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    20/TE 2161 MOTOROLA Search Results

    20/TE 2161 MOTOROLA Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    AS839 Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    AS8397- Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    DF2161BVT10V Renesas Electronics Corporation Microcontrollers for Office Equipment Applications (Non Promotion), TFQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    2SD2161-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Bipolar Power Transistors, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    XFL216100.000000I Renesas Electronics Corporation 150fs Small Plastic Package Quartz-based PLL Oscillator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    20/TE 2161 MOTOROLA Datasheets Context Search

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    circuit diagram for micro controller based caller

    Abstract: SCOUT-SX SSC 9101 te mini project using microcontroller psb*2163 IOM-2 SCOUT-PX - PSB 21393 C161U ATMEL touch controller IC USB DIODE TA 70/04
    Text: ICs for Communications ISDN Customer Premises Equipment Solution Guide for ISDN S/T and Upn Voice Terminals Solution Guide 04.99 DS 1 Revision History: Current Version: 04.99 Previous Version: - Page Page in previous (in current Version Version) Subjects (major changes since last revision)

    SIPO21383 SIPO2163 SMART200 SMART2000 SMART2100 SMART21383 SMART21393 circuit diagram for micro controller based caller SCOUT-SX SSC 9101 te mini project using microcontroller psb*2163 IOM-2 SCOUT-PX - PSB 21393 C161U ATMEL touch controller IC USB DIODE TA 70/04 PDF

    LT 01

    Abstract: TE 2161 motorola GPM05247 GPM05613 siemens ICA
    Text: ICs for Communications ISDN PC Adapter Circuit IPAC PSB 2115 Version 1.1 Product Overview 09.96 T2115-XV11-O1-7600 PSB 2115 Revision History: Current Version: 09.96 Previous Version: Page Page in previous (in new Version Version) Subjects (major changes since last revision)

    T2115-XV11-O1-7600 GPM05247 P-MQFP-64 GPM05613 P-TQFP-64 LT 01 TE 2161 motorola GPM05247 GPM05613 siemens ICA PDF


    Abstract: PEB 3023 siemens isdn nt1 4TE SMD CODE PSB2132 PSB21525 Siemens NT1 ISDN PEB 2466
    Text: ICs for Communications Intelligent Network Termination Controller INTC-Q PEB 8191 PEF 8191 Version 1.1 Product Overview 02.97 T8191-XV11-O1-7600 PEB 8191 Revision History: Original Version: 02.97 Previous Releases: none Page Subjects changes since last revision

    T8191-XV11-O1-7600 50Ohm) 98Ohm) PEB8091 PEB 3023 siemens isdn nt1 4TE SMD CODE PSB2132 PSB21525 Siemens NT1 ISDN PEB 2466 PDF

    circuit diagram wireless spy camera

    Abstract: interfacing 8051 with 300 GSM Modem datasheet PIC Microcontroller GSM Modem cash box guard project with procedure pmb 4220 interfacing 8051 with GSM Modem Siemens pmb 4220 pbc 05 ericsson Marking Code SMD databook gsm coding in c for 8051 microcontroller
    Text: Contents Page Introduction . Quality Assurance . Page 3 Package Information 4 Summary of Types in Alphanumerical Order Mobile Communication ICs . 208 . 209 .

    D-81671 circuit diagram wireless spy camera interfacing 8051 with 300 GSM Modem datasheet PIC Microcontroller GSM Modem cash box guard project with procedure pmb 4220 interfacing 8051 with GSM Modem Siemens pmb 4220 pbc 05 ericsson Marking Code SMD databook gsm coding in c for 8051 microcontroller PDF

    TE 2161 motorola

    Abstract: 20/TE 2161 motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4 -B it D ifferential ECL Bus/TTL Bus Transceiver The MC1 OH/100H680 is a dual supply 4 -b it differential ECL bus to TTL bus transceiver. It is designed to allow the system designer to no longer be lim ited in bus speed associated with standard TTL busses. U sing a

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    OH/100H680 DL122 MC10H680 MC100H680 VCC01 VCC02 VCC03 VCC04 TE 2161 motorola 20/TE 2161 motorola PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: <8 > MOTOROLA MC33076 Dual High Output Current, Low Power, Low Noise Bipolar Operational Amplifier The MC33076 operational amplifier employs bipolar technology with innovative high performance concepts for audio and industrial applications. This device uses high frequency PNP input transistors to improve frequency

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    MC33076 MC33076 range76 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: BDC06 MPSW92
    Text: MOT ORCL A SC XSTRS/R F ISE D I t3b?aSM OOñS^lb T |T - BDC06 BDC08 CA SE 29-03, STYLE 14 TO-92 TO-226AE M A X IM U M RATINGS U nit Sym bol BDC 06 BDC 08 Collector-Emitter Voltage VCEO 300 250 Vdc Collector-Base Voltage VcBO 300 250 Vdc Em itter-Base Voltage

    OCR Scan
    BDC06 BDC08 O-226AE) BDC08 MPSW92 PDF


    Abstract: MC2150
    Text: mm dd INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FROM MOTOROLA 1 ! I DO MC2000 Series 0 to +75°C MC2100 Series (—55 to +125°C) M TT L II integrated circuits comprise a family of transistor-transistor logic designed for general purpose digital applications. The family has a high operating speed (30-50

    OCR Scan
    MC2000 MC2100 MC2124 MC2150 PDF

    lta 601

    Abstract: MC1709 MCI709 MC1709CP MC1709CP1 MC1709CG CI MC1709
    Text: MCI709 MC1709A MC1709C MOTOROLA m SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER M O N O L IT H IC O P E R A T IO N A L A M P L I F I E R . . . designed for use as a summing amplifier, integrator, or amplifier SILICON MONOLITHIC INTEGRATED CIRCUIT w ith operating characteristics as a function of the external feed­

    OCR Scan
    MCI709 MC1709A MC1709C lta 601 MC1709 MC1709CP MC1709CP1 MC1709CG CI MC1709 PDF


    Abstract: MCI709 MC1709 MC1709CP1 MC1709G resistance 1 k MC1709C MC1709CP MC1709A MC1709CU
    Text: MCI709 MC1709A MC1709C MOTOROLA H S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA 2 O PER A TIO N A L AM PLIFIER M O N O LITH IC O PE R A TIO N A L A M P L IFIE R . . . designed fo r use as a sum m ing a m p lifie r , in te g ra to r, or a m p lifie r w ith o p e ratin g ch a ra cte ristics as a f u n c t io n

    OCR Scan
    MCI709 MC1709A MC1709C MC1709) MC1709, MC1709A, MC1709CG MC1709 MC1709CP1 MC1709G resistance 1 k MC1709C MC1709CP MC1709CU PDF

    fzh 141

    Abstract: FZH 131 fzh 105 fzh 115 FZH 105 A MC2003 FZH 121 MC2073 MC2100 MC2002
    Text: ged dd INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FROM MOTOROLA l ! l l DO MC2000 Series 0 to +75°C MC2100 Series (—55 to +125°C) M TT L II integrated circuits comprise a family of transistor-transistor logic designed for general purpose digital applications. The family has a high operating speed (30-50

    OCR Scan
    MC2000 MC2100 MC2028/MC2078 MC2128/MC2178 fzh 141 FZH 131 fzh 105 fzh 115 FZH 105 A MC2003 FZH 121 MC2073 MC2002 PDF


    Abstract: 2G0909
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line fj 4 .5 G H z @ 1 0 m A HIGH FREQUENCY TRANSISTOR NPN SILICON HIGH FREQUENCY TRANSISTOR d e s ig n e d p r i m a r i l y f o r u s e in M A T V / C A T V a m p li f i e r s a n d o t h e r NPN SILICO N b r o a d b a n d lin e a r a p p lic a t io n s d e m a n d in g h ig h p o w e r g a in w i t h lo w

    OCR Scan

    motorola MC1741G

    Abstract: MC1741G C1741 MC1741CF MC1741 C1741C MC1741CU 80644
    Text: MOTOROLA SC 6367253 {TELECOM} MOTOROLA DIE SC D lt.Bt.75S3 □OöDt.4G □ ï~ 01E 80640 TELECOM ORDERING INFORMATION Device MC1741CD MC1741CG MC1741CP1 MC1741CU MC1741G MC1741U Alternate _ LM741CH, ftA741HC LM741CN, ¿tA741TC — — — Temperature Flange

    OCR Scan
    MC1741CD MC1741CG MC1741CP1 MC1741CU MC1741G MC1741U LM741CH, ftA741HC LM741CN, tA741TC motorola MC1741G C1741 MC1741CF MC1741 C1741C 80644 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4 -B it D ifferential ECL Bus/TTL Bus Transceiver M C 10H 680 M C 100H 680 The MC10H/100H680 is a dual supply 4 -b it differential ECL bus to TTL bus transceiver. It is designed to allow the system designer to no longer be

    OCR Scan
    MC10H/100H680 DL122 MC10H680 MC100H680 b3b7252 PDF

    RK 924 0001

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA MC13155 SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information Wideband FM IF T h e M C 13155 is a co m ple te w id e b an d FM d e te cto r desig n ed for satellite T V and o th e r w id e b an d d ata a nd ana lo g FM a pplications. This device m a y b e cascad e d fo r hig h e r IF gain and exte n de d R eceive

    OCR Scan
    MC13155 MC13155 RK 924 0001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCI 45073 Product Preview Dual 16-Bit Stereo Audio Sigma-Delta ADC CMOS CASE 751E-04 T h e M C 145073 is a dual channel, 16—b it A/D co n ve rte r intended fo r use in digital audio system s such as M u lti-m e d ia , D CC, DAT and professional audio

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit D13UD1L 145073 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCM54400A-V Advance Information 1M x 4 CMOS Dynamic RAM Fast Page Mode, 3.3 V Power Supply N PACKAGE 300 MIL SOJ CASE 822-03 The M CM 54400A-V is a 0.7y CMOS high-speed dynamic random access memory. It is organized as 1,048,576 fou r-b it words and fabricated with CMOS sili­

    OCR Scan
    MCM54400A-V 4400A-V MCM54400A-V 4400A MCM54400ANV80 MCM54400ANV80R2 MCM54400ATV80 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCM54410A Advance Information 1M x 4 CMOS Dynamic RAM Write Per Bit Mode N PACKAGE 300-MIL SOJ CASE 822 * T h e M C M 5 4 4 1 0 A is a 0 .7 f i C M O S h ig h -s p e e d , d y n a m ic ra n d o m a c c e s s m e m o ry . It is

    OCR Scan
    MCM54410A S4410A 100-m 4410A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST16C454 ST68C454 X * EXAR QUAD UNIVERSAL ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER/TRANSMITTER UART DESCRIPTION The ST16C454 is a universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter (UART) with a dual foot print interface. The 454 is an enhanced UART with data rates up to 1.5Mbps and software compatible to ST16C450.

    OCR Scan
    ST16C454 ST68C454 ST16C450. ST68C454 552-M 654-C ST16C454/68C454 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications ISDN PC Adapter Circuit IPAC PSB 2115 Version 1.1 Product Overview 09.96 T 2 1 1 5 -X V 1 1 -0 1 -7 6 0 0 PSB 2115 Revision History: Current Version: 09.96 Previous Version: Page in previous Version Page (in new Version) Subjects (major changes since last revision)

    OCR Scan
    PSB2115 IA-BIDI64X PDF


    Abstract: SICOFI-4 IA-HDI64X
    Text: ICs for Communications Intelligent Network Termination Controller IN TC -Q PEB 8191 PEF8191 Version 1.1 Product Overview 02.97 PEB 8191 Revision History: Original Version: 02.97 Previous Releases: none Page Subjects changes since last revision The PEB 8191, INTC Preliminary Datasheet 4.96 is obsolete.

    OCR Scan
    PEF8191 straiie73, 980hm) PEF8191 IA-BfDiCl64y IA-HDI64X PEB8091 SICOFI-4 IA-HDI64X PDF

    siemens isdn nt1

    Abstract: 36A4 PEB8091 PEB8191 PEB 2466
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications Intelligent Network Termination Controller INTC-Q PEB 8191 PEF8191 Version 1.1 Product Overview 02.97 T8191-XV11-01-7600 PEB 8191 Revision History: Original Version: 02.97 Previous Releases: none Page Subjects changes since last revision

    OCR Scan
    PEF8191 T8191-XV11-01-7600 500hm 980hm) ---40-IO CI64x~ siemens isdn nt1 36A4 PEB8091 PEB8191 PEB 2466 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O TO RO LA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Product Preview M C I 45073 Dual 1 6-B it S te re o A u d io S ig m a -D e lta A D C CMOS The MC145073 is a dual channel, 16-bit A/D converter intended for use in digital audio systems such as Multi-media, DCC, DAT and professional audio

    OCR Scan
    MC145073 16-bit D13Ri MC145073 D13LjDU PDF


    Abstract: hip6012 sanyo capacitor CG
    Text: HIP6012 interrii J u n e 1997 D a ta S h e e t The HIP6012 provides complete control and protection for a DC-DC converter optimized for high-performance microprocessor applications. It is designed to drive two N-Channel MOSFETs in a synchronous-rectified buck

    OCR Scan
    HIP6012 HIP6012 HIP60012 HIP6012-based AN9722. 10OOuF T50-52B; 17AWG. -1N4148 HIP6001 sanyo capacitor CG PDF