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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Vecta E130 - Mechanical @ 73o F 23o C - Tensile Strength at Break:18 (124) x 103 psi (MPa) - Tensile Modulus: 2.0 (14) x 106psi (Gpa) - Thermal - Heat Deflection Temperature: -264 psi, 1.82 N/mm2 : 518o F (270oC) - Melting Point: 670oF (355oC) - Electrical

    106psi 270oC) 670oF 355oC) 47kV/mm) UL94VO 106psi PDF


    Abstract: JESD22-A108-B JESD22-A104B S510067 JESD22-A114 JESD78
    Text: Reliability Qualification Report S510065-55Z - RoHS Compliant Products Qualified by Similarity S510067-55Z The information provided herein is believed to be reliable at press time. Sirenza Microdevices assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. Sirenza Microdevices assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all such information shall

    S510065-55Z S510067-55Z RQR-104850 S510065-55Z JESD22-A108B JESD22-A102C JESD22-A104B JESD22-A103B JESD22-B102C jesd22-a108B JESD22-A108-B JESD22-A104B S510067 JESD22-A114 JESD78 PDF


    Abstract: SOT-86 sot86 transistor c 5586 q404 transistor SGA-6486Z SGA-6286 JESD22-B102C q402 transistor transistor 5586
    Text: Reliability Report SGA/SGC Series in SOT-86 Package SnPb Plated SGA-2186 SGA-2286 SGA-2386 SGA-2486 SGA-3286 SGA-3386 SGA-3486 SGA-3586 SGA-4186 SGA-4286 SGA-4386 SGA-4486 SGA-4586 SGA-5286 SGA-5386 SGA-5486 SGA-5586 SGA-6286 SGA-6386 SGA-6486 Matte Sn, RoHS Compliant

    OT-86 SGA-2186 SGA-2286 SGA-2386 SGA-2486 SGA-3286 SGA-3386 SGA-3486 SGA-3586 SGA-4186 JESD22-B102-C SOT-86 sot86 transistor c 5586 q404 transistor SGA-6486Z SGA-6286 JESD22-B102C q402 transistor transistor 5586 PDF


    Abstract: s5100 JESD22-A104B JESD22-A108B JESD22-A114 JESD78
    Text: Reliability Qualification Report S510068-28Z - RoHS Compliant Products Qualified by Similarity S510069-28Z The information provided herein is believed to be reliable at press time. Sirenza Microdevices assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. Sirenza Microdevices assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all such information shall

    S510068-28Z S510069-28Z RQR-105559 S510068-28Z S510069-28Z s5100 JESD22-A104B JESD22-A108B JESD22-A114 JESD78 PDF


    Abstract: JESD22-A104B SRF-2016Z JESD22-A110 SRF-1016Z SRQ-2116Z STQ-1016Z STQ-2016Z STQ-3016Z TSSOP-16
    Text: Reliability Qualification Report STQ-2016Z - Matte Sn, RoHS compliant Products Qualified by Similarity STQ-1016Z SRF-1016Z SRQ-2116Z STQ-3016Z SRF-2016Z The information provided herein is believed to be reliable at press time. Sirenza Microdevices assumes no responsibility for

    STQ-2016Z STQ-1016Z SRF-1016Z SRQ-2116Z STQ-3016Z SRF-2016Z RQR-104756 SRQ-2116Z, STQ2016Z JESD22-A104B SRF-2016Z JESD22-A110 SRQ-2116Z TSSOP-16 PDF


    Abstract: JESD22-A104B SGB-6433Z SGB-4533Z SGB-6533 SGB-2233Z JESD22-A-104B JESD22-A113C SGB-6433 SGB-6533Z
    Text: Reliability Qualification Report SGB-6533 - SnPb Plated SGB-6533Z - Matte Sn, RoHS Compliant Products Qualified by Similarity SGB-2233 SGB-2433 SGB-2233Z SGB2433Z SGB-4333 SGB-4533 SGB-6433 SGB-4333Z SGB-4533Z SGB-6433Z The information provided herein is believed to be reliable at press time. Sirenza Microdevices assumes no responsibility for

    SGB-6533 SGB-6533Z SGB-2233 SGB-2433 SGB-2233Z SGB2433Z SGB-4333 SGB-4533 SGB-6433 SGB-4333Z JESD22-A102C JESD22-A104B SGB-6433Z SGB-4533Z JESD22-A-104B JESD22-A113C SGB-6433 PDF


    Abstract: sbb2089z SBB5089 SBB-4089 darlington pair transistor SBB-2089 SBB-3089 SBB2089 SBB-1089 SBB5089Z
    Text: Reliability Qualification Report SBB-2089Z Products Qualified by Similarity SBB-1089 SBB-1089Z SBB-3089Z SBB-4089Z SBB-5089Z CGB-1089Z SBB-2089 SBB-4089 SBB-5089 Initial Qualification Feb 2005 Additional HAST June 2005 The information provided herein is believed to be reliable at press time. RFMD assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions.

    SBB-2089Z SBB-1089 SBB-1089Z SBB-3089Z SBB-4089Z SBB-5089Z CGB-1089Z SBB-2089 SBB-4089 SBB-5089 SBB-2089Z sbb2089z SBB5089 SBB-4089 darlington pair transistor SBB-2089 SBB-3089 SBB2089 SBB-1089 SBB5089Z PDF


    Abstract: spf5043z spf-5043 5043Z SPF 5043Z JESD22-A104B JESD22-A108B JESD22-A114 JESD22-A-108-B SOT343 lna
    Text: Reliability Qualification Report SPF-5043Z - Matte Sn, RoHS Compliant The information provided herein is believed to be reliable at press time. Sirenza Microdevices assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. Sirenza Microdevices assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all such information shall

    SPF-5043Z RQR-105880 SPF-5043Z SPF-50 JESD22-A103B JESD22-B102C spf5043z spf-5043 5043Z SPF 5043Z JESD22-A104B JESD22-A108B JESD22-A114 JESD22-A-108-B SOT343 lna PDF


    Abstract: spf-5122 SPF5122z precondition DIP JEDEC spf 5122 JESD22-A104B JESD22-A108B JESD22-A114 ESD test plan JESD22-B102C
    Text: Reliability Qualification Report SPF-5122Z - Matte Sn, RoHS Compliant The information provided herein is believed to be reliable at press time. Sirenza Microdevices assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. Sirenza Microdevices assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all such information shall

    SPF-5122Z RQR-105879 SPF-5122Z SPF-51 JESD22-A103B Sn63/Pb37 JESD22-B102C spf-5122 SPF5122z precondition DIP JEDEC spf 5122 JESD22-A104B JESD22-A108B JESD22-A114 ESD test plan JESD22-B102C PDF


    Abstract: IC 7489 JESD22-B102-C SGA6389Z SGA-5589Z SGA-7489 SGA-6489 SGA-9289Z SGA9189Z SGC-6489
    Text: Reliability Report SGA/SGC Series in SOT-89 Package SnPb Plated SGA-5289 SGA-5389 SGA-5489 SGA-5589 SGA-6289 SGA-6389 SGA-6489 SGA-6589 SGA-7489 SGA-9089 SGA-9189 SGA-9289 Matte Sn, RoHS Compliant SGA-5289Z SGA-5389Z SGA-5489Z SGA-5589Z SGA-6289Z SGA-6389Z

    OT-89 SGA-5289 SGA-5389 SGA-5489 SGA-5589 SGA-6289 SGA-6389 SGA-6489 SGA-6589 SGA-7489 SGA6489Z IC 7489 JESD22-B102-C SGA6389Z SGA-5589Z SGA-7489 SGA-6489 SGA-9289Z SGA9189Z SGC-6489 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: March 1998 FDN358P P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features SuperSOTTM-3 P-Channel logic level enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Fairchild's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very

    FDN358P PDF


    Abstract: TPS61150ADRCR TPS61150ADRCT VLCF4018T-100MR74-2 VLF3012AT-100MR49
    Text: TPS61150A SLVS706 – OCTOBER 2006 DUAL OUTPUT BOOST WLED DRIVER USING SINGLE INDUCTOR FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.5V to 6V Input Voltage Range 0.7A Integrated Switch Built-in Power Diode 1.2MHz Fixed PWM Frequency

    TPS61150A SLVS706 TPS61150/1 30kHz TPS61150A TPS61150ADRCR TPS61150ADRCT VLCF4018T-100MR74-2 VLF3012AT-100MR49 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FDN361BN 30V N-Channel, Logic Level, PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features These N-Channel Logic Level MOSFETs are produced using Fairchild Semiconductor’s advanced PowerTrench process that has been especially tailored to minimize the on-state resistance and yet maintain

    FDN361BN OT-23 FDN361BN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FDN5618P 60V P-Channel Logic Level PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This 60V P-Channel MOSFET uses Fairchild’s high voltage PowerTrench process. It has been optimized for power management applications. • –1.25 A, –60 V. RDS ON = 0.170 Ω @ VGS = –10 V

    FDN5618P fdn5618p PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FDN360P Single P-Channel, PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This P-Channel Logic Level MOSFET is produced using Fairchild Semiconductor advanced Power Trench process that has been especially tailored to minimize the on-state resistance and yet maintain low gate

    FDN360P OT-23 FDN360P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FDN371N 20V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This 20V N-Channel MOSFET uses Fairchild’s high voltage PowerTrench process. It has been optimized for power management applications. • 2.5 A, 20 V. RDS ON = 50 mΩ @ VGS = 4.5 V

    FDN371N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: March 1996 NDS351N N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features 1.1A, 30V. RDS ON = 0.25Ω @ VGS = 4.5V. These N-Channel logic level enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Fairchild's

    NDS351N NDS351N PDF


    Abstract: JEDEC MO-110 ras 0910 5v RAS 0610
    Text: DRAM MT4C4001J Austin Semiconductor, Inc. PIN ASSIGNMENT 1 MEG x 4 DRAM Top View Fast Page Mode DRAM 20-Pin DIP (C, CN) AVAILABLE AS MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS DQ1 DQ2 WE\ RAS\ A9 A0 A1 A2 A3 Vcc • SMD 5962-90847 • MIL-STD-883 FEATURES • Industry standard x4 pinout, timing, functions, and

    MIL-STD-883 20-Pin MT4C4001J 300mW 024-cycle refresh62-9084701MNA MT4C4001JC-8/883C 5962-9084703MNA JEDEC MO-110 ras 0910 5v RAS 0610 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: March 1996 NDS355N N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These N-Channel logic level enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Fairchild's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high density

    NDS355N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1999 FDN359AN N-Channel Logic Level PowerTrenchTM MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel Logic Level MOSFET is produced using Fairchild Semiconductor's advanced PowerTrench process that has been especially tailored to minimize on-state resistance and yet maintain

    FDN359AN OT-23 OT-23 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: June 1997 NDS332P P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These P-Channel logic level enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Fairchild's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high density process is

    NDS332P NDS332PRev. NDS332P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1997 NDS351AN N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These N-Channel logic level enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Fairchild's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high density

    NDS351AN OT-23 NDS351AN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: January 1997 NDS355AN N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features SuperSOTTM-3 N-Channel logic level enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using Fairchild's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high

    NDS355AN PDF


    Abstract: RM96P relpol RM96P-12v RM96-P-12V RM96-1011-35-1005 RM96-1011-35-1024 RM96-P-9V RM96-Z-12V RM96P 24V RM96-1011-35-1048
    Text: MHTEPTEKC ¡ electronics Ten: 495 739-09-95, 644-41-29 P e n e cepM M R M 9 6 Pa6oH aa TeM nepaiypa T eM n ep aiyp a naMKM 8 A/250 VAC/24 VAC 400 VAC/250 VDC 4000 B 10 MC 5 MC o t - 40°C flo +80oC MaKC. 270oC/MaKC. 5ceKyHfl npOM3BOflMTeJ1b

    OCR Scan
    K0HTaKTbi/06M0TKa VAC/24 VAC/250 ot-40Â RM96-P-5V RM96-P-9V RM96-P-12V RM96-P-24V RM96-P-48V RM96-Z-12V RM96P RM96P relpol RM96P-12v RM96-1011-35-1005 RM96-1011-35-1024 RM96P 24V RM96-1011-35-1048 PDF