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    2857 730 TRANSISTOR Search Results

    2857 730 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    2857 730 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    4x4 matrix keypad in pic with c code

    Abstract: keypad 4x4 c code for pic 4x4 matrix keypad and microcontroller lsd 3010 so do keyboard 4x4 pic datasheet for 4x4 keyboard 4x4 keypad to bcd ULN2003 led display datasheet keypad 4x4 c code for pic ULN2003 current buffer
    Text: M AN557 Four Channel Digital Voltmeter with Display and Keyboard Author: MULTIPLEXING FOUR 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAYS Stan D’Souza Microchip Technology Inc. Hardware INTRODUCTION The PIC16C71's I/O ports have an improved sink/source specification. Each I/O pin can sink up to

    AN557 PIC16C71 D-81739 4x4 matrix keypad in pic with c code keypad 4x4 c code for pic 4x4 matrix keypad and microcontroller lsd 3010 so do keyboard 4x4 pic datasheet for 4x4 keyboard 4x4 keypad to bcd ULN2003 led display datasheet keypad 4x4 c code for pic ULN2003 current buffer PDF

    7 segment display 4x4 keyboard

    Abstract: P16C71 lsd 3010 AN557 PIC16C71 ULN2003 keypad 4x4 7 segment display 4 digit segment led display 30 pin 00C-2 4 x 7-segment LED display module
    Text: M AN557 Four Channel Digital Voltmeter with Display and Keyboard Author: MULTIPLEXING FOUR 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAYS Stan D’Souza Microchip Technology Inc. Hardware INTRODUCTION The PIC16C71's I/O ports have an improved sink/source specification. Each I/O pin can sink up to

    AN557 PIC16C71 7 segment display 4x4 keyboard P16C71 lsd 3010 AN557 ULN2003 keypad 4x4 7 segment display 4 digit segment led display 30 pin 00C-2 4 x 7-segment LED display module PDF

    lsd 3010

    Abstract: 4 hexadecimal to 7-segment LED display module 4 units 7-segment LED display module ULN2003 led display 3 x 4 keypad to 7 segment 3 units 7-segment LED display module 4x4 keypad to bcd ULN2003 current buffer Test Board ULN2003 2.2k Preset
    Text: M AN557 Four Channel Digital Voltmeter with Display and Keyboard Author: MULTIPLEXING FOUR 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAYS Stan D’Souza Microchip Technology Inc. Hardware INTRODUCTION The PIC16C71's I/O ports have an improved sink/source specification. Each I/O pin can sink up to

    AN557 PIC16C71 DS00557C-page lsd 3010 4 hexadecimal to 7-segment LED display module 4 units 7-segment LED display module ULN2003 led display 3 x 4 keypad to 7 segment 3 units 7-segment LED display module 4x4 keypad to bcd ULN2003 current buffer Test Board ULN2003 2.2k Preset PDF

    4x4 matrix keypad in pic with c code

    Abstract: datasheet keypad 4x4 c code for pic keypad 4x4 7 segment display 4x4 keypad to bcd lsd 3010 4 digit digital voltmeter pic keypad 4x4 c code for pic ULN2003 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY 4x4 matrix keypad dspic 7 segment display 4x4 keyboard
    Text: AN557 Four-Channel Digital Voltmeter with Display and Keyboard Author: MULTIPLEXING FOUR 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAYS Stan D’Souza Microchip Technology Inc. Hardware INTRODUCTION The PIC16C71 device’s I/O ports have an improved sink/source specification. Each I/O pin can sink up to

    AN557 PIC16C71 DS00557D-page 4x4 matrix keypad in pic with c code datasheet keypad 4x4 c code for pic keypad 4x4 7 segment display 4x4 keypad to bcd lsd 3010 4 digit digital voltmeter pic keypad 4x4 c code for pic ULN2003 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY 4x4 matrix keypad dspic 7 segment display 4x4 keyboard PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Seite 253 Montag, 29. März 2004 12:52 12 CIMR-F7Z Varispeed F7 Frequency inverter for full flux vector control Current Vector Control with or without PG Torque Control PID Control Standard LCD operator Fieldbus options: DeviceNet, Profibus, CANOpen

    Y203-EN2-01 RS485 110KW I23E-EN-01 CIMRF7Z4011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Seite 269 Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2006 2:22 14 CIMR-F7Z Varispeed F7 The industrial workhorse • • • • • • • • • • • Flux vector control with or without PG Silent operation. No current de-rating in silent mode. Torque control

    Y203-EN2-02-Katalog RS485 I23E-EN-02 CIMR-F7Z40151 PDF

    EP2C8F256 package

    Abstract: S-2501-1 EP2C20F256 bga 896 TSMC 90nm sram
    Text: Section I. Cyclone II Device Family Data Sheet This section provides information for board layout designers to successfully layout their boards for Cyclone II devices. It contains the required PCB layout guidelines, device pin tables, and package specifications.


    bga 896

    Abstract: TSMC 90nm sram EP2C50F484 APU 2471
    Text: Section I. Cyclone II Device Family Data Sheet This section provides information for board layout designers to successfully layout their boards for Cyclone II devices. It contains the required PCB layout guidelines, device pin tables, and package specifications.


    Semicon volume 1

    Abstract: AWM 2851 VW-1 AWM 2835 cable
    Text: Industrial Cable S ERV IN G IN DU STR I AL , SP ECI ALT Y AN D COMMERCI AL AP P LI CATI O N S APRIL 2015 What’s New? Industrial Serving Industrial, Specialty and Commercial Applications GENFREE II LOW-SMOKE, ZERO-HALOGEN CABLE S This catalog contains indepth information on the

    INS-0043-R0415 Semicon volume 1 AWM 2851 VW-1 AWM 2835 cable PDF


    Abstract: CII51001-3 EP2C15A EP2C20 EP2C35 EP2C50 EP2C8F256 EP2C70F672 TSMC 90nm sram
    Text: Section I. Cyclone II Device Family Data Sheet This section provides information for board layout designers to successfully layout their boards for Cyclone II devices. It contains the required PCB layout guidelines, device pin tables, and package specifications.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Section I. Cyclone II Device Family Data Sheet This section provides information for board layout designers to successfully layout their boards for Cyclone II devices. It contains the required PCB layout guidelines, device pin tables, and package specifications.



    Abstract: EP2C20F256 Sw 2604 tms 3617 4017 pins configuration 753 53 2525 401 CMOS 4017 series cyclone II FIR filter matlaB simulink design matlab programs for impulse noise removal
    Text: Section I. Cyclone II Device Family Data Sheet This section provides information for board layout designers to successfully layout their boards for Cyclone II devices. It contains the required PCB layout guidelines, device pin tables, and package specifications.



    Abstract: 26075 EP2C20F256 TMS 3617 PQFP16 ic 4017 pin configuration 2864 rom 3844 b so 8 EP2C5 EP2C15A
    Text: Section I. Cyclone II Device Family Data Sheet This section provides information for board layout designers to successfully layout their boards for Cyclone II devices. It contains the required PCB layout guidelines, device pin tables, and package specifications.


    transistor C3866

    Abstract: Zener PH SEC E13009 ups circuit schematic diagram 1000w E13007 2 E13007 C3866 power transistor texas ttl 74L505 Transistor C3246


    BT 342 project

    Abstract: ac3 audio decoder circuit diagram functional diagram ic TM 1628
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MCF5475RM/D 3/2004 Rev. 1.2 MCF547x Preliminary Reference Manual Devices Supported: MCF5475 MCF5474 MCF5473 MCF5472 MCF5471 MCF5470 For More Information On This Product, Go to:

    MCF5475RM/D MCF547x MCF5475 MCF5474 MCF5473 MCF5472 MCF5471 MCF5470 Index-14 BT 342 project ac3 audio decoder circuit diagram functional diagram ic TM 1628 PDF


    Abstract: MMCM2857 case 176
    Text: MMT2857 silicon MMCM2857 (CERAMIC PACKAGE) NPN silicon annular micro-miniature transistor designed for high-gain, low-noise amplifier, oscillator and mixer applications. M A X IM U M R A T IN G S Symbol Rating v C o lle c to r -E m itte r V oltage C o lle c to r-B a s e V oltage

    OCR Scan
    MMT2857 MMCM2857 MMT2857 MMCM2857 case 176 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB 710 2sc1061 2sd524 2sb504 HD68P01 2sb507 2sa762 2sc827 2SC1362
    Text: V W Ki * 91 ^ # b h 7 >->" X ? i, t ^ X M X V M W X M £ (E I A J i: 2 S W Z x R m z t i S , x t iz J :'), ? 4000H£< * ^ t i X t 4 ', ^ i t . : w ° n l l ±, Z iih J M I1 L -C A J t t , g 4 - ? 4 M # c o ( , c o T ' & , I W H H c o f ^ 6 i> w 1, ^ & >) b ') £ i ~

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    4000HÂ 2SB415 2SB 710 2sc1061 2sd524 2sb504 HD68P01 2sb507 2sa762 2sc827 2SC1362 PDF


    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

    OCR Scan

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan

    ksd 302 250v, 10a

    Abstract: irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643
    Text: 5 transistor 1 A-Z datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-00-0 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechllich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan
    CB-F36c 2SD1642 2SD2182, 2SC4489, -08S- ksd 302 250v, 10a irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643 PDF


    Abstract: KPL 3009 2SB502 BLY34 germanium BF316A BSX12 2SD716, 2SB686 35W amplifiers bf197 acy52
    Text: TRANSISTOR DATA TABLES Other Titles of Interest B P 85 International Transistor Equivalents Guide B P286 A R eferen ce G uide to Basic Electronics Terms BP287 A R eferen ce G uide to Practical Electronics Terms n TRANSISTOR DATA TABLES by Hans-Gunther Steidle

    OCR Scan

    A5 GNE mosfet

    Abstract: jo3501 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N503 2N5160 MOTOROLA BF431 BFR96 HY 1906 transistor jo2015 kd 2060 transistor
    Text: Volume I Selector Guide 1 Discrete Transistor Data Sheets 2 Case Dimensions 3 Volume II Selector Guide ^ Amplifier Data Sheets Tuning, Hot Carrier and PIN Diode Data Sheets 6 Technical Information Case Dimensions Cross Reference and Sales Offices 8 9 MOTOROLA

    OCR Scan
    1PHX11136Q-14 A5 GNE mosfet jo3501 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N503 2N5160 MOTOROLA BF431 BFR96 HY 1906 transistor jo2015 kd 2060 transistor PDF

    21112 kONTRON

    Abstract: EA-8332 elektronik DDR Am8251 AM9511 AM8251DC AM2716DC am9511a MM1402 MM5055
    Text: a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ;< t f n a ;i i i aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa^ an azi n a a a a a a a n a a a a a n a n a ¿ i ;i ¿ t a a ;i a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a r t a r ir ir iii aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^ aanaa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a r i^ a a a a in

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    Madrid-16 K23459 21112 kONTRON EA-8332 elektronik DDR Am8251 AM9511 AM8251DC AM2716DC am9511a MM1402 MM5055 PDF

    Thyristor Xo 602 MA

    Abstract: 5A/1/Thyristor Xo 602 MA ah 90360 1N126 2N339 2N3201 transistor bf 175 germanium transistor epitaxial mesa 2N241
    Text: GENERAL ELECTRIC THYRISTOR AND DIODE CONDENSED SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL ELECTRIC THYRISTOR AND DIODE CONDENSED SPECIFICATIONS This chapter is primarily devoted to condensed specifications of General Electric’s thyristors, thyristor assemblies, trigger devices, and

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