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    25JUV Search Results

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    Abstract: R-TRIMM AD510 AD517J AD517K AD517L AD517S
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Low Cost, Laser Trimmed, Precision 1C Op Amp FEATURES Low Input Bias Current: In A max A D 517L Low Input Offset Current: 0.25n A max (A D 517L ) Low V<:is: 25juV max (A D 517L ), 150juV max (AD517J) Low V (:(S D rift: 0.5juV/°C (A D 517L )

    OCR Scan
    AD517L) 150juV AD517J) AD517 25juV AD517. R-TRIMM AD510 AD517J AD517K AD517L AD517S PDF

    abe 741

    Abstract: OP-117 OP117 0p07 op07 ic metal package opo7 K/abe 741
    Text: □ Ultra-Low Offset Voltage Operational Amplifier OP-07 ANALOG DEVICES FEA TU R ES • • • • • • • • Low V0 s .25juV Max Low Vos D r i f t .0.6 ^ V /°C Max

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    OP-07 OP-07, OP-07 OP-07A of-55 OP-07E OP-07C abe 741 OP-117 OP117 0p07 op07 ic metal package opo7 K/abe 741 PDF


    Abstract: AD540J AD540K AD540S Wakefield Engineering
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES High Accuracy, Low Cost FET-lnput Operational Amplifier FEA TUR ES Low Cost Low lb: 2!:ipA max K Low V os: 20m V max (K) Low V os D rift: 25juV/°C max (K) High Differential Input Voltage Capability: ± 20 V P R O D U C T D E S C R IP T IO N

    OCR Scan
    25juV/Â AD540 25/uV/ 50kHz 100kHz. AD540J AD540K AD540S Wakefield Engineering PDF


    Abstract: AD510LH AD510SH AD510 op amp ad510
    Text: \ ANALOG ► DEVICES Low Cost, Laser Trimmed, Precision 1C Op Amp AD510 FEATURES Low Cost Low V os: 25juV max AD510L , 100/iV max (AD510J) Low V qs Drift: 0.5/LtV/°C max (AD510L) Internally Compensated High Open Loop Gain: 106 min Low Noise: 1/iV p-p 0.01 to 10Hz

    OCR Scan
    25juV AD510L) 100/iV AD510J) AD510 25/iV AD510JH AD510LH AD510SH AD510 op amp ad510 PDF

    analog devices 235J

    Abstract: Model 234 Model 233 Model 235J 235J ANALOG DEVICES 235J 235L AC101 microvolt source
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Economy, Guaranteed Low-Noise Chopper Stabilized Amplifier FEA TUR ES Low Cost Ultra-Low Noise: 0.5/uV p-p, 1Hz BW 2/iV , max Very Low D rift: 0.1juV/°C max, 0 .5 p A />C max (235L ) Excellent Long Term Stability: 5/uV/yr Low Profile: 0 .5 " Height

    OCR Scan
    500kHz 10kHz) analog devices 235J Model 234 Model 233 Model 235J 235J ANALOG DEVICES 235J 235L AC101 microvolt source PDF


    Abstract: DAC16QM Trompeter Electronics ADC-16Q DAC-16QM
    Text: High Resolution A/D Converter ANALOG ► DEVICES FEATURES 16-Bit Resolution High Common Mode Rejection Nonlineairity ±0.0015% Stability — Long Term Linearity 0.0005% Gain 0.003% Zero 0.001% T T L /D T I. Compatible APPLIC ATIO NS Data Acquisition Requiring:

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    16-Bit ADC-16Q DAC-16QM 152/iV QRC-78-2 DAC16QM Trompeter Electronics PDF

    op 277

    Abstract: OPTO ISOLATOR TL 277J SIR100 AO05 Isolation Amplifier Model 277
    Text: A N A LO G D E V IC E S Precision Isolation Amplifier High CMV/CMR, +15V Floating Power FEATURES Versatile O p A m p Front End: Inverting, Non-Inverting, Differential Applications Low Nonliinearity: 0.025% max. Model 277K Low Input Offset Voltage Drift: 1îxV/° C max. Model 277K

    OCR Scan
    160dBmin 3500Vrms op 277 OPTO ISOLATOR TL 277J SIR100 AO05 Isolation Amplifier Model 277 PDF

    AD510 op amp

    Abstract: AD510 AD510J AD510L AD510K AD510S
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES Low Cost, Laser Trimmed, Precision 1C Op Amp FEA TUR ES Low Cost Low V os: 25/^V max A D 5 1 0 L , 100/uV max (A D 510J) Low V os D rift: 0.5 m V /°C max (A D 5 1 0 L I Internally Compensated High Open Loop Gain: 106 min Low Noise: 1juV p-p 0.01 to 10Hz

    OCR Scan
    AD510L) 100/uV AD510J) AD510LI AD510 25juV 100kn AD510 op amp AD510J AD510L AD510K AD510S PDF


    Abstract: AD506 op amp AD506 AD506K AD503J AD503K AD503 AD506L AD506S 80nVHz
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES High Accuracy Low Offset 1C FET-lnput Op Amps FEATURES Low l|,: 15pA max AD503J, AD506J 5pA max (AD506L) Low VQS: 1mV max (AD506L) Low Drift: 25/jV/°C max (AD503K, AD506K) 10/uV/°C max (AD506IL) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION T he A D 503J/A D 506J, A D 503K /A D 506K , A D 5 0 6 L a n d

    OCR Scan
    AD503J, AD506J) AD506L) 25/jV/Â AD503K, AD506K) 10/uV/Â AD506IL) AD503J/AD506J, AD506J AD506 op amp AD506 AD506K AD503J AD503K AD503 AD506L AD506S 80nVHz PDF


    Abstract: ADS22 64 pin microprocesser AD521 AD522A AD522B AD522S
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES High Accuracy Data Acquisition Instrumentation Amplifier FEATURES Performance Low Drift: 2.0^\//°C A D 5 22 B Low Nonlinearity : 0.005% (G = 100) High C M R R : > 1 1 0 d B (G = 1000) Low Noise: 1.5/iV p-p (0.1 to 100Hz) Low Initial V o s : 100/iV (A D 5 2 2 B )

    OCR Scan
    AD522B) 110dB 10QHz) 100/iV AD522 10k/Rref. 10ki2/li2 ADS22 64 pin microprocesser AD521 AD522A AD522B AD522S PDF

    Certavolt Codi Semiconductor

    Abstract: 234L Potentiometer 10k lineal 15A1S DAC1136K DAC16QM DAC1138 Model 234L DAC-14QM DAC1156J
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES High Resolution, 16and 18 Bit Digital to Analog Converters FEATURES DAC11I38 High Resolution 18 Bits 38juV, 1 Pait in 262,144 Integral Nonlinearity < %LSB Differential Nonlinearity O iL S B Settling to ’/ î LSB (0.0002%) in 10/is Programmable Output Ranges

    OCR Scan
    38/iV, 10/is AC1136 DAC1138 DAC11 DAC1138 DAC1138K. Certavolt Codi Semiconductor 234L Potentiometer 10k lineal 15A1S DAC1136K DAC16QM Model 234L DAC-14QM DAC1156J PDF


    Abstract: AD545L AD545J AD545K AD545M TO99 package
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ Precision, Low Drift FET-input Op Amp FEATURES Low Offset Voltage: O.BmV max A D 545L , 0.25m V max (A D 545M ) Low Offset Voltage D rift: 5juV/°C max (A D 5 4 5 L ), 3/xV/°C max (A D 545M ) Low F'ower: 1.5m A max Low Bias Current: 1pA max (A D 545K , L, M)

    OCR Scan
    AD545L) AD545M) AD545K, AD545 AD545J AD545L, 25rnV AD545L AD545K AD545M TO99 package PDF


    Abstract: AD517 AD517J AD517S error ad517 AD510 AD517L AID517L MIL-STD-88 ic 725 op amp
    Text: A N A LO G DEVICES □ Low Cost> Laser Trimmed, Precision 1C Op Amp FEATURES Low Input Bias Current: 1nA max A D 517L Low Input Offset Current: 0.25nA max (A D 517L) Low Vos: 25/uV max (AID517L), 150 a<V max (AD517J) Low y ,» Drift: 0.5 m V /°C (A D 517L )

    OCR Scan
    AD517L) 25/nV AID517L) AD517J) AD517 AD517. ADS17 AD517K AD517J AD517S error ad517 AD510 AD517L AID517L MIL-STD-88 ic 725 op amp PDF


    Abstract: OP400 OP400ATC
    Text: Quad Low-Offset, Low-Power Operational Amplifier 0P-400 ANALOG ► DEVICES FEATURES G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N • Low Input O ffset V o lta g e . 150[iVM ax » Low O ffset Voltage D rift, Over -55°C to +12 5 °C . 1 .2\iVrC Max

    OCR Scan
    000V/mV OP-11, LM148, HA4741, RM4156 LT1014 115dB. OP-400 25juV/mA. 0p400 OP400 OP400ATC PDF


    Abstract: AD515K 2N 10261 transistor application circuit Transistor AF 138S analog devices modell 281 analog devices modell 118 Model 310J ac121 inverter welder 4 schematic
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES DATA ACQUISITION PRODUCTS CATALOG SUPPLEMENT Introduction USING THIS CATALOG SUPPLEMENT This Supplement includes some 70 products introduced sub­ sequent to the publication o f our Data Acquisition Products Catalog. I f you do not already have the Data Acquisition

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    Abstract: pin diagram for IC cd 1619 p
    Text: / n y j x i y w CMOS 8-B it 8-Channel D ata A cquisition System The MAX161 and MX7581 are CM O S single-chip 8Tbit. 8-channei data acquisition systems DAS . Each ch ip includes an 8 -b it A /D converter, 8-channel m ulti­ plexer. 8 x 8 dual port RAM w ith contention logic, and

    OCR Scan
    AX161/M X7581 MAX161 MX7581 AX161 pin diagram for IC cd 1619 p PDF


    Abstract: AD523J
    Text: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Analog Devices AD523J, AD523K, and AD523L are the first 1C J-FET operational amplifiers to provide sub-picoampere bias current performance comparable to that of discrete component modular products and an order of magnitude improvement over

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    AD523J, AD523K, AD523L AD523 AD523J. AD523J PDF


    Abstract: il 741s OP-07 application
    Text: Ultralow Offset Voltage Operational Amplifier OP07 ANALOG ► DEVICES FEATURES even at high closed-loop gains. Stab ility of offsets and gain w ith tim e o r variations in tem perture is excellent. T h e accuracy and stability of the O P-07, even at high gain, com bined with the freedom from external

    OCR Scan
    25juV 08A/308A, AD510 opo7c il 741s OP-07 application PDF


    Abstract: RIAA phono pre-amp Amplifier With Active Output Clipping hp 6n136 tape head preamplifier piezoelectric transducer amplifier design th instrumentation amplifier with bridge Wien Bridge Oscillator AGC IC OP AMP for piezoelectric microphone Wien Bridge Oscillator AGC two diodes
    Text: AN-106 APPLICATION NOTE ANALOG ► DEVICES ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 A Collection of A m p Applications by James Wong This note examines some of the numerous and widely-used applications of the operational amplifier. While not attempting

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    AN-106 200mA OP-421 HP5082-4203 RIAA phono pre-amp Amplifier With Active Output Clipping hp 6n136 tape head preamplifier piezoelectric transducer amplifier design th instrumentation amplifier with bridge Wien Bridge Oscillator AGC IC OP AMP for piezoelectric microphone Wien Bridge Oscillator AGC two diodes PDF

    strain gage amplifier

    Abstract: Model 260J Model 260K 260J AC1022 G 109F2
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES Low Noise Non-Inverting Chopper Amplifier FEA TUR ES Non-Inverting Input 109 f2 Common Mode Impedance Protected M O SFET Chopper Ultra Low D rift 0.1^iV/°C, max 260K Low Voltage Noise of 0 .4 //V p-p (0.01 to 1 Hz) Low Current Noise of 4pA p-p (0.01 to 1 Hz)

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    109f2 100Hz 100Hz strain gage amplifier Model 260J Model 260K 260J AC1022 G 109F2 PDF

    Analog Devices model 233J

    Abstract: alfa uv API 45 AD0042C AC1007 analog devices TSDC1610 AD504 fetal monitor device circuit diagrams AD533J Helitrim AD 233J
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES PRODUCT GUIDE Copyright 1975 by Analog Devices, Inc. FOREWORD This book is a guide to the broadest range of electronic compo­ nents and devices needed by designers of instrumentation and control systems which accept, analyze, process, convert, trans­

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    AD504J/K/L/M/S AD505 AD506J/K/L/S AD507J/K/S AD2001 AD2002 AD2003 AD2004 AD2006 AD2008 Analog Devices model 233J alfa uv API 45 AD0042C AC1007 analog devices TSDC1610 AD504 fetal monitor device circuit diagrams AD533J Helitrim AD 233J PDF


    Abstract: SCHEMATIC 3 PHASE 400Hz 115v OP27Z rs 741 OP276
    Text: M i OP-27 LOW-NOISE PRECISION OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER P r e c i s i o n M o n o l i t h i c s In c. • Low N o is e . 80nVp.p 0.1 Hz to 10Hz) • Low Drift .

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    OP-27 80nVp 126dB OP-27, RS741 SCHEMATIC 3 PHASE 400Hz 115v OP27Z rs 741 OP276 PDF

    Model 52K

    Abstract: Model 184l Model 261K 234J 235L 261J AC1022
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES Low Noise Non-Inverting Chopper Amplifier FEATURES Non-Inverting Input 109£2 Common Mode Impedance Protected M O SFET Chopper Ultra Low D rift O .I/x V ^ C , Max 2 6 1 K Guaranteed Low Noise of 0.4/jV p -p (0.01 to 1Hz) L o w C ost APPLIC ATIO NS

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    mr 1722

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E A dvanced L in e a r ALDI 722E/ALD1722 D e v ic e s , I n c . EPAD OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER BENEFITS KEY FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • EPAD Electrically Programmable Analog Device) User programmable Vos trimmer Computer-assisted trimming

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    722E/ALD1722 25juV ALD1722E/ALD1722 722E/ALD1722 mr 1722 PDF