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    1557 D TRANSISTOR Search Results

    1557 D TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    1557 D TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: metal detector plans metal detector plans schematic EL2018 EL2018CH EL2018CJ MIL-I-45208A R2KN
    Text: ELANTEC INC Ifl D E | 312=1557 □□□□574 7 HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Fast, High Voltage Comparator with Transparent latch Features General Description • Fast response tim e -2 0 ns • Wide input differential voltage range —24 V on ± 15 V

    OCR Scan
    EL2018/EL2018C time-20 Hz-20 EL2018 EL2018CN metal detector plans metal detector plans schematic EL2018CH EL2018CJ MIL-I-45208A R2KN PDF


    Abstract: metal detector plans schematic metal detector diagram PI metal detector plans q815 EL2018CH EL2018CJ EL2018CN EL2018H 0DD25
    Text: 312*1557 0DD25D7 ^SD MIELA SÖE D ia n t e c EL2018/EL2018 C Fast, High Voltage Comparator with Transparent Latch HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGR/TEC CIRCUITS •■ ELANTEC INC F eatu res G eneral D escrip tion • F ast response time—20 ns • Wide input differential voltage

    OCR Scan
    312TSS7 0DD25D7 EL2018/EL2018C EL2018/EL2018C EL2018 74LS138C metal detector plans schematic metal detector diagram PI metal detector plans q815 EL2018CH EL2018CJ EL2018CN EL2018H 0DD25 PDF

    zener 4b7

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL2041/EL2041C SflE D • 312=1557 □□□2110 fill H E L A ELANTEC INC F eatu res G eneral D escrip tion • Open loop unity bandwidth—90 MHz • Unity gain stable • High gain—10k typ. • High slew rate—250 V/ju.s • Low offset voltage—0.5 mV typ.,

    OCR Scan
    EL2041/EL2041C MIL-STD-883 HA2541 EL2041CG 864E-18 312SS57 00DS122 EL2041/EL2041C EL2041 zener 4b7 PDF

    SRF 3775

    Abstract: EL2041CG pot 100K smd smd diode JC 7K EL2041CJ EL2041G EL2041J HA2541 zener 4b7
    Text: EL2041/EL2041C SflE D • 312=1557 □□□2110 fill H E L A ELANTEC INC F eatu res G eneral D escrip tion • Open loop unity bandwidth—90 MHz • Unity gain stable • High gain—10k typ. • High slew rate—250 V/ju.s • Low offset voltage—0.5 mV typ.,

    OCR Scan
    EL2041/EL2041C MIL-STD-883 HA2541 864E-18 312SS57 00DS122 EL2041/EL2041C EL2041 SRF 3775 EL2041CG pot 100K smd smd diode JC 7K EL2041CJ EL2041G EL2041J HA2541 zener 4b7 PDF

    metal detector plans

    Abstract: metal detector plans schematic el2019h/883b EL2019CH EL2019CN EL2019H flipflop application TI5C
    Text: E L A N T E C INC ìfl"" Ì>E| 315=1557 GDOOSflM □ HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Fast, High Voltage Comparator with Master Slave Flip-Flop F e a tu re s G eneral D escription • Comparator cannot oscillate • Fast response - 5 ns data to

    OCR Scan
    EL2019/EL2019C 30/iV) EL2019 3121S57 fj-73-Si metal detector plans metal detector plans schematic el2019h/883b EL2019CH EL2019CN EL2019H flipflop application TI5C PDF

    basic circuit diagram of AC servo motor

    Abstract: 3 phase AC servo drive schematic TI EL2037CM 3 phase AC servo drive schematic Control AC servo motor EL2037 floppy motor driver IN4000 mos short circuit protection schematic diagram short circuit protection schematic diagram
    Text: ELANTEC 4 IE D INC 315=1557 Servo Motor Drivers G0017B3 b ÜELA " T S ¿ -i V 2 S F e a tu r e s G e n e ra l D e sc r ip tio n • No crossover distortion • Low output offset current • Maximum output swing • Short circuit protected • Programmable park voltage

    OCR Scan
    EL2036C/EL2037C basic circuit diagram of AC servo motor 3 phase AC servo drive schematic TI EL2037CM 3 phase AC servo drive schematic Control AC servo motor EL2037 floppy motor driver IN4000 mos short circuit protection schematic diagram short circuit protection schematic diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EN2016D 312=1557 OOQllGa M SÔE D ELANTEC INC EN20J6D Die Fast QuadNPN Array A b s o lu te M a xim u m R a tin g s w T~</3 -as t a = 25°c> Pd Power Dissipation Each Transistor 500 mW (T^ = 25°C Ta Operating Temperature Range —55°Cto+125°C Ts Storage Temperature

    OCR Scan
    EN20J6D 500mW PDF


    Abstract: EL2070CN EL2070CS MIL-I-45208A 7710 8 pin dip
    Text: SflE D 312=1557 0002147 S03 « E L A HlGH PERfORMAf^CE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS EL2070/EL2070C 200 MHz Current Feedback Am plifier ELANTEC INC F e a tu r e s G e n e ra l D e s c rip tio n • 200 M Hz —3 dB bandwidth, The EL2070 is a wide bandwidth, fast settling monolithic am­

    OCR Scan
    DD02147 EL2070/EL207OC ns/100 conversio30 EL2070/EL2070C EL2070 EL2070CN EL2070CS MIL-I-45208A 7710 8 pin dip PDF

    1557 b transistor

    Abstract: transistor IC 1557 b 1557 transistor transistor 1557 b transistor 1557 TRANSISTOR 2SC 2SC1557 C4053 uhf transistor amplifier K8J5
    Text: S /U D :/N P N l£ 9 * 5 /? J I/7 b -* fê h 5 > 5 tt9 SILICON NPN EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTOR 2SC , 1557 i f i i i f f l o -f » b ttxib nmmm INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS o VHP , UHF o M icrowave H igh Power A m p lifie r A p p lic a tio n s o VHF, UHF Band CATV A p p l i c a t io n s

    OCR Scan
    30MHz 2SC1557 1557 b transistor transistor IC 1557 b 1557 transistor transistor 1557 b transistor 1557 TRANSISTOR 2SC C4053 uhf transistor amplifier K8J5 PDF

    transistor D 1557

    Abstract: 1557 b transistor F88 diode transistor IC 1557 B transistor 1557 b AF280 Germanium power
    Text: 5SC » • fi235bOS GG04QÔ1 S H S I E â PNP Germanium UHF Transistor - SIEMENS À F 280 S AKTIENGESELLSCHAF “ fo r m ixe r and o sc illa to r c irc u its up to 9 0 0 M H z - 7^ 3/-07 AF 2 8 0 S is a germanium PNP UHF planar transistor with passivated surface in lowcapacitance 50 B 3 DIN 41867 plastic package similar to T 0 119. This transistor Is particularly

    OCR Scan
    fi235bOS GG04Q 2701-F88 transistor D 1557 1557 b transistor F88 diode transistor IC 1557 B transistor 1557 b AF280 Germanium power PDF

    transistor d 1557

    Abstract: transistor 1558 transistor IC 1557 b germanium transistor ac 128 ML 1557 b transistor 1557 b transistor af280 Q62701-F88 900 mhz germanium diode AF 280 S
    Text: 25C » • fi235bOS GG04QÔ1 S « S I E G PNP Germanium UHF Transistor - SIEMENS À F 280 S AKTIENGESELLSCHAF “7 ^ fo r m ix e r and o s c illa to r c ir c u its up to 9 0 0 M H z 3 - / - 0 7 A F 2 8 0 S is a germanium PNP UHF planar transistor with passivated surface in lowcapacitance 50 B 3 DIN 41867 plastic package sim ilar to T 0 119. This transistor is particularly

    OCR Scan
    fl235bQS 0DQ4Q81 T0119. Q62701-F88 transistor d 1557 transistor 1558 transistor IC 1557 b germanium transistor ac 128 ML 1557 b transistor 1557 b transistor af280 Q62701-F88 900 mhz germanium diode AF 280 S PDF


    Abstract: 2N6546
    Text: s G S-THOHSON - D7E D | 7 ^ 5 3 7 . : 6 -7 C- 1 5 5- 7 1 D OQlTBia"!] 1" - / S ’- T^- 2N6546 IVIULTIEPITAXIAL MESA NPN H IG H V O L T A G E , H IG H C U R R E N T P O W E R SW IT C H The 2N6546 and 2N6547 are multiepitaxial mesa NPN transistors in Jedec TO-3

    OCR Scan
    2N6546 2N6546 2N6547 300/is, F--01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 711002b QObTSTfl bS3 • P H I N BSS83 7V MOSFET N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT SWITCHING TRANSISTOR Symmetrical insulated-gate silicon MOS field-effect transistor of the N-channel enhancement mode type. The transistor is sealed in a SOT143 envelope and features a low ON resistance and low capacitances.

    OCR Scan
    711002b BSS83 OT143 PDF

    transistor d 1557

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^53^31 DDSSblc! bfiS H A P X N AUER PHILIPS/D ISCR ETE BSS83 b?E D J V MOSFET N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT SWITCHING TRANSISTOR Symmetrical insulated-gate silicon MOS field-effect transistor o f the N-channel enhancement mode type. The transistor is sealed in a SOT143 envelope and features a low ON resistance and low capacitances.

    OCR Scan
    BSS83 OT143 transistor d 1557 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BFP 280 NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For low noise, low-power amplifiers in mobile communication systems pager, cordless telephone at collector currents from 0.2mA to 8mA • fT = 7,5GHz F = 1 .5 d B at 900MHz ESP: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution!

    OCR Scan
    900MHz Q62702-F1378 OT-143 fl235bG5 53SLDS t559 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELANTEC 3129557 ELANTEC INC Tfl » E j 312TSS7 DDDD5S2 INC fl 98° 00 55 2 D ~}' 7 ^ - / 5 ^ EL2 O04:/EL,20O4C HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 350M H z FET Buffer M C O O w oo c F i- Features General Description • • • • • • • The EL2004 is a very high-speed, FET input buffer/line driver de­

    OCR Scan
    312TSS7 EL2004 350MHz. 500V/ys EL2004/EL2004C 20MHz EL2004â EL2004. PDF

    transistor d 1557

    Abstract: BSS83 BR B6S M74 marking philips bss83 BSS83 M74
    Text: • fc,b53em []D25fel2 bßS H A P X N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE BSS83 b?E D _ MOSFET N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT SW ITCHING TRANSISTOR Symmetrical insulated-gate silicon MOS field-effect transistor of the N-channel enhancement mode type. The transistor is sealed in a SO T143 envelope and features a low ON resistance and low capacitances.

    OCR Scan
    D25fel2 BSS83 OT143 Z87623 7Z92669 transistor d 1557 BSS83 BR B6S M74 marking philips bss83 BSS83 M74 PDF

    M74 marking

    Abstract: BSS83 M74 MARKING J1A 50J2 BSS83 m74 lg
    Text: 71 lOfl2b 001^570 bS3 • P H I N B SS8 3 7 V . MOSFET N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT S W I T C H IN G TRA N S IS TO R S ym m etrical insulated-gate silicon MOS fie ld -e ffe c t transistor o f the N-channel enhancem ent m ode type. The tran sisto r is sealed in a S O T 143 envelope and features a lo w ON resistance and lo w capacitances.

    OCR Scan
    BSS83 OT143 7Z87623 711062b 7Z92669. M74 marking BSS83 M74 MARKING J1A 50J2 BSS83 m74 lg PDF

    transistor D 1557

    Abstract: d 1556 transistor transistor d 1556 1557 b transistor transistor 1555
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product Specification PowerMOS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in Switched Mode Power Supplies SMPS , motor control, welding, DC/DC and AC/DC

    OCR Scan
    PHP12N10E T0220AB transistor D 1557 d 1556 transistor transistor d 1556 1557 b transistor transistor 1555 PDF

    current mirrors wilson

    Abstract: 8E-15 2N3906 EP2015ACN EP2015C EP2015CM EP2015CN MPQ3906 TPQ3906 PNP Monolithic Transistor Pair
    Text: EP2015C/EP2015AC HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED ClRCunS FastQuad PNP Array F eatu res G eneral D escrip tion • • • • • The EP2015 family are quad monolithic vertical P N P transistor arrays which offer excellent parametric matching and high speed performance. The 350 M Hz ft provides A.C. performance

    OCR Scan
    EP2015C/EP2015AC 2N3906 TPQ3906 MPQ3906 EP2015CN MDP0031 EP2015ACN EP2015CM 20-Lead current mirrors wilson 8E-15 2N3906 EP2015C MPQ3906 PNP Monolithic Transistor Pair PDF


    Abstract: EL2223 EL2223C EL2223CN HA2540 MIL-I-45208A
    Text: EL2223C Features • W ide gain bandw id th— 500 M H z • H igh slew rate— 350 V/jms • H igh pow er bandw idth ± 10 Vout 5.5 M H z • Large open loop gain 83 dB • Low pow er— 5 m A /am plifier • Low in p u t offset— 0.5 m V typ. • W ide supply voltage range

    OCR Scan
    EL2223C HA2540s EL2223CN MDP0031 EL2223CM MDP0027 00D3D32 EL2223 EL2223C HA2540 MIL-I-45208A PDF


    Abstract: transistor 1548 b 4500cm
    Text: - 5 - FOR USE BY ELECTRICIANS OVERSEAS : •M-EiiOSWHE New Transistor Manual lists all the transistors registered with the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ), arranged in a manner easy to look up. We hope that you will make full use of the data provided in this manual by referring to the Japanese-English

    OCR Scan
    re-25 700mhz, 2sa795 Tc-25 2sa794 2sa900 V156S 100hz, 250pS 2SC1541 transistor 1548 b 4500cm PDF


    Abstract: EL2242 EL2242C EL2242CM EL2242CN MIL-I-45208A QCX0002 "Op Amp" lm 324
    Text: élantec EL2242C MGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Features • Inputs and outputs operate at negative supply rail • U nity gain bandwidth—30 M Hz • High slew rate—40 V // as • Settles to 0.01% of a 10V swing in 500 ns • Operates with supplies as low as

    OCR Scan
    EL2242C MIL-STD-883 12-bit EL2242CN MDP0031 EL2242CM 175Meg 800E-18 EL2242 2242 EL2242C MIL-I-45208A QCX0002 "Op Amp" lm 324 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: la n te EL2019C c HIOH PERFORMANCE ANAIÜGINTEGRATED CIRCUITS Fast, High Voltage Comparator with Master Stave Flip-Flop F e a tu r e s G e n e ra l D e sc r ip tio n • Comparator cannot oscillate • F ast response—5 ns data to clock setup, 20 ns clock to output

    OCR Scan
    EL2019C EL2019 0Q034Ã PDF