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    1S538 Search Results

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    c-mac 1553

    Abstract: FC1553 TLO 64 N IDM1553 FC1553TI 1553 bus controller idm1553-15 MIL-STD-15538 CLK32 IDHT553-25
    Text: MIL.STD.15538 INTEGRATED DATABUSMODULE MIL. LINK IDM1553 ABRIDGED VERSION - PLEASE REFER TO SEPARATEDA'IA SHEET FOR FULL INFORMATION The C-MAC IDM 1553 (MIL-LINK) Integrated DatabusModule is a completeMIL-STD 15538 or STANAG 3838 interface,capableof operationin Bus

    IDM1553 8KX16SHAREDRAM c-mac 1553 FC1553 TLO 64 N IDM1553 FC1553TI 1553 bus controller idm1553-15 MIL-STD-15538 CLK32 IDHT553-25 PDF