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    2N5484 MOTOROLA Search Results

    2N5484 MOTOROLA Result Highlights (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    AS839 Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    AS8397- Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc

    2N5484 MOTOROLA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2N5486 MOTOROLA 2N5486 equivalent 2N5486 2N5484 MOTOROLA
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by 2N5484/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA JFET VHF/UHF Amplifiers N–Channel — Depletion 2N5484 1 DRAIN 2N5486 3 GATE 2 SOURCE MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Drain – Gate Voltage Reverse Gate – Source Voltage Drain Current Forward Gate Current

    2N5484/D 2N5484 2N5486 226AA) 2N5484 2N5486 MOTOROLA 2N5486 equivalent 2N5486 2N5484 MOTOROLA PDF


    Abstract: BC108 characteristic JFET BF245 BC237
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA JFET VHF/UHF Amplifiers N–Channel — Depletion 2N5484 1 DRAIN 2N5486 3 GATE 2 SOURCE MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Drain – Gate Voltage Reverse Gate – Source Voltage Drain Current Forward Gate Current Total Device Dissipation @ TC = 25°C

    2N5484 2N5486 226AA) V218A MSC1621T1 MSC2404 MSD1819A MV1620 MV1624 MV1636 TO-226-AE BC108 characteristic JFET BF245 BC237 PDF

    2N5486 MOTOROLA

    Abstract: LMI24 2N5484 2N5484-2N5486 2N5484 MOTOROLA 2N5486 S229 2n5484 equivalent S119 S219
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR — — TECHNICAL Order this document by 2N54841D DATA JFET VHF/UHF Amplifiers — Depletion N-Channel 1 DRAIN 3 GATE “6 I 2 SOURCE MHIMUM RATINGS Rating Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate–Source Voltage Drain Current Forward Gate Current

    2N54841D MI-2447 81S521 602-2W609 OW7741 2N5486 MOTOROLA LMI24 2N5484 2N5484-2N5486 2N5484 MOTOROLA 2N5486 S229 2n5484 equivalent S119 S219 PDF

    2n5484 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N5486 MOTOROLA 2N5484 2N5486 2N5484 characteristics 2N5486 equivalent
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by 2N5484/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA JFET VH F/UHF A m plifiers N-Channel — Depletion 2N 5484 2N 5486 1 DRAIN MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating D rain-G ate Voltage Reverse G ate-S ource Voltage Drain Current Symbol Value Unit Vd G

    OCR Scan
    2N5484/D O-226AA) 2n5484 equivalent 2N5486 MOTOROLA 2N5484 2N5486 2N5484 characteristics 2N5486 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N5484 2N5486* CASE 29-04, STYLE 5 TO-92 TO-226AA MAXIM UM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value VdG 25 Vdc V g SR 25 Vdc Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate-Source Voltage 'd 30 mAdc 'G(f) 10 mAdc Pd 350 2.8 mW mW/°C T j. Tstg - 65 to +150 °C Drain Current Forward Gate Current

    OCR Scan
    2N5484 2N5486* O-226AA) b3b7254 PDF

    BFJ 49

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N5484 2N5486* CASE 29-04, STYLE 5 TO-92 TO-226AA M A XIM U M RATINGS Rating Drain-Gate V oltage Reverse G a te-Source V oltage Drain Current Forw ard Gate Current Total Device D issip atio n (a T c = 25°C Derate a b o v e 25°C Operating and S to ra g e Ju nction

    OCR Scan
    2N5484 2N5486* O-226AA) 2N5486 BFJ 49 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5485
    Text: 2N5484 thru 2N5486* CASE 29-04, STYLE 5 TO-92 TO-226AA M A X IM U M R A T IN G S Rating Symbol Value Unit Vd G 25 Vdc vgsr 25 Vdc 'o 30 m Adc 'G if) 10 m Adc Pd 350 2.8 mW m W ;C TJ. Tslg - 6 5 to +150 ’C Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate-Source Voltage

    OCR Scan
    N5484 N5486 O-226AA) 2N5484 2N5486 2N5485 PDF


    Abstract: 2n5486 2n5484 equivalent 2n5484 jfet 2N5486 equivalent
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA JFET VHF/UHF Amplifiers 2N 5484 2 N5486 N-Channel — Depletion M AXIMUM RATINGS Rating Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate-Source Voltage Drain Current Forward Gate Current Total Device Dissipation @ T q = 25 C Derate above 25°C

    OCR Scan
    N5486 100-C) 2N5484 2N5486 L3L7255 37fifl 2n5486 2n5484 equivalent 2n5484 jfet 2N5486 equivalent PDF

    4116 2n

    Abstract: BFG 99
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA JFET VHF/UHF A m plifiers 2N 5484 2N 5486 N -C h a n n e l — Depletion 1 DRAIN MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating D r a in -G a te Voltage R everse G a te - S o u rc e Voltage D rain C u rrent F o rw a rd G a te C u rrent Total D e vice D issipa tion @ T q = 2 5 cC

    OCR Scan
    2N5484 2N9486 4116 2n BFG 99 PDF

    2N5486 equivalent

    Abstract: 2H5484
    Text: 2N 5484 2 N5486 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS continued {7a = 25°C unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Input Capacitance (V d s - 15 Vdc, Vq s « 0, f « 1.0 MHz) Characteristic C(ss - - 5.0 PF Reverse Transfer Capacitance {Vq s * 15 Vdc, VGS = 0, f ~ 1.0 MHz)

    OCR Scan
    N5486 2N5484 2N5486 2N5486 equivalent 2H5484 PDF

    2N5457 equivalent

    Abstract: JFET 2N5457 2N5486 MOTOROLA 2c003 2N5486 equivalent 2n5484 equivalent 2NS457 2N5460 transistor jfet 2N5457 2N5461
    Text: 2N5457* CA SE 29-04, STYLE 5 TO-92 TO-226AA 1 Drain M A X IM U M RA TIN G S Rating Drain-Source Voltage Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate-Source Voltage Sym bol Value Unit Vd s 25 Vdc V DG 25 Vdc Vdc 2 Source V G SR -2 5 Gate Current IG 10 mAdc Total Device Dissipation @ Ta = 25°C

    OCR Scan
    2N5457* O-226AA) -10iiAtlc 2N5484 2N5486 18-S11g VDG-15Vdc S12fl 20-S21j -S22g 2N5457 equivalent JFET 2N5457 2N5486 MOTOROLA 2c003 2N5486 equivalent 2n5484 equivalent 2NS457 2N5460 transistor jfet 2N5457 2N5461 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5245 MPF112 2N3824 MPF256 2n5247 FET 2N4416 2N3823 MOTOROLA 2N5670 MFE2000
    Text: MOTOROLA SC O I O D E S / O P T O J 34 DF|b3t.7ESS 0030030 5 | 6 3 0 7 2 5 5 M O T O R O L A SC <D I O D E S / O P T O 34C 38038 r-iT-ir FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS DICE continued) 2C4416 die no. LINE SOURCE — DFM146 This die provides performance equal to or better than that of

    OCR Scan
    DFM146 2N3823 2N3824 2N3966 2N4223 2N4224 2N4416 2N5245 2N5246 2N5247 mfe2001 MPF112 MPF256 FET 2N4416 2N3823 MOTOROLA 2N5670 MFE2000 PDF


    Abstract: J304 SJ304 JFET HIGH FREQUENCY
    Text: J304 J305 CASE 29-04, STYLE 5 TO-92 TO-226AA 1 D ra in MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Value Unit Drain-Gate Voltage Rating Vd G -3 0 Vdc Gate-Source Voltage vgs -3 0 Vdc 'G 10 mA Pd 350 2.8 mW mW/°C Tl 300 °C T j- Tstg - 65 to +150 °C Gate C urrent Total Device D issipation

    OCR Scan
    O-226AA) 2N5484 J305 J304 SJ304 JFET HIGH FREQUENCY PDF

    jfet transistor

    Abstract: MMBF5484LT1
    Text: M A X IM U M R A T IN G S Rating Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse G ate-Source Voltage Forward Gate C urrent Continuous Device D issipation at or Below TC - 2 5 X Linear Derating Factor Storage Channel Tem perature Range Symbol Value Unit V DG 25 Vdc v GS r 25

    OCR Scan
    MMBF5484LT1 MMBF5484LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) jfet transistor MMBF5484LT1 PDF


    Abstract: BF244 BF245 BF245C JFET BF245B BF245 motorola
    Text: BF244A,B CASE 29-04, STYLE 22 TO-92 TO-226AA BF245,A,B,C CASE 29-04, STYLE 23 TO-92 (TO-226AA) M A X IM U M R A TIN G S Rating Sym bol Value U nit D rain-S ource Voltage VDS ±30 Vdc Dram -G ate Voltage vdg 30 Vdc G ate-Source Voltage vgs 30 Vdc id 100 m Adc

    OCR Scan
    BF244A O-226AA) BF245 2N5484 BF245, BF244, F245A BF244 BF245C JFET BF245B BF245 motorola PDF


    Abstract: 2N5670 2N5669 2N5668 motorola
    Text: 2N5668 thru 2N5670 CASE 29-04, STYLE 5 TO-92 TO-226AA M A XIM U M RATINGS Rating Sym bol Value Unit VDS 25 Vdc Vdc Drain-Source Voltage Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate-Source Voltage Drain Current Forward Gate Current Total Device Dissipation @ T a = 25°C

    OCR Scan
    2N5668 2N5670 O-226AA) 2N5484 100cteristic b3b7S54 0I03q3g 2N5668 2N5670 2N5669 2N5668 motorola PDF


    Abstract: 2N5668 2N5669
    Text: 2N5668 thru 2N5670 CASE 29-04, STYLE 5 TO-92 TO-226AA MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Value Drain-Source Voltage Rating V DS 25 Vdc Drain-Gate Voltage V DG 25 Vdc V GSR 25 Vdc Id 20 m Adc 'G (fl 10 m Adc PD 350 2.8 mW m W °C TStq - 65 to * 150 •c Reverse G ate-Source Voltage

    OCR Scan
    2N5668 2N5670 O-226AA) 2N5484 2N5670 2N5669 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBF4416LT1* M A X IM U M RATINGS Rating Symbol Value D ra in-Source V oltage Vos 30 V dc Drain-Gate V oltage VOG 30 Vdc G a te-Source V oltage VGS 30 Vdc Ig 10 m Adc Gate Current CASE 318-07, STYLE 10 SOT-23 TO-236AB Unit 3 Jp vP 1 Gat 2 T H E R M A L CH ARACTERISTICS

    OCR Scan
    MMBF4416LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) 2N5484 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBF4416LT1* M AXIM UM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value D rain-Source Voltage V DS 30 Vdc Drain-G ate Voltage V DG 30 Vdc G ate-Source Voltage VG S 30 Vdc 'G 10 m Adc Gate Current CASE 318-07, STYLE 10 SOT-23 TO-236AB U nit ¿ s o u rc e G ate ~ ^ ) TH ERM A L CH A RA C TERISTICS

    OCR Scan
    MMBF4416LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) BF4416LT1 BF441 PDF

    P-Channel Depletion Mosfets

    Abstract: mosfet 2N3796 2N3797 2N3796 MFE825 MFE3002 P-Channel Depletion Mosfet depletion mode mosfet 100 MHz MFE3003 N5484
    Text: MOSFETs Single Gate FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS continued P-CHANNEL Enhancement MOSFETs MOSFETs are available in either depletion/enhancement or enhancement mode (in general, depletion/enhancement devices are operated in the depletion mode and are referred to as depletion devices). They are available in both N- and P-channel,

    OCR Scan
    2N5486 2N4416 2N4416A 2N5245 3N128* P-Channel Depletion Mosfets mosfet 2N3796 2N3797 2N3796 MFE825 MFE3002 P-Channel Depletion Mosfet depletion mode mosfet 100 MHz MFE3003 N5484 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBF5486LT1* MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate-Source Voltage Forward Gate Current Symbol Value Unit Vd g 25 Vdc VGS r 25 Vdc 'Gif) 10 mAdc Symbol Max Unit Pd 225 mW 1.8 mW rc fi #j a 556 °C/W Tj< T stg - 5 5 to +150 °C CASE 318-07, STYLE 10

    OCR Scan
    MMBF5486LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) 2N5484 MMBF5486LT1 PDF


    Abstract: BF244 BF244 JFET BF244B JFET BF245 bf245 motorola BF244A BF245A BF245B BF245C
    Text: BF244A,B CASE 29-04, STYLE 22 TO-92 TO-226AA BF245,A,B,C CASE 29-04, STYLE 23 TO-92 (TO-226AA) MAXIM UM RATINGS Sym bol V a lu e U n it D rain -S ou rce Voitage VDS ±30 Vdc D rain-G ate Voitage vdg 30 Vdc G ate-S ource Voitage VGS 30 Vdc id 100 m Adc 'G ift

    OCR Scan
    BF244A O-226AA) BF245 2N54S4 BF245, BF244, BF244 BF244 JFET BF244B JFET BF245 bf245 motorola BF245A BF245B BF245C PDF


    Abstract: 2N5668
    Text: 2N5668 thru 2N5670 CASE 29-04, STYLE 5 TO-92 TO-226AA M A XIM U M RATINGS Rating Symbol V a lue Unit D rain-S ource V o ltage Vd S 25 Vdc Drain-G ate Voltage V DG 25 Vdc Reverse G ate-Source V o ltage VGSR 25 Vdc Drain C urrent F orw ard Gate C u rrent Total Device D issipa tion (a TA = 25°C

    OCR Scan
    2N5668 2N5670 O-226AA) 2N5484 2n5670 2N5668 PDF


    Abstract: F245C bf244 F245A jfet bf BF244 JFET JFET BF245 bf245b BF245 motorola
    Text: BF244,A,B,C ^ CASE 29-04, STYLE 22 TO-92 TO-226AA BF245,A,B,C CASE 29-04, STYLE 23 TO-92 (TO-226AA) M A X IM U M RATINGS Sym bol V a lu e U n it D r a in - S o u r c e Voltage vds _!_30 Vdc D r a m - G a t e Voltage vdg 30 Vdc G a te - S o u rc e Voltage

    OCR Scan
    BF244 O-226AA) BF245 2N5484 F245B F245C F245A jfet bf BF244 JFET JFET BF245 bf245b BF245 motorola PDF