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    2151 8 INPUT MULTIPLEXER Search Results

    2151 8 INPUT MULTIPLEXER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74HC4051FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, SOIC16, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4A212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4B212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    2151 8 INPUT MULTIPLEXER Datasheets Context Search

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    ic 2151

    Abstract: 2151 8 Input Multiplexer
    Text: PI74FCT151/2151/251T PI74FCT151T 8-INPUT MULTIPLEXER PI74FCT251T Ω 25Ω Series PI74FCT2151T

    PI74FCT151/2151/251T PI74FCT151T PI74FCT251T PI74FCT2151T PI74FCT151/251/2151T PS2028A ic 2151 2151 8 Input Multiplexer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QS54/74FCT151T, 251T, 2151T High-Speed CMOS 8 Input Multiplexers Q QUALITY SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. QS54/74FCT151T QS54/74FCT251T QS54/74FCT2151T FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • Pin and function compatible to the 74F151/251 74FCT151/251 and 74FCT151T/251T • Industrial temperature –40°C to 85°C

    QS54/74FCT151T, 2151T QS54/74FCT151T QS54/74FCT251T QS54/74FCT2151T 74F151/251 74FCT151/251 74FCT151T/251T MIL-STD-883, QSFCT151T PDF


    Abstract: QS3383
    Text: QSFCT151T, 251T, 2151T, 2251T QS54/74FCT151T QS3383 QS54/74FCT251T QS32383 QS54/74FCT2151T QS54/74FCT2251T High Speed CMOS High Speed CMOS 8 Input Bus Exchange Multiplexers Switches Q FEATURES/BENEFITS • Pin and function compatible to the 74F151/251 74FCT151/251 and 74FCT151T/251T

    QSFCT151T, 2151T, 2251T QS54/74FCT151T QS3383 QS54/74FCT251T QS32383 QS54/74FCT2151T QS54/74FCT2251T 74F151/251 QS32383 QS3383 PDF


    Abstract: QS3383
    Text: QSFCT151T, 251T, 2151T, 2251T QS54/74FCT151T QS3383 QS54/74FCT251T QS32383 QS54/74FCT2151T QS54/74FCT2251T High Speed CMOS High Speed CMOS 8 Input Bus Exchange Multiplexers Switches Q FEATURES/BENEFITS • Pin and function compatible to the 74F151/251 74FCT151/251 and 74FCT151T/251T

    QSFCT151T, 2151T, 2251T QS54/74FCT151T QS3383 QS54/74FCT251T QS32383 QS54/74FCT2151T QS54/74FCT2251T 74F151/251 QS32383 QS3383 PDF


    Abstract: PI74FCT2151T PI74FCT251T 3bit to 8 Multiplexer
    Text: PI74FCT151T/PI74FCT251T Ω Series PI74FCT2151T 25Ω

    PI74FCT151T/PI74FCT251T PI74FCT2151T PI74FCT151/251/2151T 16-pMin PS2028A PI74FCT151T PI74FCT2151T PI74FCT251T 3bit to 8 Multiplexer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PI74FCT151T/PI74FCT251T Ω Series PI74FCT2151T 25Ω

    PI74FCT151T/PI74FCT251T PI74FCT2151T PI74FCT151/251/2151T 16-pin 150-mil 300-mil PI74FCT245ATQ PI74FCT 245TQ PDF


    Abstract: CD74FCT151ATNM CD74FCT151CTM CD74FCT151CTNM CD74FCT151T CD74FCT151TM CD74FCT151TNM CD74FCT2151T CD74FCT251T CD74FCT2151
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C T O R CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, CD74FCT2151T Fast CMOS 8-Input Multiplexer December 1996 Features Description • Advanced 0.8 micron CMOS Technology The CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, and CD74FCT2151T are high-speed 8-input multiplexers. They select one bit from


    applications of prbs generator

    Abstract: E8257D E8403A E4898A 5989-0278EN 5989-0698EN N4872A agilent infiniium 3000 E4809A 5988-9514EN
    Text: Agilent E4899A 40 Gb/s - 100 Gb/s BERT Data Sheet Version 1.0 Key Benefits • Unique data range from 40 Gb/s to 100 Gb/s • Flexible patterns for stimulus PRBS and memory based • BER (Bit Error Ratio) measurements on ultra-high speed bit patterns • Standard and proven, turn-key solution

    E4899A E4899A 5989-4750EN applications of prbs generator E8257D E8403A E4898A 5989-0278EN 5989-0698EN N4872A agilent infiniium 3000 E4809A 5988-9514EN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fl} PERICOM PI74FCT151T PI74FCT251T 250 .Series PI74FCT2151T I ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill II ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill I Fast CMOS 8-Input Multiplexer

    OCR Scan
    PI74FCT151/251/215 16-pin 150-mil 300-mil PI74FCT151T PI74FCT251T PI74FCT2151T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PI74FCT151T PI74FCT251T 25Q Series PI74FCT2151T ( ¡J PERICOM 1111111111111 ii Fast CMOS 8-Input Multiplexer Product Features: Product Description: • PI74FCT151/251/2151T is pin compatible with bipolar

    OCR Scan
    PI74FCT151/251/2151T 16-pin 150-mil 300-mil PI74FCT151T PI74FCT251T PI74FCT2151T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PI74FCT151T PI74FCT251T 25Í2 Series PI74FCT2151T f¡¿ PER ICOM Fast CMOS 8-Input Multiplexer Product Features: • P I7 4 F C T 151 /2 5 1/ 2 1 5 1T is pin com patible w ith bipolar FA ST Series at a higher speed and low er pow er consum ption • 2 5 Q series resistor on all outputs (FC T2xxx Only)

    OCR Scan
    16-pin 150-mil 300-m PI74FCT151T PI74FCT251T PI74FCT2151T PI74FC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT151T, 251T, 2151T, 2251T QS54/74FCT151T QS54/74FCT251T High Speed CMOS 8 Input Multiplexers Q QS54/74FCT2151T QS54/74FCT2251T FEATURES/BENEFITS • Pin and function compatible to the 74F151 /251 74FCT151/251 and 74FCT151T/251T • CMOS power levels: <7.5 mW static

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT151T, 2151T, 2251T QS54/74FCT151T QS54/74FCT251T QS54/74FCT2151T QS54/74FCT2251T 74F151 74FCT151/251 74FCT151T/251T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT151T, 251T, 2152T, 2251T ui . j q / H ig h -S p e e d C M O S / inpi 8 Input Multiple lexers Ö QS54/74FCT151T qss4/74f c t 25i t Q S54/74FCT2151T QS54/74FCT2251T FEATURES/BENEFITS • Pin and function compatible to the 74F151/251 74FCT151/251 and 74FCT1 ¡5117251T

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT151T, 2152T, 2251T QS54/74FCT151T S54/74FCT2151T QS54/74FCT2251T 74F151/251 74FCT151/251 74FCT1 5117251T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT151T, 251T, 2152T, 2251T U i„W C r u n e QS54/74FCT151T High-Speed CMOS Q qss4 /7 4 fc t 2 5 it 8 inpi Input lexers Multiple QS54/74FCT2151T Q S54/74FCT2251T FEATURES/BENEFITS • Pin and function compatible to the 74F151/251 74FCT151/251 and 74FCT151T/251T

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT151T, 2152T, 2251T QS54/74FCT151T QS54/74FCT2151T S54/74FCT2251T 74F151/251 74FCT151/251 74FCT151T/251T MIL-STD-883 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT151T, 251T, 2152T, 2251T . . _ . Q S 54 /74 F C T 1 51T High-Speed CMOS 8 inpi Input Multiple lexers Q qss 4/74fct25it Q S 54 /7 4 F C T 2 1 5 1 T Q S 54 /74 F C T 2 2 51 T F E A TU R E S /B E N E FIT S • Pin and function compatible to the 74F151/251

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT151T, 2152T, 2251T QS54/74FCT151T qs54/74fct2sit QS54/74FCT2151T QS54/74FCT2251T 74F151/251 74FCT151/251 74FCT151T/251T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÖUALITY SEMICO NDU CTOR INC L.SE J> • 74bbflG3 DDGllMM GST QSFCT151T, 251T, 2151T, 2251T U ir ,h C n a a r t P M O C Q S 54 /74 F C T 1 5 1T Hign-bpeed u m u o 8 Inpi Input lo Y o r e Multiple B Q qs54/74fct2sit Q S 54 /7 4 F C T 2 1 5 1 T Q S 5 4 /7 4 F C T 2 2 5 1 T

    OCR Scan
    74bbflG3 QSFCT151T, 2151T, 2251T qs54/74fct2sit 74F151/251 74FCT151/251 74FCT151T/251T MDSL-00005-01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QSFCT151T, 251T, 2151T, 2251T . . _ . QS54/74FCT151T QS54/ 74FCT251 T H ig h -S p e e d C M O S 8 In p iu t Ip v a r Q M u ltip le I C A e ia Q Q S54/74FCT2151T QS54/74FCT2251T FEATURES/BENEFITS • • • • • • • • Pin and function compatible to the 74F151/251

    OCR Scan
    QSFCT151T, 2151T, 2251T QS54/74FCT151T 74FCT251 S54/74FCT2151T QS54/74FCT2251T 74F151/251 74FCT151/251 74FCT151T/251T PDF


    Abstract: CD74FCT2151
    Text: CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, CD74FCT2151T S e m ico n d ucto r D ecem ber 1996 F a s t C M O S 8 -In p u t M u ltip le x e r s Features Description • Advanced 0.8 micron CMOS Technology The CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, and CD74FCT2151T are high-speed 8-input multiplexers. They select one bit from

    OCR Scan
    CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, CD74FCT2151T CD74FCT2151T T2151 CD74FCT2151 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, CD74FCT2151T December 1996 Fast CMOS 8-Input Multiplexer Features Description • Advanced 0.8 micron CMOS Technology The CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, and CD74FCT2151T are high-speed 8-input multiplexers. They select one bit from

    OCR Scan
    CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, CD74FCT2151T CD74FCT2151T 500ii CD74FCT2151 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: æ HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, CD74FCT2151T Fast CMOS 8-Input Multiplexer August 1996 Description Features • Advanced 0.8 micron CMOS Technology • These Devices are Pin Compatible with Bipolar FAST Series at a Higher Speed and Lower Power

    OCR Scan
    CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, CD74FCT2151T FCT2151T D74FCT2151T 1-800-4-HARRIS CD74FCT2151 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r NATIONAL SEMICOND {LOGIC} h S O H E e GQb^SbO t, 31E D CO tn CO Ggl National SÌASemiconductor DM74ALS353 TRI-STATE Dual 1 of 4 Line Data Selector/Multiplexer General Description Features This Data Selector/Multiplexer contains full on-chlp decod­ ing to select one-of-four data sources as a result of a unique

    OCR Scan
    DM74ALS353 500ft TUF/6219-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, CD74FCT2151T December 1996 Fast CMOS 8-Input Multiplexer Features Description • Advanced 0.8 micron CMOS Technology The CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, and CD74FCT2151T are high-speed 8-input multiplexers. They select one bit from

    OCR Scan
    CD74FCT151T, CD74FCT251T, CD74FCT2151T CD74FCT2151T 1-800-4-HARRIS CD74FCT2151 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 353 National Sim Semiconductor DM74ALS353 TRI-STATE Dual 1 of 4 Line Data Selector/Multiplexer General Description Features This Data Selector/Multiplexer contains full on-chip decod­ ing to select one-of-four data sources as a result of a unique two-bit binary code at the Select inputs. Each of the two

    OCR Scan
    DM74ALS353 PDF

    TTL 74ALS

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DM54ALS257/DM54ALS258/DM74ALS257/DM74ALS258 NATIONAL SEniCOND -ELOGIO 1 0 E D | b 5 Q H E 5 ODbbSST - National Semiconductor ICorporation DM54ALS/DM74ALS257, 258 TRI-STATE Quad 1-of-2-Line Data Selectors/Multiplexers

    OCR Scan
    DM54ALS/DM74ALS257 ALS257 ALS258 54/74ALS257 54/74ALS258 TTL 74ALS PDF