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    Glyn ADAMCABLE15216POL

    FFC for ADAM Displays 16pol
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    GLYN GmbH & Co. KG ADAMCABLE15216POL 540
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    Others 16POL. 180° BOX HEADER

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    Chip 1 Exchange 16POL. 180° BOX HEADER 986
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    Others 16POL. 2-REIHIG 90°

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    Chip 1 Exchange 16POL. 2-REIHIG 90° 721
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    Others 16POL. 180°

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    Chip 1 Exchange 16POL. 180° 423
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    Others 16 POLI

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    Chip 1 Exchange 16 POLI 103
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    16POL Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product catalogue | Terminals | Tension clamp technology | Plug-in modular terminals | WeiCoS 2.5mm² | Plug | ZP 2,5/1AN + 1GN/2.16pole General ordering data Order No. Part designation Version EAN Qty. Product notes Note, ordering data Note, technical data

    16pole PDF


    Abstract: Wieland 75.960.2435.0
    Text: revos revos Industrial multipole connectors Multiple multipole connectors BASIC 600 V UL/CSA 500 V, 16 A IEC 61 984 16pole and 24pole + ground Number of poles Housing Hood Cable entry side Thread narrow side narrow side M 25 M 25 Degree of protection: IP 65 with the appropriate cable glands

    16pole 24pole 16pole 70,310,1640,0 Wieland 75.960.2435.0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product catalogue | Terminals | Tension clamp technology | Plug-in modular terminals | WeiCoS 2.5mm² | Plug | ZP 2,5/1AN + 1GN/2.16pole General ordering data Order No. Part designation Version EAN Qty. Product notes Note, ordering data Note, technical data

    16pole 5/1AN/14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Connectors for mains connection IEC 60947-5-2 N-series Product description Robust connectors 6-, 10-, and 16pole, narrow plastic housing, angled, for industrial application. • Housing made of glass-fibre-reinforced, impact-resistant and unbreakable plastic

    16pole, fa0af01.932 PDF

    BCM 4335

    Abstract: relay btk 1012 ADP 3208 bcm 3380 btk 1012 1664810000 97ATEX6007X DIN EN 60999-1 HD 11070 moduflex
    Text: Company profile Weidmüller is the leading manufacturer of components for electrical and electronic interconnection technologies. The company develops, produces and sells customer-oriented solutions comprising the entire Weidmüller product portfolio. As an OEM supplier, the company sets global standards in the



    Abstract: HDC-HE-24SS HDC-HE-16SS HDC-HE-10SCM HDC-HE-16SCM HDC-HE-24SZF HDC-HE-24BS he10 16p 122350 HDC-HE-16SZF
    Text: Series HE 18 Series HE Series HE 6 - 48 poles Screw-/tension clamp or crimp termination Screw/tension clamp, or crimp termination Pole numbers: 6, 10, 16, 24, 32, 48 Note: 32-pole connectors are composed of two 16-pole inserts numbered 1-16 and 17-36; 48-pole connectors are composed of

    32-pole 16-pole 48-pole 24-pole HDC-HB-48-SVL1/29P HDC-HB-48-SVL1/29 HDC-HB-48-SVL1/36P HDC-HB-48-SVL2/29P HDC-HB-48-SDVL1/29P HDC-HB-48-SDVL1/36P HDC-HE-16BS HDC-HE-24SS HDC-HE-16SS HDC-HE-10SCM HDC-HE-16SCM HDC-HE-24SZF HDC-HE-24BS he10 16p 122350 HDC-HE-16SZF PDF

    LINDNER fuses

    Abstract: diazed fuse d10 LINDNER Wickmann USA Electrical Fuse 3.6 KV, 315A Neozed weidmuller fuse sak 0456360000 M3X22 IEC 947-7-1 052766-000
    Text: SAK-series 124 SAK-series Weidmüller terminal - SAK-series- are proved in millions of applications for more than 50 years. TS 32 TS 35 Thermosetting plastic or Thermoplastic Terminal of thermosetting plastic are normally used in applications where high continuous service temperature and high


    lcd 2x16 HD44780 14 pin

    Abstract: 4X16 lcd module hd44780 1X16 lcd module HD44780 DIP162-DNLED 2X16 lcd module hd44780 ea 8204 P162-EFLEX W162-N3LED lcd 2x16 HD44780 EA P162-N3LED
    Text: DOTMATRIXDISPLAYS 2x16 01.2004 0 0LCD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0DOTMATRIXDISPLAYS 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2 Zeilen à 16 Zeichen Artikelbezeichnung Modulmaße Sichtfenster Zeich. höhe B H T B H EA P162-3N 3.2 53.0 20.0 8.1 36.0 10.0 Flexkabe - KF-16G erf.

    P162-3N KF-16G T162G-3NLED KF-16G P162-C 017-1U P162-CNLED HD-8410BNLED 017-7U) lcd 2x16 HD44780 14 pin 4X16 lcd module hd44780 1X16 lcd module HD44780 DIP162-DNLED 2X16 lcd module hd44780 ea 8204 P162-EFLEX W162-N3LED lcd 2x16 HD44780 EA P162-N3LED PDF

    2x20 lcd HD44780

    Abstract: R8 SMD display 2x20 lcd lcd 2x16 ht lcd 2X20 ea 8202 4X16 lcd module hd44780 lcd 2X20 8 pin P202-B3HNLED 8202-CNLED
    Text: DOTMATRIXDISPLAYS 2x20 01.2004 LCD DOTMATRIXDISPLAYS 2 Zeilen à 20 Zeichen Artikelbezeichnung Zeich. höhe EA J202-NLED 5.6 EA P202-BNLED 5.6 EA E202-NLW Modulmaße B H Sichtfenste Anschluß Rahmen Hinweise

    J202-NLED P202-BNLED E202-NLW 017-7U P202-B2HNLED P202-B3HNLED 500mA 2x20 lcd HD44780 R8 SMD display 2x20 lcd lcd 2x16 ht lcd 2X20 ea 8202 4X16 lcd module hd44780 lcd 2X20 8 pin P202-B3HNLED 8202-CNLED PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0233 Einbaukupplung mit Push-pull-Verriegelung, für Frontmontage, IP 68, Größe 2, mit Lötanschlüssen 1. Temperaturbereich -40 °C/+120 °C 2. Werkstoffe Kontaktträger Kontaktbuchse 3- bis 10-polig Kontaktbuchse 12- bis 16-polig Gehäuse Pressring Mutter

    10-polig 16-polig PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. HV2809 Low Harmonic Distortion, 32-Channel, High Voltage Analog Switch Relay Replacement IC General Description Features ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► 32 Channels of high voltage analog switch

    HV2809 32-Channel, 50MHz -60dB 56-Lead HV2809 DSFP-HV2809 NR121712 PDF


    Abstract: 24POL
    Text: K a b e ld u rc h la ss 6-8mm Ì — ' r Bestell-N r.: ^ri 2pol. 3pol. 4pol. 5pol. 5pol. S te re o 6pol. 7pol. DIN 7pol. 8pol. DIN 12pol. 14pol. 16pol. 19pol. 24pol. evi vO d LJ 9 9 -5 6 0 2 -1 5 -0 2 9 9 -5 6 0 6 -1 5 -0 3 9 9 -5 6 1 0 -1 5 -0 4 9 9 -5 6 1 4 -1 5 -0 5

    OCR Scan
    12pol. 14pol. 16pol. 19pol. 24pol. 83binder 19pol 24POL PDF


    Abstract: 080703 4232-00 8POL P
    Text: 54.0 20.0 fL K a b e ld u rc h la ss 6-8mm BesteU-N r.: 2pol. 3pol. 4pol. 5pol. 5pol. Ste re o 6pol. 7pol. DIN 7pol. 8pol. DIN 12pol. 14pol. 16pol. 19pol. 24pol. Index " 7 6 " "7 9 " "3 5 " "110" 9 9 -5 6 0 2 -7 5 -0 2 9 9 -5 6 0 6 -7 5 -0 3 9 9 -5 6 1 0 -7 5 -0 4

    OCR Scan
    12pol. 14pol. 16pol. 19pol. 24pol. 83binder 19POL 080703 4232-00 8POL P PDF

    TAG 8

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Marking material for adapters part no. For standard only for 6-po!e a da p te r m arking 2 x 1 to 6 „ 85 99.002.0920.8 9705 A / 6.7 / 2 X 6 B 1-6 for 10-pole a da p te r m arking 1 to10 99.003.0920.8 9705 A / 6. 7 / 12 B 1-10 For high density only For high

    OCR Scan
    10-pole 16-pole 24-pole 12-part 7/12B 7/12B1-9 12-pole TAG 8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1986 PRELIMINARY 64K bit Add— Only {Button SPECIAL FEATURES COMMON {Button FEATURES • 6 5 5 36 -b its Electrically Program mable Read Only M em ory EPROM com m unicates with the econom y of one signal plus ground • Unique, fa ctory-lasered and tested 6 4 -b it registra­

    OCR Scan
    DS1986 PDF

    information applikation

    Abstract: Halbleiterbauelemente DDR U555C information applikation mikroelektronik VEB mikroelektronik "Mikroelektronik" Heft mikroelektronik DDR mikroelektronik Heft mikroelektronik applikation Transistoren DDR
    Text: in n ilk a n í o J B lB t a L J I , L J n Í lH KáD Information Applikation Halbleiter Speicher Teil 1 SRAM [ n n ilk r a ^ e lE s k t s n a r iik Information Applikation HEFT 79- , HALBLEITERSPEiCHER TEIL li > < .1* • • r* - . SRAM * VEB Halbleiterwerk Frankfurt Oder

    OCR Scan

    valvo halbleiter

    Abstract: SCL4028BE tesla schaltkreise applikation heft information applikation V4001D aiken analoge schaltkreise V4011D 4029D
    Text: m iö lk in ö e le l-c t e n a n ilK Integrierte Schaltkreise Funktion und Einsatzm öglichkeiten CMOS-Logikschaltkreise V 4028 D, V 4035 D und V 4 0 4 2 D CMOS - Logikbaureihe V 4 0 0 0 D Heft 4 Funktion und Einsatzmögiichkeiten der C M O S -L o g ik sc h a ltk re ise

    OCR Scan

    VEB mikroelektronik

    Abstract: 4565 D A2005V KP303 KP303D U806D analoge schaltkreise a4100d A209K sf126d
    Text: DATEN BUCH 0 /x *«» Der vorliegende T ite l ist ein w eite re r Band d er D aten­ buch-R eihe Uber die M ikroelektronik. B auelem ente Die A pplikationszentrum R eihe wird Elektronik des im Berlin VEB Kom binat A uftrag des und des VEB M ilitär­ verlages herausgegeben.

    OCR Scan

    Radio Fernsehen Elektronik 1977 Heft 9

    Abstract: "Mikroelektronik" Heft meuselwitz Rema Toccata Tesla katalog Kombinat VEB A 281 "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" mikroelektronik Heft NF-Pegelmesser MV 73 mikroelektronik ddr
    Text: INFORMATION MIKROELEKTRONIK APPLIKATIO N KID i R l M i Information-Applikation Aufbau, Eigenschaften und Anwendung des AM-Empfängerschalt Kreises A 244 D und des AM-FM-ZF-Verstärkers A 281 D Mikroelektronik Heft 5 veb Halbleiterwerk frankfurt/oder lo it b e t n e b im v e b k o m b in a t m ik r o e le k t r o n ik

    OCR Scan

    mikroelektronik ddr

    Abstract: Halbleiterbauelemente DDR VEB mikroelektronik vqb 71 A910D VQB71 "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" diode sy-170 VQB 37 u112d
    Text: Halbleiter-Bauelemente Semiconductors Die vorliegende Übersicht enthält in gedrängter Form die wichtigsten Grenz- und Kenn­ daten der in der DDR gefertigten Halbleiterbauelem ente. Dem Anwender soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl der jeweils in Frage kommenden

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Multipole terminal blocks Screw, solder, tab connection MKL 3/12 MF 2/12 MK 2/12 MKL 4/16 O ^O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ^ rrn • O ' t e e its!js11;' m!tsjm|k k k K K M fc M M W U M M * POOQQOOQOOOOOO, »• • • • • • • • •» OV0| O, Ol 0 , 0 0 , 0 0 , 0 0 , 0

    OCR Scan
    16-pole 12-pole PDF


    Abstract: TBA 240 TBA570q vor antenna fmTUNER diagram TBA 570 Antenna VOR ic tba 500 clock radio TBA 700
    Text: TBA 570 • TBA 570 Q 'W Monolithisch Integrierte Schaltung Monolithic Integrated Circuit Anwendung: AM /FM -Em pfängerschaltung fü r den Einsatz in K offergeräten, R adiorecordern, U hrenradios und Stereogeräten. Application: AM/FM-Receiver circu it fo r use in po rta b le radios, radio recorders, c lo ck radio

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Single-Conductor PCB Terminal Strips, Series 2 3 5 , Pin Spacings 5 /5 .0 8 m m / 0.2 in; 7.5/7.62 m m / 0 .3 in; 10/10.16 m m / 0 .4 in Side-entry Pin spacing 5/5.08 mm / 0.2 in AWG 2 0 -1 4 "sol." 0.5 - 2.5 m m 2"s" 1.5 mmJY w . push-bu. Item-No. Pin spacing 7.5/7.62 mm / 0.3 in

    OCR Scan
    500light 16-pole, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1962/DS1963 PRELIMINARY DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS1962/DS1963 1K—Bit/4K—Bit Monetary iB u tto n SPECIAL FEATURES • 4096 bits of read/write nonvolatile m em ory DS1963 , 1024 bits with the DS1962 • O verdrive m ode boosts com m unication speed to

    OCR Scan
    DS1962/DS1963 DS1962/DS1963 DS1963) DS1962 PDF