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    25LS193 Search Results

    25LS193 Datasheets (1)

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    25LS193 Raytheon Synchronous BCD Decade Up/Down Counter / Synchronous 4-Bit Binary Up/Down Counter Scan PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 25LS192 Synchronous BCD Decade Up/Down Counter 25LS193 Synchronous 4-Bit Binary Up/Down Counter FEATURES • Separate clock inputs for count-up, count-down ■ Asynchronous parallel load and clear ■ Cascadable ■ Higher speed compared to 9LS/54LS and 9LS/74LS

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    25LS192 25LS193 9LS/54LS 9LS/74LS 440/iA PDF

    XMT 2335

    Abstract: PCM encoder circuit LR 2016A 25LS22 AM6072 Am9324 8717 ac servo controller schematic 3 phase ac motor speed control AM6070
    Text: Data Conversion with Companding DAC Devices By Dragan Milojkovic Am6071 and Am6073 a rt discontinued devices. References to these devices, and to the A-Law companding curves are supplied for reference only. 03925B-ANA 3-66 Companding DAC INTRODUCTION Modem electronic systems are replacing many of the analog

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    Am6071 Am6073 03925B-ANA Am6070, Am6071, Am6072 XMT 2335 PCM encoder circuit LR 2016A 25LS22 Am9324 8717 ac servo controller schematic 3 phase ac motor speed control AM6070 PDF

    74LS192 PIN diagram

    Abstract: 74LS193 function table mr1520 74LS192 function table 74LS192 pins 74LS192 LS192 Am25LS193 74LS192 table 74LS193 pin data
    Text: Am25LS192Am25LSl93 Am54LS/74LS192Am54LS/74LS193 D ecim al and H exadecim al U p /D o w n Counters D IS T IN C T IV E C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S F U N C T IO N A L D E S C R IP T IO N • • Separate up and d o w n clocks A syn ch ro n o u s p arallel load

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    Am25LS192 Am25LSl93 Am54LS/74LS192 Am54LS/74LS193 Am25LS Am54/74LS 440/jA MIL-STD-883 LS192 LS193 74LS192 PIN diagram 74LS193 function table mr1520 74LS192 function table 74LS192 pins 74LS192 Am25LS193 74LS192 table 74LS193 pin data PDF

    decade counter circuit diagram

    Abstract: 25LS192 up down counter 1N3064 25LS193
    Text: I 25LS192 Synchronous BCD Decade Up/Down Counter 25 LS193 Synchronous 4-Bit Binary Up/Down Counter PIN-OUT DIAGRAM FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ Separate clock inputs for count-up, count-down Asynchronous parallel load and clear Cascadable Higher speed compared to 9LS/54LS and 9LS/74LS

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    25LS192 25LS193 9LS/54LS 9LS/74LS 440/iA MIL-STD-883. 25LS192 decade counter circuit diagram up down counter 1N3064 PDF