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    Actel Corporation A1240XL-PQ144C

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    Bristol Electronics A1240XL-PQ144C 3,598
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    Actel Corporation A1240XLPL84C

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    Bristol Electronics A1240XLPL84C 198
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    Actel Corporation A1240XL-PQ100I

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    Bristol Electronics A1240XL-PQ100I 106
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    Actel Corporation A1240XL-PL84C

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    Bristol Electronics A1240XL-PL84C 14
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    Component Electronics, Inc A1240XL-PL84C 32
    • 1 $42.31
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    • 1000 $27.5
    • 10000 $27.5
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    Actel Corporation A1240XL-PG132C

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    Bristol Electronics A1240XL-PG132C 1
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    1240XL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ACTEL
    Text: Errata Metastability Characterization Report Errata In Figure 2 on page 3 the X-axis and Y-axis are missing their designated names. Here is how the figure should appear. 30 25 ln MTBF (S 20 SX (0.35µm) RTSX32 (0.6µm) ACT3 (0.8µm) MX16 (0.45µm) 15 1240XL (0.6µm)

    RTSX32 1240XL 5192670E-0/9 1240XL ACTEL PDF

    binary multiplier Vhdl code

    Abstract: sequential multiplier Vhdl vhdl code complex multiplier vhdl code for 4 bit ripple carry adder 5 bit binary multiplier using adders vhdl complex multiplier vhdl code for multiplexer 16 to 1 using 4 to 1 mu comb generator 8 bit multiplier using vhdl code VHDL code for 16 bit ripple carry adder
    Text: Appl i cat i o n N ot e Implementing Multipliers with Actel FPGAs Introduction Hardware multiplication is a function often required for system applications such as graphics, DSP, and process control. The Actel architecture, which is multiplexer based, allows efficient implementation of multipliers with high

    1200XL 1225XL-1 1280XL-1 PMULT16 LDMULT16 PRMULT16 binary multiplier Vhdl code sequential multiplier Vhdl vhdl code complex multiplier vhdl code for 4 bit ripple carry adder 5 bit binary multiplier using adders vhdl complex multiplier vhdl code for multiplexer 16 to 1 using 4 to 1 mu comb generator 8 bit multiplier using vhdl code VHDL code for 16 bit ripple carry adder PDF


    Abstract: Actel a1225xl ACTEL A1240xl A1280RH 1280xl 1240XL actel 1240xl 32200DX
    Text: High-Level Design Benchmark Report Engineers are faced with FPGA designs that continue to get larger and more complex while design cycles get shorter. To manage complex designs quickly, many engineers use HighLevel design languages VHDL or Verilog HDL to describe

    A1280XL A1240XL Actel Actel a1225xl ACTEL A1240xl A1280RH 1280xl 1240XL actel 1240xl 32200DX PDF


    Abstract: JH05 MARKING CODE N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR 44 pin actel 1020b JEDEC-A113 ACTEL 1020B ACP55 smd U1p Jl03 JL-03
    Text: Quality & Reliability Guide February 2001 2001 Actel Corporation All Rights Reserved. Actel and the Actel logo are trademarks of Actel Corporation. All other brand or product names are the property of their respective owners. Contents 1. Overview of Actel’s Quality and Reliability Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1



    Abstract: RT54SX72S AC308 A42MX16 A54SX32A A54SX72A MX16 RTSX72-S Signal Path Designer
    Text: Application Note AC308 Metastability Characterization Report for Actel Antifuse FPGAs Introduction Whenever asynchronous data is registered by a clocked flip-flop, there is a probability of setup or hold time violation on that flip-flop. In applications such as synchronization or data recovery, due to the

    AC308 RTSX32 RT54SX72S AC308 A42MX16 A54SX32A A54SX72A MX16 RTSX72-S Signal Path Designer PDF

    ACTEL A1010

    Abstract: A1460 A1020 transistor AC109 A1010 A1415 A1425 A1440 actel a1240
    Text: Application Note AC109 Predicting the Power Dissipation of Actel FPGAs Introduction Calculating the power dissipation of field programmable gate arrays FPGAs is similar to using the calculations for other CMOS ASIC devices, such as gate arrays and standard cells.

    AC109 A1280/1280XL A1240/1240XL A1225/1225XL 1200XL ACTEL A1010 A1460 A1020 transistor AC109 A1010 A1415 A1425 A1440 actel a1240 PDF


    Abstract: oscilloscope MTBF
    Text: Application Note Metastability Characterization Report I n tro du ct i on The setup and hold times of a register may deviate from ideal register behavior in actual applications as a result of finite circuit delays. A synchronization failure may occur if the data and clock do not satisfy the setup- and hold-time

    RTSX32 1240XL RTSX32 oscilloscope MTBF PDF

    CQFP 256 PIN actel

    Abstract: 32140DX 3265DX RH1020 84-CQFP 1225XL
    Text: Designer Series Development System 3.1.1 Release Notes This document describes the new features and enhancements of the Designer Series Development System 3.1.1. It also contains instructions on where to find Designer Series software supplement files containing important software information,


    transistor A1010

    Abstract: A1415 A1460 A1010 A1425 A1440 transistor a1020 actel a1240 LINEAR/525/OS/LM01A/ics 0623
    Text: Appl i cat i o n N ot e Predicting the Power Dissipation of Actel FPGAs Introduction Calculating the power dissipation of field programmable gate arrays FPGAs is similar to using the calculations for other CMOS ASIC devices, such as gate arrays and standard cells.

    A1280/1280XL A1240/1240XL A1225/1225XL 1200XL transistor A1010 A1415 A1460 A1010 A1425 A1440 transistor a1020 actel a1240 LINEAR/525/OS/LM01A/ics 0623 PDF


    Abstract: 40MX 42MX RH1020
    Text: Designer Series Development System 3.1.1 Release Notes This document describes the new features and enhancements of the Designer Series Development System 3.1.1 and the Designer Series 3.1.1 Update 1. It also contains instructions on where to find Designer Series software supplement files containing


    13001 s

    Abstract: 13001 datasheet 13001 JL-01 ACTEL 1020B RTSX32 B 13001 RTSX16 42MX09 1280A
    Text: Actel 4th Quarter 2000 Reliability Report 1 Table of Contents Page Reliability Test Matrix • Test Methods and Conditions Failure Rates • Failure Rates FITs Based For Current Process Data • Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) For Current Process Data 2

    1225XL, 1240XL, 1280XL, A1415, A1425, 14100BP, 32140DX, 32200DX 13001 s 13001 datasheet 13001 JL-01 ACTEL 1020B RTSX32 B 13001 RTSX16 42MX09 1280A PDF

    actel 1240a

    Abstract: TI1139 UI02 1280xl actel 1240xl 132 pga UJ-01 U1H-18 110E06 SI 1020A Actel A1225
    Text: Actel Device Reliability Report Actel’s field programmable gate arrays FPGAs are currently available in five product families—ACT 1, ACT 2, 1200XL, 3200DX, and ACT 3. The ACT 1 family consists of the A1010 and A1020, which are 1200- and 2000-gate FPGAs,

    1200XL, 3200DX, A1010 A1020, 2000-gate A1225, A1240, A1280 1200XL A1225XL, actel 1240a TI1139 UI02 1280xl actel 1240xl 132 pga UJ-01 U1H-18 110E06 SI 1020A Actel A1225 PDF

    transistor A1010

    Abstract: 1280xl 16-BIT SYNCHRONOUS COUNTER actel a1240
    Text: Appl i cat i on N ot e Predicting the Power Dissipation of Actel FPGAs Introduction Calculating the power dissipation of field programmable gate arrays FPGAs is similar to using the calculations for other CMOS ASIC devices, such as gate arrays and standard cells.

    frequencie373 1200XL transistor A1010 1280xl 16-BIT SYNCHRONOUS COUNTER actel a1240 PDF

    sequential multiplier Vhdl

    Abstract: two 4 bit binary multiplier Vhdl code 4 bit binary multiplier Vhdl code vhdl code for multiplexer 16 to 1 using 4 to 1 in vhdl code for multiplexer 16 to 1 using 4 to 1 binary multiplier Vhdl code 5 bit binary multiplier using adders VHDL code for 16 bit ripple carry adder VHDL code for 8 bit ripple carry adder vhdl code of pipelined adder
    Text: Appl i cat i on N ot e Implementing Multipliers with Actel FPGAs Introduction Hardware multiplication is a function often required for system applications such as graphics, DSP, and process control. The Actel architecture, which is multiplexer based, allows efficient implementation of multipliers with high

    1200XL 1225XL-1 PMULT16 LDMULT16 PRMULT16 RBMULT16 sequential multiplier Vhdl two 4 bit binary multiplier Vhdl code 4 bit binary multiplier Vhdl code vhdl code for multiplexer 16 to 1 using 4 to 1 in vhdl code for multiplexer 16 to 1 using 4 to 1 binary multiplier Vhdl code 5 bit binary multiplier using adders VHDL code for 16 bit ripple carry adder VHDL code for 8 bit ripple carry adder vhdl code of pipelined adder PDF


    Abstract: A1240XL 32 Bit loadable counter 2 bit magnitude comparator 176-CPGA "alu 4 bit" IC LM 384 gn
    Text: Æ ic t â 1200XL Field Programmable Gate Arrays Features • Up to 8000 Gate Array Gates 20,000 PLD equivalent gates Datapath Performance at 135 MHz • Replaces up to 200 TTL Packages 10 ns Clock-Out speeds • Replaces up to eighty 20-Pin PAL Packages

    OCR Scan
    1200XL 20-Pin 16-Bit TA138 A1240XL 32 Bit loadable counter 2 bit magnitude comparator 176-CPGA "alu 4 bit" IC LM 384 gn PDF


    Abstract: a3256 A1240XL vhdl code A1225XL A1280XL A32100DX A32140DX A32200DX A32300DX
    Text: Æ 9 cM I • I ntegrator Series FPGAs: 1200XL and 3200DX Families Features Cadence, Escalade, Exem plar, 1ST, M en to r G raphics, Synopsys, and Viewlogic. High C a p a c i t y • • 2,500 to 40,000 Logi c Gates • Up to 4 K b its C o nfig urab le Dual-Port SRAM

    OCR Scan
    1200XL 3200DX 100MHz 35-Bit TQFP176 MO-136 A3265DX a3256 A1240XL vhdl code A1225XL A1280XL A32100DX A32140DX A32200DX A32300DX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I ntegrator Series FPGAs - 1200XL and 3200DX Fami Ies Cadence, Escalade, Exemplar, 1ST, Mentor Graphics, Synopsysand Vi ewl ogi c • JTAG 1149.1 Boundary Scan Testing Features High C a p a c i t y • • • • 2,5001o 40,0001ogi c gat es Up to 4 Kbits configurable dual-port SRAM

    OCR Scan
    1200XL 3200DX 5001o MO-136 PDF