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    2SA 1230 Search Results

    2SA 1230 Result Highlights (5)

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    ETH1-230L Coilcraft Inc Ethernet signal path magnetics module, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    ETH1-230LD Coilcraft Inc SMPS Transformer, 30W, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    ETH1-230LB Coilcraft Inc SMPS Transformer, 30W, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    SER1412-301MED Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 0.3uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 6047, HALOGEN FREE AND ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    SER1412-301ME Coilcraft Inc Power inductor, high current, 20% tol, SMT, RoHS, halogen-free Visit Coilcraft Inc

    2SA 1230 Datasheets (2)

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    2SA1230 Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF
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    2SD 4206

    Abstract: str 5707 ky 201 thyristor scr ky 202 2SD 4206 npn gi 9444 diode TRANSISTOR SMD 9014 2SD 5703 STR 6757 TRANSISTOR SMD DK QC
    Text: PART NUMBERING SYSTEMS ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS IC PART NUMBERS A 1234 E A F-1 Instructions optional; in the order listed . A or -A = Revision, see detail specification F = Active pull-down device (BiMOS only) -FP = Factory programmed -LC = Radial lead form LT = Tape and reel (package LH only)

    MS-001, MS-010, MS-011) MS-010) MS-018) AMS-127B 2SD 4206 str 5707 ky 201 thyristor scr ky 202 2SD 4206 npn gi 9444 diode TRANSISTOR SMD 9014 2SD 5703 STR 6757 TRANSISTOR SMD DK QC PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD DK QC transistor SMD DK -RN Sanken Schottky Diode Mi 15 spx 3955 SANKEN power supply diode zener smd sg 64 transistor SMD DK qs 301 miniature smd transistor KY smd transistor
    Text: PART NUMBERING SYSTEMS ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS IC PART NUMBERS A 1234 E A F-1 Instructions optional; in the order listed . A or -A = Revision, see detail specification F = Active pull-down device (BiMOS only) -FP = Factory programmed -LC = Radial lead form LT = Tape and reel (package LH only)

    MS-001, MS-010, MS-011) MS-010) MS-018) AMS-127B TRANSISTOR SMD 613 TRANSISTOR SMD DK QC transistor SMD DK -RN Sanken Schottky Diode Mi 15 spx 3955 SANKEN power supply diode zener smd sg 64 transistor SMD DK qs 301 miniature smd transistor KY smd transistor PDF

    spf 9001 sanken

    Abstract: SANKEN power supply sanken transistor Shortform Transistor Guide militar capacitors strs6709 sanken power transistor 2SA1216 semiconductors cross reference power supply SAMSUNG MONITOR str str 6707 diagram guide
    Text: A Sanken Company Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. specializes in the design and manufacture of advanced mixed-signal analog + digital integrated circuits. Allegro, an American-managed, wholly-owned subsidiary of Sanken Electric Co., Ltd., combines 30+ years of

    AMS-127B spf 9001 sanken SANKEN power supply sanken transistor Shortform Transistor Guide militar capacitors strs6709 sanken power transistor 2SA1216 semiconductors cross reference power supply SAMSUNG MONITOR str str 6707 diagram guide PDF


    Abstract: 2SB 710 2sc1061 2sd524 2sb504 HD68P01 2sb507 2sa762 2sc827 2SC1362
    Text: V W Ki * 91 ^ # b h 7 >->" X ? i, t ^ X M X V M W X M £ (E I A J i: 2 S W Z x R m z t i S , x t iz J :'), ? 4000H£< * ^ t i X t 4 ', ^ i t . : w ° n l l ±, Z iih J M I1 L -C A J t t , g 4 - ? 4 M # c o ( , c o T ' & , I W H H c o f ^ 6 i> w 1, ^ & >) b ') £ i ~

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    4000HÂ 2SB415 2SB 710 2sc1061 2sd524 2sb504 HD68P01 2sb507 2sa762 2sc827 2SC1362 PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

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    ksd 302 250v, 10a

    Abstract: irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643
    Text: 5 transistor 1 A-Z datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-00-0 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechllich geschutzt. Alle

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    CB-F36c 2SD1642 2SD2182, 2SC4489, -08S- ksd 302 250v, 10a irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD466 2sc5266
    Text: • t o M f i i t i ' i - i a ’f m m»mm s&<D?ay#miz w z y y - i - y p m u / ®>7 I V -E7 - 7 V U ' I / 'A w J V Z S T J - / K S 6 3 6 9 * > U - X T258-OMI # ® l|£ f tt» H # 5 5 a i TEL.5465 89 2825 FAX,5465(89)2826 ffxX * i t * «* • s •s* * *

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    T258-OMI FAX06 2SC144 2SD466 2sc5266 PDF


    Abstract: transistor a999 bs 7818 -1995 transistor tt 2206 A999 transistor TT 2206 transistor a1535A 8340UAS transistor 3866S 2SD 4515
    Text: H Integrated Circuits MOS LSIs Page MOS LSI Type No. Page Type No. Page Type No. Page Type No. Page M N 171608 42 A M N 18P73210 43 M N 3210 69 M N 5179/H 91 M N 171609 42 AM N 18P73215 43 M N 3214 69 MN5181 91 M N 3102 69 M N 53 00 0 Series 55 M N 33 00 Series

    OCR Scan
    1020G N12861 N12B62 MN1381 MN13811 MN13821 15P0802 15P5402 58851A 70803A 3866S transistor a999 bs 7818 -1995 transistor tt 2206 A999 transistor TT 2206 transistor a1535A 8340UAS transistor 3866S 2SD 4515 PDF


    Abstract: 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram

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    76665N 76889N MA748PC MA709PC jA710PC A711PC iA712PC A723PC HA741PC A747PC AC125K 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram PDF


    Abstract: 2t306 2N5983 2SD588 2sd73 2sc497 HD6801V
    Text: /T 1 4 R C“ 4 j r\ & M- -_ ~- i l^ it 4 4 ~\ 3 — 4 & 3 * 4 i3 !. 3: " & -\ vi- W- 4 3: - x 1 — v!r 'Hv j 4 n 3 fr 4 j •& $ 3t * 3 r^-. r+ *; 5+ x i •3I .<> iS I R k Q PS Q fit S r\ tiSE H-, 4 4 ~9> x-v r-i 5+ ' s, (vs •u- lit ZSZ\'1* n 3 St

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    S029747 SS963& 2sb504 2t306 2N5983 2SD588 2sd73 2sc497 HD6801V PDF


    Abstract: transistor equivalent d2012 2SC734 equivalent 3sk73 equivalent 2sb502 2sa776 bl 2sc2075 equivalent 2sk For Low Noise Audio Amplifier Applications 2sa970 BL equivalent 2sa776 gr
    Text: AUDIO SMALL SIGNAL AMP Package USM Super M ini M ini T O -9 2 A p p lic a tio n • * « m • 2SA1162 2SA1163 General purpose 2SC1815 2SA1015 2SC2458 2SC2459 2SA1048 2SA1049 2SC2712 2SC2713 General purpose L o w Noise 2SC1815 2SA1015© 2SC2458© 2SA2048©

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    2SA1162 2SA1163 2SC1815 2SA1015 2SC2458 2SC2459 2SA1048 2SA1049 2SC2712 2SC2713 70H40 transistor equivalent d2012 2SC734 equivalent 3sk73 equivalent 2sb502 2sa776 bl 2sc2075 equivalent 2sk For Low Noise Audio Amplifier Applications 2sa970 BL equivalent 2sa776 gr PDF

    3055 smd

    Abstract: MC10H181 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS CASE 751-03
    Text: M M O T O R O L A Military 1668 Dual Clocked Latch ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 1668 (- 30°C to + 85°C) H • P q = 220 mW typ/pkg • tpd = 1.6 ns typ (510 ohm load) = 1.8 ns typ (50 ohm load) i Symbol Min Max Unit Power Supply Voltage (V cc = °) V cc

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: smd ic lv 1116 ao65 Tolerance limit for basic dimensions in ansi y14
    Text: < Military 10H518 M O T O R O LA Dual 2-Wide 3-Input “OR-AND” Gate ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: 5962-8755901 The 10H518 is a basic logic building block providing the OR/AND function, use­ ful in data control and digital multiplexing applications. This M ECL 10H part is a functional/pinout duplication of the standard M ECL

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    10H518 10H518 10K-Compatible 10H518/BXAJC aoo8 smd ic lv 1116 ao65 Tolerance limit for basic dimensions in ansi y14 PDF

    auo -039

    Abstract: SMD code T6s aoc8 MC10H181 YI45M Q01-5 ha1012 TEA 1009
    Text: M M O T O R O LA Military 10578 Binary Counter E LEC T R IC A LLY TE ST E D P E R : MPG 10578 MP0 mini Th e 10578 is a four-bit counter capable of divide-by-two, divide-by-four, divideby-eight or a divide-by-sixteen function. Clock inputs trigger on the positive going

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    Abstract: SMD C10H D1013
    Text: M M O T O R O L A Military 10574 Dual 4 to 1 Multiplexer ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 10574 T h e 1 0 5 7 4 is a high sp e e d d u al c h a n n e l m u ltip lexer w ith output e n a b le ca p a b ili­ ty. T h e s e le c t inputs determ ine one of four a c tiv e d ata inp uts for e a c h m ultiplexer.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: KPL 3009 2SB502 BLY34 germanium BF316A BSX12 2SD716, 2SB686 35W amplifiers bf197 acy52
    Text: TRANSISTOR DATA TABLES Other Titles of Interest B P 85 International Transistor Equivalents Guide B P286 A R eferen ce G uide to Basic Electronics Terms BP287 A R eferen ce G uide to Practical Electronics Terms n TRANSISTOR DATA TABLES by Hans-Gunther Steidle

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    Abstract: MC10806 ao65
    Text: MOTOROLA MC10804 MC10805 BIDIRECTIONAL TRANSCEIVER WITH LATCH The MC10804 and MC10805 are inverting bidirectional trans­ ceivers that interface MECL logic levels with TTL logic levels. Data can be transferred directly in either direction MECL -*•TTL or TTL

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    MC10804 MC10805 MC10805 16-pln 20-pin MC10806 ao65 PDF

    triac zd 607

    Abstract: hep c6004 2sb504 2SC 968 NPN Transistor sje 607 motorola c6004 diode BY127 specifications K872 af118 Motorola Semiconductor hep c3806p
    Text: & SEM ICO N DU CTO R This guide has been prepared by the Motorola HEP technical staff to provide a cross-reference for the Hobbyist, Experimenter, and Professional service techni­ cian. The information contained herein is based on an analysis of the published

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    thT404 ZV15A ZY33A ZT696 ZV15B ZY33B ZT697 ZT706 ZV27A ZY62A triac zd 607 hep c6004 2sb504 2SC 968 NPN Transistor sje 607 motorola c6004 diode BY127 specifications K872 af118 Motorola Semiconductor hep c3806p PDF

    Mosfet FTR 03-E

    Abstract: mt 1389 fe 2SD122 dtc144gs low noise Darlington Transistor DTC114EVA DTC143EF V/65e9 transistor transistor 2SC337
    Text: h 7 > y ^ £ / T ra n sisto rs h 7 > v * £ IÜ á q — J W / T r a n s is t o r s S u m m a ry • POWER MOSFET Application Part No 2SK1976 V dss V 2SK2176 Package Typ (Q ) V gs (V) Page Id (A) 450 5 30 1.0 10 2.5 TO-220FP 88 60 10 30 0 08 10 5 TO-220FP

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    2SK1976 2SK2095 2SK2176 O-220FP 2SA785 2SA790 2SA790M 2SA806 Mosfet FTR 03-E mt 1389 fe 2SD122 dtc144gs low noise Darlington Transistor DTC114EVA DTC143EF V/65e9 transistor transistor 2SC337 PDF


    Abstract: transistor kt 606A 65e9 transistor sr 6863 D 2SC965 CS9011 sr1k diode KT850 TRANSISTOR st25a transistor 130001 8d
    Text: NEW PRODUCTS BULLETIN SINGLE-ENDED MOLDED BRIDGES Fig. 1 International Rectifier expands its quality line of highly reliable molded \ bridges with the new 10DB series of 1 amp full-wave silicon bridge rectifiers. The single-ended, in-line configuration is suitable for PC board applications,

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    10DB2P 10DB4P 10DB6P 180B6A T35W transistor kt 606A 65e9 transistor sr 6863 D 2SC965 CS9011 sr1k diode KT850 TRANSISTOR st25a transistor 130001 8d PDF

    MA1002 digital LED Clock Module

    Abstract: MA1002 Robinson Nugent CATALOG NSB7881 equivalent transistor P347 t110 94v 0 MEPCO 5043 LN543RA m7104 Lm13800
    Text: D ID I-K E Y l r C O R P TOLL FREE W ATS LINE O R A T I O N Telephone Order Entry Now Available Until 7:00 P.M. Central Time I 1- 800- 344-4539 91 E A S Y TO R E M E M B E R : 1-800-DIGI-KEY A K , HI: 218-681 66741 Catalog No. 851 1Jan.-Fab., 11 HIGHWAY 32 SOUTH

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    1-800-DIGI-KEY 1-800-DIGI-KEY) MA1002 digital LED Clock Module MA1002 Robinson Nugent CATALOG NSB7881 equivalent transistor P347 t110 94v 0 MEPCO 5043 LN543RA m7104 Lm13800 PDF


    Abstract: 13001 S 6D TRANSISTOR atv5030* motorola 2N5591 MOTOROLA 13001 6D TRANSISTOR BGY41 MHW710-1 construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 7119 amperex bf503
    Text: Volume I Selector Guide 1 Discrete Transistor Data Sheets 2 Case Dimensions 3 Volume II Selector Guide Amplifier Data Sheets 5 Tuning, Hot Carrier and PIN Diode Data Sheets 6 Technical Information Case Dimensions 8 Cross Reference and Sales Offices 9 MOTOROLA RF DEVICE DATA

    OCR Scan
    1PHX11136Q-14 MHW721A2 13001 S 6D TRANSISTOR atv5030* motorola 2N5591 MOTOROLA 13001 6D TRANSISTOR BGY41 MHW710-1 construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 7119 amperex bf503 PDF

    2N2222A 338

    Abstract: TFK 949 2N1167 halbleiter index transistor ad161 BSY19 al103 ac128 TFK 404 Tfk 931
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U p date One London: NEW YORK

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    2CY17 2CY18 2CY19 2CY20 2CY21 500MA 500MA 2N2222A 338 TFK 949 2N1167 halbleiter index transistor ad161 BSY19 al103 ac128 TFK 404 Tfk 931 PDF

    SEM 5027A

    Abstract: transistor BD 540 LYS MC710G 131-80 wj 89 MC707G 2n328 LN4005 diode reverse current and voltage mc708g C844P TS36A
    Text: SELECTION GUIDES How To Use The Data Book Numerical Index Alphabetical Index Device Outlines GENERAL INFORMATION SILICON ZENER DIODES Regulator Diodes, Reference Diodes, Precision Reference Diodes and Reference Amplifiers SILICON RECTIFIERS SILICON RECTIFIER ASSEMBLIES

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