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    tms jl 27C256-15

    Abstract: tms jl 27c256-12 tms jl 27C256-10 TMS JL 27C256-20 TMS JE 27C256-15
    Text: TMS27C256 32768 BY 8-BIT UV ERASABLE TMS27PC256 32768 BY 8-BIT PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES _ SMLS25BH- SEPTEMBER 1964 - REVISED NOVEMSER 1997 Organization . . . 32768 by 8 Bits J PACKAGE TO P VIEW Single 5-V Power Supply Pin Compatible With Existing 256K MOS

    OCR Scan
    TMS27C256 TMS27PC256 SMLS25BH- 27C/PC256-10 27C/PC256-12 27C/PC256-15 27C/PC256-17 27C/PC256-20 27C/PC256-25 400-mV tms jl 27C256-15 tms jl 27c256-12 tms jl 27C256-10 TMS JL 27C256-20 TMS JE 27C256-15 PDF


    Abstract: national semiconductor 27c32 EPROM 27C32 MM2716 27C128 27C256 27C64 MM2716-1 MM2716E
    Text: MM2716 National Semiconductor MM271616,384-Bit 2048 x 8 UV Erasable PROM P aram eter/O rder N um ber MM2716 MM2716-1 450 350 450 5V ± 5% 5V ± 10% 5V ± 5 % A cce ss Tim e <ns) V q c P ow er S upply MM2716E General Description Features The MM2716 is a high speed 16k UV erasable and ele c tric ­

    OCR Scan
    MM271616 384-Bit MM2716 MM2716-1 MM271SE 24-pin 27C32 national semiconductor 27c32 EPROM 27C32 27C128 27C256 27C64 MM2716E PDF


    Abstract: 2732a jl eprom intel 27512 eprom 27512 eprom 27512-170V05 27512-200V10 intel 2716 eprom 27C84 iAPX 286 Intel 2147H
    Text: intei 27512 512K 64K x 8 PRODUCTION AND UV ERASABLE PROM Software Carrier Capability Low Power — 125 mA max. Active — 40 mA max. Standby 170 ns Maximum Access Time Two-Line Control inteligent Identifier Mode — Automated Programming Operations indigent Programming™ Algorithm

    OCR Scan
    28-Pin 288-bit -200V05 27512 2732a jl eprom intel 27512 eprom 27512 eprom 27512-170V05 27512-200V10 intel 2716 eprom 27C84 iAPX 286 Intel 2147H PDF

    eprom 27c256 28 PIN DIP 120 NS

    Abstract: 27c256 intel eprom 2732A 2716 eprom datasheet 27C256DC a12g intel 2716 eprom 27C256 N27C256-200V10 80286 address decoder
    Text: in t e i 27C256 256K 32K x 8 CHMOS EPROM High Speed — 120 ns Access Time EPI Processing — Maximum Latch-up Immunity Low Power Consumption — 100 ( i A Standby, 30 mA Active Simple Interfacing — Two Line Control — CMOS and TTL Compatible Fast Programming

    OCR Scan
    27C256 28-Pin 32-Lead 27C256 144-bit -150V10, 120V10, eprom 27c256 28 PIN DIP 120 NS 27c256 intel eprom 2732A 2716 eprom datasheet 27C256DC a12g intel 2716 eprom N27C256-200V10 80286 address decoder PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NM27P512 03 National ü Sem iconductor NM27P512 524,288-Bit 64K x 8 Processor Oriented CMOS EPROM General Description Features The NM27P512 Is a 512K Processor Oriented EPROM con­ figured as 64k x B. It’s designed to simplify microprocessor interfacing while remaining compatible with standard

    OCR Scan
    NM27P512 NM27P512 288-Bit 51/vpp m27p512 PDF


    Abstract: 27C256A-25 MBM27C256A-20 BM27C256A 27C256A20 MBM27C256A-15 Fujitsu 27C256A
    Text: CM O S UV ERASABLE 262144-BIT READ ONLY MEMORY FU JITSU MBM27C256A-15 MBM27C256A-17 MBM 27C256A-20 MBM27C256A-25 September 1987 Edition 2.0 C M O S 262144 BIT U V E R A S A B L E A N D E L E C T R IC A L L Y P R O G R A M M A B L E R E A D O N LY M E M O R Y

    OCR Scan
    262144-BIT MBM27C256A-15 MBM27C256A-17 27C256A-20 MBM27C256A-25 28-pin 32-pad DIP-28C-C01) 27C256A-25 MBM27C256A-20 BM27C256A 27C256A20 Fujitsu 27C256A PDF


    Abstract: 831124-35 bm27c MBM27C256 MB831124
    Text: F U J IT S U MOS M em ories • M B 8 3 1 124-3 5 1M-BIT 131,072x8 CMOS Read Only Memory D e s c rip tio n The Fujitsu MB831124 is a CMOS Si-gate mask-programmable static read only memory organized as 131,072 words by 8 bits. The MB831124 has TTL-compatible I/O and 3-state output Jevel

    OCR Scan
    072x8) MB831124 28-pin MB831124-35) MB831124-35 831124-35 bm27c MBM27C256 PDF

    INTEL 2764A

    Abstract: 2764A1 EPROM 2764a eprom 2716 2764A-1 2764A-2 D2764A EPROM intel 27256 27C128 INTEL 2764A-20
    Text: intei 2764A 64K 8K x 8 UV ERASABLE PROMs inte ligent Id e n tifie r^ Mode Fast Access Time—HMOS* II E — 180 ns Cerdip D2764A-1 Industry Standard Pinout. . . JEDEC Approved . . . 28 Lead Package Moisture Resistant (S ee P acka g ing S pec, O rd e r # 2 3 1 3 6 9 )

    OCR Scan
    D2764A-1 536-bit 764A-1) INTEL 2764A 2764A1 EPROM 2764a eprom 2716 2764A-1 2764A-2 D2764A EPROM intel 27256 27C128 INTEL 2764A-20 PDF

    ic programmer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s ie b S D llS b NATL S E MI CO ND 00b52fc.l 33T «NSC3 MEMORY gH National SLA Semiconductor ~ r- NMC27C32B 32,768-Bit (4096 x 8) CMOS EPROM General Description Features The NMC27C32B is a 32k UV erasable and electrically re­ programmable CMOS EPROM, ideally suited for applica­

    OCR Scan
    00b52fc NMC27C32B NMC27C32B 768-Bit 24-pin ic programmer PDF


    Abstract: 87C12 NMC27C128BQ150 NMC27C128BQ250 NMC27C128BQ
    Text: NMC27C128B NATL SEtllCON] -CNENOR Y> IDE D | bSOHSL, OObm^S T~ 4 6 ~ l3 _ 2g National Semiconductor Ö | PRELIMINARY NMC27C128B High Speed Version 131,072-Bit 16k x 8) UV Erasable CMOS PROM General Description Features The NMC27C128B is a high-speed 128k UV erasable and

    OCR Scan
    NMC27C128B NMC27C128B 072-Bit 28-pin NMC27C128 87C12 NMC27C128BQ150 NMC27C128BQ250 NMC27C128BQ PDF

    Eprom B 2716 D

    Abstract: NMC27C512AQ250 EPROM NMC27C512A NMC27C256
    Text: NATL SEMICOND MEMORY 31E D bSQUHb QQt i340É PRELIM INARY National Semiconductor '7 '- V ^ - / 3 - 3 7 Features • Clocked sense amps for fast access time down to The NMC27C512A Is a high-speed 512k UV erasable and 150 ns electrically reprogrammable CMOS EPROM, Ideally suited

    OCR Scan
    NMC27C512A 288-Bit NMC27C512AQE) Eprom B 2716 D NMC27C512AQ250 EPROM NMC27C512A NMC27C256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: eeeQ M27C256/E27C256 256K CMOS EPROM November 1989 Pin Configuration Features m 256K 32K x 8 CMOS EPROM DUAL-IN-LINE • Military and Extended Temperature Range 1 28 b vCc A12 L 2 27 b A14 v pp • -55°C to +125°C: 27C2S6 • -4 0 °C to +85°C: E27C256

    OCR Scan
    M27C256/E27C256 M27C2S6 E27C256 27C2S6 400013/B PDF


    Abstract: NMC27C256
    Text: NMC87C257 2 National Semiconductor NMC87C257 262,144-Bit 32K x 8 CM O S EPROM with On-Chip A ddress Latches General Description Features The NMC07C257 is a CMOS EPROM, ideally suited for ap­ plications where fast turnaround, pattern experimentation and low power consumption are important requirements.

    OCR Scan
    NMC87C257 144-Bit NMC07C257 NMC27Cd NMC87C257 A10-A14, NMC87C257QE-200 NMC27C256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU M I C R O E L EC TR ON IC S 374T7ki2 O O C H m S 23E D CMOS 262144 BIT UV ERASABLE AND ELEC TR IC A LLY PROGRAMMABLE READ ONLY MEMORY S December 1987 Edition 1.0 T - 4 G- 3 -2 PI The Fujitsu MBM 27C256A is a high speed 262,144 bits complementary MOS

    OCR Scan
    374T7ki2 27C256A 28-pin 32-pad 27C256A. 374mS MBM27C256A MBM27C256A-25-W LCC-32C-F01) PDF


    Abstract: eprom 27c256 28 PIN DIP 120 NS P27C256-120V10 27C256DC INTEL 27128A EPROM 2732A INTEL 24 PIN CERAMIC DIP 27C256 N27C256-150V10 386TM
    Text: In te l’ 27C256 256K 32K x 8 CHMOS EPROM High Speed — 120 ns Access Tim e EPI Processing — Maximum Latch-up Immunity Low Pow er Consumption — 100 juA Standby, 30 mA Active Simple Interfacing — T w o Line Control — CMOS and TTL Com patible Fast Programming

    OCR Scan
    27C256 28-Pin 32-Lead 144-bit 27C256 -150V10, 120V10, 27C256-200V10 eprom 27c256 28 PIN DIP 120 NS P27C256-120V10 27C256DC INTEL 27128A EPROM 2732A INTEL 24 PIN CERAMIC DIP N27C256-150V10 386TM PDF


    Abstract: 27c256 intel intel EPROM 27128 27C256-2 27C256 27C2S6 23136 intel Automotive eprom 2716 eprom 27c256
    Text: in t e T 27C256 256K 32K x 8 CHMOS PRODUCTION AND UV ERASABLE PROMS Automotive Noise Immunity Features — ± 10% Vcc Tolerance — Maximum Latch-up Immunity Through EPI Processing New Qulck-Pulse Programming" Algorithm — 4 Second Programming Available In 28-Pin Cerdip Package

    OCR Scan
    27C256 28-Pin 27C256 27C2S6, 27C2560 27c256 intel intel EPROM 27128 27C256-2 27C2S6 23136 intel Automotive eprom 2716 eprom 27c256 PDF


    Abstract: HC-25/U E-PROM 27C512 EPROM 27c010 27128 block diagram NM27C128QE ab-5 national 27C010 27C020 27C080
    Text: NM27C128 National ÆM Semiconductor NM27C128 131,072-Bit 16K x 8 High Performance CMOS EPROM General Description The NM27C128 is a high performance 128K UV Erasable Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory. It is manu­ factured with National’s latest CMOS split gate EPROM

    OCR Scan
    NM27C128 072-Bit NM27C128 100ns NM27C128Q HC-25/U E-PROM 27C512 EPROM 27c010 27128 block diagram NM27C128QE ab-5 national 27C010 27C020 27C080 PDF


    Abstract: MM2716 27C32 212si 27C128 27C256 27C64 MM2716E national semiconductor 27c32
    Text: 553 National Æ Îà Semiconductor MM271616,384-Bit 2048 x 8 UV Erasable PROM MM2716 MM2716-1 450 350 450 5V ± 5% 5V ± 10% 5V ± 5 % Param eter/Order N um ber A ccess Time<ns) V c c Pow er Supply MM2716E General Description Features The MM2716 is a high speed 16k UV erasable and electric­

    OCR Scan
    MM271616 384-Bit MM2716 MM2716-1 MM2716E 24-pin 27C32 212si 27C128 27C256 27C64 MM2716E national semiconductor 27c32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 27513 PAGE-ADDRESSED 512K 4 x 16K x 8 UV ERASABLE PROM • Paged Organization — Reduced Physical Address Requirement — No Bank Switching Logic Needed ■ Software Carrier Capacity ■ Automatic Page Clear — Resets to Page 0 on Power Up and On Demand with RST SignalO)

    OCR Scan
    7128A 28-Pin 288-bit 27513 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NM27C512 53 Semiconductor National NM27C512 524,288-Bit 64K x 8 High Performance CMOS EPROM General Description The NM27C512 is a high performance 512K UV Erasable Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory. It is manu­ factured in National's latest CMOS split gate EPROM tech­

    OCR Scan
    NM27C512 NM27C512 288-Bit PDF


    Abstract: 27256 rom
    Text: NMC27C64 &N a t i o n a l Semiconductor NMC27C64 65,536-Bit 8192 x 8 CMOS EPROM General Description Features The NMC27C64 is a 64K UV erasable, electrically repro­ grammable and one-time programmable (OTP) CMOS EPROM ideally suited for applications where fast turn­

    OCR Scan
    NMC27C64 NMC27C64 536-Bit 28-pin 32-pin 27C64 000A-4000A 27256 rom PDF


    Abstract: d778 b778 58C65 08CB 27HC642 58c256 df4a SIGNETICS 87C256 57C49B
    Text: 40M I0I Device Support Rev 14.2 4 1M10 i Device Support (Rev 15.0) 42M I0I Device Support (Rev 14.1) (November 1994) Please note: Any device indicated by => is a new addition to the ydevice support list. S T A G PROORAMMCR3 Stag Programmers Limited Silver Court Watchmead Welwyn Garden City Herts AL7 ILT

    OCR Scan
    27C5I2A 27C0I0 27C020 27C040 98C64 28I6A 27C64 27HC64 27HC64I 27HC642 d774 d778 b778 58C65 08CB 58c256 df4a SIGNETICS 87C256 57C49B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M 27C256 ic r o c h ip 256K 32K x 8 CMOS EPROM FEATURES PACKAGE TYPES • High speed performance - 90 ns access time available • CMOS Technology for low power consumption - 20 mA Active current - 100 nA Standby current • Factory programming available

    OCR Scan
    27C256 28-pin 32-pin DS11001L-page 27C256 27C2S6 PDF


    Abstract: M27C128A-15F6 Am27C512-1500C M27C128A-12F1 nm27c256qe NM27C64Q-150 NM27C64Q150 NM27C256N200 28/H5GQ1H24MJR-T0C NM27C512Q150
    Text: EPROM M ic r o c h ip EPROM Cross Reference Guide INTRODUCTION Legend: The purpose of this document is to provide a quick way to determine which EPROM parts are mechanical and electrical equivalents to Microchip devices. There is also a listing of manufacturer's part numbering schemes

    OCR Scan
    DS11178B-page 27C512A 8x20mm 27C512A NM27C64Q M27C128A-15F6 Am27C512-1500C M27C128A-12F1 nm27c256qe NM27C64Q-150 NM27C64Q150 NM27C256N200 28/H5GQ1H24MJR-T0C NM27C512Q150 PDF