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    Abstract: BA50BC0FP ba50bc0 BA33BC0FP 18bc0w 50bc0w BA33BC0 33bc0w BA30BC0 ba60bc0
    Text: BA BC0 series Regulator ICs 1A Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Low Saturation BA BC0 series BA BC0 series offers a line of low saturation type regulators that can supply as low output current as 1A. The output voltage precision appears ±2%. By the lineup of output voltage, the package lineup of surface mounted TO252 and

    O220FP) 00bc0w BA50BC0FP ba50bc0 BA33BC0FP 18bc0w 50bc0w BA33BC0 33bc0w BA30BC0 ba60bc0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-5130; Rev 0; 1/10 TION KIT EVALUA BLE A IL A V A Audio Subsystem with Mono Class D Speaker and Class H Headphone Amplifiers Features The MAX97001 mono audio subsystem combines a mono speaker amplifier with a stereo headphone amplifier and an analog DPST switch. The headphone and

    MAX97001 700mW, W202A2 PDF

    transistor C 4429

    Abstract: transistor C 4429 equivalent WIMA MK22 MIC429 transistor 4429 12v 5v TL494 C 4429 MIC4420 power switch tl494 tl494 application notes motor control
    Text: MIC4420/4429 Micrel MIC4420/4429 6A-Peak Low-Side MOSFET Driver Bipolar/CMOS/DMOS Process General Description Features MIC4420, MIC4429 and MIC429 MOSFET drivers are tough, efficient, and easy to use. The MIC4429 and MIC429 are inverting drivers, while the MIC4420 is a non-inverting

    MIC4420/4429 MIC4420, MIC4429 MIC429 MIC429 MIC4420 500mA 000pF transistor C 4429 transistor C 4429 equivalent WIMA MK22 transistor 4429 12v 5v TL494 C 4429 power switch tl494 tl494 application notes motor control PDF

    24 pin tft lcd pinout details

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ConnectCore 9M 2443 and Wi-9M 2443 Hardware Reference 90000952_F Release date: May 2011 2011 Digi International Inc. All rights reserved. Digi, Digi International, the Digi logo, a Digi International Company, Digi JumpStart Kit and ConnectCore are trademarks or registered trademarks of Digi International, Inc. in the United States and other countries worldwide.

    IS-003 EN60950-1 24 pin tft lcd pinout details PDF


    Abstract: MIC4451 5962-8877005HA MIC4451BM MIC4451BN MIC4451CT MIC4452 power switch with tl494 MIC4452AWBQ TL494
    Text: MIC4451/4452 Micrel MIC4451/4452 12A-Peak Low-Side MOSFET Driver Bipolar/CMOS/DMOS Process General Description Features MIC4451 and MIC4452 CMOS MOSFET drivers are tough, efficient, and easy to use. The MIC4451 is an inverting driver, while the MIC4452 is a non-inverting driver.

    MIC4451/4452 MIC4451 MIC4452 000pF MIC4452 MIC4451AJ 5962-8877005HA MIC4451BM MIC4451BN MIC4451CT power switch with tl494 MIC4452AWBQ TL494 PDF


    Abstract: Peak Low-Side MOSFET Driver MIC4421AJ MIC4421BM MIC4421BN MIC4421CM MIC4421CN MIC4421CT MIC4422 tl494 24v
    Text: MIC4421/4422 Micrel MIC4421/4422 9A-Peak Low-Side MOSFET Driver Bipolar/CMOS/DMOS Process General Description Features MIC4421 and MIC4422 MOSFET drivers are rugged, efficient, and easy to use. The MIC4421 is an inverting driver, while the MIC4422 is a non-inverting driver.

    MIC4421/4422 MIC4421 MIC4422 000pF MIC4421 Peak Low-Side MOSFET Driver MIC4421AJ MIC4421BM MIC4421BN MIC4421CM MIC4421CN MIC4421CT tl494 24v PDF

    TL494 car charger schematic diagram

    Abstract: samsung galaxy s2 controller for PWM fan tl494 1A current to 0-5v voltage converter using LM317 SMD LD33 capacitor huang 2200uF 35V uc3843 flyback supply opto-coupler SMD MOSFET DRIVE 4606 schematic lcd inverter samsung sine wave inverter tl494 circuit diagram
    Text: Micrel Semiconductor 1997 Databook 1 _ General Information 2 _ Computer Peripherals 3 _ Low-Dropout Linear Voltage Regulators 4 _ Switch-Mode Voltage Regulators 5 _ MOSFET Drivers 6 _

    accurat49565 TL494 car charger schematic diagram samsung galaxy s2 controller for PWM fan tl494 1A current to 0-5v voltage converter using LM317 SMD LD33 capacitor huang 2200uF 35V uc3843 flyback supply opto-coupler SMD MOSFET DRIVE 4606 schematic lcd inverter samsung sine wave inverter tl494 circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TECHNICAL NOTE Secondary LDO Regulators for Local Power Sources 18V Rated Voltage, 1.5A Secondary LDO Regulators BA□□JC5, BA00JC5W Series Description The BA□□JC5 are low-saturation regulators with an output current of 1.5 A and a voltage accuracy of 1%. A broad output

    BA00JC5W TO-220FP-3 PDF


    Abstract: MIC4420YN mic4429yn transistor C 4429 transistor C 4429 equivalent MIC4420ZN tl494 application notes motor control MIC4420YMM capacitor wima mks 04 MIC4429
    Text: MIC4420/4429 Micrel, Inc. MIC4420/4429 6A-Peak Low-Side MOSFET Driver Bipolar/CMOS/DMOS Process General Description Features MIC4420, MIC4429 and MIC429 MOSFET drivers are tough, efficient, and easy to use. The MIC4429 and MIC429 are inverting drivers, while the MIC4420 is a non-inverting

    MIC4420/4429 MIC4420, MIC4429 MIC429 MIC429 MIC4420 500mA 000pF MIC4420YN mic4429yn transistor C 4429 transistor C 4429 equivalent MIC4420ZN tl494 application notes motor control MIC4420YMM capacitor wima mks 04 PDF


    Abstract: BAxxDD0WT
    Text: BA25DD0WT Datasheet 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators BAxxDD0T Series BAxxCC0T Series BAxxCC0FP Series 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators With Shutdown Swicth BAxxDD0WT Series BAxxDD0HFP Series BAxxCC0WT Series BAxxCC0WFP Series ●General Description Standard Fixed Output LDO Regulators are low-saturation regulators, available for output s up to 2A / 1A. ROHM has a



    Abstract: BAxxDD0WT 08cc0w 033CC0W 33DD0W BAxxCC0T
    Text: BAJ6DD0T Datasheet 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators BAxxDD0T Series BAxxCC0T Series BAxxCC0FP Series 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators With Shutdown Swicth BAxxDD0WT Series BAxxDD0HFP Series BAxxCC0WT Series BAxxCC0WFP Series ●General Description Standard Fixed Output LDO Regulators are low-saturation regulators, available for output s up to 2A / 1A. ROHM has a



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BA60JC5T Datasheet 1.5A Variable/Fixed Output LDO Regulators BAxxJC5 Series Fixed BA00JC5WT(Variable) ●General Description The BAxxJC5 are low-saturation regulators with an output current of 1.5A and a voltage accuracy of ±1%. A broad output voltage range is offered, from 1.5V to 12V, and built-in overcurrent protection and thermal shutdown (TSD) circuits prevent



    Abstract: BAxxDD0WT BAxxCC0T
    Text: BA033CC0WT Datasheet 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators BAxxDD0T Series BAxxCC0T Series BAxxCC0FP Series 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators With Shutdown Swicth BAxxDD0WT Series BAxxDD0HFP Series BAxxCC0WT Series BAxxCC0WFP Series ●General Description Standard Fixed Output LDO Regulators are low-saturation regulators, available for output s up to 2A / 1A. ROHM has a

    BA033CC0WT 033CC0 BAxxDD0WT BAxxCC0T PDF


    Abstract: 033CC0 05cc0w BAxxCC0T
    Text: BA05CC0WFP Datasheet 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators BAxxDD0T Series BAxxCC0T Series BAxxCC0FP Series 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators With Shutdown Swicth BAxxDD0WT Series BAxxDD0HFP Series BAxxCC0WT Series BAxxCC0WFP Series ●General Description Standard Fixed Output LDO Regulators are low-saturation regulators, available for output s up to 2A / 1A. ROHM has a

    BA05CC0WFP BAxxDD0WT 033CC0 05cc0w BAxxCC0T PDF


    Abstract: 15DD0 BAxxCC0T
    Text: BA90DD0T Datasheet 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators BAxxDD0T Series BAxxCC0T Series BAxxCC0FP Series 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators With Shutdown Swicth BAxxDD0WT Series BAxxDD0HFP Series BAxxCC0WT Series BAxxCC0WFP Series ●General Description Standard Fixed Output LDO Regulators are low-saturation regulators, available for output s up to 2A / 1A. ROHM has a



    Abstract: BAxxDD0WT
    Text: BA90DD0WT Datasheet 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators BAxxDD0T Series BAxxCC0T Series BAxxCC0FP Series 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators With Shutdown Swicth BAxxDD0WT Series BAxxDD0HFP Series BAxxCC0WT Series BAxxCC0WFP Series ●General Description Standard Fixed Output LDO Regulators are low-saturation regulators, available for output s up to 2A / 1A. ROHM has a



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BA06CC0FP Datasheet 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators BAxxDD0T Series BAxxCC0T Series BAxxCC0FP Series 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators With Shutdown Swicth BAxxDD0WT Series BAxxDD0HFP Series BAxxCC0WT Series BAxxCC0WFP Series ●General Description Standard Fixed Output LDO Regulators are low-saturation regulators, available for output s up to 2A / 1A. ROHM has a



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet 1.5A Variable/Fixed Output LDO Regulators BAxxJC5 Series Fixed BA00JC5WT(Variable) ●General Description The BAxxJC5 are low-saturation regulators with an output current of 1.5A and a voltage accuracy of ±1%. A broad output voltage range is offered, from 1.5V to 12V, and built-in overcurrent protection and thermal shutdown (TSD) circuits prevent

    BA00JC5WT BA00JC5WT) O220FP-3 O220FP-5 PDF

    transistor 1270

    Abstract: 00CC0W
    Text: Datasheet 2A/1A Variable Output LDO Regulators BA00DD0xx series BA00CC0xx series ●General Description The BA00DD0xx and BD00CC0xx series are low-saturation regulators available for outputs up to 2A/1A. The output voltage can be arbitrarily configured using the external resistance. These series of LDO regulators are offered in a broad packaging

    BA00DD0xx BA00CC0xx BD00CC0xx BA00DD0xx) transistor 1270 00CC0W PDF


    Abstract: DS0026 power mosfet driver "teledyne components" TSC00C26
    Text: TELEDYNE COMPONENTS m 2ÖE D ÖT17bü2 QQOSOTS 7 • T -5 2 I3 H 0 ^TELED YN E SEMICONDUCTOR The Analog Signal Processing Company " TSC00C26 DUAL SUPER-FAST MOSFET DRIVER FEATURES ■ Pin for Pin Compatible with DS0026 and MMH0026 ■ Low Supply Current • 350 nA with Logic 0 or L og lrf Input

    OCR Scan
    TSC00C26 DS0026 MMH0026 500pF 1000pF 1000pF MMH0026 DS0026 power mosfet driver "teledyne components" TSC00C26 PDF


    Abstract: 4429
    Text: MIC4420/4429 6A-Peak Low-Side MOSFET Driver Bipolar/CMOS/DMOS Process General Description Features MIC4420, MIC4429 and MIC429 M OSFET drivers are tough, efficient, and easy to use. The MIC4429 and MIC429 are inverting drivers, while the M IC4420 is a non-inverting

    OCR Scan
    MIC4420/4429 MIC4420, MIC4429 MIC429 IC4420 IC4420/4429/429 4429 PDF


    Abstract: 100K series ECL
    Text: October 1989 Edition 1.0 FUJITSU DATA S H E E T MBM101C500-15 262144-BIT BICMOS ECL RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY DESCRIPTION The Fujitsu MBM101C500 i t uHy decocted 262144 bit BICMOS ECL random access memory designed for main memory, control and buffer storage applications. This device is

    OCR Scan
    MBM101C500-15 262144-BIT MBM101C500 24-pin DIP-24C-A voltage/temperatuer101C500-15 24-PAD LCC-24C-A02) 28PLCS) 101C500 100K series ECL PDF

    la 76805 volt on pin

    Abstract: intel 8708 eprom M3002 Pulse M3001 eprom 8708 2316a rom UPP-103 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 intel 1402a Pascall
    Text: Intel Corporation 3065 Bowers Avenue • Santa Clara, CA 95051 Telephone: 408 987-8080 TWX: 910-338-0026- Telex: 34-6372 inter Component Data Catalog 1978 Numerical and Functional Indexes 1 General Information 2 Random Access Memory 3 Read Only Memory 4

    OCR Scan
    MCS-4/40â MCS-48â MCS-80/85â -883B la 76805 volt on pin intel 8708 eprom M3002 Pulse M3001 eprom 8708 2316a rom UPP-103 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 intel 1402a Pascall PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS26F32C/DS26F32M NATL SElHCOND -CMEMORY> I D E D | bSGliab □□t,E53N_4j| CTJ National Jl A Semiconductor T - 75- 45-05 DS26F32C/DS26F32M Quad Differential Line Receiver General Description Features The DS26F32 is a quad differential line receiver designed to

    OCR Scan
    bSG112t T-75-45-05 DS26F32C/DS26F32M DS26F32 RS-422 RS-423, tl/f/9615-4 tl/f/9615-3 DS26F32CM PDF