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    Abstract: 42c40 BM4211B TMP42C40P TMP42C60P TLCS-42, 47
    Text: T O S H IB A TMP42C40/60 C M O S 4 -B IT M IC R O C O N T R O LLE R TM P42C40P, TMP42C60P T h e 42C 40/6 0 a re co m p act, h ig h speed 4 -b it sin g le ch ip m icro co m p u te rs in te g ra tin g R O M , RA M in p u t/o u tp u t po rts, an d in te rv a l tim e r. T h e 42C 40/60 a re th e sta n d a rd ty p e d evices in th e TLC S-42 CM O S series.

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    TMP42C40/60 TMP42C40P, TMP42C60P 42C40/60 TLCS-42 TMP42C40P BM4211B TMP42C60P 42c40 BM4211B TLCS-42, 47 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: February 1997 MgL Micro Linear ML4878 ML4878 LCD Backlight Lamp Driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4878 is an integrated ballast controller for miniature cold cathode fluorescent lamps CCFL that are used for back lighting of liquid crystal displays (LCD). The

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    ML4878 ML4878 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 1998 ^Ék Micro Linear 2.5W Inverter Design for 4 inch to 6 inch Displays ML4878 Single Stage LCD Backlight Lamp Driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4878 is an integrated ballast controller for miniature cold cathode fluorescent lamps CCFL that are

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    ML4878 ML4878 PDF


    Abstract: vtm 206-8 bel202
    Text: A/YX-DDA/VIND. MiXed Signal ICs DATA BULLETIN MX602 Calling Line Identifier/ Calling Line Identifier on Call Waiting Document #20480136.002 May 1996 Preliminary Information C aller ID / Caller ID on Call W aiting Telephones and Adjunct Boxes 'Zero-Power' Ring or Line Polarity’

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    MX602 V23/Bell202 16-pin MX602DW MX602P MX602 Bell-202 vtm 206-8 bel202 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPSON PF759-03 E0C6S27 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer • • • • Core CPU Architecture SVD Circuit High Quality Display LCD Driver Stepping-Motor Driver • DESCRIPTION The E0C6S27 is an advanced single-chip CMOS 4-bit microcomputer consisting of the E0C6200A CMOS 4-bit

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    PF759-03 E0C6S27 E0C6S27 E0C6200A 768kHz Inst00 E0C6SA27 E0C6SB27 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: November 1995 PRELIM IN A R Y 3ÉL Micro Linear ML4878 ML4878 LCD Backlight Lamp Driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML4878 is a controller IC for driving the miniature cold cathode fluorescent lamps CCFL typically used in liquid crystal display (LCD) backlight applications. It

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    ML4878 PDF


    Abstract: VL223 vl101
    Text: PF759-03 E0C6S27 4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer • • • • Core CPU Architecture SVD Circuit High Quality Display LCD Driver Stepping-Motor Driver I DESCRIPTION The E0C 6S27 is an advanced single-chip CM O S 4-bit microcomputer consisting of the E0C6200A CM O S 4-bit

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    PF759-03 E0C6S27 E0C6200A 768kH 768kHz, 420kfl 65kHz 160ki2 160kHz 1x09 VL223 vl101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: "February 1997 Micro Linear ML4878 ML4878 LCD Backlight Lamp Driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4878 is an integrated ballast controller for miniature cold cathode fluorescent lamps CCFl that are used for back lighting of liquid crystal displays (LCD). The

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    ML4878 ML4878 200mV. 330mV ML4878CS 14-PIN 8X106 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C = 470pF and using <Hz, coo = 1 and aR = aR sal: 15.05kQ Ic E *6 std. value: 15.0ki2 Id sal: 12.19k£2 E 36 std. value: 1 2 .1 kQ Id sal: 17.42KQ E 6 std. value: 17.4kQ Ic sal: 10.53kQ E 36 std. value: 10.53kQ 3 = ' /Q => aR = R/Q. Figure 38 - Precision 2-Wire 4 to 20 mA Current Loop

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    470pF TLE2024 TLE20218 PDF