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    a1t 75

    Abstract: 512 kbyt memory RASH 1133B intel 290000
    Text: _ SHARP REFERENCE P H U U U C 'I P H t VIEW R e v 1.1 LH28F320S3-L11/14 32-MBIT 4MBx8/2MBx16 Smart 3 Flash MEMORY • Smart 3 Technofogy — 2.7V or 3.3V Vcc — 2.7V, 3.3V or 5V VPP ■ Hlgh-Density Symmetrically-Blocked Architecture — Sixty-four 64-Kbyte Erasable Blocks

    OCR Scan
    LH28F320S3-L11/14 32-MB 4MBx8/2MBx16) 110/140ns 56-Lead 64-Lead 110ns 130ns 140ns a1t 75 512 kbyt memory RASH 1133B intel 290000 PDF