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    Abstract: 55N50F
    Text: HiPerRFTM Power MOSFETs IXFN 55N50F VDSS ID25 F-Class: MegaHertz Switching RDS on D N-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated, Low Qg, Low Intrinsic Rg High dV/dt, Low trr S Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings VDSS TJ = 25°C to 150°C 500 V VDGR TJ = 25°C to 150°C; RGS = 1 MΩ

    55N50F OT-227 E153432 125OC 728B1 125OC 55N50F PDF


    Abstract: TO-224 TYPE MPE NISSEI MMC nissei nissei MMX Mmc 4001 nissei capacitors MMX 450 To104 nissei capacitor MMX nissei capacitor APS
    Text: Products Summary Dimensions Characteristic graph Type POLYESTER FILM CAPACITOR AMZ Features Very small size, especially in H dimension, which is advantageous to save space of PC Board. Good reputations for use in general and industrial application. Small allowance in the lead pitch dimensions.

    00047F to104 to103 to393 To334 TO-224 TYPE MPE NISSEI MMC nissei nissei MMX Mmc 4001 nissei capacitors MMX 450 nissei capacitor MMX nissei capacitor APS PDF


    Abstract: MG655 MG750-15 MP900 MV217 MV228 MV234 MV261 mv2342 mg750 caddock
    Text: Page 2 of 2 Type MG Precision High Voltage Resistors Type MV Low Resistance Power Film Resistors MV Low Resistance Power Film Resistors Type MG Precision High Voltage Resistors Type Low Resistance Power Film Resistors Type MG Precision High Voltage Resistors

    50Range 750Tel: 44caddock medical20electronics. countryderating870 MG680 MG710 IL110 MG650 MG655 MG750-15 MP900 MV217 MV228 MV234 MV261 mv2342 mg750 caddock PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HellermannTyton HellermannTyton is a leading, global manufacturer of systems and solutions which help worldclass customers better manage and identify wire, cable, and components. HellermannTyton is proud to manufacture products in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, our



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VFB1012D Ultra-High-Precision Z-Foil Ball Grid Array BGA Surface-Mount Voltage Divider features • Temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) – Absolute: ± 0.05 ppm/°C typical (0 °C to + 60 °C) – Tracking: 0.1 ppm/°C typical • Power coefficient of resistance (PCR) tracking (“∆R due to self heating”): 5 ppm at

    VFB1012D 08-Jan-09 VMN-PT0161-0904 08-Jan-09 PDF


    Abstract: 4216100-70
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MD42S16100, 4216100,42S17100,4217100 16 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 16 M-WORD BY 1-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE DESCR IPTIO N The /¿PD42S16100, 4216100, 42S17100, 4217100 are 16 777 216 w ords by 1 bit dynam ic CMOS RAMs. These differ in refresh cycle and the /iPD42S16100, 42S17100 can execute CAS before RAS self refresh. They

    OCR Scan
    MD42S16100, 42S17100 uPD42S16100 uPD4216100 uPD42S17100 uPD4217100 /iPD42S16100, //PD42S16100, 4216100 4216100-70 PDF


    Abstract: c24 06 13
    Text: Amphenol Sine Systems* Pyfe>Co»ifie<:ieifs Corpc-raiKW'* STRAIGHT PLUG To specify a complete plug, substitute the Dash No. o f the contact insert selected, for the Asterisk C in the A PLUG WITH JACK COUPLING NUT SHOULD BE USED WfTH INSERTS HAVING 37 OR MORE CONTACTS

    OCR Scan
    13/l6 ZoZPLD-1012-* 125to 24C24 c24 06 13 PDF


    Abstract: IC-3052B uPD424800 UPD42S480
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT juPD42S4800L, 424800L 3.3 V OPERATION 4 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 512 K-WORD BY 8-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE Description The /¿PD42S4800L, 424800L are 524 288 words by 8 bits dynamic CMOS RAMs. The fast page mode capability realize high speed access and low power consumption.

    OCR Scan
    uPD42S4800L uPD424800L PD42S4800L, 424800L PD42S4800L 28-pin //PD42S4800L-A70, 424800L-A70 /JPD42S4800L-A80, 4800L IC-3052B uPD424800 UPD42S480 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR PNP B1443 D2396 equivalent B1569A TRANSISTORS PNP 50 V 1 A B1443 B1186A transistor c5147 b1344 transistor equivalent b1443 K2460
    Text: Transistors Transistors Products Tables Surface mounting types • M O S FET • Automatic mounting is possible : Products are housed in a package which supports automatic mounting. • 4V drive types : Direct drive from 1C allows reduction of components elimination of buffer transistor .

    OCR Scan
    2SK2503 RK7002 TC363TS DTC314TS TC114G 100mA TA124G DTC144G d2396 TRANSISTOR PNP B1443 D2396 equivalent B1569A TRANSISTORS PNP 50 V 1 A B1443 B1186A transistor c5147 b1344 transistor equivalent b1443 K2460 PDF

    M-tron VCXO

    Abstract: MTRON
    Text: LYNCH CORP/ M-TRON 3D E ILCMT Sb3221û Q0DQ5MÛ 5 D - 7 0 0 -^ -0 0 ~ Comef/We £xctf/&?ce MS Series HCMOS Oscillators Miniature Surface Mountable VCXO and XO P a r tin g M S Series oscillators are TTL compatible H C M O S oscillators hermetically sealed in low-profile ceramic 6 pin packages. They

    OCR Scan
    Sb3221û M-tron VCXO MTRON PDF


    Abstract: MC68705P3/R3/U3
    Text: MOTOROLA m SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC68705R5 Technical Summary 8-Bit EPROM Microcontroller Unit 3 The MC68705R5 HMOS Microcontroller Unit (MCU) is an EPROM member of the MC6805 Family of microcontrollers. The user programmable EPROM allows program changes and lower volume

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    MC68705R5 MC6805 M6805 M146805 M6805UM P06/INT2I JP01/AN1 P06/VRHt 68705R MC68705P3/R3/U3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOGUE_ _ _ INTEGRATED CONTROL, 0§ 0 S.A. I- 0 B A P H D IS P L A Y INDUSTRIAL D H IV E B S F e a tu r e s : F o r d r iv in g 5 o r i f u se d i n p a i r 10 n m s e r i a l b a r d i s p l a y a t 0 t o 20 mA c u r r e nt . O p e ratin g tem p e ratu re : . - 2 5 .+ 7 0 ° C

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MwT-8 GaAs FET DEVICE . iM ic r o Wave Techno lo g y 4268 Solar Way Fremont, ÇA 94538 415-651-6700 FAX 415-651-2208. MICROIilAVE TECHNOLOGY 1 -/» , 37E D iEiEiEEEEIiroi 1- - 1 3- *- 125 0.3 M ICRON REFRACTORY METAL/Au GATES ’• A! 3“ u w uj y u 1;

    OCR Scan
    l241GD Q0GQ04S 140ID 125-to PDF