

    SL1019P SL1019P 0022uF DBL1019 SL1019 047uF 430pF 0022u BC536 Transistor BC536 L1019 transistor C930 sm1618 transistor 2sc C930 C930 transistor BFU 450 BFU 450C PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2sc930 2sc536 sfp450h 2SC536 transistor toko 10k coils 2SC930 equivalent fm tuner mitsumi 6pin Mitsumi de RF SVC321
    Text: Ordering number : EN1272G LA1135 LA1135M Monolithic Linear IC For Car Radios and Home Stereos AM Tuner System Overview The LA1135 and LA1135M are high-performance AM electronic tuner IC that is greatly improved in cross modulation characteristics. It is especially suited for use in car radio and home stereo antenna : loop applications.

    EN1272G LA1135 LA1135M LA1135 LA1135M transistor 2sc930 2sc536 sfp450h 2SC536 transistor toko 10k coils 2SC930 equivalent fm tuner mitsumi 6pin Mitsumi de RF SVC321 PDF


    Abstract: NEC 2SK2396A k2396a pc1658 2SC2407 P10100EJ6V0SG00 UAA 1006 k2396 K2597 Marking Code SAW MOS transistor
    Text: SILICON MICROWAVE SEMICONDUCTORS Silicon discrete, Silicon MMIC Dual gate GaAs FET SELECTION GUIDE 1999/2000 6th Edition [MEMO] 2 Selection Guide P10100EJ6V0SG00 • The information in this document is based on documents issued in October,1999 at the latest. The

    P10100EJ6V0SG00 2SK2396A NEC 2SK2396A k2396a pc1658 2SC2407 P10100EJ6V0SG00 UAA 1006 k2396 K2597 Marking Code SAW MOS transistor PDF


    Abstract: catalog for 3RT series contactor* siemens Weidmuller upac Telemecanique catalog 9101900000 Siemens 4-20mA Loop Isolator catalog for 3RT Power contactor* siemens upac MCB 10 AMP 87426
    Text: CATALOGUE 10 2006/2007 Short Form Catalogue Quick Reference Guide Company profile Weidmüller is the leading manufacturer of components for electrical and electronic interconnection technologies. The company develops, produces and sells customer-oriented solutions comprising the entire Weidmüller product portfolio.



    Abstract: P3139 BC233A sprague 40d GEX36/7 C4274 s1766 C12712 TC236 GP149
    Text: SPRAGUE THE M A R K O F R E L I A B I L I T Y SEMICONDUCTOR REPLACEMENT MANUAL K -5 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Guidelines for Replacing Semiconductors. 1 Specifications, Small-Signal and Power Transistors.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: DSP56000 AD7772 AD7772BQ AD7772LN PD7720 TMS32020 sonar transmitter 2SC 3355 6803 microprocessor
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES 12-Bit Resolution and Accuracy Fast Conversion Tim e: 10 jxs Serial O u tpu t Com plete w ith On-Chip Reference Low Power Unipolar or Bipolar Input Ranges Sm all 0.3", 20-Pin DIPs and 20-Term inal Surface M o u n t Package GENERAL DESCRIPTION

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit AD7772 20-Pin 20-Terminal AD7772 AD7772KN DSP56000 AD7772BQ AD7772LN PD7720 TMS32020 sonar transmitter 2SC 3355 6803 microprocessor PDF

    2SC3281 2SA1302

    Abstract: motorola transistor cross reference MJH16010A 2SA1302 transistor npn pnp transistor bipolar cross reference MJH6678 2sc3281 transistor 2SA1302 data transistor MJH6678 MJH16018
    Text: MOT OROL A TABLE 6 — SC XSTRS/R F 4bE PLASTIC TO-218/TO-247 D b3b7554 OOiaiiOfl T •flO Tt (During the second half of 1991, devices listed below will change from Case - 340-02 to Case 340F-02 and the part number prefix will become MJW .) T - $ 3 > 'l3

    OCR Scan
    O-218/TO-247 340F-02 O-218AC) 340F-02 MJH16212* MJH16018* MJH16206* MJH6678* MJH16010A MJH16210* 2SC3281 2SA1302 motorola transistor cross reference 2SA1302 transistor npn pnp transistor bipolar cross reference MJH6678 2sc3281 transistor 2SA1302 data transistor MJH6678 MJH16018 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY ILX718K 5363-pixel x 3 line CCD Linear Sensor Color Description The ILX718K is a reduction type CCD linear sensor developed for color image scanner, and has shutter function per each color. This sensor reads A4-size documents at a density of 600 DPI.

    OCR Scan
    ILX718K 5363-pixel ILX718K 42ALLOY LS-B21 PDF


    Abstract: PMI PM7528 AD7S28JN PM7528H PM7528

    OCR Scan
    PM-7528 20-PIN PM75ZBAR PM7S2BARC/B63 PM7S28BR PM7528BRC/083 100kHz. PM7528hp PMI PM7528 AD7S28JN PM7528H PM7528 PDF


    Abstract: 1N1525 cs1256hg BSF17 dd04 18DB6A B1274 transistor 1N34A MP LT236 SN76
    Text: I RJ 1 international, rectifier IR R e p la c e ­ m ent P a rt No. 25710 25T12 « S ? S H fcx S yty P a rt No. IR R e p la c e ­ m ent Z1012 Z1014 21016 Z1018 21020 AA138 AA140 AA142 AA2 AA20 IN34A IN34A JN34A TR-08 6F20D ZI022 Z1006 21008 7*0*0 21012 AA200

    OCR Scan
    25T12 Z1012 Z1014 Z1018 AA138 AA140 AA142 AA200 AA21Q AA300 Tr431 1N1525 cs1256hg BSF17 dd04 18DB6A B1274 transistor 1N34A MP LT236 SN76 PDF

    j2y transistor

    Abstract: T15J10 MP4704 MG100M2CK1 2sb834 MP3103 MG50J6ES91 MP3002 mp4505 2sc497
    Text: As you well know, semiconductors are today essential for use in a very wide range of applications— from consumer to industrial use. In any application, your choice of Toshiba semiconductors will always be correct. To help you choose which semi­ conductor is correct for your application, this brochure outlines maximum ratings,

    OCR Scan
    O220AB O-126 j2y transistor T15J10 MP4704 MG100M2CK1 2sb834 MP3103 MG50J6ES91 MP3002 mp4505 2sc497 PDF


    Abstract: MG15G6EL1 30L6P44 12v dc to 440v ac inverter EI40 transformer 76524P 12v dc choke inverter circuit MG60M1AL1 TA76524 TDK transformer z
    Text: 1. Power MOS-FETs and C4 . Resistors R2 and R 3 are used to balance the C3 and C4 voltages and 20ki2 is used here as the resistance value. C3 and C4 each have a capacitance o f 470juf. 2 Auxiliary power supply for the control cir­ cuit The switching regulator IC TA76524P which

    OCR Scan
    24VDC 110VAC 100kHz TA76524P 2SK358 100VAC MG15N6EK1 MG25M2YK1X3 30U6P42 MG15G6EL1 30L6P44 12v dc to 440v ac inverter EI40 transformer 76524P 12v dc choke inverter circuit MG60M1AL1 TA76524 TDK transformer z PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A N A LO G D E V IC E S □ LC2M0S Complete, 8-Bit Analog I/O System AD7569/AD7669 FEATURES 2|ts A DC with Track/Hold 1|is DAC w ith Output Amplifier AD7569, Single DAC Output AD7669, Dual DAC Output On-Chip Bandgap Reference Fast Bus Interface Single or Dual 5V Supplies

    OCR Scan
    AD7569/AD7669 AD7569 AD7569, AD7669, AD7569/AD7669 200kHz AD7669 PDF

    TFK diodes BYW 76

    Abstract: 13009 Jt 43 byw 56 equivalent TFK diodes 148 tfk U 264 tfk 804 TFK 421 diode BYW 60 diode byt 45 J BYT 45 J
    Text: .4 . 'W iriy IFWCCIRQ electronic Creative Technologies Selection guide transistors and diodes Contents, alpha-numeric Type Page BA 204 BA 243 BA 244 BA 282 BA 283 BA 4 79 G BA 4 7 9 S BA 679 BA 682 BA 683 BA 779 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 6 6 7 B A Q 33 BAQ 34 BAQ 35

    OCR Scan

    Ericsson PBL

    Abstract: BYV27 PBL3772N PBL3772QN QQQB124 3772 stepper
    Text: ERICSSON ^ April 1991 PBL 3772 Dual Stepper Motor Driver Description Key Features The PBL 3772 is a switch-mode chopper , constant-current driver IC with two chan­ nels, one for each winding of a two-phase stepper motor. The circuit is similar to Ericsson's PBL 3771, but has been designed to generate a minimum amount of power

    OCR Scan
    337331M 28-lead Ericsson PBL BYV27 PBL3772N PBL3772QN QQQB124 3772 stepper PDF


    Abstract: MB7132
    Text: F U JIT S U PROGRAMMABLE SCHOTTKY 8192-BIT READ ONLY MEMORY MB7132E-W M B7132UW November 1987 Edition 5.0 SCHOTTKY 8192-BIT DEAP PROM 1024 WORDS x 8 BITS The Fujitsu M B7132-W is high speed S ch o ttky T T L electrically fie ld program ­ mable read only m emory organized as 1024 words by 8 bits. W ith three-state

    OCR Scan
    8192-BIT MB7132E-W B7132UW B7132-W 132-W LCC-28C-A01) 28PCLS) 9051TYP MB7132E MB7132 PDF

    2388 84 JRC

    Abstract: jrc 2388 yx 8018 tdc1008 ADSP-1080 0620 jrc gsp3f Analog Devices Data-Acquisition Databook 1984 ADSP1080 JRC 2388 84
    Text: DSP PRODUCTS DATABOOK DSP MICROPROCESSORS MICROCODED SUPPORT COMPONENTS FLOATING POINT COMPONENTS FIXED POINT COMPONENTS How to Find Product Data in This Databook T H IS V O LU M E Contains Data Sheets, Selection Guides, Application N otes, and a wealth of background inform ation on com ponents for num ber

    OCR Scan
    000-page 2388 84 JRC jrc 2388 yx 8018 tdc1008 ADSP-1080 0620 jrc gsp3f Analog Devices Data-Acquisition Databook 1984 ADSP1080 JRC 2388 84 PDF

    18V 0W4 5

    Abstract: 18v 0w4 PM-T44 7b45 7345GP la 7845 PM7645BR NC04 dc ac inverter circuite AN 7845
    Text: AN A L O G D E V I C E S INC H2E FE A T U R E S Preadjualed F ull S c a l e . ±1 LSB M aximum Gain Error Low Qatn Tem perature C o a fftc le n t- 2p pm r<C Small 20-P1n 0.3 " W ide DIP PM-7845 TTL Com patible fo r V00 • 8V PM-7645 TTL and 5V CMOS Com pattoto foe VDD a 15V

    OCR Scan
    061b60Q 12-Bit PM-7545/PM-7645 20-Pin PM-7345 PM-7S45 PMJ04tDl PM7S45Bfl PM7S49PP PMW45FPC 18V 0W4 5 18v 0w4 PM-T44 7b45 7345GP la 7845 PM7645BR NC04 dc ac inverter circuite AN 7845 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * '/ i Te x a s In s t r u m e n t s LM75A Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog with Two-Wire Interface General Description Applications The LM75A is an industry-standard digital temperature sen­ sor with an integrated Sigma-Delta analog-to-digital converter

    OCR Scan
    LM75A LM75A 125SD. 400kHz. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A N A LO G D E V IC E S LC2M0S Complete, 12-Bit, 100 kHz, Sampling ADC AD7870/AD7875/AD7876 FEATURES Complete Monolithic 12-Bit ADC with: 2 m-s Track/Hold Amplifier 8 m-s A/D Converter On-Chip Reference Laser-Trimmed Clock Parallel, Byte and Serial Digital Interface

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit, AD7870/AD7875/AD7876 12-Bit AD7870, AD7875) AD7870 AD7875 AD7876 AD7870/AD7875/AD7876 9273D PDF