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    14443 HIGHER BIT RATES WITH MICORE Search Results

    14443 HIGHER BIT RATES WITH MICORE Result Highlights (5)

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    LBAA0QB1SJ-295 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd SX1262 MODULE WITH OPEN MCU Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRJ43DR7LV224KW01K Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Soft Termination for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRJ55DR7LV474KW01L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Soft Termination for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRJ55DR7LV334KW01K Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Soft Termination for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRJ43QR7LV154KW01L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Soft Termination for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    14443 HIGHER BIT RATES WITH MICORE Datasheets Context Search

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    MIFARE DESFire Implementation hints and example

    Abstract: Mifare reader antenna design RC531 MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification CL RC632 rc531 CL RC632 software desfire hints SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE pcd antenna design MF RC531
    Text: AN ISO/IEC 14443 higher bit rates with Micore Rev. 01.01 — 10 May 2006 Application note Document information Info Content Keywords Mifare, Micore, ISO/IEC14443, Higher bit rates, Register settings Abstract This application describes how to enable and use higher bit rates

    ISO/IEC14443, ISO/IEC14443 RC530, RC531, RC632. MC124011 MIFARE DESFire Implementation hints and example Mifare reader antenna design RC531 MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification CL RC632 rc531 CL RC632 software desfire hints SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE pcd antenna design MF RC531 PDF


    Abstract: MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification desfire ev1 commands MIFARE DESFire Ev1 commands MIFARE DESFire EV1 Functional Specification DesFire EV1 confidential desfire confidential MFRC531 SOFTWARE Card Coil Design Notes for MIFARE DESFire EV1 Mifare plus commands
    Text: MFRC531 ISO/IEC 14443 reader IC Rev. 3.4 — 26 January 2010 056634 Product data sheet PUBLIC 1. Introduction This data sheet describes the functionality of the MFRC531 Integrated Circuit IC . It includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware

    MFRC531 MFRC531 MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification desfire ev1 commands MIFARE DESFire Ev1 commands MIFARE DESFire EV1 Functional Specification DesFire EV1 confidential desfire confidential MFRC531 SOFTWARE Card Coil Design Notes for MIFARE DESFire EV1 Mifare plus commands PDF

    DesFire EV1 confidential

    Abstract: desfire confidential NXP confidential
    Text: MFRC531 Standard ISO/IEC 14443 A/B reader solution Rev. 3.5 — 3 February 2014 056635 Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC 1. Introduction This data sheet describes the functionality of the MFRC531 Integrated Circuit IC . It includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware

    MFRC531 MFRC531 DesFire EV1 confidential desfire confidential NXP confidential PDF


    Abstract: KEY k2 20/MIFARE DESFire Ev1 commands mfrc500 source code
    Text: MFRC531 Standard ISO/IEC 14443 A/B reader solution Rev. 3.6 — 27 February 2014 056636 Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC 1. Introduction This data sheet describes the functionality of the MFRC531 Integrated Circuit IC . It includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware

    MFRC531 MFRC531 MFRC531 SOFTWARE KEY k2 20/MIFARE DESFire Ev1 commands mfrc500 source code PDF


    Abstract: MFRC531 MFRC53001T/0FE nxp proximity antenna design Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION clrc632 antenna mfrc500 source code 5 channel RF transmitter and Receiver circuit Transponder cipher 16-BYTE
    Text: MFRC530 ISO/IEC 14443 A Reader IC Rev. 3.3 — 6 July 2010 057433 Product data sheet PUBLIC 1. Introduction This data sheet describes the functionality of the MFRC530 Integrated Circuit IC . It includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware

    MFRC530 MFRC530 MFRC531 MFRC53001T/0FE nxp proximity antenna design Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION clrc632 antenna mfrc500 source code 5 channel RF transmitter and Receiver circuit Transponder cipher 16-BYTE PDF


    Abstract: clrc632 antenna CLRC63201T MFRC531 MFRC500 MFRC531 SOFTWARE mifare 14443 CLRC632 clrc632 pcb antenna ISO 14443-4 pcb
    Text: CLRC632 Multiple protocol contactless reader IC MIFARE/I-CODE1 Rev. 3.5 — 10 November 2009 073935 Product data sheet PUBLIC 1. Introduction This data sheet describes the functionality of the CLRC632 Integrated Circuit (IC). It includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware

    CLRC632 CLRC632 Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION clrc632 antenna CLRC63201T MFRC531 MFRC500 MFRC531 SOFTWARE mifare 14443 clrc632 pcb antenna ISO 14443-4 pcb PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLRC632 Multiple protocol contactless reader IC MIFARE/I-CODE1 Rev. 3.5 — 10 November 2009 073935 Product data sheet PUBLIC 1. Introduction This data sheet describes the functionality of the CLRC632 Integrated Circuit (IC). It includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware

    CLRC632 CLRC632 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLRC632 Standard multi-protocol reader solution Rev. 3.6 — 30 January 2014 073936 Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC 1. Introduction This data sheet describes the functionality of the CLRC632 Integrated Circuit IC . It includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware

    CLRC632 CLRC632 PDF

    Mifare plus commands

    Abstract: SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE PLUS Mifare Desfire protocol ISO14443-4 mifare mini mifare plus s 2k 14443 SAK MIFARE DESFire Authenticate mifare 1k ISO10373-6
    Text: AN10834 MIFARE ISO/IEC 14443 PICC Selection Rev. 2.0 — 18 May 2009 130820 Application note PUBLIC Document information Info Content Keywords Activate Card, MIFARE, Select Card Abstract This Application Note shows the elementary communication for selecting

    AN10834 AN130810 AN10834 Mifare plus commands SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE PLUS Mifare Desfire protocol ISO14443-4 mifare mini mifare plus s 2k 14443 SAK MIFARE DESFire Authenticate mifare 1k ISO10373-6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLRC632 Standard multi-protocol reader solution Rev. 3.7 — 27 February 2014 073937 Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC 1. Introduction This data sheet describes the functionality of the CLRC632 Integrated Circuit IC . It includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware

    CLRC632 CLRC632 PDF


    Abstract: Mifare 1k commands Mifare plus protocol mifare mini SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE CL RC632 application note Mifare plus commands "Mifare ultralight C" datasheet MIFARE DESFire Commands CL RC632
    Text: AN10834 MIFARE ISO/IEC 14443 PICC Selection Rev. 3.0 — 26 June 2009 130830 Application note PUBLIC Document information Info Content Keywords Activate Card, MIFARE, Select Card Abstract This Application Note shows the elementary communication for selecting

    AN10834 AN130810 AN10834 SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE PLUS Mifare 1k commands Mifare plus protocol mifare mini SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE CL RC632 application note Mifare plus commands "Mifare ultralight C" datasheet MIFARE DESFire Commands CL RC632 PDF


    Abstract: Mifare reader antenna design RC531 matching RFID loop antenna 13.56 antenna matching 13,56 mhz calculation mifare loop antenna 13.56MHz MIFARE 14443A 13,56 MHz RFID Proximity Antennas MIFARE DESFire Implementation hints and example desfire hints Micore RFID loop antenna design reader 13.56 MHz
    Text: AN Micore Reader IC Family; Directly Matched Antenna Design Rev. 2.05 — 10. May 2006 Application note Document information Info Content Keywords Mifare, ICode, Micore, RC400, RC500, RC530, RC531, RC632, RFIDReader, Directly Matched Antenna Design Abstract

    RC400, RC500, RC530, RC531, RC632, M077925 ISO10373-6 Mifare reader antenna design RC531 matching RFID loop antenna 13.56 antenna matching 13,56 mhz calculation mifare loop antenna 13.56MHz MIFARE 14443A 13,56 MHz RFID Proximity Antennas MIFARE DESFire Implementation hints and example desfire hints Micore RFID loop antenna design reader 13.56 MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MFRC530 Standard MIFARE reader solution Rev. 3.4 — 12 February 2014 057434 Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC 1. Introduction This data sheet describes the functionality of the MFRC530 Integrated Circuit IC . It includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware

    MFRC530 MFRC530 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MFRC631 High performance ISO/IEC 14443 A/B reader solution Rev. 3.3 — 4 February 2014 227433 Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC 1. Introduction This document describes the functionality and electrical specifications of the contactless reader/writer IC MFRC631.

    MFRC631 MFRC631. MFRC631 4443A/MIFARE 14443B MFRC631â 4443A/MIFARE PDF


    Abstract: MFRC531 MFRC50001T/0FE nxp proximity antenna design mfrc500 source code MFRC50001T clrc632 antenna Mifare 1k commands SLRC400 CLRC632
    Text: MFRC500 Highly Integrated ISO/IEC 14443 A Reader IC Rev. 3.3 — 15 March 2010 048033 Product data sheet PUBLIC 1. Introduction This data sheet describes the functionality of the MFRC500 Integrated Circuit IC . It includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware

    MFRC500 MFRC500 MFRC531 MFRC50001T/0FE nxp proximity antenna design mfrc500 source code MFRC50001T clrc632 antenna Mifare 1k commands SLRC400 CLRC632 PDF


    Abstract: mfrc500 source code SLRC400 MIFAre classic Commands clrc632 antenna MFRC531 MFRC530 MFRC500 PACKAGE SLR400 ic 921
    Text: MFRC500 Highly Integrated ISO/IEC 14443 A Reader IC Rev. 3.3 — 15 March 2010 048033 Product data sheet PUBLIC 1. Introduction This data sheet describes the functionality of the MFRC500 Integrated Circuit IC . It includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware

    MFRC500 MFRC500 771-MFRC51T0FED MFRC50001T/0FE mfrc500 source code SLRC400 MIFAre classic Commands clrc632 antenna MFRC531 MFRC530 MFRC500 PACKAGE SLR400 ic 921 PDF


    Abstract: MIFARE 14443A 13,56 MHz RFID Proximity Antennas MIFARE SAM AV2 SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE CLASSIC MIFARE SAM AV2 document MIFARE SAM AV2.6 MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification av2 nxp sam mifare classic 1k Mifare protocol
    Text: MFRC631 Contactless reader IC Rev. 3.1 — 6 September 2012 227431 Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC 1. Introduction This document describes the functionality and electrical specifications of the contactless reader/writer IC MFRC631. 2. General description

    MFRC631 MFRC631. MFRC631 4443A/MIFARE 14443B 4443A/MIFARE SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE PLUS MIFARE 14443A 13,56 MHz RFID Proximity Antennas MIFARE SAM AV2 SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE CLASSIC MIFARE SAM AV2 document MIFARE SAM AV2.6 MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification av2 nxp sam mifare classic 1k Mifare protocol PDF


    Abstract: MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification CLRC66301 RC663 CLRC66301HN1 CLRC663 13.56MHZ RFID nxp mifare plus functional specification MIFARE SAM Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION
    Text: CLRC663 Contactless reader IC Rev. 1.0 — 8 March 2011 171110 Objective data sheet PUBLIC 1. Introduction Remark: The information contained in this data sheet is to provide a preview of the contactless reader IC and must be regarded as a provisional advance specification. The

    CLRC663 CLRC663. CLRC663 SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE clrc663 MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification CLRC66301 RC663 CLRC66301HN1 13.56MHZ RFID nxp mifare plus functional specification MIFARE SAM Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION PDF


    Abstract: MIFARE 14443A 13,56 MHz RFID Proximity Antennas MIFARE DESFire hardware Specification Mifare Plus X 4K UID 7 Byte RC663 ISO-14443A command mifare plus functional specification mifare ultralight c Antenna design magnetic loop antennas MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification
    Text: CLRC663 Contactless reader IC Rev. 3.1 — 26 September 2011 171131 Preliminary data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC 1. Introduction Remark: The information contained in this data sheet is to provide a preview of the contactless reader IC and must be regarded as a provisional advance specification. The

    CLRC663 CLRC663. CLRC663 SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE clrc663 MIFARE 14443A 13,56 MHz RFID Proximity Antennas MIFARE DESFire hardware Specification Mifare Plus X 4K UID 7 Byte RC663 ISO-14443A command mifare plus functional specification mifare ultralight c Antenna design magnetic loop antennas MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification PDF


    Abstract: nfc initiator MIFARE 14443A 13,56 MHz RFID Proximity Antennas Mifare 1k commands "SAM AV2" 15693 rfid Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION Mifare DESFire Functional Specification Rev 3.4 UART/SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE clrc663
    Text: CLRC663 Contactless reader IC Rev. 3.3 — 3 April 2012 171133 Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC 1. Introduction This document describes the functionality and electrical specifications of the contactless reader/writer IC CLRC663. 2. General description The CLRC663 is a highly integrated transceiver IC for contactless communication at

    CLRC663 CLRC663. CLRC663 4443A/MIFARE 14443B ICO15 SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE clrc663 nfc initiator MIFARE 14443A 13,56 MHz RFID Proximity Antennas Mifare 1k commands "SAM AV2" 15693 rfid Type B PICC BPSK SUBCARRIER LOAD MODULATION Mifare DESFire Functional Specification Rev 3.4 UART/SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE clrc663 PDF


    Abstract: c language RFID pulse interval encoding nfc initiator NFC RFID antenna design Mifare protocol Mifare Desfire protocol pcd antenna design desfire commands MIFARE DESFire software tx2 1049
    Text: CLRC663 Contactless reader IC Rev. 2.0 — 15 June 2011 171120 Preliminary data sheet PUBLIC 1. Introduction Remark: The information contained in this data sheet is to provide a preview of the contactless reader IC and must be regarded as a provisional advance specification. The

    CLRC663 CLRC663. CLRC663 SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE clrc663 c language RFID pulse interval encoding nfc initiator NFC RFID antenna design Mifare protocol Mifare Desfire protocol pcd antenna design desfire commands MIFARE DESFire software tx2 1049 PDF


    Abstract: MIFARE 14443A 13,56 MHz RFID Proximity Antennas SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE clrc663 secure access module NFC ferrite antenna nfc initiator passive nfc passive tag CLRC663 nfc antenna ferrite rs232 to I2c
    Text: CLRC663 Contactless reader IC Rev. 3.2 — 7 February 2012 171132 Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC 1. Introduction This document describes the functionality and electrical specifications of the contactless reader/writer IC CLRC663. 2. General description

    CLRC663 CLRC663. CLRC663 4443A/MIFARE 14443B RC663 MIFARE 14443A 13,56 MHz RFID Proximity Antennas SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE clrc663 secure access module NFC ferrite antenna nfc initiator passive nfc passive tag nfc antenna ferrite rs232 to I2c PDF


    Abstract: MIFARE SAM AV2 av2 nxp sam Mifare DESFire Functional Specification Rev 3.4 CLRC66301 SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE clrc663 P5DF081 SAM NXP desfire MIFARE DESFire software SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE CLASSIC
    Text: CLRC663 Contactless reader IC Rev. 3.4 — 17 July 2012 171134 Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC 1. Introduction This document describes the functionality and electrical specifications of the contactless reader/writer IC CLRC663. 2. General description The CLRC663 is a highly integrated transceiver IC for contactless communication at

    CLRC663 CLRC663. CLRC663 4443A/MIFARE 14443B MIFARE SAM AV2 av2 nxp sam Mifare DESFire Functional Specification Rev 3.4 CLRC66301 SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE clrc663 P5DF081 SAM NXP desfire MIFARE DESFire software SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE CLASSIC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MFRC500 The "Original" MIFARE reader solution Rev. 3.4 — 11 February 2014 048034 Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC 1. Introduction This data sheet describes the functionality of the MFRC500 Integrated Circuit IC . It includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware

    MFRC500 MFRC500 PDF