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    250L20 RESISTANCE Search Results

    250L20 RESISTANCE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    PS7804-1A-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Low On-state Resistance, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    PS7804-1A-F3-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Low On-state Resistance, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    PS710BL-1A-E3-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Low On-state Resistance, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    PS710BL-1A-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Low On-state Resistance, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    278-25-336SA2I8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Resistance Weld SMD Crystal Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    250L20 RESISTANCE Datasheets Context Search

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    varistor P275L20

    Abstract: P275L40 P2754 p275l20 P250L20 p320l40 P275L40B P130L10 P150L20 VARISTOR P150L10
    Text: Varistor Products Line Voltage Operation, Radial Lead RoHS Pb LA Varistor Series D V E ® The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs that are designed to be operated continuously across AC power lines. These UL recognized varistors require very little

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    Abstract: 130L20 320L40 275L40 varistor 2754 420l20 250l20 250l40 510l80 660L100
    Text: LA Series Data Sheet Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation [ /Title LA Series /Subject (Radial Lead MetalOxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation) /Autho r () /Keywords (Littelfuse, Inc., Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression,

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    Abstract: 275l20 250l40 275L40 320L40 130L20B 130L20 320l20 250L20 VARISTOR 250L
    Text: LA Series Semiconductor Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation January 1998 Features Description • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E75961 to Standard 1449 The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are

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    Text: LA Series IS R R A H E ES E I S Radial Lead Metal-Oxide R E O S S Varistors for Line Voltage Operation V AL O M RA T Description L U S E M I C O N D U C T O R January 1998 Features • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E75961 to Standard 1449

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    Text: LA Series Data Sheet Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation [ /Title LA Series /Subject (Radial Lead MetalOxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression,

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    Abstract: 250l40 660L100 510L40 275l40 150L20B 320l40 130L10 275L40b 275L20
    Text: LA Series S E M I C O N D U C T O R UL Recognized Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation June 1995 Features • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E75961 to Standard 1449 • Recognized as “Across-The-Line Components”, UL File #E56529 to

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    MOV 150L20

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    Text: LA Series IS R R A H E ES E I S Radial Lead Metal-Oxide R E O S S Varistors for Line Voltage Operation V AL O M RA T Description L U Semiconductor January 1998 Features • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E75961 to Standard 1449

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    Text: Next Previous Varistor Products Line Voltage Operation, Radial Lead LA Varistor Series The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs that are designed to be operated continuously across AC power lines. These UL recognized varistors require very little

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    Text: Varistor Products Line Voltage Operation, Radial Lead LA Varistor Series The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs that are designed to be operated continuously across AC power lines. These UL recognized varistors require very little

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    Abstract: 150l20 varistor varistor 275L20 varistor 250l20 250L20 varistor 130L20 varistor V275LA40B 275L20 250L40 varistor VARISTOR 1301
    Text: Varistor Products Line Voltage Operation, Radial Lead LA Varistor Series The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs that are designed to be operated continuously across AC power lines. These UL recognized varistors require very little

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    Text: [ /Title LA Series /Subject (Radial Lead MetalOxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, AC Line, LA Series Data Sheet Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line

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    Abstract: 320L40 250L40 250l20 275L20 150L20B 275L40 510l80 320L40 MOV 660L100
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    Abstract: 320l40 150L20B P320L20 230L40 300L40 130L20B 320L20 P1502 varistor p275l
    Text: Varistor Products Radial Lead Varistors > LA series RoHS LA Varistor Series Description The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs that are designed to be operated continuously across AC power lines. These UL recognized varistors require very little mounting space, and

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    Abstract: varistor P275L20 P150L20 VARISTOR varistor P275L40 P250L40 VARISTOR VARISTOR p3004 150l10 varistor p275l P275L20 P275L40
    Text: Varistor Products Line Voltage Operation, Radial Lead RoHS Pb LA Varistor Series D V E ® The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs that are designed to be operated continuously across AC power lines. These UL recognized varistors require very little

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    Text: Varistor Products Line Voltage Operation, Radial Lead RoHS Pb LA Varistor Series D V E ® The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs that are designed to be operated continuously across AC power lines. These UL recognized varistors require very little

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    Abstract: varistor P275L20 P275L20 130l10 P250L40 625L80 P300L40 P275L40 varistor 2754 P420L40
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    Abstract: varistor P275L40 varistor p250l20 230L20 varistor 480L40 VARISTOR MOV 250L40 varistor P275L20 P2754 P320L20 p150l10 varistor
    Text: Varistor Products Line Voltage Operation, Radial Lead RoHS Pb LA Varistor Series D V E ® The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs that are designed to be operated continuously across AC power lines. These UL recognized varistors require very little

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    Abstract: P250L20 varistor P275L20 p320l40 P275L20 VARISTORS P250L P275L40B P480l40 V250LA40BP P300L20
    Text: Varistor Products Radial Lead Varistors > LA series RoHS LA Varistor Series Description The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs that are designed to be operated continuously across AC power lines. These UL recognized varistors require very little mounting space, and

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    Text: Varistor Products Radial Lead Varistors > LA series RoHS LA Varistor Series Description The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs that are designed to be operated continuously across AC power lines. These UL recognized varistors require very little mounting space, and

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    Abstract: lf varistor 150l20 275L20 VARISTOR p1302 varistor 320L40 275L40B P300L20 P2754 275L20 p275l40
    Text: Varistor Products Radial Lead Varistors > LA Series RoHS LA Varistor Series Description The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial leaded varistors MOVs that are designed to be operated continuously across AC power lines. These UL recognized varistors require very little mounting space,

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    Metal-Oxide Varistor 1302

    Abstract: 250L40 300L40 HARRIS VARISTOR 1501 660L100 harris varistor 150l10 660l50 275L20 275L40B MOV 150L10
    Text: LA Seríes D a la S h e et Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are radial-lead varistors MOVs that are designed to be operated continuously across AC power lines. These UL recognized varistors require very little mounting space, and

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