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    Amphenol Aerospace JT01RE-24-4P(SR)

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey JT01RE-24-4P(SR) Bulk 3
    • 1 -
    • 10 $539.4
    • 100 $539.4
    • 1000 $539.4
    • 10000 $539.4
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    Amphenol Aerospace JT07RE-24-4P(SR)

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey JT07RE-24-4P(SR) Bulk 3
    • 1 -
    • 10 $501.72
    • 100 $501.72
    • 1000 $501.72
    • 10000 $501.72
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    Amphenol Aerospace JTL07RE-24-4P(SR)

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey JTL07RE-24-4P(SR) Bulk 2
    • 1 -
    • 10 $760.63
    • 100 $760.63
    • 1000 $760.63
    • 10000 $760.63
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    Amphenol Aerospace JTS01RE-24-4P(SR)

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey JTS01RE-24-4P(SR) Bulk 3
    • 1 -
    • 10 $539.4
    • 100 $539.4
    • 1000 $539.4
    • 10000 $539.4
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    Amphenol Aerospace JTS07RE-24-4P(SR)

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey JTS07RE-24-4P(SR) Bulk 3
    • 1 -
    • 10 $501.72
    • 100 $501.72
    • 1000 $501.72
    • 10000 $501.72
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    244PS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: oa1 transistor AN-236 IDT49FCT3805D AN 6754 8600A IDT49FCT3805 HP81 HP81130A
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE AN-236 49FCT3805D JITTER PERFORMANCE APPLICATION NOTE AN-236 49FCT3805D JITTER PERFORMANCE SUMMARY The 49FCT3805D is composed of two banks, A and B. Each bank has five outputs and its own output enable control. The purpose of this test is to observe the jitter when different frequencies are

    AN-236 49FCT3805D FCT3805D. FCT3805D HP81130A HP81133A oa1 transistor AN-236 IDT49FCT3805D AN 6754 8600A IDT49FCT3805 HP81 PDF

    MagnaChip Semiconductor

    Abstract: MAGNACHIP rule MSC800A
    Text: MagnaChip Semiconductor Library Team MSC800A Description MSC800A library is 0.8-micron cell based library which support 2LM. MSC800A library is one of the LibraPassport Cell-Based Libraries of Avant!. This library is high density and high performance low-power 3.3V

    MSC800A MSC800A MagnaChip Semiconductor MAGNACHIP rule PDF

    TAB 429 H toshiba

    Abstract: R53 P1F SM5544TE-4.194304M
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C800/980 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C800N TMP47C800F The 47C800 Is a high speed and high perform ance 4-bit single chip microcomputer, Integrating RO M , RAM , Input/output ports, timer/counters, a serial Interface, and tw o clock generators on a chip.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C800/980 TMP47C800N TMP47C800F 47C800 TLCS-470 P47C800N P47C800F P47P8 TAB 429 H toshiba R53 P1F SM5544TE-4.194304M PDF

    SAB 8259

    Abstract: 82C206
    Text: SAB 82C206 Integrated Peripheral Controller Prelim inary • 100% c o m p a tib le to P C /A T d e sig n s • F u lly c o m p a tib le to SAB 8237 D M A c o n tro lle r, S A B 8259 in te rru p t c o n tro lle r, S A B 8254 tim e r/c o u n te r, and 146818 real tim e clock

    OCR Scan
    82C206 206-N Q67120-P286 PL-CC-84) SAB 8259 82C206 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: t TO SH IB A UC/UP S i)E D • 0Q2Dlflfl 7T4 « T 0 S 3 TOSHIBA T M P 47C 456A /956A ► CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER T w TMP47C456AF I The 47C456A is a high speed and high perform ance 4 -b it single chip m icrocom puter based on th e TLCS-47 CMOS series. The 47C 456A has LCD driver, D TM F g e n e ra to r and large-capacity RAM fo r reperto ry dial, which

    OCR Scan
    /956A TMP47C456AF 47C456A TLCS-47 QFP80 TMP47C956AG Q020223 TMP47C456A/956A PDF


    Abstract: TMP47C1670N
    Text: T O SH IB A TMP47C1270/1670 UNDERDEVELOPMENT CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C1270N, TMP47C1670N The 47C1270/1670 are the high speed and high performance 4-bit single chip microcomputer with large capacity ROM and RAM, based on the 47C670/870 TLCS-470 series .

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1270/1670 TMP47C1270N, TMP47C1670N 47C1270/1670 47C670/870 TLCS-470 TMP47C1270N 288x8 384x8 tmp47c007e TMP47C1670N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C670/870 CM O S 4-BIT M IC R O C O N T R O LLE R TM P47C670N , TM P47C870N The 47C670/870 is the high-speed and high-perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter, w ith built-in VFT Vacuum Fluorescent Tu be Display driver and 14 bit D/A converter (Pulse w id th m odulation) output.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C670/870 P47C670N P47C870N 47C670/870 47P870N P47P870E P47C070E 33iis 244ps PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C1260/1660/006 C M O S 4-B IT M IC R O C O N TR O L LE R T M P 4 7C 12 6 0N , TM P 47C 1660N T M P 4 7 C 1 2 6 0 F , TM P 47C 1660F T h e 4 7 C 1 2 6 0 /1 6 6 0 a r e t h e h i g h s p e e d a n d h i g h p e r f o r m a n c e 4 - b i t s i n g l e c h i p m i c r o c o m p u t e r , w i t h l a r g e

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1260/1660/006 1660N 1660F 1260N PDF

    dbl 5851

    Abstract: SCHEMA TV SANYO lcd panel schema LCD TV SCHEMA LG lcd tv tuner LM7000 CSB200D LC5851N schema LCD TV LG lcd tv remote control
    Text: Ordering number : EN3341C _ No* 33410 I _ L C 58 51 N Small-Scale Control, Medium-Speed Type, On-Chip LCD Driver 4-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer The LC5851N is a 4 -b it/s in g le -c h ip , high-perform ance m icro co m p u te r equipped w ith LC D d rive rs. They are

    OCR Scan
    EN3341C LC5851N LC5851N dbl 5851 SCHEMA TV SANYO lcd panel schema LCD TV SCHEMA LG lcd tv tuner LM7000 CSB200D schema LCD TV LG lcd tv remote control PDF

    toshiba c660

    Abstract: 2764D remocon 4bit single mcu ir receiver diode toshiba diode ugh k0302 47C860 11018-A e purse RBL 43 P TRANSISTOR
    Text: T O S H IB A TM P47 C660/860/060 CMOS 4-8IT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TM P47C660N, TMP47C860N TMP47C660F, TM P47C860F The 47C660/860 have extended I/O ports and A/D converter based on the TLC5-470 series. PA R T No. TM P47C6 60N TM P47C660F TM P47C8 60N TM P47C860F

    OCR Scan
    C660/860/060 TMP47C660N, TMP47C860N TMP47C660F, TMP47C860F 47C660/860 TLC5-470 TMP47C660N SDIP64 TMP47P860N toshiba c660 2764D remocon 4bit single mcu ir receiver diode toshiba diode ugh k0302 47C860 11018-A e purse RBL 43 P TRANSISTOR PDF

    RAS 1210 SUN HOLD

    Abstract: sun hold RAS 1210 965 IL 48t86 sun hold RAS 1210 FT M48TB6 JNC15

    OCR Scan
    M48T86 500ms RAS 1210 SUN HOLD sun hold RAS 1210 965 IL 48t86 sun hold RAS 1210 FT M48TB6 JNC15 PDF


    Abstract: TLCS47 QFP80 TLCS-470 TMP47C020G TMP47C620F TMP47C820F TMP47P820F 47c620 BM47C820A
    Text: TO SH IBA TMP47C620/820/020 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C620F, TMP47C820F The 47C620/820 are high speed and high performance 4-bit single chip microcomputers based on the TLCS470 series with a LCD driver and high speed timer/counters. PA R T No. RO M RAM

    OCR Scan
    P47C620/820/020 TMP47C620F, TMP47C820F 47C620/820 TLCS-470 TMP47C620F QFP80 TMP47P820F TMP47C020G TMP47C820F TMP47 TLCS47 TMP47C020G 47c620 BM47C820A PDF

    "10 Segment Display"

    Abstract: C1270 TMP47C1670N TMP47C1270N 16 segment display pin configuration TMP47C007E 16 SEGMENT DISPLAY converted display port HDMI Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 .. 07 dual 7 segment display pin configuration
    Text: T O S H IB A TM P47C1270/1670/007 CMOS 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER T M P 47C 1270N , TM P 47C 1670N The 47C1270/1670 are the high speed and high perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter w ith large capacity RO M and RA M , based on the 47C670/870 TLCS-470 series .

    OCR Scan
    C1270/1670/007 TMP47C1270N, TMP47C1670N 47C1270/1670 47C670/870 TLCS-470 TMP47C1 12288x8 768x4 SDIP64 "10 Segment Display" C1270 TMP47C1670N TMP47C1270N 16 segment display pin configuration TMP47C007E 16 SEGMENT DISPLAY converted display port HDMI Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 .. 07 dual 7 segment display pin configuration PDF

    Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 . 07

    Abstract: a dos hui vd 925A Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 .. 07 TIC 33 LCD display TMP47C425AF TMP47C925AG SFG19 MK1110 L01012
    Text: T O S H IB A TMP47C425A/925A CMOS 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TMP47C425AF T h e 4 7 C 4 2 5 A is t h e h ig h s p e e d a n d h ig h p e r f o r m a n c e 4 - b it sing le chip m ic ro c o m p u te r w it h LCD d rive r, based on th e TLCS-47 C M O S series. T h e 47C425A has t w o o scilla tio n circuits.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C425A/925A TMP47C425AF 425Aisthehighspeedandhighperformance4-bit TLCS-47 47C425A TMP47C425AF QFP67 TMP47C925AG 244ps Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 . 07 a dos hui vd 925A Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 .. 07 TIC 33 LCD display TMP47C925AG SFG19 MK1110 L01012 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IBA TMP47C425A/925A CMOS 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TMP47C425AF The 47C425A is the high speed and high perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter w ith LCD driver, based on the TLCS-47 CM O S series. The 47C425A has tw o oscillation circuits. It is possible to switch the operating

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C425A/925A TMP47C425AF 47C425A TLCS-47 244ys 47C925A 47C425A. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T^HIBA ÜC/ÜP 54E D • T O T T E D D05DÜÔG SES « T 0 S 3 TMP47C446A/946A TOSHIBA C M O S 4 -B IT M IC R O C O N TR O L LE R | TMP47C446AF The 47C446A has LCD driver, 8 -b it A/D converter, and w a tch d og tim e r based on th e TLCS-47 CMOS series.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C446A/946A TMP47C446AF 47C446A TLCS-47 QFP64 TMP47C946AG instruction-341 C446A/946A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C670/870/070 C M O S 4-BIT M IC R O C O N T R O L L E R TM P47C670N, TMP47C870N The 47C670/870 is the high-speed and high-performance 4-bit single chip microcomputer, w ith built-in VFT Vacuum Fluorescent Tube Display driver and 14 bit D/A converter (Pulse w id th m odulation) output.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C670/870/070 P47C670N, TMP47C870N 47C670/870 TMP47C670N 5DIP64 TMP47P870N TMP47C070E 244ps PDF


    Abstract: TMP47C1637N circuit osd BM1105 SDIP42 TMP47C038E TMP47C1237N BM47C1638 RA-1B
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C1237/1637 U N D ERD EVELO PM EN T CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C1237N, TMP47C1637N The 47C1237/1637 are based on the TLCS-470A series. The 47C1237/1637 have on-screen display circuit OSD to display characters and marks w hich indicate channel or time on TV screen, A/D converter input, D/A

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1237/1637 TMP47C1237N, TMP47C1637N 47C1237/1637 TLCS-470A TMP47C1237N 12288x8-bit SDIP42 TMP47C038E LCT05 TMP47C1637N circuit osd BM1105 SDIP42 TMP47C038E BM47C1638 RA-1B PDF


    Abstract: DS128887

    OCR Scan
    48T86 500ms 28-LEAD DS128887 PDF

    Gu c620

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SHIBA TMP47C620/820/020 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C620F, TMP47C820F The 47C620/820 are high speed and high perform ance 4-bit single chip microcomputers based on the TLCS470 series w ith a LCD d river and high speed timer/counters. PART No. ROM RAM

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C620/820/020 TMP47C620F, TMP47C820F 47C620/820 TLCS470 TMP47C620F TMP47C82QF QFP80 TMP47P820F TMP47C020G Gu c620 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA UC/UP SM E » m ^ 0^ 724^ g g i^ TOSH IBA s ?b » T o s a TMP47C1238/1638/038 C M O S 4 -BIT M IC R O C O N T R O LL E R TM P47C1238N, TMP47C1638N The 47C1238/1638 are based on theTLCS-470A series. The 47C1238/1638 have on-screen display circuit (OSD)

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1238/1638/038 P47C1238N, TMP47C1638N 47C1238/1638 theTLCS-470A TMP47C1238N TMP47C1638N SDIP54 TMP47C038E P13V PDF


    Abstract: lcd 204B TIC 33 LCD OP03 HTC lCD DISPLAY Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 .. 07 QFP80 TLCS-470 TMP47CE020G TMP47CE820F
    Text: T O S H IB A TMP47CE820 UNDER D EVELO PM EN T CM O S 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TMP47CE820F The 47CE820 is a high speed and high perform ance 4-bit single chip m icrocom puter based on the TLCS-470 CMOS series with E2PROM, LCD driver and high speed timer/counter.

    OCR Scan
    TMP47CE820 TMP47CE820F 47CE820 TLCS-470 TMP47CE820F QFP80 TMP47CE020G 244ps 70Kt2 47c820 lcd 204B TIC 33 LCD OP03 HTC lCD DISPLAY Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 .. 07 QFP80 TMP47CE020G PDF


    Abstract: TLCS-470 TMP47C058G TMP47C858F G1231 47C800
    Text: TO SHIBA TMP47C858 CMOS 4-BIT M ICROCONTROLLER TMP47C858F T h e 47C 858 is a h ig h p e rfo rm a n ce 4 -b it sin g le ch ip m icro co m p u ter b ased on th e TLC S-470 series. Th e 47C858 has p le n tifu l o p e ra tin g m o d es S L O W , S L E E P , H O LD in te n d e d to save th e p o w e r,

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C858/058 TMP47C858F 47C858 TLCS-470 TMP47C858F QFP100 TMP47C058G 960KHz) 244ps TMP47C058G G1231 47C800 PDF


    Abstract: RTC6591 VDO RD3 RTC-63423 MO2 smd marking rtc65271 DS1287 MC146818A BR1255 RTC64613
    Text: EPSON Application Manual Real Time Clock Module RTC-65271 SEIKO EPSON CORP Copyright Notice This manual is based on information current as of March, 1994. Note that the contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. Please inquire separately for information concerning product warranties.

    OCR Scan
    RTC-65271 RTC-65271 MC146818A DS1287 MC-306, MC-405, MC-406 CA-301 CA-303H MA-306, RTC6591 VDO RD3 RTC-63423 MO2 smd marking rtc65271 BR1255 RTC64613 PDF