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    13192DSK Search Results

    13192DSK Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    13192DSK-A00 Freescale Semiconductor Obsolete/Discontinued Part Numbers, RF/IF and RFID, KIT DEV STARTERS FOR MC13191,192 Original PDF
    13192DSK-A0E Freescale Semiconductor Obsolete/Discontinued Part Numbers, RF/IF and RFID, KIT DEV STARTER FOR 13191/92 Original PDF
    13192DSK-BDM-A00 Freescale Semiconductor Obsolete/Discontinued Part Numbers, RF/IF and RFID, KIT STARTER MC13191/92 W/CABLE Original PDF
    13192DSK-BDM-A0E Freescale Semiconductor Obsolete/Discontinued Part Numbers, RF/IF and RFID, KIT DEV STARTER Original PDF

    13192DSK Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: AN2762 AN3230 power supply connector led AN3231 D103 D104 MC13192 S101 S105
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN2762 Rev. 1.3, 02/2007 13192 Developer’s Starter Kit 13192DSK Quick Start Guide 1 Introduction This document describes the procedures necessary to run the MC13192 Accelerometer Demonstration Program that is pre-programmed on the boards in the 13192DSK.

    AN2762 13192DSK) MC13192 13192DSK. AN3231 AN2762 AN3230 power supply connector led AN3231 D103 D104 S101 S105 PDF

    Zigbee Based Wireless file transfer

    Abstract: heartbeat sensor wireless based display control using zigbee Zigbee based Wireless Sensor Networks HCS08 MC13191 MC13192 bluetooth transceiver 802.15.4 ZigBee Alliance
    Text: Ne xt Gener ation Wireless Architecture A D V E A Special Series Sponsored By Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ZigBee Paves the Way for Low-Cost Networks By Nicholas Cravotta D ATA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi™ have a high profile, but


    usb 3g modem circuit

    Abstract: Coin Based Mobile Phone Charger gsm modem interfacing with arm 7 processor CEA-936A Coin Detectors CEA-936-A Coin based mobile battery charger QFN76 MC13191 MC336
    Text: Wireless Communications Quarter 3, 2005 SG1013Q32005 Rev 0 About This Revision–Q3/2005 When new products are introduced, a summary of the new products will be provided in this section. However, the New Product section will only appear on this page when new

    SG1013Q32005 Q3/2005 SG1013 SG1013Q32005 usb 3g modem circuit Coin Based Mobile Phone Charger gsm modem interfacing with arm 7 processor CEA-936A Coin Detectors CEA-936-A Coin based mobile battery charger QFN76 MC13191 MC336 PDF

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    Abstract: industrial automation using zigbee home automation using zigbee MC13193 MC13192 home automation using zigbee and RF
    Text: Freescale’s ZigBee enabled platform achieves industry-leading 378 meter range L.S. Research test reveals unprecedented range results for ZigBee AUSTIN, Texas, December 14, 2004 – Setting an industry record, Freescale Semiconductor’s NYSE:FSL ZigBee enabledplatform scored high marks in L.S. Research’s evaluation tests by


    block diagram of 802.15.4 phy

    Abstract: HCS08 MC13191 MC13192 MC13193 MC9S08GT60 MMA1260D MMA6261Q MC9S09GT60 MC9S09
    Text: Extreme Connectivity MC13193 Evaluation Kit Overview optional Low Noise Amplifier LNA , enabling The 13193-EVK is Freescale Semiconductor’s reference designs that are small in size and latest addition of hardware tools for the have increased sensitivity.

    MC13193 13193-EVK 13193-EVK 13192DSK-A00) MC13191 MC13192 MC13192 MC13193) MC13191/92/93 block diagram of 802.15.4 phy HCS08 MC13191 MC13193 MC9S08GT60 MMA1260D MMA6261Q MC9S09GT60 MC9S09 PDF

    meander folded antenna

    Abstract: MC13213-SRB antenna balun dipole folded antenna Types of Radar Antenna printed spiral antenna AN2731 monopole folded pcb antenna standard folded dipole antenna 2.4 GHz dipole antenna
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN2731 Rev. 1.4, 07/2006 Compact Integrated Antennas Designs and Applications for the MC1319x, MC1320x, and MC1321x 1 Introduction Good antenna design is a critical factor in obtaining good range and stable throughput in a wireless application.

    AN2731 MC1319x, MC1320x, MC1321x meander folded antenna MC13213-SRB antenna balun dipole folded antenna Types of Radar Antenna printed spiral antenna AN2731 monopole folded pcb antenna standard folded dipole antenna 2.4 GHz dipole antenna PDF


    Abstract: meander folded antenna monopole folded pcb antenna slot antenna printed spiral antenna AT9520B2R4HAA 2.4 GHz spiral antenna meander antenna design at9520b2r4haat differential feed loop antenna
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN2731 Rev. 1.2, 11/2004 Compact Integrated Antennas Designs and Applications for the MC13191/92/93 1 Introduction Good antenna design is the most critical factor in obtaining good range and stable throughput in a wireless

    AN2731 MC13191/92/93 AT9520-B2R4HAAT meander folded antenna monopole folded pcb antenna slot antenna printed spiral antenna AT9520B2R4HAA 2.4 GHz spiral antenna meander antenna design at9520b2r4haat differential feed loop antenna PDF


    Abstract: MRF6VP11KH mw4ic2020nb S12XEQ512 MPC5516E MXC300-30 MPC5602P MSC7120 mpx6115 S08DZ128
    Text: Because of an order from the United States International Trade Commission, BGA-packaged product lines and part numbers indicated here currently are not available from Freescale for import or sale in the United States prior to September 2010: ,

    DSP56311EVM DSP56311VF150 DSP56311VL150 DSP56321VF200 DSP56321VF220 DSP56321VF240 DSP56321VF275 DSP56321VL200 DSP56321VL220 DSP56321VL240 MPC5634M MRF6VP11KH mw4ic2020nb S12XEQ512 MPC5516E MXC300-30 MPC5602P MSC7120 mpx6115 S08DZ128 PDF


    Abstract: GSm Based industrial Automation -advantages GSM based home automation gsm based Home automation modem uhf fsk modem A1282 IMX 145 DCS Automation PDF Notes MC13191 MC13192
    Text: Wireless Communications Quarter 4, 2004 SG1013Q42004 Rev 0 About This Revision–Q4/2004 When new products are introduced, a summary of the new products will be provided in this section. However, the New Product section will only appear on this page when new

    SG1013Q42004 Q4/2004 SG1013 SG1013Q42004 BR1904 GSm Based industrial Automation -advantages GSM based home automation gsm based Home automation modem uhf fsk modem A1282 IMX 145 DCS Automation PDF Notes MC13191 MC13192 PDF


    Abstract: barometer mpx2100ap MMA6260Q MMA6261Q MMA6262Q MMA6263Q MMA7260Q MPXM2051GS MPX4250 SG1010
    Text: Sensors Quarter 3, 2005 SG1010Q32005 Rev 0 About This Revision–Q3/2005 When new products are introduced, a summary of the new products will be provided in this section. However, the New Product section will only appear on this page when new products have been introduced during the quarter.

    SG1010Q32005 Q3/2005 MMA7260Q SG1010Q32005 mpx6115 barometer mpx2100ap MMA6260Q MMA6261Q MMA6262Q MMA6263Q MMA7260Q MPXM2051GS MPX4250 SG1010 PDF


    Abstract: 9S12XHZ256 DSP56309VF100A 9S08DZ32 mpx6115 MXC300-30 xc912bc32 DSP56309AG100A MRF6VP2600H 9S08SG16
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guide Cross Reference Quarter 4, 2007 SG1000CRQ42007 Rev 0 Introduction The Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guide Cross-Reference provides a listing of all products documented in the eight Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guides. The Product Cross-Reference group lists new and existing

    SG1000CRQ42007 SG187, SG1002Q42007, SG1004Q42007, MC908GP32 9S12XHZ256 DSP56309VF100A 9S08DZ32 mpx6115 MXC300-30 xc912bc32 DSP56309AG100A MRF6VP2600H 9S08SG16 PDF


    Abstract: adc for accelerometer sensor HCS08 MC13191 MC13192 MC9S08GT MC9S08GT60 MMA6261Q PIN DIAGRAM OF ZIGBEE transceivers
    Text: Extreme Connectivity MC13191/92 Developer’s Starter Kit Overview network topologies. A preprogrammed Freescale Semiconductor’s MC13191/92 wireless accelerometer demonstration based Developer’s Starter Kit is a cost-effective, on the SMAC software runs on power-up for

    MC13191/92 MC13191/D MC13192/D MC13191FS MC13192FS MC13191/92 13192DSK-A00 MC1319192DEVFS MMA1260D adc for accelerometer sensor HCS08 MC13191 MC13192 MC9S08GT MC9S08GT60 MMA6261Q PIN DIAGRAM OF ZIGBEE transceivers PDF

    HC05 bluetooth

    Abstract: HCS08 SPI code example C spi RF CONTROLLED ROBOT RF based remote control robot Equivalent MC908Q 4 CH RF Wireless Garage Door Remote Control zigbee interfacing c code bluetooth transmitter dip 9S08QG8 toy IR remote control circuit diagram
    Text: EBV Seminar June 2007 Freescale 8-bit Products Overview and Wireless Networking Presenter: Moshe Levy TM Freescale and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2006.

    HCS08 HC05 bluetooth HCS08 SPI code example C spi RF CONTROLLED ROBOT RF based remote control robot Equivalent MC908Q 4 CH RF Wireless Garage Door Remote Control zigbee interfacing c code bluetooth transmitter dip 9S08QG8 toy IR remote control circuit diagram PDF

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    Abstract: bluetooth atmega EM2420 atmega128 AEI Semiconductors ATMEGA 32 AVR DATASHEET nanotron zigbee ATmega nanoNET Driver ATA5757 ethernet atmega
    Text: ÁÅÑÏÐÎÂÎÄÍÛÅ ÒÅÕÍÎËÎÃÈÈ ÁÅÑÏÐÎÂÎÄÍÀß ÑÂßÇÜ Â ÑÈÑÒÅÌÀÕ ÌÎÍÈÒÎÐÈÍÃÀ È ÓÏÐÀÂËÅÍÈß Òàòüÿíà Êðèâ÷åíêî, ê.ò.í., ñòàðøèé èíæåíåð-êîíñóëüòàíò; Èãîðü Êðèâ÷åíêî, ê.ò.í.,



    Abstract: MPX7007 SG187 DSPA56371AF150 DSP56F803BU80E MPC8548 DSP56303PV100 9s12dp256, 9s12dg256, 9s12dt256 MRF648 applications mrf6s19100nb
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guide Cross-Reference Quarter 3, 2005 SG1000CRQ32005 Rev 0 Introduction The Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guide Cross-Reference provides a listing of all products documented in the fifteen Freescale Semiconductor Product

    SG1000CRQ32005 SG1000CRQ32005 MC9S12XDP384 MPX7007 SG187 DSPA56371AF150 DSP56F803BU80E MPC8548 DSP56303PV100 9s12dp256, 9s12dg256, 9s12dt256 MRF648 applications mrf6s19100nb PDF

    usb 3g modem circuit

    Abstract: Coin Based Mobile Phone Charger QFN76 CEA-936-A QFN-76 MC13191 MC13192 gsm modem interfacing with arm 7 processor home automation by gsm MC13873
    Text: Wireless Communications Quarter 4, 2005 SG1013Q42005 Rev 0 About This Revision–Q4/2005 When new products are introduced, a summary of the new products will be provided in this section. However, the New Product section will only appear on this page when new

    SG1013Q42005 Q4/2005 SG1013 SG1013Q42005 usb 3g modem circuit Coin Based Mobile Phone Charger QFN76 CEA-936-A QFN-76 MC13191 MC13192 gsm modem interfacing with arm 7 processor home automation by gsm MC13873 PDF


    Abstract: MCF52236 MPC56xx instruction set digrf MCF52252 MMM6000 MMM7010 MPC5602B MS08EL32 MPC56xx
    Text: SG1000mini Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guides Quarter 2, 2009 Product Selector Guide Cross-Reference, SG1000CR Automotive, SG187 Analog and Mixed Signal Power Management, SG1002 Digital Signal Processors DSP , SG1004 Network/Embedded Processors, SG1007

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    Abstract: green hills ppc compiler manual mpc5xx BDM green hills ppc linker manual 68HC908JL3E CABLEPPC HC908QB8 PWM code asm using HCS08 68HC16Y1 DRAGONBALL VZ EVALUATION KIT SCHEMATIC
    Text: INC .20 06 MIC ON DU CT OR , SE Software and Development Tools AR CH IVE DB YF RE ES CA LE Quarter 2, 2006 SG1011Q22006 Rev 0 INC .20 06 MIC ON DU CT OR , About This Revision–Q2/2006 When new products are introduced, a summary of the new products will be provided in this section. However, the New Product section will only appear on this page when new

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    Abstract: MRF185 MRF373 MRF650 MG4100 MC3PHAC MRF648 applications mpx6115 MPX53 TPV8100B
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guide Cross-Reference Quarter 4, 2004 SG1000CRQ42004 Rev 0 Introduction The Freescale Semiconductor Product Selector Guide Cross-Reference provides a listing of all products documented in the fifteen Freescale Semiconductor Product

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    PIN DIAGRAM OF ZIGBEE transceivers

    Abstract: MMA1260D HCS08 MC13191 MC13192 MC13193 MC9S08GT60 MMA6261Q freescale SuperFlash sensor based home automation
    Text: Extreme Connectivity 1319x Developer’s Starter Kit Overview network topologies. The boards come Freescale Semiconductor’s 1319x programmed with a wireless accelerometer Developer’s Starter Kit is a cost-effective, demonstration based on the SMAC reusable development kit used to implement

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    Abstract: MPX6115 MPX5700AP "pin compatible" water level mpx5050 MMA7260Q MPXHZ6250A MPX4250 SG1010 MPXh6250 SUPER SMALL OUTLINE MPX4105
    Text: Sensors Quarter 4, 2005 SG1010Q42005 Rev 0 About This Revision–Q4/2005 When new products are introduced, a summary of the new products will be provided in this section. However, the New Product section will only appear on this page when new products have been introduced during the quarter.

    SG1010Q42005 Q4/2005 MPVZ5010 SG1010Q42005 barometer mpx2100ap MPX6115 MPX5700AP "pin compatible" water level mpx5050 MMA7260Q MPXHZ6250A MPX4250 SG1010 MPXh6250 SUPER SMALL OUTLINE MPX4105 PDF

    home automation using zigbee

    Abstract: MC13192 MC13193 zigbee based home automation ZigBee Alliance
    Text: Freescale offers world’s first ZigBee -compliant platform Home automation and industrial control OEMs able to implement ZigBee technology AUSTIN, Texas, April 11, 2005 – Manufacturers are now able to leverage ZigBee technology in sensing and monitoring applications thanks to the world’s first


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    Abstract: green hills ppc linker manual MPC566 "pin compatible" M68EVB908Q powertap emulator powerpc MPC8272ADS PWM code asm using HCS08 MPC82XX MPC55XX JTAG Embedded Toolsmiths
    Text: Software and Development Tools Quarter 4, 2005 SG1011Q42005 Rev 0 About This Revision–Q4/2005 When new products are introduced, a summary of the new products will be provided in this section. However, the New Product section will only appear on this page when new

    SG1011Q42005 Q4/2005 SG1011Q42005 green hills ppc compiler manual green hills ppc linker manual MPC566 "pin compatible" M68EVB908Q powertap emulator powerpc MPC8272ADS PWM code asm using HCS08 MPC82XX MPC55XX JTAG Embedded Toolsmiths PDF