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    1NOO Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: powwpe/^GOfrdwD/ewoq/ ^60tOuJD 8C:H:0l 9 N I MVdQ d B H O lS n O L00 L <3> L " t7 133HS 30V0S 1H0I3M 3000 ON O N I MV d Q 30V0 33dS 3Z I 5 dWV 1NOO d 0 8 0 s e :s 6 9 - 9 A3y E - 9 S Z L _ LO-NVf-t^O HSINI3 NOIlVOIOddV 1 NO 0 1 IIS S lld

    OCR Scan
    2X16X89 7X13X94 0B50CETE A55DMEDY 04-JAN-01 amp40973 /home/amp40973/edmmod PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: powinpe/£¿60frdwD/9U]oq/ £¿60t7cJuuo SOEOOl 9 N I M V d Q L dO d 3 H 0 1 S n 0 L <3> 17 133HS 30V0S 1 H 0 I3 M LO-NVr-t^O ¿8 -E A3y £ - 9S¿ L dWV _ 1NOO d ON ONIMVdQ ON NOSd 3 3dS N O I l V O I d d d V 3Z I5 HS IN I3 1 NO 0 .3„ aavoodn3

    OCR Scan
    UNLE55 04-JAN-01 amp40973 /home/amp40973/edmmod PDF

    kj 004

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: powinpe/£¿60frdwD/9U]oq/ 9 N I M V d Q L dO d 3 H 0 1 S n 0 L <3> 17 133HS 1H0I3M 3OV3s £¿60t7cJuuo s L:90 LO-NVf-t^O ¿8-E A3y £-9S¿ L dWV _ 1NOO d ON ONIMVdQ ON H3S3 33dS N O I l V O I d d d V 3Z I5 HSINI 3 1 NO 0 s^ o o i-ayvo a 3 d/i

    OCR Scan
    0U1B-0367-00 amp40973 /home/amp40973/edmmocl 19Y92 10Y28Y92 10Y29Y92 04-JAN-01 kj 004 PDF

    din 41612 15

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 9 NI MV d Q d3H01Sn0 L id0 L o 17 133HS 3dV0S 6d80d9 1H0I3M d ON ON ONIMVdQ NOSd 1NOO S 3dAl O dds l o n a o d d a a v o o a n a 'A ig w assv aio vid ao ad 3WVN dIHdVd 06/6 l/l QddV NM0d9 06/8 l/l 06/8 L/1 'ßjnqs|JJDH ü 3 1 V d0 dd 0 0N I dNV T QddV d99W0N

    OCR Scan
    6S08B9-9 6B08B9-S 6B08B9-B 6B08B9-4 09-JAN-04 us043446 /home/us043446/dmmod din 41612 15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r& T O K O TK11900 ADJUSTABLE LOW DROPOUT REGULATOR FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Low Supply Current ■ Portable Instrumentation ■ Low Power Shutdown Mode ■ Cordless Telephones ■ Low Noise Output ■ Pagers ■ Low Dropout Voltage ■ Toys ■ Extremely High Stability

    OCR Scan
    OT-23L) TK11900 TK11900 PDF


    Abstract: L504 0R22 ic403 R418 t406 IC300 0R22/1W OR22 R300
    Text: +5 V +5 V +5 V +5V +12V 5 D iiD iH ose I [5] > O in Oro" O ro o- o o ro" O IC 3 0 0 a. o co VS o se co VT SCK [2,5] SDO [2.5] SDÌ <[2.5] ses [2,51 EN > SCK SDÌ SDO CS EN > [2 ] HA1 HA2 > in o c o o 19 18 27 28 LA1 LA2 R301 SRA 10 SPE [5] AN [2,5] 26 23 22

    OCR Scan
    IC300 TMC239-SI 0R00-2-3 C4-23 14-VU ic401 L504 0R22 ic403 R418 t406 IC300 0R22/1W OR22 R300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Terrestrial Digital Sound Decoder TDSD3 _ SAA7283 FEATURES • Single-chip solution including FM and vision filters, analog demodulator and audio switching • Dual standard with automatic selection between PAL

    OCR Scan
    711002b 011057b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0NIMVdO L dO ddUOlSOO L o 17 133 HS 31V0S 6 / / 0 0 NO 11 1 5 0 d 0 I V 1 ddOOOS 'O O O V ld O O O d 3Z I5 03ds lonaodd 'O d V O O d O O NM0d8 6 8 / 1/8 ‘' A 0 9 W 3 S S V 68 OOQW dNV d3an nn id v d à s s v Q 30V00 V SOOd a QddV T QddV NM Oda T »HO . aaavoa

    OCR Scan
    UNLE55 04-JAN-01 amp40973 /home/amp40973/edmmod PT7771 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r& T O K O TK119xx VOLTAGE REGULATOR WITH RESET OUTPUT FEATURES FEATURES • Very Low Dropout Voltage ■ Reset Output for Microprocessor ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Battery Powered Systems Cellular Telephones Pagers Personal Communications Equipment Portable Instrumentation

    OCR Scan
    TK119xx 119xx PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r& T O K O TK11900 ADJUSTABLE LOW DROPOUT REGULATOR FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Low Supply Current ■ Portable Instrumentation ■ Low Power Shutdown Mode ■ Cordless Telephones ■ Low Noise Output ■ Pagers ■ Low Dropout Voltage ■ Toys ■ Extremely High Stability

    OCR Scan
    TK11900 OT-23L) TK11900 PDF

    DA RH

    Abstract: S810N
    Text: powinpe/£¿60frdwD/9U]oq/ 9 N I M V d Q L dO d 3 H L 0 1 S n 0 <3> 17 133HS 680980 s^ooi-ayvoa ON ONIMVdQ HOSd 33ds l o n a o d d oovoNdaod 26A62A0 I 3 1 3 V ld 3 3 3 d SOL¿ L ’D d ' ß j n q s ! J J D H a3 iv a od ao o Ni duv HS INId 1 NO 0 3d / i h u m

    OCR Scan
    60frdwD/9U 133HS 60t7cJuuo 26A62A0 26A82A0L S300NV 00V1N00 00V1N00 10V1N00 DA RH S810N PDF


    Abstract: rh1s VMIVME-PS750 NBR3045PT VMIVME MAX-353-0512 Fluke 77 C56S PS150 54A18

    OCR Scan
    VMIVME-PS150 VMIVME-PS750 reliability720001 -J-50U CR38S CR36S 47H0002 47201X1 1/81J CR39S MAX-7Q rh1s VMIVME-PS750 NBR3045PT VMIVME MAX-353-0512 Fluke 77 C56S PS150 54A18 PDF


    Abstract: PD5555 upd5555c uPD5555G PD5555G 3fod PC1555 5555G
    Text: - 194 - ¡j. P D 5 5 5 5 ^ ' i í í'S r S I S lg , S 'S Æ Î ê Î B * ü & n < D ? -t 5 V ^ * â -5 ? lê ife fflic 3 9 :l+ è ti/c CMOS ífljsCO ^ Y h U S , X [ / '> a í[/ K, r r y h n — ;V, U -fe .y híÍR^P^: ^ . >J -fe -y h * Í C , t 0 [ = I g S S ! i í 'p * f B # C ^ i t S * 5 . C ¿

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TK11900M Linear ICs ADJUSTABLE LOW DROPOUT REGULATOR FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Low Supply Current ■ Portable Instrumentation ■ Low Power Shutdown Mode ■ Cordless Telephones ■ Low Noise Output ■ Pagers ■ Low Dropout Voltage ■ Toys ■ Extremely High Stability

    OCR Scan
    TK11900M OT23L) TK11900 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r& T O K O TK716XX LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATOR FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Available in ± 2.0 % or ± 1.0 % Output Tolerance ■ Battery Powered Systems ■ Active High On/Off Control ■ Cellular Telephones ■ Very Low Quiescent Current ■ Pagers ■ Very Low Dropout Voltage

    OCR Scan
    TK716XX OT-23-5) TK716xx IC-216-TK716xx PDF

    Thyristor Xo 602 MA

    Abstract: 5A/1/Thyristor Xo 602 MA ah 90360 1N126 2N339 2N3201 transistor bf 175 germanium transistor epitaxial mesa 2N241
    Text: GENERAL ELECTRIC THYRISTOR AND DIODE CONDENSED SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL ELECTRIC THYRISTOR AND DIODE CONDENSED SPECIFICATIONS This chapter is primarily devoted to condensed specifications of General Electric’s thyristors, thyristor assemblies, trigger devices, and

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Full Duplex Technology Incorporated 4-Port Fast Ethernet Controller PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Features • Low Power CMOS Technology ■ 4-Port Ethernet Controller Optimized for Switching Hub, Multiport Bridge/Router, Server Applications ■ Supports 100Base-T4,100 Base-TX, 100Base-FX

    OCR Scan
    100Base-T4 100Base-FX 10MBit/sec 10/100t MD400158/D MD40015B/D MD400158/D PDF

    TOKO voltage regulators

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r& T O K O TK70403 1.03 V REGULATOR WITH ON/OFF SWITCH FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Low Input Voltage Operation Single Battery Cell ■ Pagers ■ Internal PNP Transistor ■ Personal Communication Equipment ■ Internal Shutdown Control (Off Current, 0.1 |aA max)

    OCR Scan
    OT-26) TK70403 TK70403 -216-TK70001 TOKO voltage regulators PDF

    cd 40185

    Abstract: dSMC JUB373 NJU6373 23MF
    Text: N J U 6 3 7 3 '> 'j-X t k NJÜ6373 - > U - X t t , ë , æ m m ic 7 5 M H z i T ' f ê î l ^ I t 6 4 ' 7 K p HH ^ Î S f f l C - M O S 1C î î , NJU6373&#39;> U — X ' t t , A~D, H -L S L P 'Q -T O T 3 tl , n - ;fn 2 0 ~ 3 5 M H z , 30~50MHz, 45~75MHz<7>#lfi;! î'5TFtë'CTo 1/

    OCR Scan
    NJU6373i> Njy6373 75MHzà NJU6373 ft-Tft20 35MHz, 75MHzC7> NJU6373XC NJU6373XE NJU6373 cd 40185 dSMC JUB373 23MF PDF


    Abstract: diode KIV 63 JW212 jw-2pg E2J zener diode ZW-101PG1 JW20H jw-13pg diode KIV 62 ZW-160RS1
    Text: Version 1.7 Produced in May 1998 Sharp Programmable Controller New Satellite User's Manual * Hardware version SHARP JW20 ä Is ! “ 3 L_.J . 1 ì : ~ i © : — JW20H We thank you for your purchase of the SHARP programmable controller JW20H. This booklet user's manual, hardware version explains mainly the JW20H&#39;s hardware; the

    OCR Scan
    JW20H JW20H. JW20H JW-22CU diode KIV 63 JW212 jw-2pg E2J zener diode ZW-101PG1 jw-13pg diode KIV 62 ZW-160RS1 PDF


    Abstract: 27C256 27C256-2 27C256-45 27C256-70 CY27C256 27C256-55 CY27C256T-70WMB 27C256 UV 27c256120
    Text: CY27C256 V CYPRESS Features • W ide speed range — 45 ns to 200 ns com m ercial and m ilitary • Low power — 248 raW (commercial) — 303 mW (m ilitary) • Low standby power — Less th a n 83 raW when deselected • ± 10% Power supply tolerance

    OCR Scan
    CY27C256 768-word 600-mil 28-Lead 300-Mil) CY27C256Tâ 27C256-200 27C256 27C256-2 27C256-45 27C256-70 27C256-55 CY27C256T-70WMB 27C256 UV 27c256120 PDF


    Abstract: 4L90
    Text: powinpe/£¿60frdwD/9U]oq/ £¿60t7cJuuo g^oi 9 N I M V d Q L dO d 3 H 0 1 S n 0 L 17 133HS QdV00an3 HUM „ 3 Z / l„ 'A13H333V 3dV0S 1H0I3M d ON HOSd ON ONIMVdQ S^OOl-QdVOa SO L¿ L ’D d 313Vld333d ' ß j n q s i JJDH 86X88X0L 86X88X0 L [M]W adivdOddooNi duv

    OCR Scan
    60tdwD QdV00dn3 A33W3S3V 330Vld333d nivaN380d 86X68X0l N0Sd311Vd 86X88X0 86X88X0L N0Sd311Vd 86X6 4L90 PDF

    p31b diode

    Abstract: DIODE P31A DIODE P31B p31a diode signetics high speed cmos 74hc P30D-P26D
    Text: Advance Information This document contains information on a product under development. The parametric information contains target parameters and is subject to change. Applications Distinguishing Features CMYK-to-RGB Conversion 100 MHz Operation 4:1-128:1 Multiplexed Pixel Port

    OCR Scan
    207-pin Bt496 L496001 p31b diode DIODE P31A DIODE P31B p31a diode signetics high speed cmos 74hc P30D-P26D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance information AS4LC256K64S0 Ü! 3.3V 256K x 64 C M O S synchronous graphic RAM Features • O rganization - 131,072 w o rd s x 64 bits x 2 banks • Fully synchronous - All signals referenced to positive edge o f clock • Two internal banks controlled by BA bank select

    OCR Scan
    AS4LC256K64S0 128-pin AS4LC256K64S0-133QC AS4LC256K64S0-1OOQC -60002-A. PDF