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    2000LUX Search Results

    2000LUX Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISL29004 Data Sheet November 17, 2011 Light-to-Digital Output Sensor with Address Selection, High Sensitivity, Gain Selection, Interrupt Function and I2C Interface The ISL29004 is an integrated light sensor with a 16-bit integrating type ADC, I2C user programmable Lux range

    ISL29004 ISL29004 16-bit 16-bit FN6221 1000Lux 4000Lux 000Lux 540nm PDF

    IR LED and photodiode 5mm

    Abstract: diagram of light sensitive alarm ISL29003 ISL29004 ISL29004IROZ ISL29004IROZ-EVALZ ISL29004IROZ-T7
    Text: ISL29004 Data Sheet December 21, 2006 Light-to-Digital Output Sensor with Address Selection, High Sensitivity, Gain Selection, Interrupt Function and I2C Interface The ISL29004 is an integrated light sensor with a 16-bit integrating type ADC, I2C user programmable Lux range

    ISL29004 ISL29004 16-bit 16-bit FN6221 1000Lux 4000Lux 000Lux 540nm IR LED and photodiode 5mm diagram of light sensitive alarm ISL29003 ISL29004IROZ ISL29004IROZ-EVALZ ISL29004IROZ-T7 PDF

    transistor 431A

    Abstract: 431a WPT-431A transistor 431A DATASHEET "photo transistor" npn photo transistor counters ic 431-A
    Text: Waitrony Photo Transistor 2-03-02-12 Module No.: WPT-431A 1. General Description: Dimensions The WPT-431A is a high sensitivity NPN silicon phototransistor mounted in a clear epoxy side looking package. It is compact, low profile and easy to mount. 2. Features

    WPT-431A WPT-431A 1000Lux, 2000Lux 10mW/cm2 2856K transistor 431A 431a transistor 431A DATASHEET "photo transistor" npn photo transistor counters ic 431-A PDF

    photodiode ADC

    Abstract: photodiode 325 nm -1100 nm ISL29004
    Text: ISL29004 Data Sheet November 17, 2011 Light-to-Digital Output Sensor with Address Selection, High Sensitivity, Gain Selection, Interrupt Function and I2C Interface The ISL29004 is an integrated light sensor with a 16-bit integrating type ADC, I2C user programmable Lux range

    ISL29004 FN6221 ISL29004 16-bit photodiode ADC photodiode 325 nm -1100 nm PDF

    high resolution phototransistor

    Abstract: phototransistor datasheet OPT6794 Phototransistor
    Text: Phototransistor OPT6794 DIMENSIONS Unit:mm 5.7 5.0 The OPT6794 is a high-sensitivity NPN silicon phototransistor mounted in a clear plastic package. With lensed package this small phototransistor is designed to optimize the mechanical resolution coupling efficiency, cost and reliability.

    OPT6794 OPT6794 1000LUX 2000LUX high resolution phototransistor phototransistor datasheet Phototransistor PDF


    Abstract: IR phototransistor bar code phototransistor EPH-3280S IR Touch Screen
    Text: ELEKON Phototransistor EPH-3280S EPH-3280S, a high -sensitive NPN silicon phototransistor mountd in a black IR transparent side looking, is compact, low profile, 1.20MM and SMD package. Applications: Photointerruptors, Optical Switches, Bar Code Readers,Toys, Touch Screen,

    EPH-3280S EPH-3280S, 10sec. 1000Lux 2000Lux photointerruptors IR phototransistor bar code phototransistor EPH-3280S IR Touch Screen PDF


    Abstract: "photo transistor"
    Text: PRODUCTION SPECIFICATION PRODUCT LINE : PHOTO TRANSISTOR TITLE : HI-T70MDA 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HI-T70MDA is a high sensitive NPN silicon photo transistor mounted in TO-18 type header with black epoxy encapsulation. With daylight filter the phototransistor is sensitive only to infrared rays.

    HI-T70MDA HI-T70MDA 200Lux 2000Lux PHOTO TRANSISTOR "photo transistor" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Foot Candle Light Adaptor Measures Foot Candle on your multimeter With 0.1FC/1Lux resolution Features: • A low cost alternative to a full size meter with display. Simply plug into your multimeter for direct measurements in Foot candles or Lux. • Photo diode sensor prolongs life and

    000Fc) 200mV 200Fc 2000Fc 5000Fc 1mV/10Fc 000Lux 1mV/100Lux 2000Lux multimeter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELEKON Phototransistor EPH-3240 High sensitivity NPN silicon phototransistor mounted in a clear sidelooking package, is compact, low profile and easy to mount. Applications: Floppy disk Drives, Copiers, Pointing Devices. Specifications & Ratings: Parameter @ 25ºC

    EPH-3240 1000Lux 2000Lux EPH-3240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OST-1KLA PHOTO TRANSISTOR • General Description The OST-1KLA is high sensitivity NPN silicon photo-transistor mounted in durable , hermetically sealed TO-18 metal can which provide years of reliable performance , even under demanding conditions such as use outdoors.

    200Lux 2000Lux 2856K OST-1KLA PDF


    Abstract: photo transistor high current OST-1KLB
    Text: OST-1KLB PHOTO TRANSISTOR • General Description The OST-1KLB is high sensitivity NPN silicon photo-transistor mounted in durable , hermetically sealed TO-18 metal can which provide years of reliable performance , even under demanding conditions such as use outdoors.

    200Lux 2000Lux 2856K 1KLB photo transistor high current OST-1KLB PDF

    Rise time of photo transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRODUCTION SPECIFICATION PRODUCT LINE : PHOTO TRANSISTOR TITLE : HI-T70MDB 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HI-T70MDB is a high sensitive NPN silicon photo transistor mounted in TO-18 type header with black epoxy encapsulation. With daylight filter the phototransistor is sensitive only to infrared rays.

    HI-T70MDB HI-T70MDB 200Lux 2000Lux Rise time of photo transistor PDF


    Abstract: ISL29001 ISL29003 ISL29004 ISL29004IROZ ISL29004IROZ-EVALZ ISL29004IROZ-T7 300LU
    Text: ISL29004 Data Sheet December 21, 2006 Light-to-Digital Output Sensor with Address Selection, High Sensitivity, Gain Selection, Interrupt Function and I2C Interface The ISL29004 is an integrated light sensor with a 16-bit integrating type ADC, I2C user programmable Lux range

    ISL29004 ISL29004 16-bit 16-bit FN6221 1000Lux 4000Lux 000Lux 540nm 500LUX ISL29001 ISL29003 ISL29004IROZ ISL29004IROZ-EVALZ ISL29004IROZ-T7 300LU PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Photo Transistors Seoul Semiconductor SST-4T5 #Rxwolqh#Glphqvlrq #Ihdwxuhv#  High Sensitivity  Side looker plastic package  Low - cost #Dssolfdwlrqv#  Optical counters  Optoelectronic switches  Infrared applied systems SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD.

    280max 2000Lux PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELEKON Phototransistor EPH-3230 High sensitivity NPN silicon phototransistor mounted in a clear sidelooking package, is compact, low profile and easy to mount. Applications: Floppy disk Drives, Copiers, Pointing Devices. Specifications & Ratings: Parameter @ 25ºC

    EPH-3230 1000Lux 2000Lux EPH-3230 PDF

    metal detectors IC

    Abstract: infrared smoke sensors
    Text: OST-1KL3A PHOTO TRANSISTOR • General Description The OST-1KL3A is high sensitivity NPN silicon photo-transistor mounted in durable , hermetically sealed TO-18 metal can which provide years of reliable performance , even under demanding conditions such as use outdoors.

    200Lux 2000Lux 2856K metal detectors IC infrared smoke sensors PDF

    720 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OST-1MLBR2 PHOTO TRANSISTOR • General Description The OST-1MLBR2 is high sensitivity NPN silicon phototransistors mounted in TO-18 type header with black epoxy encapsulation. With daylight filter the phototransistor is sensitive only infrared rays. ■ Features

    200Lux 2000Lux 2856K 720 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISL29003 Data Sheet October 10, 2006 FN7464.1 Features Light-to-Digital Output Sensor with High Sensitivity, Gain Selection, Interrupt Function and I2C Interface • Range select via I2C - Range 1 = 0Lux to 1000Lux - Range 2 = 0Lux to 4000Lux - Range 3 = 0Lux to 16,000Lux

    ISL29003 FN7464 1000Lux 4000Lux 000Lux ISL29003 16-bit 16-bit 540nm PDF


    Abstract: metal detectors IC Rise time of photo transistor photo transistor high current phototransistor blue light
    Text: OST-1KL3B PHOTO TRANSISTOR • General Description The OST-1KL3B is high sensitivity NPN silicon photo-transistor mounted in durable , hermetically sealed TO-18 metal can which provide years of reliable performance , even under demanding conditions such as use outdoors.

    200Lux 2000Lux 2856K 1KL3b metal detectors IC Rise time of photo transistor photo transistor high current phototransistor blue light PDF

    LDR 03

    Abstract: LDR05 valvo handbuch valvo handbuch rohren ORP60 valvo 18504 LDR -03 valvo BPY10 18550 Valvo
    Text: VALVO-HÀKOBUCH Spezialröhren II 19E7 j D a s V A L V O -H a n d b u c h Sp e zialröh re n I enthält d ie G ru p p e n V erstärkerröh ren O sz illo g ra fe n rö h re n M on ito rrö h re n P ro je ktio n s-B ild rö h re n L ich tpunkt-A btaströh ren

    OCR Scan

    LT 805

    Abstract: CEN-820
    Text: CENTRCNIC IN C * E -0 D IV t / . f y *_ 13E 0 | m 52S 0 OG00310 S | TECHNICAL DATA SH EE T C E N -8 2 0 •Dimensions ■Summary CEN - 9820 is a practical easy-to-use type N T N epitaxial planar type silicon phototransistor with 03 ceram ic stem. T h e physical dim ensions a re the sam e as LED,

    OCR Scan
    0GQ031G CEN-820 GEN-2020. LT 805 CEN-820 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: mmm kodenshi corp PHOTOTRANSISTOR S T - 3 1 6 R 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ST-316R2 is a high sensitivity NPN S ilic o n phototransistor mounted in an industry standard narrow angular response package. The ST-316R 2 includes a visible light filter to prevent false switching due to ambient light.

    OCR Scan
    ST-316R2 ST-316R PDF

    infra-red receptor

    Abstract: CEN-810 receptor ir ir receptor CENTRONIC INC IFR 20.10
    Text: CENTRONIC I N C . E - 0 DIV 13E 0 | m S^SG TECHNICAL 00ÜQ3Db 3 | DATA SHEET CEN- 8 1 0 IDimensions •Summary GEN-' 810 is a N P N epitaxial p lan a r ty p e silicon p h o to tra n sisto r of TO-18 type w ith h erm etic-sealed m eta l can. T h e physical dim ensions a re the sam e a s th e LED,

    OCR Scan
    CEN-810 infra-red receptor CEN-810 receptor ir ir receptor CENTRONIC INC IFR 20.10 PDF


    Abstract: wpt1cl3h Rise time of photo transistor phototransistor array
    Text: Photo Transistor Waitrony Module No.: WPT-1CL3H 1. General Description: WPT-1CL3H is a high sensitivity NPN silicon phototransistor mounted in a 03mm low-cost ceramic package. This small phototransistor is designed for use as low-cost detector array in consumer and industrial applications.

    OCR Scan