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    2N3391 COMPLEMENT Search Results

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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CD4041UBPWR Texas Instruments CMOS quad true/complement buffer 14-TSSOP -55 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    CD4041UBM Texas Instruments CMOS quad true/complement buffer 14-SOIC -55 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    CD4041UBM96 Texas Instruments CMOS quad true/complement buffer 14-SOIC -55 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    2N3391 COMPLEMENT Datasheets Context Search

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    beta transistor 2N2222

    Abstract: 2N2924 equivalent beta dc of transistor 2N2222 2N2925 equivalent 2N2714 1N9148 beta transistor 2N2712 2N2905 2N2219 2n3390 equivalent beta transistor 150
    Text: N PN SILICON SIG N AL G E N E R A L P U R P O S E A M P LIF IER S A N D SWITCHES V CE iat Type 2N2711 30*90 2N2712 75-225 2N2713 30-90 2N2714 75-225 2N2923 90-180 ' 2N2924 150-300 < 2N2925 235-470' 2N2926 35-470 ’ 2N3390 400-800 2N3391 250-500 Ccb @ 10V

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    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 150mA 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N3976 M23P-XS16 beta transistor 2N2222 2N2924 equivalent beta dc of transistor 2N2222 2N2925 equivalent 1N9148 beta transistor 2N2712 2N2905 2N2219 2n3390 equivalent beta transistor 150 PDF

    2n3391 complement

    Abstract: 2N2712 2N2713 2N3391 2N2925 2N2711 2N2714 2N2923 2N2924 2N2926
    Text: NPN SILICON SIGNAL G EN ER A L PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS AND SWITCHES V CE iat Type 2N2711 30*90 2N2712 75-225 2N2713 30-90 2N2714 75-225 2N2923 90-180 ' 2N2924 150-300 < 2N2925 235-470' 2N2926 35-470 ’ 2N3390 Ccb @ 10V 1 MHz Typical (P'f) @ 1Qmi, Min. (V) @ 10mA

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    2N2711 2N2712 2N2713 2N2714 150mA 2N2923 2N2924 2N2925 2N531D 2N5311 2n3391 complement 2N3391 2N2926 PDF

    2N2926 equivalent

    Abstract: beta transistor 2N2222 2N3392 equivalent 2N3416 equivalent 2n3393 equivalent 2N3900A 2N3394 equivalent 2N3859A equivalent to PNP 1N4532 2N5232A equivalent
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V cE O '~ '\„^ I Voltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA rap 25mA 25mA to 20 : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 t] 800mA NPN PNP 2NB001 2NWQ3 2N6000 2N6002 2N6001 2N6003 pn p GET3014 GET3S3B GET3638A GET3638 GET3638A

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    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 2N2926 equivalent beta transistor 2N2222 2N3392 equivalent 2N3416 equivalent 2n3393 equivalent 2N3900A 2N3394 equivalent 2N3859A equivalent to PNP 1N4532 2N5232A equivalent PDF

    d33025* specification

    Abstract: 2N5309 2N5998 2N6006 2N6000 2N6002 GET3013 GET3014 GET3638 GET3646
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V cE O '~ '\„^ I Voltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA ra p 25mA 25mA to 20 : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 t] 800mA NPN PNP 2NB001 2NWQ3 2N6000 2N6002 2N6001 2N6003 pn p GET3014 GET3S3B GET3638A GET3638 GET3638A

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    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 d33025* specification 2N5309 2N5998 2N6006 2N6000 2N6002 GET3014 GET3638 PDF


    Abstract: 2N6000 2n3391 2N6006 2N6002 GET3013 GET3014 GET3638 2n2926 GET706
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V c E O '~ '\ „ ^ I Voltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA rap 25mA 25mA to 20 : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 t] 800mA NPN PNP 2NB001 2NWQ3 2N6000 2N6002 2N6001 2N6003 pn p GET3014 GET3S3B GET3638A GET3638 GET3638A

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    Abstract: D33025 TRANSISTOR 2n3901 pnp beta 250 ft 150 2N60C 2N38S 2N601 transistor 2n3391 2N6000 GET3014
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V c E O '~ '\ „ ^ I Voltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA ra p 25mA 25mA to 20 : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 GET3S3B GET3638A 2NSOOO 2N6001 2N6003 2N6000 2N6002 2N60D2 2NB001 2NWQ3 2N6000 2N6002 2N6001 2N6003

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    beta transistor 2N2222

    Abstract: 1N4532 1n9148 2N2926 equivalent 2n RF transistor 2N5249 2N6006 DIODE 1N3605 2N4424 equivalent 2N6002
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE TO 18 SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Current V c E O '~ '\ „ ^ I Voltage 50/iA to NPN 5mA 5mA ra p 25mA 25mA to 20 : 2N6000 2N60Q2 2N6001 2N6S03 GET3S3B GET3638A 2NSOOO 2N6001 2N6003 2N6000 2N6002 2N60D2 2NB001 2NWQ3 2N6000 2N6002 2N6001 2N6003

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    50/iA 800mA GET706 GET708 GET914 GET3013 GET3646 GE1705 CET708 beta transistor 2N2222 1N4532 1n9148 2N2926 equivalent 2n RF transistor 2N5249 2N6006 DIODE 1N3605 2N4424 equivalent 2N6002 PDF


    Abstract: CV7089 AC125 2SB415 OC71 ad161 cv8615 HJ17D ad142 2N3278
    Text: First Published P’ebruary, 1971 Reprinted, June 71 Reprinted, July 71 Reprinted, January 72 Reprinted, March 72 Reprinted, June 72 Reprinted, August 72 We invite all authors, whether new or well established, to submit manuscripts for pub­ lication. The manuscripts may deal with any

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    2N24A 2N34A 2N38A 2N43A 2N44A 2N59C 2N60A 2N61A 2N61B OC77-309, AC127 CV7089 AC125 2SB415 OC71 ad161 cv8615 HJ17D ad142 2N3278 PDF


    Abstract: AP239 Transistor 80139 8C547 6C131C IN2222A 2N50B 2N2064 radio AC176 AC126 sft353
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    Text: 27-18 LH 0002 C LH 0002 CN 586-81! .587-270 AMPEX CURRENT A M PLIFIE R IN PUT 27-18 AMPEX REV 111 NH 0005C 586-495 D AC08CZ 587-896 27 + R ef | 1_ O PE R ATIO N AL A M PLIFIE R 8 BIT D -A CONVERTER 2" 14 13 12 11 6 5 4 1I i i i i i 3 1 13 , +12V So-4

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