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    1P2 TRANSISTOR Search Results

    1P2 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    1P2 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DVB-T Schematic marking code CB SMD ic N6 TUA6034-T POWER MOSFET P01 smd marking code transistor 12p smd TSSOP-38 TUA6034 TUA6034-V TUA6036
    Text: Sp e c if icat io n, V 2 . 51 , Ja n ua ry 20 0 6 TUA6034, TUA6036 3- Ban d Di g i tal T V / S et- T op -B ox Tu ne r IC TA IF UN Ver s i on 2 .51 W i re l e s s C o m mu n i c a t i o n N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2006-01-11 Published by Infineon Technologies AG,

    TUA6034, TUA6036 TSSOP-38 PG-TSSOP-38 VQFN-48 taifun DVB-T Schematic marking code CB SMD ic N6 TUA6034-T POWER MOSFET P01 smd marking code transistor 12p smd TSSOP-38 TUA6034 TUA6034-V TUA6036 PDF

    DVB-t receiver schematic diagram

    Abstract: MURATA GRM15 -V2 dvbt active antenna schematic smd L35 MMCX-S50 MOSFET C65 DVB-T Schematic 4MHz CRYSTAL NDK at41 SMD l35 Transistor C86 SOT323
    Text: Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 München, Germany Infineon Technologies AG 2007. All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics “Beschaffenheitsgarantie” . With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any

    BB565 BB659C BF5030W BB689 TUA6039 DVB-t receiver schematic diagram MURATA GRM15 -V2 dvbt active antenna schematic smd L35 MMCX-S50 MOSFET C65 DVB-T Schematic 4MHz CRYSTAL NDK at41 SMD l35 Transistor C86 SOT323 PDF

    DVB-t receiver schematic diagram

    Abstract: X7356P MOSFET C65 MOSFET TRANSISTOR C65 4N7 CAPACITOR tua6039f-2 DVB-T Schematic MMCX-S50 dvbt active antenna schematic tuner if 36MHz
    Text: Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 München, Germany Infineon Technologies AG 2007. All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics “Beschaffenheitsgarantie” . With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any

    BB565 BB659C BF5030W BB689 TUA6039 DVB-t receiver schematic diagram X7356P MOSFET C65 MOSFET TRANSISTOR C65 4N7 CAPACITOR tua6039f-2 DVB-T Schematic MMCX-S50 dvbt active antenna schematic tuner if 36MHz PDF

    MOSFET marking smd 4425

    Abstract: DVB-T Schematic set top box TOKO marking P4 tua60* TSSOP-38 DVB-T Schematic infineon tuner IC MOSFET SAW MARKING CODE TSSOP-38 TUA6034 TUA6034-T
    Text: S pe c if icat io n , V 2. 5 , A pr il 20 0 4 TUA6034, TUA6036 3- Ban d Di g i tal T V / S et- T op -B ox Tu ne r IC TA IF UN Ver s i on 2 .5 W i re l e s s C o m mu n i c a t i o n N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2004-04-28 Published by Infineon Technologies AG,

    TUA6034, TUA6036 TSSOP-38 TSSOP-38 VQFN-48 MOSFET marking smd 4425 DVB-T Schematic set top box TOKO marking P4 tua60* TSSOP-38 DVB-T Schematic infineon tuner IC MOSFET SAW MARKING CODE TUA6034 TUA6034-T PDF


    Abstract: ROHM MCR03 EZP 22p capacitor murata grm39 capacitor Z5U .02M WIMA2220 220n capacitor datasheet 22p trimmer capacitor 821 ceramic capacitor NRS106K16R8
    Text: Application Note 78 ML2722 & ML2751 Evaluation Design OVERVIEW FEATURES The ML2722/ML2751 evaluation design demonstrates the performance, simplicity and size of a transceiver for two application areas. First is a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum DSSS at 1.536M chips per second and a

    ML2722 ML2751 ML2722/ML2751 ML2722 ML2751 928MHzoration. AN78-01 ind0603 ROHM MCR03 EZP 22p capacitor murata grm39 capacitor Z5U .02M WIMA2220 220n capacitor datasheet 22p trimmer capacitor 821 ceramic capacitor NRS106K16R8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Wireless Components 3-Band TV Tuner IC TUA6030 Version 1.1 Specification August 2000 preliminary Revision History: Current Version: October 2000 Previous Version:Target Data Sheet, V1.1, November 1999 Page in previous Version Page (in current Version) Subjects (major changes since last revision)

    TUA6030 BC847B PDF


    Abstract: 160nF 341P-2 toko transformer color code BB565 BB659C TUA6032 ADB 424
    Text: Wireless Components 3-Band TV Tuner IC TUA6030, TUA6032 Version 2.2 Specification January 2002 Revision History: Current Version: Preliminary Data Sheet,V1.1, August 2000 Previous Version:Target Data Sheet, V1.0, November 1999 Page in previous Version Page

    TUA6030, TUA6032 BC847B tua6030 160nF 341P-2 toko transformer color code BB565 BB659C ADB 424 PDF

    1p2 transistor

    Abstract: 145026D epcos 868.3mhz saw EPCOS simid02 2p2 transistor
    Text: Application Note SAW-Components Schematic and PCB layout for a SAWR stabilised remote-control transmitter at TX frequency 868.3MHz App. Note #22 Author: Updated: Version: Department: Alexander Glas May 6, 1998 1.5 OFW-EU-AE EPCOS AG SAW Components D-81617 Munich

    D-81617 300kHz 50kHz) 50kHz 260kHz) -350kHz, 310KHz 650kHz 1p2 transistor 145026D epcos 868.3mhz saw EPCOS simid02 2p2 transistor PDF


    Abstract: 145026 868 printed antenna design BFR92P C100 C110 R2709 Pierce oscillator 2p2 transistor 1p2 transistor
    Text: Application Note SAW-Components Schematic and PCB layout for a SAWR stabilised remote-control transmitter at TX frequency 868.3MHz App. Note #22 Author: Updated: Version: Department: Alexander Glas May 6, 2001 1.5 SAW CE AE PD EPCOS AG SAW Components D-81617 Munich

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Wireless Components 3-Band TV Tuner IC TUA6030 Version 2.0 Specification March 2001 Revision History: Current Version: Preliminary Data Sheet,V1.1, August 2000 Previous Version:Target Data Sheet, V1.0, November 1999 Page in previous Version Page (in current

    TUA6030 BC847B PDF


    Abstract: 160nF BB565 BB659C TUA6032 448MHz FALC-E1
    Text: Wireless Components 3-Band TV Tuner IC TUA6030, TUA6032 Version 2.1 Specification July 2001 Revision History: Current Version: Preliminary Data Sheet,V1.1, August 2000 Previous Version:Target Data Sheet, V1.0, November 1999 Page in previous Version Page

    TUA6030, TUA6032 BC847B TUA6030 160nF BB565 BB659C 448MHz FALC-E1 PDF

    DVB-T Schematic set top box

    Abstract: schematic diagram vga to tv 3-band spectrum analyzer smd wb1 tuner dvb-c hybrid X6966D smd wb2 Toko variable coil ac voltage stabilizer circuit diagram ALL BAND TV TUNER IC
    Text: D a ta S he et , R ev i s i on 3. 1, D e c em be r 20 0 6 TUA 6045-2 Low P ow er 3 -Ba nd D i gita l T V / Po r tab le Tu ne r IC TA IF UN 3 Co mmu nicat i on So lutio ns Edition 2006-12-19 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 München, Germany Infineon Technologies AG 2006.

    PG-VQFN-48 PG-VQFN-48 DVB-T Schematic set top box schematic diagram vga to tv 3-band spectrum analyzer smd wb1 tuner dvb-c hybrid X6966D smd wb2 Toko variable coil ac voltage stabilizer circuit diagram ALL BAND TV TUNER IC PDF


    Abstract: CX2156 N8280 PG-VQFn-48 smd wb1 smd wb2 220R BB555 BB659C ETC1-1-13
    Text: D a ta S he et , R ev i s i on 3. 1, D e c em be r 20 0 6 TUA 6041-2 Low P ow er 3 -Ba nd D i gita l T V / Po r tab le Tu ne r IC w i th Dig i tal Align men t L I G H T NI NG Co mmu nicat i on So lutio ns Edition 2006-12-19 Published by Infineon Technologies AG

    PG-VQFN-48 PG-VQFN-48 X6966D CX2156 N8280 smd wb1 smd wb2 220R BB555 BB659C ETC1-1-13 PDF


    Abstract: dvbt diagram 1100P2 BB 8615 dvbt TUA6034T DVB-T dvbt diagram schematic TSSOP-38 Q67037 TUA6034-T
    Text: Wireless Components 3-Band Digital TV / Set-Top-Box Tuner IC TUA6034, TUA6036 ’TAIFUN’ Version 2.4 Specification March 2003 Revision History: Current Version:Target Spec. V1.1, January 2001 Previous Version:Data Sheet: Target Spec. V1.0, November 2000

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    Abstract: mosfet BUZ 326 BUP 312 BSS 130 BUP 304 bup 313 615n60 BUZ 840 SGU06N60 BUP 307D
    Text: s Power Semiconductors MOS Transistors IGBTs Duo-Packs FREDs tp :/ se /ww m w ic .s on ie du me ct ns or .d / e/ ht Product Information 04. 98 Fast IGBTs S-FET SO-8 D-PAK I-PAK MOS-Transistors in alphanumeric order VDS [V] R DSon [⏲] VGS th [V] I D [A] Package

    615NV OT-223 20iemens B152-H6493-G5-X-7600 BUZ MOSFET mosfet BUZ 326 BUP 312 BSS 130 BUP 304 bup 313 615n60 BUZ 840 SGU06N60 BUP 307D PDF

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    Abstract: transistor SMD DK -RN SMPS flyback 2kW UPS SIEMENS UMAX 450W SMPS smps 450W 2kw mosfet PFC 5kw P-CHANNEL 25A TO-247 POWER MOSFET siemens soft starter
    Text: Semiconductor Group – find us at an office near you AUS Siemens Ltd., Head Office 544 Church Street Richmond Melbourne , Vic. 3121 ట (+61) 3-9420 7111 Fax (+61) 3-9420 72 75 Email: D Siemens AG Von-der-Tann-Straße 30 D-90439 Nürnberg

    D-90439 D-70499 D-81679 B-1060 N60S5 O-220 OT-223 2kW flyback PFC transistor SMD DK -RN SMPS flyback 2kW UPS SIEMENS UMAX 450W SMPS smps 450W 2kw mosfet PFC 5kw P-CHANNEL 25A TO-247 POWER MOSFET siemens soft starter PDF

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    Abstract: BLM21PG600SN1D 53189 ATF-52189 ATF-521P8 ATF-53189 RO4350 depletion mode PHEMT .s2p
    Text: 2.0 GHz high-linearity second stage LNA/ driver using the ATF-52189 Application Note 5245 Introduction EPHEMT Biasing Avago Technologies’ ATF-52189 is a high linearity, medium power, low noise E-pHEMT FET in a low cost surface mount SOT89 package. It is suitable for high

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NOVEMBER 1996 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION DS4032 1.6 SL1711 QUADRATURE DOWNCONVERTER 1 AGC IOUT VEEA IFINB IFIN IVCCA QOUT VEEC 16 SL1711 The SL1711 is a quadrature downconverter, intended primarily for application in professional and consumer digital satellite tuners.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    451E-7001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Thai HEWLETT WHIM PACKARD Avantek Products Thin-Film Cascadable Amplifier Module 10 to 200 MHz Technical Data UTO/UTC/PPA 211 Series Features Description • Frequency Range: 10 to 200 MHz The 211 Series is a thin-film bipolar, medium-gain, low-noise, RF amplifier suitable for front end

    OCR Scan
    PP-38 PDF

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    Abstract: 904c AVANTEK 1050 Avantek rf amplifier AVANTEK utc PPA509 AVANTEK transistor
    Text: AVANTEK INC m MME D Q a v a n tek U M lT b b G G 0 7 T 71 UTO/UTC/PPA 509 Series . " Thin-Film Cascadable Am plifier •• • 5 to 500 M Hz ' - G I AVA . FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • « • • • IF/RF Amplification • Output Stage • Surface Mount Assembly

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q avantek UTM-1056 Thin-Film Cascadable Amplifier 10 to 1000 MHz FEA TUR ES APPLICATIO NS • F requency Range: 10 to 1000 M Hz • M O D AM P Silicon M onolithic Gain Stages • High Gain: 26.5 dB Typ • Low VSW R • IF/RF Am plification DESC RIPTIO N

    OCR Scan
    UTM-1056 50-ohm PDF


    Abstract: mosfet BUZ 326 BUZ MOSFET 334 spd14n05 mosfet BUZ 349 mosfet buz 90a BUZ 100 MOSFET bup202 BUZ MOSFET 102s BUZ MOSFET 111S
    Text: SIEMENS Power Semiconductors MOS Transistors IGBTs Duo-Packs FREDs U ♦ BS 107 200 26.00 0.8. 2.0 0.13 TO-92 BSS 192 -240 20.00 -2.0. .-0.8 BS 170 60 5.00 0.8. 2.0 0.30 TO-92 BSS 229 250 100.00 -1.8. .-0.7 0.07 TO-92 BSO 307N 30 0.075 1.2. 2.0 4.2 SO-8

    OCR Scan
    615NV BSP318S BUZ MOSFET mosfet BUZ 326 BUZ MOSFET 334 spd14n05 mosfet BUZ 349 mosfet buz 90a BUZ 100 MOSFET bup202 BUZ MOSFET 102s BUZ MOSFET 111S PDF

    diagram remote control receiver and transmitter

    Abstract: rdn 100 Sw 2604 SCN2681 SCN2681T SCN2681TC1A44A SCN2681TC1N40A T-75-37-05
    Text: Product specification Philips Sem iconductors-SIgnetlcs Data Communications Products Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter DUART PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • SCN2681T 711002b 0030017 0Mb « P H I N T DESCRIPTION The Signetics SCN2681 Dual Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (DUART)

    OCR Scan
    SCN2681T SCN2681 SCN2681T SCN2681. 711GflSb T-75-37-05 diagram remote control receiver and transmitter rdn 100 Sw 2604 SCN2681TC1A44A SCN2681TC1N40A T-75-37-05 PDF