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    Baldor Electric Company EBM4103TY

    Motor, 25HP,1775RPM,3PH,60HZ,284T,1054M, TEFC, F1 | Baldor-Reliance EBM4103TY
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS EBM4103TY Bulk 3 Weeks 1
    • 1 $11516.35
    • 10 $11516.35
    • 100 $11516.35
    • 1000 $11516.35
    • 10000 $11516.35
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    Bimba Manufacturing Company UHL-12103-TY

    Cylinder, Ultran High Load; 1-1/4In Bore 12; Stroke: 103 Inch(s); Switch Track | Bimba UHL-12103-TY
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS UHL-12103-TY Bulk 5 Weeks 1
    • 1 $6160
    • 10 $6160
    • 100 $6160
    • 1000 $6160
    • 10000 $6160
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    103TY Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A-BRIGHT A-BRIGHT INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Part No. 10 mm AL-103TYC Round Diff No. Type : LED Lamps Package Dimension︰ Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeter. 2.An epoxy meniscus may extend about. 1. 5mm 0.059” down to the lead 3.Tolerances unless Dimension ±0.25mm

    AL-103TYC 30min TEMP100 TEMP-55 TEMP25 AL-103TYC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A-BRIGHT A-BRIGHT INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Part No. 10 mm AL-103TYC Round Diff No. Type : LED Lamps Package Dimension︰ Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeter. 2.An epoxy meniscus may extend about. 1. 5mm 0.059” down to the lead 3.Tolerances unless Dimension ±0.25mm

    AL-103TYC 30min TEMP100 TEMP-55 TEMP25 AL-103TYC PDF


    Abstract: W069
    Text: Series 3,15’’ x 3,15’’ x 1,968’’ 80 x 80 x 50 mm 103T 400Hz Fans Approvals NATO codification Life expectancy 400 Hz Motor L-10 LIFE AT 40°C: 25 000 hours Housing material: aluminium Impeller material: aluminium Weight: 480 g Bearing system: ball bearings

    400Hz 103TX 103TY 103TY0562C13 103TY0560C13 103TX0562C13 103TX0560C13 103T W069 PDF


    Abstract: xr2207 XR2207P xr 2306 2207n 2207CP modem FSK XR2207CP XR-2207CN XR-210
    Text: EXAR CORP SOE 3M 22bia D D Q Ü S bij ItLXR JU L XR-2207 ¡Ë *E X 4 R T -zo- Voltage-Controlled Oscillator 1 PIN ASSIGNMENT GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR-2207 is a monolithic voltage-controlled oscillator VCO) integrated circuit featuring excellent frequency

    OCR Scan
    22bia XR-2207 20ppm/ fR-2207 XR-2207 XR-210 2207CN xr2207 XR2207P xr 2306 2207n 2207CP modem FSK XR2207CP XR-2207CN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XR-2207 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator PIN ASSIGNMENT GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR-2207 is a monolithic voltage-controlled oscillator VCO integrated circuit featuring excellent frequency stability and a wide tuning range. The circuit provides simultaneous triangle and squarewave outputs over a

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    XR-2207 XR-2207 20ppm/Â XR-210 XR210 PDF


    Abstract: MOS RAMs 5 input nand gate dtl SN75361A TMS4062 VCC223 DUAL NAND
    Text: TYPE SN75361A DUAL N A N D TTL-TO -M O S DRIVER IN T ER FA C E C IR C U IT S B U L L E T IN N O . D L -S 7 7 1 2 0 5 4 , S E P T E M B E R MOS M EM O R Y IN TER FA C E Dual Positive-Logic N A N D TTL-to-M OS Driver 1 9 7 3 -R E V IS E D A P R IL 1977 JG OR P

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    SN75361A 1973-REVISED 200pF) SN75361 MOS RAMs 5 input nand gate dtl TMS4062 VCC223 DUAL NAND PDF


    Abstract: diagram transistor tt 2206 transistor tt 2206 equivalent for transistor tt 2206 equivalent transistor TT 2206 XR-210CN TT 2206 transistor practical circuit of FSK modulator fsk modulator using 2206 ic fsk generation using XR 2206 IC
    Text: X f EX*IR XR-210 FSK Modulator/Demodulator G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION PIN ASSIG NM ENT T he X R -210 is a hig h ly v e rsa tile m o n o lith ic phaselo c k e d lo o p s y s te m , e s p e c ia lly d e s ig n e d fo r d a ta com m unications. It is particularly w ell suited for FSK

    OCR Scan
    20MHz XR-210 XR210CN diagram transistor tt 2206 transistor tt 2206 equivalent for transistor tt 2206 equivalent transistor TT 2206 XR-210CN TT 2206 transistor practical circuit of FSK modulator fsk modulator using 2206 ic fsk generation using XR 2206 IC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CO M PA TIBLE kA . 1 o-t a p S ^ L ° CIC DELAY MODULE J # T 2 L in p u t a n d o u tp u ts # D elays stab le and p recise # 14-p in S p a c e S a v e r p ackag e time is measured at the +1.5V level on the leading edge. Rise time for all modules is 4ns maximum when measured from

    OCR Scan
    1000ns C/123092 PDF

    jrc 2207

    Abstract: xr 2306 XR-2201 XR210 triangle wave XR-210 2207d XR2207CP XR-2207N 2207p
    Text: \gSV XR-2207 H S T E X f4 R Voltage-Controlled Oscillator GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN ASSIGNMENT The XR-2207 is a monolithic voltage-controlled oscillator VCO integrated circuit featuring excellent frequency stability and a wide tuning range. The circuit provides

    OCR Scan
    XR-2207 XR-2207 20ppm/Â XR-210 jrc 2207 xr 2306 XR-2201 XR210 triangle wave 2207d XR2207CP XR-2207N 2207p PDF

    ssf 7510

    Text: B L O C K D IA G R A M IS S H O W N B E L O W M E C H A N IC A L D E T A IL IS S H O W N B E L O W V cc 14 .800 14 13 12 11 10 9 P in No. Pin No. V 2 ^ SSFXLDM- 4 IN 1 1 2 6 8 OUT 3 5 7 9 C 3 4 5 6 7 TAP 2 13 TA P 4 12 TAP 6 11 TAP 0 10 OUT il; m f t f r D E LA Y LIN E W IT H

    OCR Scan
    020DIA. o-ir020TVR 020TYP-> --10D C30TYP SSFXLDM-TTL-800 SSFXLDM-TTL-1000 C/123092 ssf 7510 SSFXLDM-TTL-50G SSFXLDM-TTL-80F SSFXLDM-TTL-90T PDF


    Abstract: JIS-C-5130 TCN equivalent MGTCY06SB36-3S(B65)(033) A330X JIS-C-6423 MGTCY06SB36-3SB65033 TRANSISTOR+BJ+033
    Text: A rO ^ rC n tz T 7 CERACHIPS m im m z > y 5 * y v T :- $ o m e, * < D 5 / z / 7 J L '& m B £ E K & £ m & M & R £ u ? : m i, \ E r m =St\£Jg*. SItbi:033fl5, 053»i;103® 3*tfa5«0*^-. C E R A C H IP S are tubular-shaped chip com ponents w hich have been developed for use in autom atic mounting operations.

    OCR Scan
    033fl5, 103fl cha20 UCN053 JIS-C-5130 TCN equivalent MGTCY06SB36-3S(B65)(033) A330X JIS-C-6423 MGTCY06SB36-3SB65033 TRANSISTOR+BJ+033 PDF


    Abstract: 7544-1 transistor SN75326 SN7401 SN75426 54175 SN75270 SN55450 sn75493 National Semiconductor Linear Data Book
    Text: The Interface Circuits Data Book for Design Engineers First Edition IM P O R T A N T NO TICES Texas Instruments reserves the right to make changes at any tim e in order to im prove design and to supply the best product possible. T l cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or

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    XR 2308

    Abstract: XR2207CP XR220 2207M 2207cp XR210
    Text: XR-2207 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN ASSIGNMENT The XR-2207 is a monolithic voltage-controlled oscillator VCO integrated circuit featuring excellent frequency stability and a wide tuning range. The circuit provides simultaneous triangle and squarewave outputs over a

    OCR Scan
    XR-2207 20ppm/ XR-2207 XR-210 XR 2308 XR2207CP XR220 2207M 2207cp XR210 PDF


    Abstract: XR-210CN XR210 xr-210
    Text: U ST E X 4 R XR-210 FSK Modulator/Demodulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN ASSIGNMENT The XR-210 is a highly versatile monolithic phaselocked loop system , especially designed for data communications. It is particularly well suited for FSK m od ulation /d em o du latio n M O DEM applications,

    OCR Scan
    XR-210 XR-210 20MHz XR210CN XR-210CN XR210 PDF