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    Schneider Electric DXN10041E

    Cable Organizer 20x12 w/o Adhesive W | Schneider Electric DXN10041E
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    RS DXN10041E Bulk 1 Weeks 50
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    3M Interconnect HDC-H100-41E-001

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    Bristol Electronics HDC-H100-41E-001 15
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    10041E Datasheets Context Search

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    en1 3007

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: System LED Drivers for Mobile Phones 6 LEDs LDO 4ch BD6183GUL No.10041EAT09 ●Description BD6183GUL is “Intelligent LED Driver” that is the most suitable for the cellular phone. It has 3 - 6LED driver and output variable LDO4ch for LCD Backlight. It can be developed widely from the high End model to the Low End model.

    BD6183GUL 10041EAT09 BD6183GUL VCSP50L3 R1010A en1 3007 PDF


    Abstract: 0000101
    Text: System LED Drivers for Mobile Phones 6 LEDs ALC* and LDO 4ch *ALC: Auto Luminous Control BD6083GUL No.10041EAT07 ●Description BD6083GUL is “Intelligent LED Driver” that is the most suitable for the cellular phone. It has 3 - 6LED driver and output variable LDO4ch for LCD Backlight.

    BD6083GUL 10041EAT07 BD6083GUL VCSP50L3 R1010A BH1621 0000101 PDF


    Abstract: en1 3007 BD6184 BD6184GUL
    Text: System LED Drivers for Mobile Phones 8 LEDs LDO 4ch BD6184GUL No.10041EAT10 ●Description BD6184GUL is “Intelligent LED Driver” that is the most suitable for the cellular phone. It has 3 ~ 8LED driver and output variable LDO4ch for LCD Backlight. It can be developed widely from the High End model to the Low End model.

    BD6184GUL 10041EAT10 BD6184GUL VCSP50L3 R1010A 1001011 en1 3007 BD6184 PDF


    Abstract: p055 power transistor
    Text: System LED Drivers for Mobile Phones 8 LEDs ALC* and LDO 4ch *ALC: Auto Luminous Control BD6084GUL No.10041EAT08 ●Description BD6084GUL is “Intelligent LED Driver” that is the most suitable for the cellular phone. It has 3 ~ 8LED driver and output variable LDO4ch for LCD Backlight.

    BD6084GUL 10041EAT08 BD6084GUL VCSP50L3 R1010A BD6084 p055 power transistor PDF

    DOT matrix LED display DRIVER

    Abstract: DB82 BD26502GUL diode da85 DB46 DAE4 DB33 circuit diagram DB83 Matrix LED Display Driver DB33 DIODE
    Text: System LED Drivers for Mobile Phones 7x17 Max. Dot Matrix LED Display Driver BD26502GUL No.10041EAT01 ●Description BD26502GUL is “Matrix LED Driver” that is the most suitable for the cellular phone. It can control 7x17(119 dot) LED Matrix by internal 7-channel PMOS SWs and 17-channel LED drivers.

    BD26502GUL 10041EAT01 BD26502GUL 17-channel VCSP50L4 R1010A DOT matrix LED display DRIVER DB82 diode da85 DB46 DAE4 DB33 circuit diagram DB83 Matrix LED Display Driver DB33 DIODE PDF

    philips capacitor 2222 12NC 1997

    Abstract: 12NC ordering code philips
    Text: Product specification Philips Components Surface mounted ceramic multilayer capacitors Class 2, Y5V series QUICK REFERENCE DATA FEATURES • Four standard sizes DESCRIPTION VALUE • High capacitance per unit volume Rated voltage • Supplied in blister tape on reel

    OCR Scan
    Q005bl3 Jun06 philips capacitor 2222 12NC 1997 12NC ordering code philips PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S TANDARD PRODUCT PMC-931127 PMC PMC-Sierra, Inc. ISSUE 4 PM7375 LASAR-155 LOCAL ATM SARA PHYSICAL LAYER 1. FE A TU R ES • Single-chip Peripheral Component Interface PCI Bus Local ATM Network Interface using SONET/SDH framing at 155.52 or 51.84 Mbit/s and ATM

    OCR Scan
    PMC-931127 PM7375 LASAR-155 28x28x3 000b203 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P r e l im in a r y I n f o r m a t io n PMC PMC-Sierra, Inc. PM6344 EQUAD QUAD E1 FRAMER ISSUE 3 FEA TU R ES • Integrates four full-featured E1 framers and transmitters in a single device for terminating duplex E1 signals. • Software and functionally compatible with the PM6341 E1XC Single E1

    OCR Scan
    PM6344 PM6341 PM4344 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HMC158 MICROWAVE CORPORATION GaAsMMIC SMT FREQUENCY DOUBLER 1.3-4.0 GHz INPUT FEBRUARY 1998 Features General Description CONVERSION LOSS: 15dB The HMC158 is a miniature frequency dou­ bler in a MMIC die. Suppression of undes­ ired fundamental and higher order harmon­

    OCR Scan
    HMC158 HMC158 PDF

    FMCW Radar

    Abstract: FMCW circuit FMCW receiver sensitivity 1995 radar sensor SL16 HMC124 microwave Duplexer
    Text: HITTITE MICROWAVE CORPORATION FM-CW Radar GaAs Microwave Integrated Circuit HMC124 FEBRUARY 1995 General Description The HMC124 combines all the microwave functions for a single antenna FM-CW radar system on a single GaAs chip. It is intended for miniature low-cost range and velocity

    OCR Scan
    HMC124 HMC124 10041ES FMCW Radar FMCW circuit FMCW receiver sensitivity 1995 radar sensor SL16 microwave Duplexer PDF