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    Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation 2N6101

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    Quest Components 2N6101 20
    • 1 $2.88
    • 10 $2.16
    • 100 $1.8
    • 1000 $1.8
    • 10000 $1.8
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    Continental Device India Ltd 2N6101

    Transistor: NPN; bipolar; 70V; 10A; 1.8/75W; TO220
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TME 2N6101 260 1
    • 1 $0.864
    • 10 $0.42
    • 100 $0.3
    • 1000 $0.278
    • 10000 $0.278
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    Others 2N6101

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    Chip 1 Exchange 2N6101 105
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    2N6101 Datasheets (31)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2N6101 Central Semiconductor Leaded Power Transistor General Purpose Original PDF
    2N6101 Continental Device India NPN PLASTIC POWER TRANSISTOR, TO-220 Original PDF
    2N6101 Advanced Semiconductor Silicon Transistor Selection Guide Scan PDF
    2N6101 Central Semiconductor Power Transistors Scan PDF
    2N6101 Continental Device India NPN Plastic Power Transistor Scan PDF
    2N6101 Fairchild Semiconductor Full Line Condensed Catalogue 1977 Scan PDF
    2N6101 Ferranti Semiconductors Power Transistors 1977 Scan PDF
    2N6101 Ferranti Semiconductors Quick Reference Guide 1985 Scan PDF
    2N6101 Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Data & Cross Reference Book Scan PDF
    2N6101 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    2N6101 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2N6101 Unknown Basic Transistor and Cross Reference Specification Scan PDF
    2N6101 Unknown Basic Transistor and Cross Reference Specification Scan PDF
    2N6101 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    2N6101 Unknown Transistor Replacements Scan PDF
    2N6101 Unknown Cross Reference Datasheet Scan PDF
    2N6101 Unknown Transistor Replacements Scan PDF
    2N6101 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2N6101 Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF
    2N6101 Unknown Shortform Electronic Component Datasheets Short Form PDF

    2N6101 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 2N6101 2n6099 npn 2N6098 2N6100
    Text: Inchange Semiconductor Product Specification 2N6098 2N6099 2N6100 2N6101 Silicon NPN Power Transistors DESCRIPTION ・With TO-220 package ・High current capability APPLICATIONS ・For use in general-purpose amplifier and switching applications PINNING PIN

    2N6098 2N6099 2N6100 2N6101 O-220 2N6098 2N6100 2N6099 2N6101 2n6099 npn PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N6101 Transistors Si NPN Power BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)70 V(BR)CBO (V)80 I(C) Max. (A)10 Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)75# Maximum Operating Temp (øC)150õ I(CBO) Max. (A)2.0m° @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition)60 V(CE)sat Max. (V)2.5 @I(C) (A) (Test Condition)10

    2N6101 Freq800k PDF


    Abstract: 2N6099 2N6098 2N6100 6099 2n6099 npn
    Text: Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2N6098 2N6099 2N6100 2N6101 DESCRIPTION ・・With TO-220 package APPLICATIONS ・For use in general-purpose amplifier and switching applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION 1 Base 2 Collector;connected to

    2N6098 2N6099 2N6100 2N6101 O-220 2N6098 2N6100 2N6099 2N6101 6099 2n6099 npn PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company TO-220 Plastic Package 2N6101 2N6101 NPN PLASTIC POWER TRANSISTOR Medium Power Linear and Switching Service in Consumer, Automotive, and Industrial Applications PIN CONFIGURATION

    O-220 2N6101 C-120 2N6101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company TO-220 Plastic Package 2N6101 2N6101 NPN PLASTIC POWER TRANSISTOR Medium Power Linear and Switching Service in Consumer, Automotive, and Industrial Applications PIN CONFIGURATION

    O-220 2N6101 C-120 PDF


    Abstract: 2N6101 2N6098 2N6100 2n6099 npn 6099
    Text: SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification 2N6098 2N6099 2N6100 2N6101 Silicon NPN Power Transistors DESCRIPTION •With TO-220 package ·High current capability APPLICATIONS ·For use in general-purpose amplifier and switching applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION

    2N6098 2N6099 2N6100 2N6101 O-220 2N6098 2N6099 2N6100 2N6101 2n6099 npn 6099 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IS/ISO 9002 Lic# QSC/L- 000019.2 Continental Device India Limited IS / IECQC 700000 IS / IECQC 750100 An IS/ISO 9002 and IECQ Certified Manufacturer TO-220 Plastic Package 2N6101 2N6101 NPN PLASTIC POWER TRANSISTOR Medium Power Linear and Switching Service in Consumer, Automotive,

    O-220 2N6101 C-120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS16949 and ISO 9001 Certified Company TO-220 Plastic Package 2N6101 2N6101 NPN PLASTIC POWER TRANSISTOR Medium Power Linear and Switching Service in Consumer, Automotive, and Industrial Applications PIN CONFIGURATION

    ISO/TS16949 O-220 2N6101 C-120 2N6101 PDF


    Abstract: BDY17 sd1536-1 mj2940 motorola RCA1C07 bd608
    Text: POWER SILICON TRANSISTORS Item Number Part Number Manufacturer Type Ic Max A V(BR)CEO on fT tON r hFE ICBO (CE)set Toper Max Max Max ON) Min (Hz) (A) (s) Max (Ohms) Max (°C) 275m 275m 275m 140 140 140 140 140 140 PD Package Style D vices 20 Watts or More, (Cont'd)

    BD607 BD608 BDS10 BDS13 2SD369 2SD3690 2N5621 2N5622 2SD369Y BDY17 sd1536-1 mj2940 motorola RCA1C07 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N6101 2N6101 NPN PLASTIC POWER TRANSISTOR Medium Power Linear and Switching Service in Consumer, Automotive, and Industrial Applications MIN DIM MAX A 14.42 16.51 B 9,63 10.67 C 3.56 4.83 0.90 E 1.15 1.40 F 3.75 3.86 G 2.29 2.79 H 2,54 3,43 J 0,56 K 12.70 14.73

    OCR Scan
    2N6101 23fl33TM 000105b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N6101 2N6101 NPN PLASTIC POWER TRANSISTOR Medium Power Linear and Switching Service in Consumer, Automotive, and Industrial Applications DIM A B C D Z F G H K L M N Mm 14.42 9.63 3.56 MAX 16.51 10.67 4.83 0.90 1,15 1.40 3,75 3.88 2,29 2.79 2,54 3.43 0,56

    OCR Scan
    2N6101 2n6101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N6101 2N6101 NPN PLASTIC POWER TRANSISTOR Medium Power Linear and Switching Service in Consumer, Automotive, and Industrial Applications ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Collector-base voltage open emitter Collector-emitter voltage (open base) Collector current

    OCR Scan
    2N6101 2N6101 E3fi33T4 000105b PDF


    Abstract: bd534j T1P102
    Text: TO-220 PIN CO N FIG U R ATIO N 1. B A S E 2. C O L L E C T O R 3. EM ITTER 4. C O L L E C T O R c ,01 0 -I MIN MAX 14,42 9,63 3,56 16.51 10,67 4,83 0,90 1,40 3,88 2,79 3,43 0,56 14,73 6,35 2,92 DIM E A B C D E F G H J K L M N 3 G - 1,15 3,75 2,29 2,54 12,70

    OCR Scan
    O-220 O-220 TIP125 TIP126 TIP127 TIP135 TIP136 T1P42C bd534j T1P102 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO-220 PIN CONFIGURATION 1. BASE 2 . COLLECTOR 3. EMITTER 4. COLLECTOR c DIM E ,01 0 -I A B C D E F G H J K L M N 3 G MIN MAX 14,42 9,63 3,56 16.51 10,67 4,83 0,90 1,40 3,88 2,79 3,43 0,56 14,73 6,35 2,92 - 1,15 3,75 2,29 2,54 12,70 - 2,03 - 7 31,24 DEG TO-220 Power Package Transistors NPN

    OCR Scan
    O-220 O-220 O-237-2 00014QÃ T1P42C PDF


    Abstract: 2N5415 2N6079 RCA411 2N3439 2N3440 2N5840 2N6175 2N6177 2N6213
    Text: HIGH-VOLTAGE N-P-N & P-N-P POWER TYPES 1C to 30 A . . f r to 20 M Hz . . . Py to 175 W Ic * 1 A max. Py “ 20 W max. Plástic TO-5Í 32 x lt > 1 A max. Pt - 10 W max. 32a jTO-39»* lc > - 1 A max. Py - 10 W max. (T O -39 * 42x42 42x42 2N3439 [N-P-N] 2N5415

    OCR Scan
    TQ-66Ã 42x42 130x130 2N6177 2N3439 2N5415 2N358S 2N6213 2N6079 RCA413 2N5415 2N6079 RCA411 2N3439 2N3440 2N5840 2N6175 2N6177 2N6213 PDF

    RCA 40636 transistor

    Abstract: rca 40636 rca 2N3771 power circuit 40636 rca rca 40327 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 40636 220v 300w ac regulator circuit 2N3055 RCA 40327
    Text: Ic to 80 A . . . P t to 300 W . . . V cE to 170 V H O M ETAXIAL-BASE N-P-N POWER TYPES le - 16 A max. •260 W max. <e “ 1.6 A max. le a 1 . S A max. lc » 3 .S A max. lc * 4 A m ax. lc a 4 A max. le • 3 A max. le “ 3 A max. le - 7 A max. lc a 1 S A max.

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391- ITO-220) O-661â ITO-2201 O-2201 ITO-31 130x130 RCA 40636 transistor rca 40636 rca 2N3771 power circuit 40636 rca rca 40327 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 40636 220v 300w ac regulator circuit 2N3055 RCA 40327 PDF

    radiator 0,019

    Abstract: 2n5578
    Text: •■i ■1 Power Transistors Hometaxial-Base n-p-n Type Selection Charts cont’d hFE \ / a w~ (CMC1 CEO V CEX V VcE^^- V 'C E X -m A ' ‘c A V CE V Tem p.—°C 25 V CE V •c A 2N5578 FAMILY (n-p-n) High Current, High Power f y = 0.4 MHz min; P y = 300 W max

    OCR Scan
    2N5578 2N5575 2N5786 2N5783 2N5785 O-39/TO-205MD O-5/TO-205M 2N6103 radiator 0,019 PDF


    Abstract: 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 40594 Complementary Darlington Audio Power Amplifier 2N5781 2N5954 2N6107 2N6248 2N6292 2N6372
    Text: EPITAXIAL-BASE N-P-N & P-N-P POWER TYPES 1C to 15 A . . . P f to 200 W . . . VCE to 125 V 1« “ - 3 .5 max. Py«10W m ax. ITO-3SI I{ > 8 A max. Py * 40 W max. T O -6 6 * lc * - 6 A max. Py - 40 W max. 1TO -66)* le « 7 A max. Py - 40 W max. VERSA W ATT

    OCR Scan
    IT039I O-2201 lc-15 ITO-31 O-2201 90x90 2N6103 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 40594 Complementary Darlington Audio Power Amplifier 2N5781 2N5954 2N6107 2N6248 2N6292 2N6372 PDF


    Abstract: 40594 40636 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 2N2102 2N4036 2N5492 2N5495 2N6103 2N6111
    Text: POWER TRANSISTOR TYPES FOR AUD IO -FREQ U ENC Y Power Output 16Q 6 .5 16 4n 18 45 Output Transistors 8Ì2 Imped. Circuit P -N -P 40980 (2N 6111) True Comp. 40816 (2N 5495) (2N 6269) 40817 (2N 6111) - Comp. Darlington BDX 33 2N6386 BDX 34 TA8201 - True Comp.

    OCR Scan
    2N6292) 2N6111) 2N5495) 2N6269) 2N4036) 2N6386 TA8201 2N2102) 40872 40594 40636 300W TRANSISTOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER 2N2102 2N4036 2N5492 2N5495 2N6103 2N6111 PDF

    RCA 40874

    Abstract: 2N6175 2N3055 specification 2N6179 2N6474 JAN 2n3055 pnp transistor 2N6175 rca 2n1485 2N5296 RCA rca Transistors 4a 322
    Text: H I G H - V O L T A G E N -P -N & P -N -P P O W E R T Y P E S 1C to 30 A . . f r to 20 M Hz . . . Py to 175 W Ic * 1 A max. P y “ 20 W max. Plástic TO-5Í 32 x lt > 1 A max. Pt - 10 W max. jTO-39»* lc > - 1 A max. P y - 10 W max. (TO-39 * 4 2 x4 2 4 2 x4 2

    OCR Scan
    TQ-66Ã 42x42 130x130 2N6177 2N3439 2N5415 2N358S 2N6213 2N6079 RCA 40874 2N6175 2N3055 specification 2N6179 2N6474 JAN 2n3055 pnp transistor 2N6175 rca 2n1485 2N5296 RCA rca Transistors 4a 322 PDF


    Abstract: TO-220-AA 2N6033 2N6079 2N6108 2N6102 2N6103 2N6032 2N6098 2N6099
    Text: 2N6033 FAMILY [n-p-n] silicon f j = 50 MHz min; P j = 140 W max DESCRIPTION hFE V/*ES\(SUS) V p e r-t(sus) V/<cu(sill) V V V 2N TYPES l<"» A V « V •CER- "1A Temp.—°C V CF 25 150 V 1.3 1 50 40 5 2 4 2 50 40 0.05« 0.25» 250 8« 5« 250 0.5 1.2 0.2

    OCR Scan
    2N6033 2N6032 2N6079 2N6103 f2N6111 T0-220AB 2N6108 O-220AA 2N6109 BD278 TO-220-AA 2N6102 2N6098 2N6099 PDF


    Abstract: SE9300 FT3055 2N3715 FAIRCHILD FT50 SE9303 2N3440 2N5683 2N5684 2N5685
    Text: FAIRCHILD TRANSISTORS POWER POWER TRANSISTORS BY lC max, POLARITY AND ASCENDING VCEO Item DEVICE NO. Polarity NPN PNP ic = 50.0 A Max v CEO V Max VCE(sat) @ ic V A Max hpE @ 'C A Min/Max (Cont d) it PD(Max) MHz Min(Typ) Tc= 25°C Package No. Continuous (Cont'd)

    OCR Scan
    2N5685 2N5683 2N5686 2N5684 2N3440 2N6387* 1K/20K O-220 MJE30S5F MJE3055F SE9300 FT3055 2N3715 FAIRCHILD FT50 SE9303 2N3440 PDF


    Abstract: 2N6101 A 6099 6099 transistor ESM 2N6099 CARACTERISTIQUES transistor bf 422 NPN
    Text: 2I\I 6099 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR, HOMOBASE |^| g -j Q-| TR A N S IS TO R N P N S IL IC IU M , H O M O B A S E Compl. of ESM 141, ESM 142 • LF large signal power amplification A m plification B F grands signaux de puissance V - High current switching CEO

    OCR Scan
    2N6101 O-220 CB-117on CB-117 c3v5 2N6101 A 6099 6099 transistor ESM 2N6099 CARACTERISTIQUES transistor bf 422 NPN PDF


    Abstract: 2N6180 2N6181 b0244c npn darlington 400v 15a 2N2102 2N3879 2N4036 2N5320 2N5322
    Text: HIGH-SPEED SWITCHING N-P-N & P-N-P POWER TYPES f T to 2 5 0 M H z . . . I r to 6 0 A . . . P r to 1 4 0 W le * - 1 A MX. P j « 7 W m ax. T O - » • P j “ 10 f t max. (TO -39) ft 30 x 30* 30x30 42x42 2N2102 (N-P-N] 2N4036 [P-N-P] 2N5320 [N-P-N] 2N3053

    OCR Scan
    ITO-391 Pt-85-117 80-12SW 30x30 42x42 103x103 2N6178 2N6180 2N6181 b0244c npn darlington 400v 15a 2N2102 2N3879 2N4036 2N5320 2N5322 PDF