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    SUMITOMO ELECTRIC Interconnect Products B2(3X)-1.5-0.5-BLACK-SPL

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    DigiKey B2(3X)-1.5-0.5-BLACK-SPL 3,371 1
    • 1 $0.84
    • 10 $0.639
    • 100 $0.484
    • 1000 $0.484
    • 10000 $0.484
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    SRA Soldering Products TIPS-23X1.5

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey TIPS-23X1.5 Bulk 109 1
    • 1 $0.48
    • 10 $0.48
    • 100 $0.361
    • 1000 $0.32758
    • 10000 $0.32758
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    Jacob GmbH WJ-DM-12-3X1.5

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    DigiKey WJ-DM-12-3X1.5 Bag 50 1
    • 1 $0.48
    • 10 $0.407
    • 100 $0.3455
    • 1000 $0.29364
    • 10000 $0.27525
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    Eaton Corporation CI23X-150-NA

    Enclosures, Boxes, & Cases MOULDED ENCLOSURE CI23
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    Mouser Electronics CI23X-150-NA
    • 1 $370.31
    • 10 $349.86
    • 100 $349.86
    • 1000 $349.86
    • 10000 $349.86
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    Newark CI23X-150-NA Bulk 1
    • 1 $412.31
    • 10 $412.31
    • 100 $412.31
    • 1000 $412.31
    • 10000 $412.31
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    Kipp K0122.1A23X15

    Adjustable Handle, Silver, Base Diam 13 mm, Handle Lng 47 mm, K0122 Series | KIPP K0122.1A23X15
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    RS K0122.1A23X15 Bulk 1 Weeks 1
    • 1 $9.37
    • 10 $9.37
    • 100 $9.37
    • 1000 $9.37
    • 10000 $9.37
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    23X15 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: D41A3100
    Text: Pro d i u e G t c u d celduc MADE IN FRANCE relais 1964-2014 YEARS REED RELAYS AND SWITCHES SOLID STATE RELAYS MAGNETIC SENSORS Dear customers, dear readers, At celduc® we are very proud to be celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2014!

    GUIDUK2014 d41a3 D41A3100 PDF


    Abstract: FXD3232U AN617 FXD0808S FXD0808U FXD1608S FXM2416U math16 FXD0707U FXD0807U
    Text: AN617 Fixed Point Routines Author: FIXED POINT ARITHMETIC Frank J. Testa Design Consultant Unsigned fixed point binary numbers A, can be represented in the form INTRODUCTION n-1 A = ∑ a k •2 This application note presents an implementation of the following fixed point math routines for the PIC16/17

    AN617 PIC16/17 PIC16/17 DS00617A-page a2232 FXD3232U AN617 FXD0808S FXD0808U FXD1608S FXM2416U math16 FXD0707U FXD0807U PDF

    DM 321

    Abstract: 620 201 Datasheet Library 1979 FXM1608S FXD1608S FXD0808U 31.17 BU2 307 Fixed Point TM 1628 Datasheet
    Text: AN617 Fixed Point Routines Author: Frank J. Testa FJT Consulting FIXED POINT ARITHMETIC Unsigned fixed point binary numbers, A, can be represented in the form INTRODUCTION This application note presents an implementation of the following fixed point math routines for the PICmicro

    AN617 DS00617B-page DM 321 620 201 Datasheet Library 1979 FXM1608S FXD1608S FXD0808U 31.17 BU2 307 Fixed Point TM 1628 Datasheet PDF

    tdk IB-011

    Abstract: 9f13 IP-045C 26MHZ Types of Radar Antenna IS-S080 IB-011 schwarzbeck IS-030 IP-175B
    Text: 9F1 1/5 EMC Components Anechoic Chambers We at EMC possess unwavering design and construction technology that has been compiled though our construction achievements that exceed 550 units over a span of 30 years. We are able to provide specifications and highly refined design know-how for EMC

    IP-130BL BBA9106 UHL9107 tdk IB-011 9f13 IP-045C 26MHZ Types of Radar Antenna IS-S080 IB-011 schwarzbeck IS-030 IP-175B PDF

    95A sensor hall

    Abstract: celduc d31c2110 d31c2110 sensor hall 95A HALL 95A D41A3100L 95A magnetic sensor IGBT ac switch in SSR swt kw 11 7 1 16a 250vac ac SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR WIRING
    Text: Selection Guide REED RELAYS AND SWITCHES MAGNETIC SENSORS SOLID STATE RELAYS IV E ED We are pleased to present the third version of our short form catalogue. The last 3 years have seen a dramatic growth in customers in a diverse range of industries, allowing us to demonstrate high quality, innovative design techniques incorporated in many of the new products shown in this catalogue.


    relais reed celduc

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Pro d i u e G t c u d celduc MADE IN FRANCE relais 1964-2014 YEARS REED RELAYS AND SWITCHES SOLID STATE RELAYS MAGNETIC SENSORS Dear customers, dear readers, At celduc® we are very proud to be celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2014!

    GUIDUK2014 relais reed celduc PDF

    embedded control handbook microchip

    Abstract: UM1507 FXD1608S M1616 AN617 FXD0707U FXD0807U FXD0808S FXD0808U FXD1507U
    Text: AN617 Fixed Point Routines Author: Frank J. Testa FJT Consulting FIXED POINT ARITHMETIC Unsigned fixed point binary numbers, A, can be represented in the form INTRODUCTION This application note presents an implementation of the following fixed point math routines for the PICmicro

    AN617 D-81739 embedded control handbook microchip UM1507 FXD1608S M1616 AN617 FXD0707U FXD0807U FXD0808S FXD0808U FXD1507U PDF

    ISO 7588

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Relay Products Shortform Catalog d broa y l e em extr ny n a a ffers on in m ive o s t i c , at at rodu applic , Altern Vehicle P y r er fo ela l nce TE R f relays Applia tive Pow ndustria eo t, I rna ets. rang t mark ve, Alte uipmen y Eq ren oti e ke diffe , Autom uilding e of th



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Cobham Antenna Systems Microwave Antennas Specialist Antenna Design and Manufacture CATALOGUE 2012 The most important thing we build is trust DEFENCE SECURITY ANTENNAS ANTENNAS SATELLITE COMMUNICATION ANTENNAS COMMERCIAL ANTENNAS Cobham Antenna Systems Microwave Antennas - Newmarket

    Link16 M/TNC-75 PDF


    Abstract: umul32 FXD3216U 3047621 304411 DS00617 414 dm FXM2416U LOOPUM3232 FXM2424U
    Text: AN617 Fixed Point Routines Author: Frank J. Testa FJT Consulting FIXED POINT ARITHMETIC Unsigned fixed point binary numbers, A, can be represented in the form INTRODUCTION This application note presents an implementation of the following fixed point math routines for the PICmicro

    AN617 UM3232 umul32 FXD3216U 3047621 304411 DS00617 414 dm FXM2416U LOOPUM3232 FXM2424U PDF


    Abstract: iec255 relay plug on coil IEC255-5 IEC255-7 IEC68-2-27 IEC68-2-3
    Text: NVFM 23x15.5×26 Features Switching capacity up to 25A. PC board mounting and insert mounting available. Suitable for automation system and automobile auxiliary etc. Ordering Information NVFM C Z 20 DC12V 1.5 b 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Part number:NVFM 2 Contact arrangement:A:1A 1.2W ;C:1C(1.5W)

    DC12V Current25 5A/14VDC20 0A/14VDC IEC255-19-1 12W15 iec255 relay plug on coil IEC255-5 IEC255-7 IEC68-2-27 IEC68-2-3 PDF

    TAC 2J 105

    Abstract: TAC 2J 3A1250V
    Text: FILM CAPACITORS FOR USE IN HIGH FREQUENCY AND HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT • Standaid Ratings W x H x T mm (M e ta lliz e d P o ly p ro p y le n e F ilm C a p a c ito r s ) T A C -S E R IE S \ (H ig h F req u e n cy U se, R esin D ip p e d T ype) • Specifications

    OCR Scan
    33juF) 000hrs. TAC 2J 105 TAC 2J 3A1250V PDF