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    259 DECODER Search Results

    259 DECODER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, SOIC16, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    HMP8117CNZ Renesas Electronics Corporation NTSC/PAL Video Decoder Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HMP8117CN Renesas Electronics Corporation NTSC/PAL Video Decoder Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    259 DECODER Datasheets Context Search

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    hdmi h.265

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Stradis HDM850+ HEVC/H.265 Professional Decoder V I D E O I N N O VAT I O N S TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS HEVC/H.265 H.264 MPEG-1/2 HDM850+ VIDEO OUTPUTS Digital HD / SD-SDI up to 3Gb/s /1080p60 SMPTE 259, 292, 424,425-A HDMI 1.3 Secondary SD-SDI (SMPTE 259) for simultaneous HD & SD playback

    HDM850+ /1080p60 1080p30, 1080p, 1080i, 264/MPEG-2) Hi10P 10bits) 264/MPEG-2: hdmi h.265 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MT8808AE Linear ICs Crosspoint Switch Circuit status Military/High-RelN Nom. Supp V 10 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-40 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)85 Package StyleDIP Mounting StyleT Pinout Equivalence Code28-259 # Pins28 Ckt. (Pinout) NumberLN02800259 Description8 x 8 Analog Array;includes 6-64 decoder

    MT8808AE Code28-259 Pins28 NumberLN02800259 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MT8808AC Linear ICs Crosspoint Switch Circuit status Military/High-RelN Nom. Supp V 10 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-40 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)85 Package StyleDIP Mounting StyleT Pinout Equivalence Code28-259 # Pins28 Ckt. (Pinout) NumberLN02800259 Description8 x 8 Analog Array;includes 6-64 decoder

    MT8808AC Code28-259 Pins28 NumberLN02800259 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MT8808AP Linear ICs Crosspoint Switch Circuit status Military/High-RelN Nom. Supp V 10 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-40 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)85 Package StyleQCC-J Mounting StyleS Pinout Equivalence Code28-259 # Pins28 Ckt. (Pinout) NumberLN02800259

    MT8808AP Code28-259 Pins28 NumberLN02800259 PDF


    Abstract: AD7865-3 AD7865 AD7865-1 AD7865-2 ADSP21161 ADSP-21161 EE-259 ad7865 adc interfacing sharc architecture block diagram
    Text: Engineer-to-Engineer Note a EE-259 Technical notes on using Analog Devices DSPs, processors and development tools Contact our technical support at and at Or visit our on-line resources and

    EE-259 AD7865 ADSP-21161 AD7865. EE CORE AD7865-3 AD7865-1 AD7865-2 ADSP21161 EE-259 ad7865 adc interfacing sharc architecture block diagram PDF


    Abstract: EB7005 tektronix gigabert 1400 generator asi paralell RP178-1996
    Text: PRO-LINX GS7005 Complete Serial Digital Video Receiver PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION • SMPTE 259-C compliant The GS7005 is a BiCMOS integrated circuit capable of operating as a complete 270Mb/s Serial Digital Video receiver. The GS7005 provides a complete serial digital

    GS7005 259-C 750mW 259M-C 270Mb/s C-101, RP168 EB7005 tektronix gigabert 1400 generator asi paralell RP178-1996 PDF


    Abstract: HM514405CS-6 HM514405CS-7 HM514405CS-8 HM514405CTT-6 HM514405CTT-7 HM514405CTT-8 Hitachi DSA0015
    Text: ADE-203-259 A Z HM514405C Series 1,048,576-word x 4-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory Rev. 1.0 Jun. 19, 1994 The Hitachi HM514405C is a CMOS dynamic RAM organized 1,048,576-word × 4-bit. HM514405C has realized higher density, higher performance and various functions by employing

    ADE-203-259 HM514405C 576-word 300-mil 26-pin HM514405CS-6 HM514405CS-7 HM514405CS-8 HM514405CTT-6 HM514405CTT-7 HM514405CTT-8 Hitachi DSA0015 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Z y tre x _ %%%&259 February 1985 8-Bit Addressable Latches OBJECTIVE SPECIFICATIONS Features Description • 8-Bit parallel-out storage register performs serial-to-parallel conversion with storage The '259 is a high-speed addressable latch designed for

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    ZX54HCTLS ZX74HCTLS 54/74LS 74hctls PDF


    Abstract: 74LS259 DM54LS259J DM74LS259N DM74LS259WM J16A M16B N16A
    Text: DM54LS259/DM74LS259 National Semiconductor Corporation D M 5 4L S 259/D M 74L S 259 8-B it A d dressable Latches General Description Features These 8-bit addressable latches are designed for general purpose storage applications in digital systems. Specific

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    DM54LS259/DM74LS259 54LS259 74LS259 DM54LS259J DM74LS259N DM74LS259WM J16A M16B N16A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 259 54LS/74LS259 CONNECTION DIAGRAM PINOUT A OH I I 0> 8-BIT ADDRESSABLE LATCH DESCRIPTION — The '259 is a high speed 8-bit addressable latch designed for general purpose storage applications in digital systems. It is a multi­ functional device capable of storing single line data in eight addressable

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    54LS/74LS259 93L34 54/74LS 74LS259PC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN54HC259, SN74HC259 8 BIT ADDRESSABLE LATCHES D 26S 4. DECEMBER 1 9 8 2 -flE V IS E D SEPTEMBER 1987 SN54H C 259 SN74H C 259 8-Bit Parallel-Out Storage Register Performs Ssrial-to Parallel Conversion with Storage J P AC KAG E D OR N P AC KAG E ITO P VIE W

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    SN54HC259, SN74HC259 300-m SN54H SN74H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SbE ]> • 7 ^ 5 ^ 5 37 00H00^3 QflO M S G T H Æ 7 *7 # S C S -T H O M S O N G * [i3 » [i(g T O * S M 54H C 259 M 74H C 259 S G S-THOMSON 8 BIT ADDRESSABLE LATCH ■ HIGH SPEED tpD = 13 ns (TYP.) at V c c = 5V ■ LOW POWER DISSIPATION Ice = 4 ttA (MAX.) at Ta = 25°C

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    00H00 54/74LS259 M54/74HC259 M54/74HC259 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Zytrex ZXS4AHCT ZX74AHCT 259 8-Bit Addressable Latches February 1985 OBJECTIVE SPECIFICATIONS Features Description • 8-Bit parallel-out storage register performs serial-to-parallel conversion with storage The ’259 is a high-speed addressable latch designed for

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    ZX74AHCT 54/74ALS 74AHCT PDF


    Abstract: 74HC259M
    Text: „ r Revised February 1999 SEMICONDUCTOR TM MM74HC259 8-Bit Addressable Latch/3-to-8 Line Decoder General Description The M M 74H C 259 device utilizes advanced silicon-gate C M OS technology to im plem ent an 8-bit addressable latch, designed fo r general purpose storage a pplications in digital

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    MM74HC259 74hc259n 74HC259M PDF


    Abstract: als259 AIS259 11j05
    Text: 259 AVG Semiconductors DDT Technical Data DV74LS259 DV74ALS259 8-Bit Addressable Latch This dovico is dosigned lor gonoral purpose storage applications m digital systems. It is a multifunctional device capable of storing single lino data in eight addressable latches, and also

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    DV74LS259 DV74ALS259 1-800-AVG-SEMI DV74LS259, LS259 AIS259 DV74LS259. LS259 als259 AIS259 11j05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S eptem ber 1983 Revised February 1999 EMICONDUCTGRTM MM74HC259 8-Bit Addressable Latch/3-to-8 Line Decoder General Description The M M 74H C 259 device utilizes advanced silicon-gate CM O S technology to im plem ent an 8-bit addressable latch, designed for general purpose storage a pplications in digital

    OCR Scan
    MM74HC259 MM74HC259 PDF


    Abstract: M16A M16D MM74HC259 MM74HC259M MM74HC259MTC MM74HC259SJ MTC16
    Text: S eptem ber 1983 Revised February 1999 E M IC O N D U C T G R T M MM74HC259 8-Bit Addressable Latch/3-to-8 Line Decoder General Description T he M M 74H C 259 device utilizes advanced silicon-gate C M O S technology to im plem ent an 8-bit addressable latch,

    OCR Scan
    MM74HC259 MM74HC259 74HC M16A M16D MM74HC259M MM74HC259MTC MM74HC259SJ MTC16 PDF


    Abstract: 0iah
    Text: <g MOTOROLA SN54/74LS259 8-BIT ADDRESSABLE LATCH The SN 54/74LS 259 is a high-speed 8-Bit Addressable Latch designed for general purpose storage applications in digital systems. It is a multifunctional device capable of storing single line data in eight addressable latches, and

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LS259 54/74LS 74LS259 0iah PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g M C 74A C 259 M C 74A C T259 MOTOROLA 8-Bit Addressable Latch 8-BIT ADDRESSABLE LATCH The MC74AC259/74ACT259 is a high-speed 8-bit addressable latch designed for general purpose storage applications in digital systems. It is a multifunctional device capable of storing single line data in eight addressable latches, and also a

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    MC74AC259/74ACT259 ALS259 74ACT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LOGIC SYMBOL 5 4 /7 4 2 5 9 — See 9334 54LS /74LS 259 Prelim inary data DESCRIPTION FEATURES The “259" is an 8-Bit Addressable Latch with these control inputs; three Address in­ puts (Aq, A i , A2 ), an active LOW Enable input (E) and an active LOW Clear input

    OCR Scan
    /74LS PDF


    Abstract: 74ALS259
    Text: TYP ES SN54ALS259, SN 74ALS25 9 8-BIT A D D R ES S A B LE LATC HES D 2661, DECEMBER 1982 • S N 54A LS 259 . . . J PACKAGE 8-Bit Parallel-Out Storage Register Performs Seriaf-toParallel Conversion w ith Storage S N 74A LS259 . . . N PACKAGE {TOP VIEW •

    OCR Scan
    SN54ALS259, 74ALS25 LS259 74ALS259 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 74H C /H C T 259 MSI 8-BIT ADDRESSABLE LATCH FEA TU R ES • TYPICAL • Combines demultiplexer and 8-bit latch Serial-to-parallel capability Output from each storage bit available Random {addressable data entry Easily expandable Common reset input Useful as a 3-to-8 active H IG H

    OCR Scan
    7Z9331H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY CMOS WINDOW RAM KM4232W259 D E S C R IP T IO N F E A T U R E S • 1MByte Frame-Buffer on a single chip The KM4232W 259 is a 1MByte Dual Ported DRAM • 1.6 G-Bytes/Second Internal Bus: with added features that accelerate graphic operations in a

    OCR Scan
    KM4232W259 KM4232W 256-bit 7U4143 71b4142 464C2 PDF


    Abstract: LS259 hc259
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM IC O N D U C TO R TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC2 59 8-Bit A ddressable Latch 1-of-8 Decoder High-Perform ance Silicon-G ate C M O S The M C 54/74H C 259 is identical ¡n pinout to the LS259. The device inputs are compatible with standard C M O S outputs; with pullup resistors, they are compatible

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC2 54/74H LS259. HC259 MC54/74HC259 74hc259e LS259 PDF