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    Automation Components Inc A-10KS-I-6--BB

    10,000 Ohm Thermistor, Immersion
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey A-10KS-I-6--BB Ammo Pack 1
    • 1 $97
    • 10 $97
    • 100 $97
    • 1000 $97
    • 10000 $97
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    Automation Components Inc A-10KS-I-6--4X

    10,000 Ohm Thermistor, Immersion
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey A-10KS-I-6--4X Ammo Pack 1
    • 1 $119
    • 10 $119
    • 100 $119
    • 1000 $119
    • 10000 $119
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    Automation Components Inc A-10KS-I-6--GD

    10,000 Ohm Thermistor, Immersion
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey A-10KS-I-6--GD Ammo Pack 1
    • 1 $76
    • 10 $76
    • 100 $76
    • 1000 $76
    • 10000 $76
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    Automation Components Inc A-10KS-I-4--GD

    10,000 Ohm Thermistor, Immersion
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey A-10KS-I-4--GD Ammo Pack 1
    • 1 $76
    • 10 $76
    • 100 $76
    • 1000 $76
    • 10000 $76
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    Automation Components Inc A-10KS-I-6--PB

    10,000 Ohm Thermistor, Immersion
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey A-10KS-I-6--PB Ammo Pack 1
    • 1 $76
    • 10 $76
    • 100 $76
    • 1000 $76
    • 10000 $76
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    10KSI Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: HDR2X4 HDR2X5 74LS13 DB9RA/m st16554 74LS245 AN554 DB9RA 74ALS245
    Text: AN454 AN554 AN654 Printed February 27, 1997 ST16C454/554/654 APPLICATION EXAMPLE Rev. 2.0 7-33 GND RST +5V IRQ9 -5V DRQ2 -12V OWS +12V GND SMEMW SMEMR IOW IOR DACK3 DRQ3 DACK1 DRQ1 REF CLK IRQ7 IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQ4 IRQ3 DACK2 T/C BALE +5V OSC GND IOCK SD7 SD6 SD5

    AN454 AN554 AN654 ST16C454/554/654 12VCC MC1489CP MC1488CP HDR-2X4 HDR2X4 HDR2X5 74LS13 DB9RA/m st16554 74LS245 AN554 DB9RA 74ALS245 PDF

    RS-232 to SPI converter MAX232

    Abstract: LM331 sil8 SK623 TEMPERATURE CONTROL USING MICROCONTROLLER soft starter bc547b-npn-45v IT 78L05 J1 HE10 MAX232 I2C control display
    Text: R ST623x-KIT STARTER KIT FOR ST6230 and ST6232 MCUs HARDWARE FEATURES • Immediate evaluation of ST6230 and ST6232 devices, with stand-alone demonstration routines. ■ Simulation and debugging within the user’s real application environment. ■ In-socket programming of all OTP and EPROM

    ST623x-KIT ST6230 ST6232 ST6232 ST6230 DIP28) SDIP42) RS-232 to SPI converter MAX232 LM331 sil8 SK623 TEMPERATURE CONTROL USING MICROCONTROLLER soft starter bc547b-npn-45v IT 78L05 J1 HE10 MAX232 I2C control display PDF

    MAX485 rx tx

    Abstract: 74LCX245 DTR con3 MAX3245ECWI C4114 100U 1N914 AT62B pca8
    Text: 5 4 3 2 1 TP1 +5V GND TP2 +5V DRV_RESET X1 ISA_AB_TEST J1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 D C1 C2 C3 C4 100U_16V_ELECT .1U_1206 .1U_1206 .1U_1206 -PCIOW -PCIOR -PCIOW -PCIOR +5V C C5 .1U_1206 C6

    MAX3245ECWI HSDL-2300 MAX485 XR16L651A J17/2 J18/1 XR16L651A MAX485 rx tx 74LCX245 DTR con3 C4114 100U 1N914 AT62B pca8 PDF

    st6220 programmer

    Abstract: windows epromer st6208 st6 programmer schematic RS5E ST6225 otp ST62E25 equivalent ST6220 ST62E01 ST62E20 ST62E25
    Text: ST622x-KIT STARTER KIT FOR ST620x, ST621x and ST622x MCUs HARDWARE FEATURES • Immediate evaluation of all ST620x, ST621x and ST622x devices, with stand-alone demonstration routines. ■ Simulation and debugging within the user’s real application environment.

    ST622x-KIT ST620x, ST621x ST622x ST621x st6220 programmer windows epromer st6208 st6 programmer schematic RS5E ST6225 otp ST62E25 equivalent ST6220 ST62E01 ST62E20 ST62E25 PDF

    RS-232 to SPI converter MAX232

    Abstract: SOC23 "7 Segment Displays" 5V power supply using LM7805 soft starter cts RS-232 to i2c converter sil8 J1 HE10 IT 78L05 Byv 10-40 tm
    Text: ST623x-KIT R STARTER KIT FOR ST6230 and ST6232 MCUs HARDWARE FEATURES • Immediate evaluation of ST6230 and ST6232 devices, with stand-alone demonstration routines. ■ Simulation and debugging within the user’s real application environment. ■ In-socket programming of all OTP and EPROM

    ST623x-KIT ST6230 ST6232 ST6232 ST6230 DIP28) SDIP42) RS-232 to SPI converter MAX232 SOC23 "7 Segment Displays" 5V power supply using LM7805 soft starter cts RS-232 to i2c converter sil8 J1 HE10 IT 78L05 Byv 10-40 tm PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KSR2005 PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR SWITCHING APPLICATION Bias Resistor Built In • Switching Circuit, Inverter, Interface circuit Driver circuit • Built in bias Resistor (R ,=4.7K !i, R2=10KSi) • Complement to KSR1005 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C)

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    KSR2005 10KSi) KSR1005 PDF


    Abstract: TL051 TL051 equivalent diode u1d 315
    Text: TL05x, TL05XA, TL05xY ENHANCED-JFET LOW-OFFSET OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS _ SLOS178 - FEBRUARY 1997 Direct Upgrades to TL07x and TL08x BiFET Operational Amplifiers Faster Slew Rate 20 V/|js Typ Without Increased Power Consumption • •

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    TL05x, TL05XA, TL05xY SLOS178 TL07x TL08x TL051 TL05x TL054A1 TL051 equivalent diode u1d 315 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HV202 HV203 Supertex inc. M Low Charge Injection 8-Channel High Voltage Analog Switch Ordering Information_ < z z TJ T I < Package Options 20-pin plastic DIP 28-lead plastic chip carrier 48-lead TQFP Die In waffle pack 200V

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    HV202 HV203 20-pin HV20220P 28-lead HV20220PJ HV20320PJ 48-lead HV20220FG HV20220X PDF

    Wien Bridge Oscillator jfet circuit

    Abstract: diode T325
    Text: A dvanced I / I L 2 S 1 L in e a r / D e v ic e s , I n c . ALD4704A/ALD4704B ALD4704 QUAD RAIL-TO-RAIL CMOS OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ALD4704 is a quad CMOS monolithic operational amplifier with MOSFET input that has rail-to-rail input and output voltage ranges. The

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    ALD4704A/ALD4704B ALD4704 ALD4704 300mV. 4000pF 160Hz 100nF 500pF 20dB/decade Wien Bridge Oscillator jfet circuit diode T325 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DC-to-DC Voltage Converter vU IU W Iv CO RP O RA TIO N Preliminary Product Announcement CA7660 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • • • • • • Calogic CA7660 DC-to-DC converter will generate a negative voltage from a positive source. The CA7660 generates -5V in

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    CA7660 CA7660 RS232 TC7660. 4432E PDF

    HBT 05-001

    Abstract: LTC1150 R2C marking LTC1150C LTC1150CJ8 LTC1150CN8 LTC1150CS8 LTC1150M LTC1150MJ8
    Text: XTLinÇAE TECHNOLOGY _ LTC1150 ±15V C h o p p e r Stabilized O p e ra tio n a l A m plifier w ith Internal C a p a c ito rs KOTUIKS DCSCRIPTIOn • High Voltage Operation, ± 18V ■ No External Components Required The LTC1150 is a high-voltage, high-perform ance chopper

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    140dB PSRR120dB CMRR120dB LTC1150 Ipx109Q 700nVp-p 200nVp-p 1800Hz 360nVp-p HBT 05-001 LTC1150 R2C marking LTC1150C LTC1150CJ8 LTC1150CN8 LTC1150CS8 LTC1150M LTC1150MJ8 PDF

    Certavolt Codi Semiconductor

    Abstract: 234L Potentiometer 10k lineal 15A1S DAC1136K DAC16QM DAC1138 Model 234L DAC-14QM DAC1156J
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES High Resolution, 16and 18 Bit Digital to Analog Converters FEATURES DAC11I38 High Resolution 18 Bits 38juV, 1 Pait in 262,144 Integral Nonlinearity < %LSB Differential Nonlinearity O iL S B Settling to ’/ î LSB (0.0002%) in 10/is Programmable Output Ranges

    OCR Scan
    38/iV, 10/is AC1136 DAC1138 DAC11 DAC1138 DAC1138K. Certavolt Codi Semiconductor 234L Potentiometer 10k lineal 15A1S DAC1136K DAC16QM Model 234L DAC-14QM DAC1156J PDF

    toyocom filters

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOYOCOM INC ’p l e ‘4 - 0 5 ~ 1SE D | TlOTOVfi ODPQD7>ì T | Available in both standard and custom configurations The TOYOCOM Active Filters, the result of our established expertise in transmission circuit design, are capable of meeting such transmission

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    200kHz. 09G-025 toyocom filters PDF


    Abstract: MA1458 FD6666 top 258 mn ma1458C M726 MA1458TC A1468 HCPL-1458 A1458 Analog Multiplier current
    Text: MA1558* mA1458* mA1458C INTERNALLY COMPENSATED, HIGH PERFORMANCE DUAL MONOLITHIC OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER F A IR C H IL D L I N E A R IN T E G R A T E D CIRCUITS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N — The 1558 / 1 4 5 8 are a m onolithic pair of Internally Compensated High

    OCR Scan
    MA1558* mA1458* MA1458C A1458 juA1458C 2N2920 FD6666 A1458 MA1458 top 258 mn ma1458C M726 MA1458TC A1468 HCPL-1458 A1458 Analog Multiplier current PDF


    Abstract: floppy read write
    Text: SiliconSudani INNOVATORS IN /INTEGRATION SSI 5 7 0 2-Channel Floppy Disk Read/W rite Circuit Preliminary Data Sheet GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 570 is an in te g ra te d c irc u it w h ic h p e rform s the fu n c tio n s o f g e n e ra tin g w rite s ig n a ls and a m p lify in g and

    OCR Scan

    Katalog CEMI

    Abstract: uca64121 UCA6400 UL1405 UL1211 UCY7400N UL1490N elektor SESCOSEM ul1402l
    Text: W iadom osci ogólne WSTIJP W y d aw n ic tw a P rz e m y s lu M aszynow ego W EM A p rz e k a zujq u z y tk o w n ik o m k a ta lo g b ra n z o w y pt. P rzy rz q d y p ó lp rz e w o d n ik o w e , z a w ie ra j^ c y d o k lad n e in fo rm a c je te c h nicze dotycz^ce p rz y rz q d ó w p ó lp rze w o d n ik o w y c h p ro d u k o w a n y ch w P o lsce n a sk al$ przem y slo w ^ .

    OCR Scan
    UL1611N 1611N UL16HN UCC-12V PN-73/E-04550. Katalog CEMI uca64121 UCA6400 UL1405 UL1211 UCY7400N UL1490N elektor SESCOSEM ul1402l PDF


    Abstract: OP-27J
    Text: UNEAR SYSTEMS Low-Noise Precision Operational Amplifier Linear Integrated Systems_ LS OP-27 FEATURES: • Replaces . AD-510, 517, 725 .PMI-Op27, Op37, 0p07, 0p05

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    OP-27 AD-510, PMI-Op27, 80nVpp OP27AJ OP27EJ OP27BJ OP27FJ OP27CJ OP27GJ P27B OP-27J PDF


    Abstract: LH2101A LH2101AD LH2101AF LH2201A LH2201AD LH2201AF LH2301A LM101A
    Text: LH2101A/LH2201A/LH2301A Dual Operational Amplifiers Distinctive Characteristics • • • L o w o ffs e t voltage L o w o ffs e t c u rre n t G uaranteed d r i f t chara cte ristics • O ffse ts guaranteed over e n tire c o m m o n m ode and s u p p ly voltage ranges

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    LH2101A/LH2201A/LH2301A LH2101A LH2101 LH2201A LH2301A LIC-814 LH2101AD LH2101AF LH2201A LH2201AD LH2201AF LH2301A LM101A PDF


    Abstract: M74HC221B1N 74ls221 circuits diagram TRANSISTOR QP cmos MONOSTABLE 54HC 74HC M54HC221 M74HC221 74ls221 pin diagram

    OCR Scan
    M54HC221 M74HC221 150ns 54/74LS221 M54/74HC221 dis54/74HC221 M54/74HC221 01/uF 74HC221 M74HC221B1N 74ls221 circuits diagram TRANSISTOR QP cmos MONOSTABLE 54HC 74HC M74HC221 74ls221 pin diagram PDF

    lm 2309

    Abstract: LM308 Op Amp IC lm308h application piezoelectric transducer amplifiers
    Text: u rm TECHNOLOGY LM 108A/LM308A LM108/LM308 O perational Amplifiers FCfVTURCS D € s c fu p n o n • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LM 10 8 series of precision operational amplifiers are particularly well-suited for high source impedance applications requiring low offset and bias currents as

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    08A/LM308A LM108/LM308 200pA LM108/LM308_ lm 2309 LM308 Op Amp IC lm308h application piezoelectric transducer amplifiers PDF


    Abstract: r-2r dac MAX512CPD
    Text: 19-0252: Rev 2:5/96 y k i y j x i y i / i L o w - C o s t , Tri ple, 8- Bi t V o l t a g e - O u t p u t DACs with Serial Int erfa ce Description _ F e a t u r e s ♦ Operate from a Single +5V MAX512 or +3V (MAX513) Supply, or from Bipolar Supplies

    OCR Scan
    MAX512) MAX513) 14-Pin MSB02 r-2r dac MAX512CPD PDF

    lm741 dip-14

    Abstract: ICL7650SIJD
    Text: ICL7650S HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R Super Chopper-Stabilized Operational Amplifier March 1993 Features Description Guaranteed Max Input Offset Voltage for All Tempera­ ture Ranges Low Long-Term and Temperature Drifts of Input Offset Voltage Guaranteed Max Input Bias Current. 10pA

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    ICL7650S ICL7650S ICL7650 HA2500 HA2600 200kil-2MQ ICL8048 lm741 dip-14 ICL7650SIJD PDF

    ota opamp

    Abstract: Video Sync Separator 1992 Crosspoint Switches
    Text: GENNUM c o r p o r a t i GB4551 Video Buffer with Strobed DC Restore om FEATURES DESCRIPTION • accurate clamping to within ±1 mV The GB4551 is a high performance video buffer with DC restore prim arily used for accurate back porch clamping. The circuit features a wideband differential amplifier that

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    GB4551 30MHz 100pF GB4551-CSA GS4881 GB4551. GT4123. ota opamp Video Sync Separator 1992 Crosspoint Switches PDF


    Abstract: 2wl1 voltage 2wl1 IC OP177ap OP177 op177g pmi pmi op177 OP177AZ IFT01 4560N
    Text: OP-177 ULTRA-PRECISION OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER drift TCVo s of 0.1(jV /°C MAX, to elim inate the need for exte r­ nal VQS adjustm ent and increases system accuracy over te m ­ perature. FEATURES • U ltra-Low O ffset Voltage T a = 2 5 °C . 10|jV Max

    OCR Scan
    OP-177 130dB 120dB OP-41. 2wl1 2wl1 voltage 2wl1 IC OP177ap OP177 op177g pmi pmi op177 OP177AZ IFT01 4560N PDF