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    Mouser Electronics 400MSP1R1BLKM7REI/OMARKING
    • 1 $3.78
    • 10 $3.38
    • 100 $2.93
    • 1000 $2.46
    • 10000 $2.43
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    1R1 MARKING Datasheets Context Search

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    Planar choke

    Abstract: 2R2 choke PA marking code 1R5 Coil
    Text: PL planar inductors NEW features • Extremely low-profile power choke coil which height is 0.5 ± 0.1mm in 3.2 x 2.5mm size. High current type with maximum allowable current 800mA • Eddy current loss is suppressed by a proprietary structural design • Marking: Black body color with marking

    800mA PL3225 informati00h 1000h Planar choke 2R2 choke PA marking code 1R5 Coil PDF

    3R3 COIL

    Abstract: 1R5 Coil PL3225
    Text: PL planar inductors EU features • Extremely low-profile power choke coil which height is 0.5 ± 0.1mm in 3.2 x 2.5mm size. High current type with maximum allowable current 800mA • Eddy current loss is suppressed by a proprietary structural design • Marking: Black body color with marking

    800mA PL2520TTER43M* PL2520TTER68M* PL2520TTER82M* PL2520TTE1R0M* PL2520TTE1R5M* 30min. 1000h 3R3 COIL 1R5 Coil PL3225 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INDUCTORS TECHNOLOGY OF TOMORROW FERRITE CORE PLANAR INDUCTOR PL STRUCTURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 W NE Ferrite core Direction mark Marking Resin filler Coil pattern Electrode IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT CODE BODY COLOR MARKING Black White Alpha Numeric, 3 digits + direction mark

    D-25578 PDF

    agilent marking style

    Abstract: 3.3uH 1210 size inductor ne 3225 3R3 COIL 3225 22uh 3225 coil marking code 3R3 Marking code PL
    Text: Inductors FERRITE CORE PLANAR INDUCTOR PL STRUCTURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 W NE Ferrite core Direction mark Marking Resin filler Coil pattern Electrode IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT CODE MARKING BODY COLOR PL Black All these products have Pb-free terminations and meet RoHS requirements



    Abstract: 18X2 5R34 ET MARKING
    Text: ET-580 SERIES ● Designed for high current, high volt*time applications ● Lowest DCR/uH, high efficiency ● Shielded construction 20.5 MAX MARKING ET-580-4 ELY yyww 15.2 MAX 19.6 MAX 7.37 MAX 0.13 MAX 1 PCB LAYOUT AND SCHEMATICS 3.18x2 14.35 9.91 3.18x2

    ET-580 ET-580-4 18X2 5R34 ET MARKING PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CAPACITORS TECHNOLOGY OF TOMORROW SINGLE LAYER STRUCTURE CERAMIC, HIGH FREQUENCY HFC 1 2a 2b 4 Ceramic dielectric Ag electrode Ni plating Sn plating IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT CODE COATING COLOR MARKING HFC Black None Products with Pb-free terminations meet RoHS requirements

    30ppm/K D-25578 PDF

    3R3 COIL

    Abstract: coil 3r3 1R5 Coil 2R2 choke PL-2520 2R230 marking R33 4R-33 2R210 4r7 223
    Text: PL planar inductors EU features inductors • Extremely low-profile power choke coil which height is 0.5mm Max. in 2.5 x 2.0mm size, 0.5 ± 0.1mm in 3.2 x 2.5mm size. High current type with maximum allowable current 800mA • Eddy current loss is suppressed by a proprietary

    800mA 1000h 3R3 COIL coil 3r3 1R5 Coil 2R2 choke PL-2520 2R230 marking R33 4R-33 2R210 4r7 223 PDF


    Abstract: 1608-size
    Text: CAPACITORS TECHNOLOGY OF TOMORROW SINGLE LAYER STRUCTURE CERAMIC, HIGH FREQUENCY HFC 1 2a 2b 4 Ceramic dielectric Ag electrode Ni plating Sn plating IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT CODE COATING COLOR MARKING HFC Black None Products with Pb-free terminations meet RoHS requirements

    30ppm/K D-25578 k113 1608-size PDF

    td 1410

    Abstract: marking R50 R20 marking gtr80
    Text: HF / Filters HF Ceramic Capacitor SINGLE LAYER CHIP HFC STRUCTURE 1 Ceramic dielectric 2a Ag electrode 2b Ni plating 4 Sn plating IDENTIFICATION Product Code COATING COLOR MARKING HFC Brown None Products with Pb-free terminations meet RoHS requirements HFC

    D-25578 td 1410 marking R50 R20 marking gtr80 PDF

    3R3 COIL

    Abstract: PL3225TTE1R1M PL3225TTE 1R1 marking PL3225TTE4R7M
    Text: 1650 Reader's Spreadspg189-328 7/11/07 4:57 PM Page 41 PL planar inductors NEW features • Extremely low-profile power choke coil which height is 0.5 ± 0.1mm in 3.2 x 2.5mm size. High current type with maximum allowable current 800mA • Eddy current loss is suppressed by a proprietary

    800mA PL3225TTE1R1M PL3225TTE1R5M PL3225TTE2R2M PL3225TTE2R7M PL3225TTE3R3M PL3225TTE4R7M PL3225TTE5R1M 30min. 3R3 COIL PL3225TTE 1R1 marking PDF

    3R3 COIL

    Abstract: 2R2 choke 1R5 Coil 1R0 choke R 4R7 inductor pl322 2R2 COIL 4r7 COIL
    Text: 1733 Reader's Spreadspg189-328:1570 Reader's Spreadspg189-328 1/27/09 4:57 PM Page 35 PMS 300 neg. Black neg. PL planar inductors EU features • Extremely low-profile power choke coil which height is 0.5mm Max. in 2.5 x 2.0mm size, 0.5 ± 0.1mm in 3.2 x 2.5mm size. High current type with maximum

    Spreadspg189-328 Spreadspg189-328 800mA 1000h 3R3 COIL 2R2 choke 1R5 Coil 1R0 choke R 4R7 inductor pl322 2R2 COIL 4r7 COIL PDF

    ZWS 100 E

    Abstract: Z300 6k8 g pac 03 ZWS100E
    Text: V i s h ay I n t e r t e c h n o l o g y, I n c . AC KKA , KKE PA C WSZ Z300 ZWK ZB S ZWS w w w. v i s h a y. c o m Selector Guide Ce me nt Coate d r e s i s t i v e p r o d uc t s industrial wirewound resistors Industrial Wirewound Resistors Cement Coated

    VMN-SG2015-1007 ZWS 100 E Z300 6k8 g pac 03 ZWS100E PDF

    marking R35

    Abstract: No abstract text available

    tolerance12 marking R35 PDF

    chn 437

    Abstract: B1354 dxo 1100 CHN 703 D1302 M-986-1R1 M-986-1R2 M-986-2R1 dxo crystal oscillator 01324
    Text: tCEŒ DNE* . . MF TRUNK RECEIVERS & TRANSMITTERS INNOVATING SOLUTIONS M-986-1R1 & -2R1 MF Transceivers Features Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 MF Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R1 multifrequency signals on one integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a sin­

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986-1R1 M-986-2R1 M-986-1R2 M-986 M-986, TR-NPL-000275â ISBN-0-471-86753-5 chn 437 B1354 dxo 1100 CHN 703 D1302 dxo crystal oscillator 01324 PDF

    chn 347

    Abstract: TR-NPL-000275
    Text: t C e l x o n MF TRUNK RECEIVERS & TRANSMITTERS e M-986-1R1 & -2R1 MF Transceivers Features Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 MF Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R1 multifrequency signals on one integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a sin­

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986-1R1 M-986-2R1 M-986-1R2 M-986 TR-NPL-000275-- ISBN-0-471-86753-5 M-986-1 22121-20th chn 347 TR-NPL-000275 PDF

    chn 437

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r c i T H M E - MF TRUNK RECEIVERS & TRANSMITTERS INNOVATING SOLUTIONS M-986-1R1 &-2R1 MF Transceivers Features Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 M F Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R1 multifrequency signals on one integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a sin­

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986-1R1 M-986-2R1 M-986-1R2 M-986 TR-NPL-000275â ISBN-0-471-86753-5 22121-20th chn 437 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i MF TRUNK RECEIVERS & TRANSMITTERS M-986-1R1 &-2R1 M l Transceivers Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 MF Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R1 multifrequency signals on one integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a sin­ gle-channel version; M-986-2R1 provides two channels.

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986-1R1 M-986-2R1 M-986-1R2 M-986 M-986, M-986-1 TR-NPL-000275â ISBN-0-471-86753-5 PDF

    chn 511

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÏC E L X D N E MF TRUNK RECEIVERS & TRANSMITTERS M-986-1R1 &-2R1 MF Transceivers Features Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 M F Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R1 multifrequency signals on one integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a single-channel version; M-986-2R1 provides two channels.

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986-1R1 M-986-2R1 M-986-1R2 M-986-1 TR-NPL-000275â ISBN-0-471-86753-5 -20th chn 511 PDF

    ST CHN 510

    Abstract: CHN 510
    Text: ÏC E U D N E 1-ji]ÎS m iæ .iii,i.m MF TRUNK RECEIVERS & TRANSMITTERS M-986-1R1 &-2R1 MF Transceivers Features Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 M F Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R1 multifrequency signals on one integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a single-channel version; M -986-2R1 provides two channels.

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986-1R1 -986-2R1 -986-1R2 M-986 M-986-1 TR-NPL-000275â ISBN-0-471-86753-5 22121-20th ST CHN 510 CHN 510 PDF

    dxo 1100

    Abstract: ST CHN 510 chn 825 CHN 703 CHN T4 ST CHN t4 D6/chn 609 CHN 510 TR-NPL-000275 CHN 838
    Text: q i-B i t t im f » MF TRUNK RECEIVERS & TRANSMITTERS 1- M -986-1R 1 & -2 R 1 MF Transceivers Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 M F Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R1 multifrequency signals on one integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a sin­

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986-1R1 M-986-2R1 M-986-1R2 M-986 M-986, TR-NPL-000275â ISBN-0-471-86753-5 dxo 1100 ST CHN 510 chn 825 CHN 703 CHN T4 ST CHN t4 D6/chn 609 CHN 510 TR-NPL-000275 CHN 838 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M -9 8 6 -1 R 1 a n d -2 R 1 M FC Transceivers Teltone M-986-1R1 and -2R1 MF Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive R 1 multifrequency signals on one 40-pin integrated circuit IC . M-986-1R1 is a single-channel version; M-986-2R1 provides two channels.

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 40-pin M-986-2R1 M-986-1R2 M-986 22121-20th PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M-986-1R1 and -2R1 MFC Transceivers • Direct u-Law PCM digital input • 2.048 Mb/s clocking PLCC • Operates with standard codecs for analog interfacing DIP • Microprocessor read/write interface • Binary or 2-of-6 data formats • Single- or dual-channel versions

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 40-pin M-986-1 M-986-2R1 M-986 M-986 22121-20th PDF


    Abstract: LM341P-15 104846 LM341T-1S LM341P-12 8M05 lm341P15 lm78m05
    Text: SflE D • bSG112M 00 7 b4 S5 LM341 Series S3 National m m Semiconductor 1R1 « N S C 2 NATL SEMICOND LINEAR - 1 = 5 - LM341, LM78MXX Series 3-Terminal Positive Voltage Regulators General Description Features The LM341 and LM78MXX series o f three-terminal positive

    OCR Scan
    bSG112M LM341, LM78MXX LM341 LM341P-XX TL/H/10484-9 LM341P12 LM341P-15 104846 LM341T-1S LM341P-12 8M05 lm341P15 lm78m05 PDF

    dxo 1100

    Abstract: KTD 3-2 A4 Y2 chn 228 L04 MARKING 3728MHZ 1300 st CHN
    Text: tE e l x o n e Datasheet M-986-1R1 and -2R1 MFC Transceivers • Direct |j-Law PCM digital input • 2.048 Mb/s clocking • Operates with standard codecs for analog interfacing • Microprocessor read/write interface • Binary or 2-of-6 data formats •

    OCR Scan
    M-986-1R1 M-986, M-986 M-986-XR1 22121-20th dxo 1100 KTD 3-2 A4 Y2 chn 228 L04 MARKING 3728MHZ 1300 st CHN PDF