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    Force Technologies Ltd FTE32KX32XP-90I

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I/VHITE /M IC R O E L E C T R O N IC S m 2Kx32 5V FLASH S IM M WPF512K32-90PSC5 P R E L IM IN A R Y * FEATURES • A ccess Tim e o f 90ns ■ Organized as 5 1 2Kx32 ■ Packaging: ■ C om m e rcial T e m p era ture Range • 8 0-pin S IM M ■ 5 V o lt Program m ing. 5V ± 10% Supply.

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    WPF512K32-90PSC5 512Kx32 2Kx32 512K32 Am29f PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TT WPS512K32-XPJC WHITE / M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S 2Kx32 SRAM MODULE ADVAN CED* FEATURES • Access T im es of 17, 20, 25, 35 and 45ns TTL C o m p a tib le Inputs and CM OS Outp u ts 5 V o lt Po w e r Supply ■ Organized as 51 2Kx32 L ow P o w e r CMOS

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    WPS512K32-XPJC 512Kx32 2Kx32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ca WS512K32-XXX M/HITE /M IC R O E LE C TR O N IC S 2Kx32 SRAM MODULE p r e l im in a r y * • O rganized as 51 2Kx32, U se r C o n fig u ra b le as 1024Kx16 or 2M x8 ■ Co m m ercial, Industrial and M ilita r y T em peratu re R anges FEATU R ES ■ TTL C o m p atib le Inputs and O utputs

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    WS512K32-XXX 512Kx32 2Kx32, 1024Kx16 120nS 66-pin, 01HXX* 100nS 02HXX* PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a M/HITE MICROELECTRONICS 4Mx32 SRAM MODULE WPS4M32-35MSC advanced* FEATURES • A cce ss T im e o f 35ns ■ Byte C on tro l C hip S e le cts ■ P ackaging ■ Fully S ta tic O p e ra tio n • M o d u le is m a n u fa c tu re d w ith e ig h t 5 1 2Kx32 SR AM

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    4Mx32 WPS4M32-35MSC old10. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a WS1M32-XG3X M/HITE /MICROELECTRONICS 1Mx32 SRAM MODULE p r e lim in a r y * FEATURES • A cce ss Tim es o f 17, 20, 25ns ■ 84 lead, 2 8m m CQFP, Package 511 ■ Organized as t w o banks o f 5 1 2Kx32, User C o n fig u ra b le as 2 M x 1 6 or 4 M x 8

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    WS1M32-XG3X 1Mx32 2Kx32, PDF

    virtual surround dsp mcu

    Abstract: CS48520 AN298PPMN NEO-6 8Kx32 AN298PPMC AN2988 6Kx32 AN298 AN298PPMQ
    Text: AN298 0CS48xxxx Firmware User’s Manual General Overview & Common Firmware Modules Contents Overview • Document Strategy AN298 provides a description of the operation of firmware for the CS48xxxx family of DSPs. This document gives a general overview to the family of

    AN298 0CS48xxxx AN298 CS48xxxx CS48xxxx, virtual surround dsp mcu CS48520 AN298PPMN NEO-6 8Kx32 AN298PPMC AN2988 6Kx32 AN298PPMQ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.0 m CMOS Process XC10 MIXED-SIGNAL FOUNDRY EXPERTS One Micron Modular Mixed Signal Technology Description Key Features Applications Quality Assurance Deliverables The XC10 Series is X-FAB‘s One-Micron Modular Mixed Signal Technology. Main target applications


    8X8 INC

    Abstract: 8x8 vcp LVP 47-10-43 LD8213 8x8 vcp tse 1885 40BS CCIR601 YUV422 8x83404
    Text: 8x8, Inc. 8x83404 LVP DATASHEET 8x8 LVP Lowbitrate Videophone Processor OVERVIEW The 8x8 LVP i a single-chip programmable low bitrate video phone processor. A member of 8x8's MPA Multimedia Processor Architecture family, it forms the heart of either a PC-based or stand-alone

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    8x83404 8X8 INC 8x8 vcp LVP 47-10-43 LD8213 8x8 vcp tse 1885 40BS CCIR601 YUV422 PDF

    KTA 3-25

    Abstract: verilog code for 8254 timer MCF5204 so-8 marking code cyle
    Text: ColdFire 2/2M Integrated Microprocessor User’s Manual Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and



    Abstract: 430MX
    Text: PRELIMINARY INTEL 430MX PCISET 82437MX MOBILE SYSTEM CONTROLLER MTSC AND 82438MX MOBILE DATA PATH (MTDP) • Supports the Pentium Processor at ¡COMP® Index 615M00 MHz, iCOMP Index 735/90 MHz, iCOMP Index 1000/120, and the 75 MHz Pentium Processor ■ Integrated Second Level Cache

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    430MX 82437MX 82438MX 615M00 64-Bit PDF

    vga to usb converter ic

    Abstract: AD8665 ADF7012 AD7797 AD5933 ADF7020 ADF702x AD5290 AD7796 AD779x
    Text: Industrial and instrumentation IC アナログ・デバイセズ・ソリューション・ブリテン 2006年 No.10 本号の内容 シングル・パッケージでの データと電源の絶縁により コスト削減と工業用バスの 簡素化を実現 ‥‥‥‥‥‥ 1

    ADuM524x ADuM524x 10Mbps RS-485RS-232SPI 80www ADuM5241 ADM232L V/10mA vga to usb converter ic AD8665 ADF7012 AD7797 AD5933 ADF7020 ADF702x AD5290 AD7796 AD779x PDF


    Abstract: modem transformer - modem transformers pcb tie str microcontroller based PWM inverters ARM7 MICROCONTROLLER induction motor speed control
    Text: Precision Analog Microcontroller 12-bit Analog I/O and PWM, ARM7TDMI MCU Preliminary Technical Data ADuC7024/ADuC7025 FEATURES 2 X General Purpose Timers Wake-up and Watchdog Timers Power Supply Monitor Three-phase 16-bit PWM generator PLA – Programmable Logic Array

    12-bit ADuC7024/ADuC7025 12-bit, 10-Channels ADuC7024 12-Channels ADuC7025 20ppm/ 16/32-bit modem transformer - modem transformers pcb tie str microcontroller based PWM inverters ARM7 MICROCONTROLLER induction motor speed control PDF


    Abstract: Programmable logic array ADUC7026 user manual TRACE INVERTER MODEL 2524
    Text: Precision Analog Microcontroller 12-bit Analog I/O, ARM7TDMI MCU ADuC702x Series Preliminary Technical Data FEATURES 4 X General Purpose Timers Wake-up and Watchdog Timers Power Supply Monitor Three-phase 16-bit PWM generator* PLA – Programmable Logic Array

    12-bit, 12-bit 20ppm/ 16/32-bit 44MHz 96MHz 64-Lead ST-64-2 80-Lead ST-80-1 B62KB Programmable logic array ADUC7026 user manual TRACE INVERTER MODEL 2524 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ES3308 MPEG2 Audio/Video Decoder Product Brief €SS ESS Technology, Inc. OVERVIEW FEATURES The ES3308 decoder is an M PEG 2 system, audio, video, and transport-layer decoder designed for Set-Top box, DVD, and Broadcast PC applications. It is fully programmable and can

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    ES3308 8/16-bit 24-bit 64x32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a M/HITE /M ICRO ELECTRO N ICS 256Kx32 SRAM MODULE WPS256K32-XPJX ADVANC ED ' FEATURES • Access Tim es of 1 5 ,1 7 ,2 0 , 25ns TTL C om patible Inputs and CM OS Outputs I/O Com patible w ith 3 .3 V Devices ■ Organized as 256K x32, User Configurable as 5 1 2Kx16

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    256Kx32 WPS256K32-XPJX PDF


    Abstract: NA51 transistor AMI 52 732 V DL651 M82530 MXI21 dl541 DF421 DF101 grid tie inverter schematics
    Text: “The new 0.6µm gate array and standard cell families from AMI provide outstanding quality and selection . . . setting performance standards in 0.6µm ASIC products . . . ” • 130 ps gate delays fanout = 2, interconnect length = 0mm ■ Double and Triple Metal Interconnect; up to 900,000 gate

    Table128, m6845 NA51 transistor AMI 52 732 V DL651 M82530 MXI21 dl541 DF421 DF101 grid tie inverter schematics PDF


    Abstract: DS80C410 DS80C410-FNY DS80C411 DS80C411-FNY
    Text: DS80C410/DS80C411 Network Microcontrollers with Ethernet and CAN GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The DS80C410/DS80C411 network microcontrollers offer the highest integration available in an 8051 device. Peripherals include a 10/100 Ethernet MAC, three serial

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    7 day timer controller

    Abstract: MCF52210 MCF52211 pit and interrupt
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Product Brief MCF52211PB Rev. 0, 04/2007 MCF52211 ColdFire Integrated Microcontroller Product Brief This document provides an overview of the major features and functional components of the MCF52211 family of microcontrollers. The MCF52211 family is a

    MCF52211PB MCF52211 MCF52211 MCF52210. MCF52211. 32-bit 7 day timer controller MCF52210 pit and interrupt PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WS512K32-XCJX M/HITE /M IC R O E LE C TR O N IC S 2Kx32 SRAM MODULE • A DVAN CED* FEATURES ■ A cce ss Tim es of 25nS to 120nS ■ Packaging ■ 5 V o lt Po w e r Supply ■ L ow Po w e r CMOS ■ B u ilt in D eco u p lin g Caps and M u lt ip l e Ground Pins fo r L ow

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    WS512K32-XCJX 512Kx32 120nS 2Kx32 WS-512K32-XCJX 2Kx32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a WS256K64-XG4WX M/HITE /MICROELECTRONICS 256Kx64 SRAM MODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES • Acc e s s Tim e s 20, 25, 35ns ■ C om m e rcia l, In d u strial and M i l i t a r y T e m p e ra tu re Range ■ M IL-STD -883 C o m p lia n t D evices A v a ila b le ■

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    WS256K64-XG4WX 256Kx64 2Kx32 256K64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a WS512K32-XCJX M/HITE /MICROELECTRONICS 2Kx32 SRAM MODULE PRELIMINARY* FEATURES • A ccess T im e s o f 1 5 ,1 7 , 20, 25ns ■ Tw o p in o u t o p tio n s ■ P ackaging • S ta n d ard co m m e rc ia l p in o u t M a s te r WE • G2 p in o u t fo r u pg rade path to m ilita ry grad e d evice s

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    WS512K32-XCJX 512Kx32 PDF


    Abstract: 8111AA AD10 AD11 AD12 AD14 M66EN 161-ball plx vhdl code Atmel eeprom Cross Reference
    Text: PEX 8111AA PR EL IM IN AR Y PCI Express-to-PCI Bridge Data Book Version 0.82 June 2005 Website Technical Support Phone 408 774-9060 800 759-3735 FAX 408 774-2169 Copyright 2005 by PLX Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved - Version 0.82

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    MAL 9744

    Abstract: 57530 Mosfet NOR gate 12v MC13226 MC13244 crc 13001 LGA 1155 PIN diagram 13001 TRANSISTOR pin configure MC1322x truth table for 7446 from datasheet
    Text: MC1322x Advanced ZigBee - Compliant SoC Platform for the 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 Standard Reference Manual Document Number: MC1322xRM Rev. 1.4 10/2010 How to Reach Us: Home Page: E-mail: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed:

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    Abstract: SPRU011 SPRU052 TMS320 TMS320C25 TMS320-SCSI spra025
    Text: Implementation of a TMS320-SCSI Target Controller Using the TMS320C25 Digital Signal Processor Application Report Literature Number: SPRA025 Job Number 61061 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated TI reserves the right to make changes to its products or to

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