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    Samsung Electro-Mechanics CL05C100DBNC

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    Bristol Electronics CL05C100DBNC 40,000
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    Samsung Semiconductor CL05C100DBNC

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    Bristol Electronics CL05C100DBNC 18,463
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    Samsung Semiconductor CL10C100DBNC

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    Bristol Electronics CL10C100DBNC 10,452 89
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    Samsung Semiconductor CL21C100DBNC

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    Bristol Electronics CL21C100DBNC 2,900
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    Abstract: 1S2076 equivalent filter 455
    Text: H A 16841M A IF, Base-Band Signal Processing IC for Cordless Telephone Description • The H A 1 6 8 4 1 M A is an IF, B ase-B and signal processing IC which is optimal for use in cordless telephones. In addition to an FM IF amplifier, it also integrates a data filter, a receiver amplifier,

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    16841M MP-44S) HA16841MA HA1684IMA CEX17 1S2076 equivalent filter 455 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KA22441 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FM IF SYSTEM FOR CAR STEREOS T h e KA22441 is a m o n o lith ic in te g ra te d c ir c u it c o n s is tin g o f an F M IF s y s te m s u ita b le fo r use in c a r s te re o s and m u s ic c e n te rs . It fe a tu re s p r a c tic a lly a ll o f th e fu n c tio n s u s e d in an FM tu n e r,

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    KA22441 KA22441 PDF


    Abstract: M51365SP SG10 TP10 10K variable resistor FO-58 VCO circuit diagram fM det coil
    Text: To all our customers Regarding the change of names mentioned in the document, such as Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi XX, to Renesas Technology Corp. The semiconductor operations of Hitachi and Mitsubishi Electric were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation on April 1st 2003. These operations include microcomputer, logic, analog

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    75MHz 25MHz. 25MHz) M51362SP M51362SP M51365SP SG10 TP10 10K variable resistor FO-58 VCO circuit diagram fM det coil PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs TV M52778SP VIF, SIF, VIDEO, CHROMA, DEFLECTION FOR PAL/NTSC DESCRIPTION The M 52778SP is a single-chip sem iconductor integrated circuit to PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) process signals of a color TV. Circuits to process video IF, sound IF,

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    M52778SP 52778SP M52325AP, 740Vrms 690Vrm 285VP-P 100dBn PDF


    Abstract: sw2dp ha11485
    Text: H A 11485 B N T -Color TV/VCR Picture IF, Audio IF System Features • PIF amplifier, Video Detector, AGC Jungle, AFT • 1st SIF Detector, FM limiter amplifier, FM Detector, Audio DC ATT Block Diagram 140 HA11485BNT Absolute M axim um Ratings Ta = 25°C

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    HA11485BNT 400Hz 50kHz/dev HA11485BNT sw2dp ha11485 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs TV M51362SP PLL-SPLIT VIF/SIF DESCRIPTION The M51362SP is a semiconductor IC consisting of IF signal processor suitable for color TV sets and VCRs with AV which is a revision of M51365SP. The circuit includes VIF amplifier. Video detector, VCO, APC

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    M51362SP M51362SP M51365SP. 920kHz 75MHz 25MHz. 25MHz) PDF


    Abstract: M52313SP equivalent SG14 SG10 SG15 SG16 90dB AGC Amplifier let it be SG-141
    Text: M ITSUBISHI ICs TV M52313SP STAND ARD PLL VIF/SIF DESCRIPTION The M52313SP is a semiconductor integrated circuit PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) consisting of IF signal processing for VCR or CTV tuner. The circuit realizes PLL detection system with same application as conventional quasi-synchronous VIF/SIF ICs.

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    M52313SP M52313SP 20-pin 920kHz M52313SP equivalent SG14 SG10 SG15 SG16 90dB AGC Amplifier let it be SG-141 PDF


    Abstract: 4236L 9014w TRV50 BA4424N ba4236
    Text: BA4236L/ BA4237L BA4236L BA4237L F M / A M - I F v ^ x A f f l 1C F M /A M -IF System Amplifier JBI i£ • £HB\f"j£@ /Dimensions U n it: mm B A 4 23 6 L /B A 4 23 7 L U, FM ttifiC D S tsOltsO if F M /A M -IF v X x A f f l I C XT o FM S B ! i^ i l ) 7 7 > y C c t ? . IF T7 > " / S i S ,

    OCR Scan
    BA4236L/ BA4237L BA4236L BA4236L/BA4237L 1000kHz 4236L 9014w TRV50 BA4424N ba4236 PDF


    Abstract: transitor RF 98 toko 7p TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 a888 13855 telefunken ta 750 78L05 7MC-312162NO SW02
    Text: T em ic U2514B S e m i c o n d u c t o r s O ne-C hip A M /F M R eceiver IC for D igital Tuning D escription The U2514B is an integrated bipolar radio circuit suitable for digital tuning systems. It contains an FM front end with pre-amplifier and FM -stereo decoder as well as a

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    u2514b U2514B D-74025 03-Mar-98 GFMB3 transitor RF 98 toko 7p TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 a888 13855 telefunken ta 750 78L05 7MC-312162NO SW02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LAMBDAADVANCEDM U M INC.A ART2815T Series Hybrid - High Reliability Radiation Hardened DC/DC Converter DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ART2815T series of DC/DC converters are designed specifically for use in the hostile radiation environments characteristic of space and weapon

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    ART2815T MIL-STD883 MIL-H-38534. MIL-STD-1772 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICS TV M51496P VIF/SIF DESCRIPTION The M51496P is a semiconductor integrated circuit which includes Video Intermediate Frequency (VIF) and Sound Intermediate Frequency (SIF) functions for color TV and VCR tuners. The circuit includes VIF amplifier, video detector, IF AGC,

    OCR Scan
    M51496P M51496P 18-pin 292GCS -5531Z 292GNS -5571Z 292BCS 5923Z PDF


    Abstract: circuit diagram m52340sp 52P4B M52325AP SG14 SG15 SG60 SW490 M52340
    Text: MITSUBISHI 1Cs TV M52340SP . PAL/NTSC SYSTEM SHINGLE-CHIP COLOR TV SIGNAL PROCESSOR DESCRIPTION The M52340SP is a single-chip semiconductor integrated circuit to PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) process signals of a color TV. Circuits to process video IF, sound

    OCR Scan
    M52340SP M52340SP M52325AP, b24cifl2b circuit diagram m52340sp 52P4B M52325AP SG14 SG15 SG60 SW490 M52340 PDF


    Abstract: la1851n LA1851 22Z3 bhm4 2060S5 CSB456F15 LA1861 AAY20
    Text: No. 3231 B = Na3231A t :^ m W - = L - X 30394 < tz$ £ \v "lN L A 1 8 5 1 N L A 1 8 5 1 N M >v 9 > j ~-rM fK & D T S ^ l ^ '^ 7 ' y y f - i L FM : W 7 V 7 , 9 * K 9 f - - r &•<£,IF*> *} V H AM: R F T > • / ,» - & ,% » ,* « /<y 7 r , l F 7 v ^ i f t .A G C .I P * ,^ /

    OCR Scan
    3231B 3231B Na3231A LA1851N LA1851NM 350mV 1851NM LA1861N LA1851 22Z3 bhm4 2060S5 CSB456F15 LA1861 AAY20 PDF


    Abstract: la1176 LA1861 mitsumi coil stereo audio to mitsumi modulator LA1861M FR98 LA1862M 20 led VU meter stereo tuner mitsumi
    Text: O rd e rin g n u m b e r :E N 4 0 9 2 A Monolithic Linear 1C No. 4092A LA1862M Single-chip Tuner System for Car Stereo O VERVIEW PIN ASSIGNMENT The LA1862M is a single-chip car siereo FM IF/NC/MPX tuner IC which offers improved IF stability and S-meter characteristics, compared wiih the

    OCR Scan
    EN4092A LA1862M LA1862M LA1861M. 36-pin LA1861M la117s la1176 LA1861 mitsumi coil stereo audio to mitsumi modulator LA1861M FR98 20 led VU meter stereo tuner mitsumi PDF


    Abstract: 2190 ctv 52P4B F1333 ICC19
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs TV M52303ASP NTSC SYSTEM SINGLE-CHIP COLOR TV SIGNAL PROCESSOR DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) T he M 5 2 3 0 3 A S P is a s in g le -ch ip s e m ic o n d u c to r in te g ra te d It fe a tu re s a v a rie ty o f signal p ro ce ssin g fu n c tio n s in clu d in g

    OCR Scan
    M52303ASP M52303ASP VvV-500 2190 ctv 52P4B F1333 ICC19 PDF


    Abstract: KA2243
    Text: KA2243 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT AM/FM IF SYSTEM The K A 2243 is a m onolithic integrated circuit developed for radio ca sse tte tape recorders w hich include A M /FM IF am plifier and detector. FUNCTIONS • A M Section: IF amplifier with A G C detector.

    OCR Scan
    KA2243 KA2243 33dB/t, SJ-015-552 SJ-59JG-043 SJ-015-521 74d8 PDF


    Abstract: vco coil 1SG16 20P2N-A SG10 SG14 SG15 SG16 1SG13 Mitsubishi Mitsubishi
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICS TV M52034SP/FP STANDARD PLL VIF/SIF DESCRIPTION The M52034SP/FP is a semiconductor integrated circuit consisting of IF signal processing for VCR and CTV tuners. PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) AFT COIL AFT OUT RF AGC OUT IF AGC FILTER VIF IN

    OCR Scan
    M52034SP/FP M52034SP/FP 20-pin 920kHz 75MHz M52034SP vco coil 1SG16 20P2N-A SG10 SG14 SG15 SG16 1SG13 Mitsubishi Mitsubishi PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs TV M51408SP PAL/NTSC SYSTEM SINGLE-CHIP COLOR TV SIGNAL PROCESSOR DESCRIPTION The M51408SP is a single-chip semiconductor integrated PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) circuit with signal processing capabilities compatible with both PAL arid NTSC type color televisions.

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    M51408SP M51408SP E41fl5b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs TV M52775FP VIF, SIF, VIDEO, CHROMA, DEFLECTION FOR NTSC DESCRIPTION APPLICATION The M 52775FP is desinged to provide a solution to NTSC color NTSC type color TV, projecter television system. It is an l2C bus controlled NTSC 1 chip. It consists

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    M52775FP 52775FP 75MHz 28VP-P PDF


    Abstract: 52340SP sharp tv ic m52340sp circuits
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs TV M52340SP PAL/NTSC SYSTEM SHINGLE-CHIP COLOR TV SIGNAL PROCESSOR DESCRIPTION T he M 52340SP is a single-chip sem iconductor integrated circuit to PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) process signals of a color TV. Circuits to process video IF, sound

    OCR Scan
    M52340SP 52340SP M52325AP, M52340SP sharp tv ic m52340sp circuits PDF


    Abstract: LA1867N MRC S3 60 M402A csb912 csb-912jF S3A10 LA1193 la1867 sa457
    Text: Ordering number : EN4619B Monolithic linear IC LA1867NM No. 4619B SAXYO Car Radio Single-Chip Tuner System i Overview Package Dimensions The LA1867M is a high-performance multifunction FMIF, noise canceller, MPX and MRC single-chip tuner IC for use in car radios. High-quality tuners with superlative

    OCR Scan
    EN4619B 4619B LA1867NM LA1867M 3148-QIP44MA IHF-T-200 LA1867N MRC S3 60 M402A csb912 csb-912jF S3A10 LA1193 la1867 sa457 PDF

    transistor tt 2170 em

    Abstract: colour television block diagram television block diagram TRANSISTOR TT 2190 colour tv circuit diagram one chip tv ic 2190 ctv M52303ASP V11-T colour tv sound system ic
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs TV M52303ASP NTSC SYSTEM SINGLE-CHIP COLOR TV SIGNAL PROCESSOR DESCRIPTION The M52303ASP is a single-chip semiconductor integrated PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) circuit that processes color NTSC system television signals. It features a variety of signal processing functions including

    OCR Scan
    M52303ASP M52303ASP VW-500 GD27324 0qe73e5 transistor tt 2170 em colour television block diagram television block diagram TRANSISTOR TT 2190 colour tv circuit diagram one chip tv ic 2190 ctv V11-T colour tv sound system ic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs TV M52779SP VIF, SIF, VIDEO, CHROMA, DEFLECTION FOR PAL/NTSC DESCRIPTION The M52779SP is a single-chip semiconductor integrated circuit to PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) process signals of a color TV. Circuits to process video IF, sound IF,

    OCR Scan
    M52779SP M52779SP M52325AP, 740Vrms 690Vrms 285VP-P 100dBn PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs TV M52034SP/FP STANDARD PLL VIF/SIF DESCRIPTION The M52034SP/FP is a semiconductor integrated circuit PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) consisting of IF signal processing for VCR and CTV tuners. The circuit realizes PLL detection system with same

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    M52034SP/FP M52034SP/FP 20-pin 75MHz 75MHzis PDF