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    2NS202 Search Results

    2NS202 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 2N3879 TA7285 P602I 2N5202 2N3878 2N6500 2N3679 RCA Solid State Power Transistor PT3535
    Text: "üï »F|3fl7SGfll D0171QS 7 01E 17105 171Q_ _01E D High-Speed Power l 1u ° u 7^_ L— 3875081 G E SOLID STATE 2N3878, 2N3879, 2N5202, 2N6500 File N u m b e r

    OCR Scan
    D017105 2N3878, 2N3879, 2N5202, 2N6500 171nc; 2N6500 RCA-2N3878, ta8932 2N3879 TA7285 P602I 2N5202 2N3878 2N3679 RCA Solid State Power Transistor PT3535 PDF

    transistors 1U

    Abstract: 2N3879 2N3878
    Text: 01 » E ^ 3 f l ? S D a i 0017105 " 0 1 E 171Q5 _ 0 1E 1 7 11u0 5 High-Speed Power Transistors-— D 3875081 G E SOLID 7 STATE 2N3878, 2N3879, 2N5202, 2N6500 D u Tz. L — U File Number

    OCR Scan
    171Q5 2N3878, 2N3879, 2N5202, 2N6500 CA-2N3878, transistors 1U 2N3879 2N3878 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GENERAL SEMICONDUCTOR 3918590 GENERAL TS S E MI CON DU CT OR DE^BilflSiD 95D 02091 7133-07 -r-'ìò-ch Ic = 3.0 AMPS DEVICE TYPE BVce0 PACKAGE VOUS 2N1647 2N1648 2N1649 2N1650 2N2101 TO-111 TO-111 TO-111 TO-111 TO-61 T0-5/S TO-5 T0-5/S TO-5 TO-59 T0-5/S TO-5

    OCR Scan
    2N1647 2N1648 2N1649 2N1650 2N2101 O-111 O-59/lso PDF


    Abstract: 2n5202 101075A 2N3679 P602I TA7285 rdf1
    Text: File Number 766.1 2N3878, 2N3879, 2N5202 HARRIS S E m C O N D SECTOR ShE D M302E71 QQMDMMl 147 • HAS ■ High-Speed, Epitaxial-Collector Silicon N-P-N Planar Transistors For High-Speed Switching and Linear-Amplifier Applications Features: ■ M axim um -area-of-operatlon curves fo r d c and pulse operation

    OCR Scan
    2N3878, 2N3879, 2N5202 M302E71 2NS202 2N3878 2N3879 2N5202* 2N3B78 2n5202 101075A 2N3679 P602I TA7285 rdf1 PDF


    Abstract: AP239 Transistor 80139 8C547 6C131C IN2222A 2N50B 2N2064 radio AC176 AC126 sft353
    Text: INTERNATIONAL TRANSISTOR EQUIVALENTS GUIDE A LSO BY THE S A M E AUTHOR BP108 International Diode Equivalents Guide BP140 Digital IC Equivalents and Pin Connections BP141 Linear IC Equivalents and Pin Connections ALSO OF INTEREST BP234 Transistor Selector Guide

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Microsemi NPN Transistors Part N um ber JA N S2N3997 JA N S2N3998 JA N S2N3999 JA N TX2N 2880 JA N TX2N 3749 JA N TX2N 3996 JA N TX2N 3997 JAN TX2N 3998 JAN TX2N 3999 JA N TXV2N 2880 JA N TXV2N 3749 JA N TXV2N 3996 JA N TXV2N 3997 JA N TXV2N 3998 JA N TXV2N 3999

    OCR Scan
    NPN-13 a/TO111 PDF