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    ROHM Semiconductor 2SK2094TL

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    DigiKey 2SK2094TL Reel
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    2SK2094TL Cut Tape 1
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    2SK2094TL Digi-Reel 1
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    Mouser Electronics 2SK2094TL
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    ComSIT USA 2SK2094TL 2,265
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    2SK2094 Datasheets (11)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SK2094 Kexin N-Channel MOSFET Original PDF
    2SK2094 ROHM TRANS MOSFET N-CH 60V 2A 3SC-63 Original PDF
    2SK2094 ROHM Small switching (60V, 2A) Original PDF
    2SK2094 ROHM 4V Drive Nch MOS FET Original PDF
    2SK2094 TY Semiconductor N-Channel MOSFET - TO-252 Original PDF
    2SK2094 ROHM Power MOSFET Scan PDF
    2SK2094 ROHM Power MOSFET Scan PDF
    2SK2094 ROHM Power MOSFETs Scan PDF
    2SK2094F5 ROHM Silicon N-Channel MOSFET Scan PDF
    2SK2094TL ROHM MOSFET N-CH 60V 2A DPAK Original PDF
    2SK2094TL ROHM Small switching (60 V, 2 A) Original PDF

    2SK2094 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    1A smd mosfet

    Abstract: 2SK2094
    Text: IC MOSFET SMD Type Silicon N-Channel MOSFET 2SK2094 Features TO-252 Low on-resistance Fast switching speed +0.15 1.50-0.15 +0.15 6.50-0.15 +0.2 5.30-0.2 Unit: mm +0.1 2.30-0.1 +0.8 0.50-0.7 Low-voltage drive 2.3 +0.1 0.60-0.1 3.80 +0.15 5.55-0.15 0.127 max

    2SK2094 O-252 1A smd mosfet 2SK2094 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Small switching 60V, 2A 2SK2094 FFeatures 1) Low on-resistance. 2) Fast switchig speed. 3) Wide SOA (safe operating area). 4) Low-voltage drive (4V). 5) Easily designed drive circuits. 6) Easy to parallel. FStructure Silicon N-channel MOSFET

    2SK2094 2SK2094 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK2094
    Text: 2SK2094 Transistors 4V Drive Nch MOS FET 2SK2094 zStructure Silicon N-channel MOS FET zExternal dimensions Unit : mm CPT3 6.5 5.1 2.3 0.5 0.75 2.3 (1) (2)Drain 0.8Min. 0.65 0.9 (1)Gate 9.5 2.5 0.9 1.5 5.5 1.5 zFeatures 1) Low On-resistance. 2) Fast switching speed.

    2SK2094 K2094 K2094 2SK2094 PDF


    Abstract: 2A 500V MOSFET 500v 2A mosfet transistors mosfet 500v 2A 100V 8A N-Channel MOSFET
    Text: Transistors Small switching 60V, 2A 2SK2094 FFeatures 1) Low on-resistance. 2) Fast switchig speed. 3) Wide SOA (safe operating area). 4) Low-voltage drive (4V). 5) Easily designed drive circuits. 6) Easy to parallel. FStructure Silicon N-channel MOSFET

    2SK2094 2SK2503 2SK2504 2SK2503 2A 500V MOSFET 500v 2A mosfet transistors mosfet 500v 2A 100V 8A N-Channel MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: 2SK2094
    Text: Transistors Small switching 60V, 2A 2SK2094 FFeatures 1) Low on-resistance. 2) Fast switchig speed. 3) Wide SOA (safe operating area). 4) Low-voltage drive (4V). 5) Easily designed drive circuits. 6) Easy to parallel. FStructure Silicon N-channel MOSFET

    2SK2094 mosfet 2SK2094 PDF


    Abstract: 37846E 2SK20 2sk209
    Text: SPICE PARAMETER 2SK2094 by ROHM TR Div. * 2SK2094 NMOSFET model * Date: 2006/10/16 * This model includes a diode between source and drain. *D G S .SUBCKT 2SK2094 1 2 3 M1 1 2 3 3 MOS_N D1 3 1 DREV .MODEL MOS_N NMOS + LEVEL=3 + L=2.0000E-6 + W=1

    2SK2094 2SK2094 0000E-6 6883E-6 000E-3 0000E6 89E-12 935E-12 37846E 2SK20 2sk209 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors IC SMD Type Type SMD Product specification 2SK2094 Features TO-252 Low on-resistance Fast switching speed +0.15 1.50-0.15 +0.15 6.50-0.15 +0.2 5.30-0.2 Unit: mm +0.1 2.30-0.1 +0.8 0.50-0.7 Low-voltage drive 2.3 +0.1 0.60-0.1 3.80 +0.15 5.55-0.15

    2SK2094 O-252 20IGSS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SK2094 Transistors 4V Drive Nch MOS FET 2SK2094 zStructure Silicon N-channel MOS FET zExternal dimensions Unit : mm CPT3 6.5 5.1 2.3 0.5 0.75 2.3 (1) (2)Drain (3)Source 0.8Min. 0.65 0.9 (1)Gate 9.5 2.5 0.9 1.5 5.5 1.5 zFeatures 1) Low On-resistance. 2) Fast switching speed.

    2SK2094 K2094 2SK2094 PDF

    schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w

    Abstract: pioneer PAL 012A 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 600va numeric ups circuit diagrams winbond bios 25064 TLE 9180 infineon smsc MEC 1300 nu TBE schematic diagram inverter 2000w DK55 circuit diagram of luminous 600va UPS
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 3-24 Digital Signal Processors, iCoupler , iMEMS® and iSensor . . . . . 805, 2707, 2768-2769 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 28-568 RF Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 454-455

    P462-ND P463-ND LNG295LFCP2U LNG395MFTP5U US2011) schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w pioneer PAL 012A 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 600va numeric ups circuit diagrams winbond bios 25064 TLE 9180 infineon smsc MEC 1300 nu TBE schematic diagram inverter 2000w DK55 circuit diagram of luminous 600va UPS PDF

    FSQ510 Equivalent

    Abstract: BTA12 6008 bta16 6008 ZIGBEE interface with AVR ATmega16 Precision triac control thermostat thyristor t 558 f eupec gw 5819 diode transistor a564 A564 transistor BSM25GP120 b2
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS MCU/MPU/DSP Atmel. . . . . . . . . 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172 Blackhawk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Cyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Cypress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175, 176, 177, 178

    GP-20) FSQ510 Equivalent BTA12 6008 bta16 6008 ZIGBEE interface with AVR ATmega16 Precision triac control thermostat thyristor t 558 f eupec gw 5819 diode transistor a564 A564 transistor BSM25GP120 b2 PDF

    rkm 21 transistor

    Abstract: RK7002 equivalent 2SK3016 rkm sot-23 rkm transistor sot23 a02 Transistor rkm 45 transistor 2SK2460 rkm 15 transistor RKM SOT
    Text: IN- Transistors n MOS FET 1. Can be used with automatic placement machine. AvarIable In a wade variety o f p a c k a g e s . L i k e b i p o l a r transrstors, taprng versron placement system. IS a l s o available for lines using the automatic 2. MOS FETs operating from 4 volts

    2SK2792 2SK2503 RK7002 rkm 21 transistor RK7002 equivalent 2SK3016 rkm sot-23 rkm transistor sot23 a02 Transistor rkm 45 transistor 2SK2460 rkm 15 transistor RKM SOT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SK2094F5 Silicon N-channel MOSFET Features Dimensions Units : mm available in CPT F5 package 2SK2094 (CPT F5) package marking: K2094*Q , where ★ is hFE code and □ is lot number > +0 2 CO.5 5 * °72 01 1 -0 low on-resistance Y 0.5 ± 0.1 r fast switching speed

    OCR Scan
    2SK2094F5 K2094 2SK2094 2SK2094F5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b7 / T ransistors 2SK2094F5 2SK2094F5 V 1 - I > N f + *;U M O S W L % m . b T s V Z * Silicon N-channel MOSFET ^ -f 7 f - /Switching • £l-JJi'\|'j£0/D im en sio ns U n it: mm) • « * 1) 2) I S S I X < Ko 3) S O A M a I ' c 4) (4 v e it ). 5) 6) • Features

    OCR Scan
    2SK2094F5 -tm-ncn02 2SK2094F5 PDF


    Abstract: marking 82T 0014b34 2SK2094 2SK2094F5
    Text: 2SK2094F5 Silicon N-channel MOSFET Features Dimensions Units : mm • available in C P T F5 package • p ackage marking: K2094-A-Q, w here ★ is hFE code and □ is lot num ber • low on-resistance 2SK2094 (C PT F5) • fast switching speed • w ide S O A (S a fe O perating A rea)

    OCR Scan
    2SK2094F5 K2094 2SK2094 0G14ti3b 0014b37 marking 82T 0014b34 2SK2094 2SK2094F5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Small switching 60V, 2A 2SK2094 • F e a tu re s • E x t e r n a l d im e n s io n s (Unit: mm) 1 ) L o w o n -re sista n ce . 3) 2 3 + 0 .2 H ig h -s p e e d sw itch in g . — W id e S O A (safe o p e ra tin g area). 4) L o w -v o lta g e d riv e (4V).

    OCR Scan
    2SK2094 SC-63 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP 0-220FP, O-220FP. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Small switching 60V, 2A 2SK2094 •Features 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) •E x te rn a l dim ensions (Unit: mm) Low on-resistance. High-speed switching. W ide SOA (safe operating area). Low-voitage drive (4V). Easily designed drive circuits. Easy to use in parallel.

    OCR Scan
    2SK2094 SC-63 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Small switching 60V, 2A 2SK2094 •F e a tu re s • E x te r n a l d im e n s io n s (Unit: m m ) 1) L o w o n -re sista n ce . 2) H ig h -s p e e d sw itch in g . 2 3 + 0 .2 ^ -0,1 5 1+0.2 &1—0.1 3 ) W id e S O A (safe o p e ra tin g area).

    OCR Scan
    2SK2094 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK2104 2SK1973 2SK1974 2SK1976 2SK2094 2SK2095 2SK2176 2SK2262 2SK1975
    Text: POWER MOSFET Excellent switching capability with low on resistance, suitable for switching power supply or DC-DC converter. Taping products for use on an automatic insert machine are also available. Quick reference N te o [v] 2 5 10 450 500 2SK1976 T0-220FP

    OCR Scan
    0G07405 2SK1973 2SK2094 2SK2261 2SK2262 2SK2104 2SK1976 T0-220FP) 2SK2176 O-220FP) 2SK2261 2SK2104 2SK1973 2SK1974 2SK1976 2SK2094 2SK2095 2SK2176 2SK2262 2SK1975 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK1973 2SK1974 2SK1975 2SK1976 2SK2094 2SK2095 2SK2104 2SK2176 2SK2262
    Text: POWER MÜSFET Excellent switching capability with low on resistance, suitable for switching power supply or DC-DC converter. Taping products for use on an automatic insert machine are also available. Quick reference 'N / ceo [V] 60 450 500 2SK2176 T0-220FP

    OCR Scan
    2SK1973 2SK2094 2SK2261 2SK2262 2SK2104 2SK1976 T0-220FP) 2SK2176 2SK1974 2SK2261 2SK1973 2SK1974 2SK1975 2SK1976 2SK2094 2SK2095 2SK2104 2SK2176 2SK2262 PDF

    KY 719

    Abstract: 122JK TB163TK TB143TK
    Text: MZ-um ransistors M % i— M ü / T y p e Number List POWER MOSFET 2SK1973F5 .70 2SK2041 . 74 2SK2042 . 75

    OCR Scan
    2SK1973F5 2SK2041 2SK2042 2SK2094F5 2SK2103 2SA1036K 2SA1037AK 2SA1037AKLN 2SA1455K RU101 KY 719 122JK TB163TK TB143TK PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Power MOSFET transistors Power MOSFET transistors Features • available in the following packages — MPT3 SC-62, US/European SOT-89 — CPT F5 (SC-63, TO-252 D-PAK) — PSD(D2-PAK) • can be driven at 4 V, that is directly from an 1C, saving inclusion of buffer transistors on

    OCR Scan
    SC-62, OT-89) SC-63, O-252 2SK2094 2SK2041 2SK2103 2SK2094F5 PDF


    Abstract: B1568 mosfet ftr 03 2SC1B15 2SA1904 Mosfet FTR 03-E 2SC2021E 2SC1740 transistor 2SK2295 2S0240
    Text: Transistor Quick reference Package-A ^plication Application v CEO V •V ces *VcEH Low rbb' Head Amp Low Noise Package FTR FTL ATR ATV SPT / 2SB737 V 2SD786 40 TO-92L 40 2SC2021LJNE) 2SB821 50 / 2SA937ALN \2SC2021LN(RS) 2SB1276 ( 2SA933A 2SA937AM \2SC1740(QR&)

    OCR Scan
    2SC2021LJNE) 2SB821 2SA937ALN \2SC2021LN 2SB1276 2021M 2SA937AM 2SB737 2SD786 2SA1137 C2021M B1568 mosfet ftr 03 2SC1B15 2SA1904 Mosfet FTR 03-E 2SC2021E 2SC1740 transistor 2SK2295 2S0240 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD 647 transistor TRANSISTOR 2SC 733 C4672 144EK 113ZE Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD 114EU TC114EKA TA123JE
    Text: b ÿ > y Z ? W & - 1èm h "7 > y Z > £ /Transistors h ”7 > y Z p n — H ^ / T r a n s i s t o r s S u m m a r y • POWER MOSFET Part No. A p p lica tio n V d s s V PD(W) I d (A) P a cka ge VGS(th)(V) V d s (V) Page i D(mA) 2SK1973F5 60 2 10 2 .0 - 4 .0

    OCR Scan
    2SK1973F5 2SK2041 2SK2042 2SK2094F5 2SK2103 RU101 RU201 RU901 TA143E 2SD 647 transistor TRANSISTOR 2SC 733 C4672 144EK 113ZE Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD 114EU TC114EKA TA123JE PDF


    Abstract: 2SK2042 2SK2306 2SK2041 2SK2094 2SK2103 2SK2104 2SK2105 2SK2463
    Text: R D N fn POWER MOSFET 1. Can be used with automatic placement machine. Available in various packages with taping for automatic placement. 2. MOSFETs operating from 4 volts These MOSFETs can be directly driven by an IC, saving counts of components buffer transistors

    OCR Scan
    2SK2094 2SK2042 2SK2306 2SK2104 2SK2041 2SK2105 2SK2042 SC-64) OT-89) EHS54 2SK2430 2SK2094 2SK2103 2SK2463 PDF