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    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: ISC1210 ISC-1210 vishay 40ss
    Text: MODEL IS C 1210 S hielded Inductors Molded Case % el Inductance .01nH .012jiH .015 iH .018fiH ,022hH .027|iH ,033fiH .039nH ,047(iH ,056nH ,068|iH ,082nH .1(iH ,12|iH .15 h H .22jlH .27jiH ,33nH .39nH ,47nH ,56|iH .68nH ,82¡iH 1.0(iH 1.2|lH 1.5nH 1.8nH 2.2\iH

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    195mA 185mA 175mA 165mA 155mA 150mA 115mA 105mA 100mA 1000MHz 65SS2 ISC1210 ISC-1210 vishay 40ss PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 80C26 SEEQ CMOS Ethernet Interface Adapter in 28L Package T e c h n o lo g y , In c o rp o ra te d October 1994 PRELIMINARY SEEQ AutoDUPLEX Designation Sym bol indentifies product as AutoD UPLEX device • Provides Au to D U P L E X Detect Function for Full

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    80C26 80C25 MD400143/- 80C26 D400143/- PDF

    3172 8PIN

    Abstract: MIC3172
    Text: M IC 2 1 7 2 /3 1 7 2 100kHz 1.25A Switching Regulators Preliminary Information General Description The MIC2172 and MIC3172 are complete 100kHz SMPS current-mode controllers with internal 65V 1.25A power switches. The MIC2172 features external frequency syn­

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    100kHz MIC2172 MIC3172 MIC2172/3172 MIC3172, 3172 8PIN PDF

    4046 IC circuit diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 4996 ¡ò ro L in e a r ML4861 Low Voltage Boost Regulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML4861 is a boost regulator designed for DC to DC conversion in 1 to 3 cell battery powered systems. The combination of BiCMOS process technology, internal synchronous rectification, variable frequency operation,

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    ML4861 60llH ML4861CS-3 ML4861CS-5 ML4861CS-6 ML4861ES-3 ML4861ES-5 4046 IC circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: K/LTC16251 TOROIDS transformer 1625CG
    Text: L in t A B _ LTC1625 TECHNOLOGY |\j0 Rsense Current M ode Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulator FEATURES D€SCRIPTIOfl • ■ ■ ■ The LTC 1625 is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that drives external N-Channel power

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    LTC1625 150kHz LTC16251 K/LTC16251 TOROIDS transformer 1625CG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: December 1994 PRELIMINARY flfc. M icro Linear ^ ML4875 Low Voltage Boost Regulator with Shutdown GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4875 is a boost regulator designed for DC to DC conversion in 1 to 3 cell battery powered systems. The combination of BiCMOS process technology, internal

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    ML4875 ML4875 synchronous45 ML4875CS-T ML4875CS-3 ML4875CS-5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Final E le c tric a l S p e c ific a tio n s r r u n TECHNOLOGY e A B _ LTC1625 No R s e n s e C urre nt M o d e Synchronous S tep-D ow n S w itching R egulator J u ly 1 9 9 8 F€RTUR€S DCSCRIPTIOn • Highest Efficiency Current Mode Controller

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    LTC1625 LTC1436A-PLL LTC1430 LTC1438 LTC1538-AUX 1625i PDF

    18ph diode

    Abstract: ICS08
    Text: July 1996 P R E LIM IN A R Y MgLMicro Linear ML4850 Low Current Single Cell Boost Regulator with Detect GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L4850 is a low power boost regulator designed for low voltage D C to D C conversion in single cell battery powered systems. The m axim um switching frequency can

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    ML4850 L4850 18ph diode ICS08 PDF


    Abstract: encoder litton 9400F NTE 3055 lg 6154
    Text: 80C25 , AutoDUPLEX “ CMOS Ethernet Interface Adapter in 28L Package T e c h n o lo g y , In c o rp o ra te d PRELIMINARY October 1994 SEEQ AutoDUPLEX Designation Symbol indentifies product AutoDUPLEX device. • Provides AutoDUPLEXru Detect Function for

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    80C25 10Base-T 10Base-5, 10Base-2, Cont3910 9745R encoder litton 9400F NTE 3055 lg 6154 PDF

    kef 842

    Abstract: 228A2 ML4861
    Text: October 1996 Micro Linear ML4861 Low Voltage Boost Regulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4861 is a boost regulator designed for D C to DC conversion in 1 to 3 cell battery powered systems. The combination of BiCM OS process technology, internal synchronous rectification, variable frequency operation,

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    ML4861 ML4861 kef 842 228A2 PDF

    pin out ic ta 7302

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: December 1994 % M fcro Linear ML4961 Adjustable Output Low Voltage Boost Regulator with Detect GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4961 is a boost regulator designed for DC to DC conversion in 1 to 3 cell battery powered systems. The combination of BiCM O S process technology, internal

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    ML4961 ML4961 ML4961CS pin out ic ta 7302 PDF


    Abstract: 150KH 4920DY 1E25B
    Text: Final E le c tric a l S p e c ific a tio n s LTC1625 H i m TECHNOLOGY No R s e n s e Current M ode Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulator July 1998 DCSCMCTIOn FCflTURCS Highest Efficiency Current Mode Controller No Sense Resistor Required Stable High Current Operation

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    LTC1625 16-Lead LTC1435A 436A-PLL LTC1430 LTC1438 1538-AUX tk1413 150KH 4920DY 1E25B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _Model IM VISHAY T Vishay Dale Inductors Military, M IL-C -15305 Qualified, Type LT and Commercial, Molded FEATURES • Wide inductance range in small package. • Flame retardant coating. • Precision performance, excellent reliability, sturdy

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    100pH 022pH 082pH 27jiH 1000pH MS7508Â IM-10 23-Apr-99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f Z 7 SGS-THOMSON SD1434 ^ 7 #. K M « « ® « ! RF & M I C R O W A V E T R A N S I S T O R S U HF M O BI L E A P P L I C A T I O N S • 470 MHz . 12.5 VOLTS ■ COMMON EMITTER . P OUT = 45 W MIN. WITH 5.0 dB GAIN PIN CONNECTION 1 4 DESCRIPTION The SD1434 is a 12.5 V Class C epitaxial silicon

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    SD1434 SD1434 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Aprii 1997 MÉL M icro Linear ML4850 Low Current Single Cell Boost Regulator with Detect GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4850 is a low power boost regulator designed for low voltage DC to DC conversion in single cell battery powered systems. The maximum switching frequency can

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    ML4850 ML4850 100kHz, bCH3416 PDF