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    eeprom 25080

    Abstract: 25080 948AL CAT25080 CAT25160 Q100 25080 eeprom 1024x8
    Text: CAT25080, CAT25160 8-Kb and 16-Kb SPI Serial CMOS EEPROM Description The CAT25080/25160 are 8−Kb/16−Kb Serial CMOS EEPROM devices internally organized as 1024x8/2048x8 bits. They feature a 32−byte page write buffer and support the Serial Peripheral Interface

    CAT25080, CAT25160 16-Kb CAT25080/25160 8-Kb/16-Kb 1024x8/2048x8 32-byte CAT25080/25160 751BD 517AW eeprom 25080 25080 948AL CAT25080 CAT25160 Q100 25080 eeprom 1024x8 PDF


    Abstract: tws 1000
    Text: d210002 1024X8, Mux 16, Drive 3, Non-Pipelined High-Speed Single-Port Synchronous SRAM Features Memory Description • Precise Optimization for Infineon’s C9DD1 0.20µm The 1024X8 SRAM is a high-performance, synchronous single-port, 1024-word by 8-bit memory designed to

    d210002 1024X8, 1024X8 1024-word 61mm2 HS300-SS 99Q3P0 tws 1000 PDF


    Abstract: s08d 25080D CAT25080YE-G eeprom 25080 UDFN8 254
    Text: CAT25080, CAT25160 8-Kb and 16-Kb SPI Serial CMOS EEPROM Description The CAT25080/25160 are 8−Kb/16−Kb Serial CMOS EEPROM devices internally organized as 1024x8/2048x8 bits. They feature a 32−byte page write buffer and support the Serial Peripheral Interface

    CAT25080, CAT25160 16-Kb CAT25080/25160 8-Kb/16-Kb 1024x8/2048x8 32-byte 751BD 517AW 25160D s08d 25080D CAT25080YE-G eeprom 25080 UDFN8 254 PDF


    Abstract: eeprom 25080
    Text: CAT25080, CAT25160 8-Kb and 16-Kb SPI Serial CMOS EEPROM Description The CAT25080/25160 are 8−Kb/16−Kb Serial CMOS EEPROM devices internally organized as 1024x8/2048x8 bits. They feature a 32−byte page write buffer and support the Serial Peripheral Interface

    CAT25080, CAT25160 16-Kb CAT25080/25160 8-Kb/16-Kb 1024x8/2048x8 32-byte 751BD 517AW 25160D eeprom 25080 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CAT25C08, CAT25C16 8K/16K SPI Serial CMOS EEPROM FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 10 MHz SPI compatible The CAT25C08/16 is a 8K/16K Bit SPI Serial CMOS EEPROM internally organized as 1024x8/2048x8 bits. Catalyst’s advanced CMOS Technology substantially reduces device power requirements. The CAT25C08/

    CAT25C08, CAT25C16 8K/16K 32-byte CAT25C08/16 1024x8/2048x8 CAT25C08/ 25c08v PDF


    Abstract: 25c08v
    Text: CAT25C08, CAT25C16 8K/16K SPI Serial CMOS EEPROM FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 10 MHz SPI compatible The CAT25C08/16 is a 8K/16K Bit SPI Serial CMOS EEPROM internally organized as 1024x8/2048x8 bits. Catalyst’s advanced CMOS Technology substantially reduces device power requirements. The CAT25C08/

    CAT25C08, CAT25C16 8K/16K 32-byte CAT25C08/16 1024x8/2048x8 CAT25C08/ 25C08 25c08v PDF

    eeprom 25080

    Abstract: 25080 eeprom
    Text: CAT25080, CAT25160 8-Kb and 16-Kb SPI Serial CMOS EEPROM FEATURES DESCRIPTION „ 10 MHz SPI compatible The CAT25080/25160 are 8-Kb/16-Kb Serial CMOS EEPROM devices internally organized as 1024x8/2048x8 bits. They feature a 32-byte page write buffer and support the Serial Peripheral Interface

    CAT25080, CAT25160 16-Kb 32-byte CAT25080/25160 8-Kb/16-Kb 1024x8/2048x8 MD-1122 eeprom 25080 25080 eeprom PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: £1 Advanced Micro Devices 53/63S881/A High Performance 1024x8 PROM TiW PROM Family FEATURES/BENEFITS APPLICATIONS • 30-ns maximum access time • Microprogram control store • Reliable iltanlum-tungsten fuses TIW guaran­ tee greater than 98% programming yields

    OCR Scan
    53/63S881/A 1024x8 30-ns 24-pin 600-mil 53/63S881 53/63S881A 63S081 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am27S35/Am27S37 8,192-Bit 1024x8 Bipolar Registered PROM with Programmable INITIALIZE Input Versatile programmable asynchronous or synchronous enable for simplified word expansion Buffered common INITIALIZE input either asynchronous (Am27S35) or synchronous (Am27S37)

    OCR Scan
    Am27S35/Am27S37 192-Bit 1024x8) 24-pin, 300-mil Am27S35 Am27S37 PDF


    Abstract: Am27S181/27S181
    Text: A m a 2 7 S 1 8 1 /2 7 S 1 8 1 A A m 2 7 S 2 8 1 Advanced Micro Devices /2 7 S 2 8 1 A 8,192-Bit 1024x8 Bipolar PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Fast access time allows high system speed 50% power savings on deselected parts — enhances reliability through total system heat reduction

    OCR Scan
    192-Bit 1024x8) Am27S101 Am27S181/27S181 27S281/27S281A TC003452 Am27S181 /27S181A Am27S281/27S281 27S181 PDF


    Abstract: VC1039
    Text: Am2130/Am2140 1024x8 Dual-Port Static Random-Access Memories DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS True dual port operation Access time as fast as 55 ns Master device Am2130 has on-chip arbitration Expandable data bus width in multiples of 8 bits using one master (Am2130) and required number of slave

    OCR Scan
    Am2130/Am2140 1024x8 Am2130) Am2140) 48-pin 52-pin Am2130 Am2140 Am2140s VC1039 PDF


    Abstract: 53S881 53S881A 63S881A 1024x8 PROM
    Text: High Performance 1 0 2 4 x 8 PROM TiW PROM Family 5 3 /6 3 S 8 8 1 5 3 /6 3 S 8 8 1 A Features/Benefits Description • 30-ns maximum access time The 53/63S881 and 53/63S881A are 1024x8 bipolar PROMs featuring low inpu t current PNP inputs, full S chottky clam ping,

    OCR Scan
    1024x8 53/63S881 53/63S881A 30-ns 24-pin 600-mil 53/63S881 53/63S881A 63S881 53S881 53S881A 63S881A 1024x8 PROM PDF


    Abstract: AM27S35A CD3024 PD3024 1024x8 PROM
    Text: Am27S35/S35A/Am27S37/S37A _ „ Advanced Micro Devices 8,192-Bit 1024x8 Bipolar Registered PROM with Programmable INITIALIZE Input DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Slim, 24-pin, 300-mil lateral center package occupies approximately 1/3 the board space required by standard

    OCR Scan
    Am27S35/S35A/Am27S37/S37A 192-Bit 1024x8) 24-pin, 300-mil Am27S35 Am27S37 WF021580 AM27S35A CD3024 PD3024 1024x8 PROM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HOLTEK r r HT24L C08/16 8K/16K 2-Wire CMOS Serial EEPROM Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O perating voltage: 2.4V~5.5V Low power consumption - O peration: 5mA m ax. - Standby: 5|iA m ax. In tern al organization - 8 K H T24LC08 : 1024x8

    OCR Scan
    HT24L C08/16 8K/16K T24LC08) 1024x8 T24LC16) 2048x8 16-byte 40-year PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am27Sl80/27S181/PS181 Am27S280/27S281/PS281 8,192-Bit 1024x8 Bipolar PROM > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Fast access time allows high system speed 50% power savings on deselected parts — enhances reliability through total system heat reduction

    OCR Scan
    Am27Sl80/27S181/PS181 Am27S280/27S281/PS281 192-Bit 1024x8) Am27S180/27S181 Am27S180 Am27S181 300-mil. Am27S280/27S281 Am27PSl81/27PS281 27S181 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High Performance 10 24x8 PROM TiW PROM Family 5 3 /6 3 S 8 8 1 5 3 /6 3 S 8 8 1 A Featu res/B en efits Description • 30-ns m aximum access time T h e 53/63S881 a nd 5 3/63S 881A are 1024x8 b ip o la r P R O M s fe a tu rin g lo w in p u t c u rre n t PNP in p u ts , fu ll S c h o ttk y c la m p in g ,

    OCR Scan
    30-ns 53/63S881 3/63S 1024x8 63S881 S3S881 PDF


    Abstract: 27s181 27s181a AM27S181/BJA AM27S181A CERAMIC LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER LCC 24 AM27S181PC
    Text: Am27S181/27S181A Am27S281/27S281A 8,192-Bit 1024x8 Bipolar PROM Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Fast access time allows high system speed • 50% power savings on deselected parts — enhances reliability through total system heat reduction • Platinum-Silicide fuses guarantee high reliability, fast

    OCR Scan
    Am27S181 /27S181A Am27S281 /27S281A 192-Bit 1024x8) TC003441 TC003452 KS000010 27s181 27s181a AM27S181/BJA AM27S181A CERAMIC LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER LCC 24 AM27S181PC PDF

    Binary to hexadecimal

    Abstract: Signetics 2608 rom 1024 1024x8 TEN 8 Series 2608 rom 1024x8 1024X8
    Text: sjgnotics 1024X8 STATIC READ ONLY MEMORY 12608 2608 1 N CHANNEL SILICON GATE MOS 2600 SERIES PIN C O N F IG U R A T IO N D ESCRIPTIO N The 2608 is a fu lly decoded, static, mask programmable read-only memory. It has a capacity of 8192 bits organized 1024 X 8. The 2608 is fabricated with low threshold

    OCR Scan
    1024X8 650ns. Binary to hexadecimal Signetics 2608 rom 1024 1024x8 TEN 8 Series 2608 rom 1024x8 PDF


    Abstract: 53RS881 53RS881A 63RS881 63RS881A 1024X8
    Text: 53/63RS881/A Advanced Micro Devices High Performance 1024x8 Registered PROM FEATURES/BENEFITS APPLICATIONS • Edge triggered “D" registers • Microprogram control store • Synchronous and asynchronous enables • State sequencers • Versatile 1:16 initialization words

    OCR Scan
    53/63RS881/A 1024x8 24-pln 53/63RS881 53/63RS881A -30pF. 64X128 53RS881 53RS881A 63RS881 63RS881A PDF


    Abstract: AM27S281PC 27s181 AM27S181 27S181A AM27S181PC AM27S181A 27S281
    Text: Am27S181 /27S181A Am27S281 /27S281A 8,192-Bit 1024x8 Bipolar PROM Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Fast access time allows high system speed • 50% power savings on deselected parts — enhances reliability through total system heat reduction • Platinum-Silicide fuses guarantee high reliability, fast

    OCR Scan
    Am27S181 /27S181A Am27S281 /27S281A 192-Bit 1024x8) TC003441 TC003452 KS000010 723CL AM27S281PC 27s181 27S181A AM27S181PC AM27S181A 27S281 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a 53/63S881/A Advanced Micro Devices High Performance 1024x8 PROM TiW PROM Family FEATURES/BENEFITS APPLICATIONS • 30-ns maximum access time • Microprogram control store • Reliable titanium-tungsten fuses TIW guaran­ tee greater than 98% programming yields

    OCR Scan
    53/63S881/A 1024x8 30-ns 24-pln 600-mil 53/63S881 53/63S881A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am2130/Am2140 AdVM“ o 1024x8 Dual-Port Static Random-Access Memories Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS True dual port operation Access time as fast as 55 ns Master device Am2130 has on-chip arbitration Expandable data bus width in multiples of 8 bits using

    OCR Scan
    Am2130/Am2140 1024x8 Am2130) Am2140) 48-pin 52-pin Am2130 Am2140 M2130 PDF


    Abstract: AM27S35A AM27S37 AM27S37A CD3024 PD3024
    Text: Am27S35/S35A/Am27S37/S37A 1H rt Advanced Micro Devices 8 ,1 92-Bit 1024x8 Bipolar Registered PROM with Programmable INITIALIZE Input DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Slim, 24-pin, 300-mil lateral center package occupies approximately 1 /3 the board space required by standard

    OCR Scan
    Am27S35/S35A/Am27S37/S37A 192-Bit 1024x8) 24-pin, 300-mil Am27S35 Am27S37 WF021601 AM27S35A AM27S37A CD3024 PD3024 PDF


    Abstract: 53RS881A 63RS881 63RS881A SDS S3 5V
    Text: 5 3 /6 3 R S 8 8 1 5 3 /6 3 R S 8 8 1 A High Performance 1024x8 Registered PROM Features/Benefits Description » Edge triggered “D” registers The 53/63RS881 and 53/63RS881A are 1Kx8 PROMs w ith onchip “ D” type registers, versatile o u tp u t enable con trol through

    OCR Scan
    1024x8 53/63RS881 53/63RS881A 24-pin 53/63RS881A 53RS881 53RS881A 63RS881 63RS881A SDS S3 5V PDF