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    10 BIT FLASH-ADC PIPELINE Search Results

    10 BIT FLASH-ADC PIPELINE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    54FCT861ALB8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 10BIT NON-INVRTNG TRNSCVR Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    5962-89533013A Renesas Electronics Corporation 10BIT NON-INVRTNG TRNSCVR Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT861AP Renesas Electronics Corporation 10BIT NON-INVRTNG TRNSCVR Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    54FCT861ADB Renesas Electronics Corporation 10BIT NON-INVRTNG TRNSCVR Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FBT2841BSO Renesas Electronics Corporation BICEMOS 10BIT MEM LATCHES Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    10 BIT FLASH-ADC PIPELINE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C8051F122 100MIPS, 128K Flash, 10-bit ADC, 100-Pin MCU PRELIMINARY HIGH SPEED 8051 µC CORE ANALOG PERIPHERALS - - - - 10-bit ADC ! ±1LSB INL; No Missing Codes ! Programmable Throughput up to 100ksps ! Eight External Inputs; Programmable as Single-Ended or

    C8051F122 100MIPS, 10-bit 100-Pin 100ksps 500ksps 12-bit C8051F120DK PDF


    Abstract: verilog code for adc simple ADC Verilog code 4bit CMOS devider 3bit flash adc 4-bit flash adc AL1208
    Text: AL1208H 10BIT 20MSPS ADC 10BIT 20MSPS ADC AL1208H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The AL1208H is a CMOS 10-bit A/D converter for video applications. It is a three-step pipelined A/D converter which consists of sample & hold, three multiplying DACs, a 4-bit flash adc and three 3-bit

    AL1208H 10BIT 20MSPS AL1208H 10-bit 20MSPS Flash-ADC verilog code for adc simple ADC Verilog code 4bit CMOS devider 3bit flash adc 4-bit flash adc AL1208 PDF

    adc 12bit 5msps

    Abstract: BL1208H
    Text: BL1208H 10BIT 5MSPS ADC 10BIT 5MSPS ADC BL1208H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The BL1208H is a CMOS 10-bit A/D converter for video applications. It is a three-step pipelined A/D converter which consists of sample & hold, three multiplying DACs, a 4-bit flash adc and three 3-bit

    BL1208H 10BIT BL1208H 10-bit 10Bit 100mW adc 12bit 5msps PDF

    verilog code for adc

    Abstract: CL1208H simple ADC Verilog code cl1208 verilog adc pipeline
    Text: CL1208H 10BIT 10MSPS ADC 10BIT 10MSPS ADC CL1208H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The CL1208H is a CMOS 10-bit A/D converter for video applications. It is a three-step pipelined A/D converter which consists of sample & hold, three multiplying DACs, a 4-bit flash adc and three 3-bit

    CL1208H 10BIT 10MSPS CL1208H 10-bit 10MSPS verilog code for adc simple ADC Verilog code cl1208 verilog adc pipeline PDF


    Abstract: C8051F126
    Text: C8051F126 50MIPS, 128K Flash, 10-Bit ADC, 100-Pin MCU PRELIMINARY HIGH SPEED 8051 µC CORE ANALOG PERIPHERALS 10-bit ADC ±1LSB INL; No Missing Codes Programmable Throughput up to 100ksps Eight External Inputs; Programmable as Single-Ended or Differential

    C8051F126 50MIPS, 10-Bit 100-Pin 100ksps 500ksps 12-bit 100mV C8051F124DK C8051F126 PDF


    Abstract: C8051F122
    Text: C8051F122 100MIPS, 128K Flash, 10-bit ADC, 100-Pin MCU PRELIMINARY HIGH SPEED 8051 µC CORE ANALOG PERIPHERALS - - - 10-bit ADC ±1LSB INL; No Missing Codes Programmable Throughput up to 100ksps Eight External Inputs; Programmable as Single-Ended or Differential

    C8051F122 100MIPS, 10-bit 100-Pin 100ksps 500ksps 12-bit C8051F120DK C8051F122 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C8051F330-GDI 28 MIPS, 8 kB Flash, 10-Bit DAC, 10-Bit ADC MCU Die in Wafer Form Analog Peripherals - 10-Bit ADC Programmable throughput up to 200 ksps Up to 16 external inputs; programmable as single-ended or differential • Reference from internal VREF, VDD, or external

    C8051F330-GDI 10-Bit PDF

    oscillator 50mhz

    Abstract: C8051F124DK C8051F126
    Text: C8051F126 50MIPS, 128K Flash, 10-Bit ADC, 100-Pin MCU PRELIMINARY ANALOG PERIPHERALS HIGH SPEED 8051 µC CORE 10-bit ADC ±1LSB INL; No Missing Codes Programmable Throughput up to 100ksps Eight External Inputs; Programmable as Single-Ended or Differential

    C8051F126 50MIPS, 10-Bit 100-Pin 100ksps 500ksps 12-bit 100mV C8051F124DK oscillator 50mhz C8051F126 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C8051F330-GDI 25 MIPS, 8 kB Flash, 10-Bit DAC, 10-Bit ADC MCU Die in Wafer Form Analog Peripherals - 10-Bit ADC Programmable throughput up to 200 ksps Up to 16 external inputs; programmable as single-ended or differential • Reference from internal VREF, VDD, or external

    C8051F330-GDI 10-Bit PDF


    Abstract: humidity sensor I2c silicon labs c 9647 9647 RAM QFN-20 humidity sensor using 8051 spi flash known good die 2 pin crystal oscillator 24.5 mhz
    Text: C8051F330-GDI 28 MIPS, 8 kB Flash, 10-Bit DAC, 10-Bit ADC MCU Die in Wafer Form Analog Peripherals - 10-Bit ADC Programmable throughput up to 200 ksps Up to 16 external inputs; programmable as single-ended or differential • Reference from internal VREF, VDD, or external

    C8051F330-GDI 10-Bit C8051F330 humidity sensor I2c silicon labs c 9647 9647 RAM QFN-20 humidity sensor using 8051 spi flash known good die 2 pin crystal oscillator 24.5 mhz PDF


    Abstract: C8051F310DK
    Text: C8051F310 16K Flash, 1.25K RAM, 10-bit ADC, 32-Pin MCU PRELIMINARY ANALOG PERIPHERALS 10-bit ADC - ±1LSB INL; No Missing Codes - Programmable Throughput up to 200ksps - Up to 21 External Inputs; Programmable as Single-Ended or Differential - Data Dependent Windowed Interrupt Generator

    C8051F310 10-bit 32-Pin 200ksps 100mV C8051F310DK C8051F310 PDF


    Abstract: C8051F310DK
    Text: C8051F310 16K Flash, 1.25K RAM, 10-bit ADC, 32-Pin MCU PRELIMINARY ANALOG PERIPHERALS 10-bit ADC - ±1LSB INL; No Missing Codes - Programmable Throughput up to 200ksps - Up to 21 External Inputs; Programmable as Single-Ended or Differential - Data Dependent Windowed Interrupt Generator

    C8051F310 10-bit 32-Pin 200ksps 100mV C8051F310DK C8051F310 PDF


    Abstract: C8051F310DK
    Text: C8051F311 16K Flash, 1.25K RAM, 10-bit ADC, 28-Pin MCU PRELIMINARY ANALOG PERIPHERALS 10-bit ADC - ±1LSB INL; No Missing Codes - Programmable Throughput up to 200ksps - Up to 17 External Inputs; Programmable as Single-Ended or Differential - Data Dependent Windowed Interrupt Generator

    C8051F311 10-bit 28-Pin 200ksps C8051F311 C8051F310DK PDF


    Abstract: C8051F310DK d2217
    Text: C8051F311 16K Flash, 1.25K RAM, 10-bit ADC, 28-Pin MCU PRELIMINARY ANALOG PERIPHERALS 10-bit ADC - ±1LSB INL; No Missing Codes - Programmable Throughput up to 200ksps - Up to 17 External Inputs; Programmable as Single-Ended or Differential - Data Dependent Windowed Interrupt Generator

    C8051F311 10-bit 28-Pin 200ksps C8051F311 C8051F310DK d2217 PDF


    Abstract: C8051F022
    Text: C8051F022 25 MIPS, 64 kB Flash, 10-Bit ADC, 100-Pin Mixed-Signal MCU Analog Peripherals High-Speed 8051 µC Core - 10-Bit ADC - ±1 LSB INL; no missing codes Programmable throughput up to 100 ksps 8 external inputs; programmable as single-ended or differential

    C8051F022 10-Bit 100-Pin C8051F020DK C8051F022 PDF


    Abstract: C8051F120DK C8051F123
    Text: C8051F123 100 MIPS, 128 kB Flash, 10-Bit ADC, 64-Pin Mixed-Signal MCU Analog Peripherals High-Speed 8051 µC Core - 10-Bit ADC - ±1 LSB INL; no missing codes Programmable throughput up to 100 ksps 8 external inputs; programmable as single-ended or differential

    C8051F123 10-Bit 64-Pin C8051F120DK 40 MHZ OSCILLATOR C8051F123 PDF


    Abstract: C8051F017
    Text: C8051F017 25 MIPS, 32 kB Flash, 10-Bit ADC, 32-Pin Mixed-Signal MCU Analog Peripherals High-Speed 8051 µC Core - 10-Bit ADC - ±1 LSB INL; no missing codes Programmable throughput up to 100 ksps 4 external inputs; programmable as single-ended or differential

    C8051F017 10-Bit 32-Pin 12-Bit 512-bys C8051F005DK C8051F017 PDF


    Abstract: C8051F120DK C8051F122 PLL Frequency a
    Text: C8051F122 100 MIPS, 128 kB Flash, 10-Bit ADC, 100-Pin Mixed-Signal MCU Analog Peripherals High-Speed 8051 µC Core - 10-Bit ADC - ±1 LSB INL; no missing codes Programmable throughput up to 100 ksps 8 external inputs; programmable as single-ended or differential

    C8051F122 10-Bit 100-Pin C8051F120DK 40 MHZ OSCILLATOR C8051F122 PLL Frequency a PDF


    Abstract: C8051F010
    Text: C8051F010 20 MIPS, 32 kB Flash, 10-Bit ADC, 64-Pin Mixed-Signal MCU Analog Peripherals High-Speed 8051 µC Core - 10-Bit ADC - ±1 LSB INL; no missing codes Programmable throughput up to 100 ksps 8 external inputs; programmable as single-ended or differential

    C8051F010 10-Bit 64-Pin 12-Bit 512-byt C8051F005DK C8051F010 PDF

    Boundary Scan JTAG Logic

    Abstract: C8051F120DK C8051F132
    Text: C8051F132 100 MIPS, 64 kB Flash, 10-Bit ADC, 100-Pin Mixed-Signal MCU Analog Peripherals High-Speed 8051 µC Core - 10-Bit ADC - ±1 LSB INL; no missing codes Programmable throughput up to 100 ksps 8 external inputs; programmable as single-ended or differential

    C8051F132 10-Bit 100-Pin 1024-byte C8051F120DK Boundary Scan JTAG Logic C8051F132 PDF


    Abstract: C8051F019
    Text: C8051F019 16K Flash, 1.25K RAM, 10-Bit ADC, 48-Pin MCU PRELIMINARY HIGH SPEED 8051 µC CORE ANALOG PERIPHERALS 10-bit ADC ±1LSB INL; No Missing Codes Programmable Throughput up to 100ksps 8 External Inputs; Differential or Single-Ended mode Data Dependent Windowed Interrupt Generator

    C8051F019 10-Bit 48-Pin 100ksps 100mV C8051F015DK C8051F019 PDF

    Intel 8051 20 MHz

    Abstract: C8051F015DK C8051F018 intel 8051 temperature ADC
    Text: C8051F018 16K Flash, 1.25K RAM, 10-Bit ADC, 64-Pin MCU PRELIMINARY HIGH SPEED 8051 µC CORE ANALOG PERIPHERALS 10-bit ADC ±1LSB INL; No Missing Codes Programmable Throughput up to 100ksps 8 External Inputs; Differential or Single-Ended mode Data Dependent Windowed Interrupt Generator

    C8051F018 10-Bit 64-Pin 100ksps 100mV C8051F015DK Intel 8051 20 MHz C8051F018 intel 8051 temperature ADC PDF


    Abstract: C8051F020DK
    Text: C8051F022 25 MIPS, 64 kB Flash, 10-Bit ADC, 100-Pin Mixed-Signal MCU Analog Peripherals High-Speed 8051 µC Core - 10-Bit ADC - ±1 LSB INL; no missing codes Programmable throughput up to 100 ksps 8 external inputs; programmable as single-ended or differential

    C8051F022 10-Bit 100-Pin C8051F020DK c8051f022 PDF


    Abstract: C8051F023
    Text: C8051F023 25 MIPS, 64 kB Flash, 10-Bit ADC, 64-Pin Mixed-Signal MCU Analog Peripherals High-Speed 8051 µC Core - 10-Bit ADC - ±1 LSB INL; no missing codes Programmable throughput up to 100 ksps 8 external inputs; programmable as single-ended or differential

    C8051F023 10-Bit 64-Pin C8051F020DK C8051F023 PDF